...642Please respect copyright.PENANAy92MAnR3df
7:00 A.M
At the big house
After what happened yesterday everyone was essentially tired and went to sleep without thinking much about it, that little girl slept with Nakumi in Kan's room while Hiko and Kan crashed into Hiko's room, it was an eventful day is what I a m trying to say.
Hiko didn't sleep much that night, as he kept watching the moon through the hole in his room, as for Kan he did sleep and wake up around 7:00 A.M.
"Yo..." Hiko said to Kan as he saw him moving on the ground, Kan slept on the ground.
"morning" replied Kan as he stretched a bit and yawned, "you didn't sleep?" asked Kan as he was rubbing his eyes a bit.
"Nope... trying to remembering who that kid really is." Said Hiko, "I can't believe it myself... when did you become a fath-" before Kan could finish, "I said I am not a father!" yelled Hiko... "Kan, that kid knows everything about me, it might be a spy, you think I shouldn't kill her?" Hiko asked Kan as he got up of bed, "I think you should learn from her, I mean... you are lazy and irresponsible all the time..." Kan explained, "Yeah yeah... tsk, I really don't like this, anyway what happened with that demon yesterday? you said the church found it?" Hiko asked.
"They vaporized it instantly... and asked if everything was alright... But they might suspect this house... I did hide Nakumi in your wardrobe. that thing was giant nose with muscles... well anyway, she disappeared while the church checked around your room... I feel like it was a good thing anyway." Kan said.
"When I came back from taking her from EastLand... I already killed three of the church people... and kept hiding my face but... I feel as if they are onto us." Hiko said.
"How the hell did you even manage to not get killed by them during that hunt in EastLand?" Kan asked, "Eh... I cut my whole arm and let the blood do it's magic, explosions everywhere, it was just a diversion to get to run away, I wouldn't want to fight them either... took me sometime to reach here anyway..." Hiko explained.
"that child, Keyo right...? did you... really just abandon her in WestLand like that yesterday...?" Kan asked concerned, Hiko let a sigh looking down in anger, "for fuck sake, I am a killer not a damn baby sitter, that child might get slaughtered if it gets around us, what else were I supposed to do... tsk, maybe I should've killed her then..." Hiko said... "why do you refer to her as 'it'...?" Kan asked concerned.642Please respect copyright.PENANA36Agrt8QmG
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"sorry, an old habit." Hiko responded.
"do I really have to take care of her too...?" Hiko asked, and Kan nodded with a smile said offering his fist.
"This is nothing compared to what we faced right? stop whining and be more responsible!"
"guess you're right..." Hiko said fist bumping Kan's.
"Oh yeah I have a question, what is the new way to clean yourself without water? I am curious, you nor Nakumi have any marks..." Kan asked in curiosity, "well it is..." Hiko explains to Kan through whispering, mere moments and... "That's disgusting!" Kan yells stepping back.
"It's not like I like it it either!, trust me it is not a great feeling, especially when using the soap and shampoo man" Hiko explains with a pout and shivers a bit as he goes to pick what clothes he should wear.
"anyway... I will check on the kids... weirdo" Kan says mockingly as he walks to his room, as Hiko let's a sigh.
Kan knocks on the door of his room, but to no response. He enters seeing the two girls, Nakumi and Keyo, sleeping on the bed facing one another, while absorbed in their dreams, it made Kan smile a bit, as he started looking around for good clothes in the wardrobe located to the right once you enter, basically near the bed.
That kid, from her age, she was born a year after the start of the war... How did she survive all of this time, many thoughts accumulated around Kan as he messed around the wardrobe.
Keyo started waking up rubbing her eyes, "unm..." she looks around the room a bit as she finally sits eyes on Kan looking alerted, "H...I..." she quietly says. Kan smiling replying "Yo, had a good sleep?"
She nods looking around a bit more seeing Nakumi beside her, then back at me, to break the weird vibe Kan said, "well... I didn't catch your name last night, what was it again...? mine is Kan" from her looks she is really scared, "Ke..yo..." she said this time as equally calm as before.
"Keyo...? That's a cute name, the one sleeping beside you is Nakumi. Hi- your father, will be here in a second" Kan said smiling as he started thinking if she heard what happened yesterday with him and Hiko...
"Dad?!"Kan yelled at him, "Listen... this is not the time or the place now, I will explain just... get inside kid." He said as she... slowly walked in and fell, before the impact Hiko caught her confused, a moment passed and he let a sigh, "she fell asleep... must've took her a lot to come here from WestLand..." Hiko said, taking her to Kan's room and putting her beside Nakumi, then returning to give Kan the blood.
Kan let out a sigh after getting his clothes, a knock came from my door's room, "Yes come in." Kan said as Hiko entered with his clothes, stripped black and white T-shirt without his jacket this time and long shorts, apparently he got a pair of his T-shirt. Also Nakumi's clothes, pink T-shirt that gradients from up to down in intensity of color and a long skirt for her size.
"Hey..." Hiko said as he walked in seeing both of us. Kan stood up walking out parting with Keyo with a smile closing the door behind him going for a shower.
Hiko POV
I walked by sitting beside her, "Dad... I had a nightmare..." she said in a sad and scared look, "Oh..." I said... What are we supposed to say damn it....
"I saw you leaving me in an alley... I was scared..." She said as she hugged me again, "Promise you will never leave me again..." she asked... ...Why do we have to deal with this...?
I revolved my arm around her hugging her... though hesitant... I said, "I promise. It was a dream kiddo don't worry about it." I rubbed her back saying so as we let go, "Come on, let's get off those dirty old clothes off you... you going to have a shower..." I said as I started waking Nakumi.
"Oi Nakumi, wake up" I said, but she wasn't responding, "tch..."
Keyo looked at her curious with a tilted head, "Who... is she...?" she asked, "uhm... let's say, she is your sister" and with that response her mouth went 'O' at me.
I looked weirded out then asked, "wh...what?" and she just went berserk, "I HAVE A SISTER?!" she screamed in joy, jumping on the bed like Santa just came in and gave her a present personally.
the jumps made Nakumi fall of bed on her head, "Ow! what is going on...?!" she got up looking at me and Keyo who's still jumping on bed, "Oi, kid relax!" I said to Keyo but to no avail.
Nakumi just got energized and started jumping with her for no reason on the bed, they both started laughing and holding hands jumping together...
To be honest... that made a smile on my face.. "Oi Oi stop it..." I said giving a sigh with a smile, after a bit they stopped letting go of each other, and Nakumi just went on shouting, "Who are you?!" with a smile on her face, and Keyo responded as equally, "Keyo!"
"I am Nakumi!" Nakumi said... "Could you two not fu-... could you just not shout...?" I said annoyed with a smile scary looking as hell...
they both let a sound of fear stepping back, "Eek...!" Nakumi started whispering to Keyo, "He doesn't like loud sounds... what a boomer right?"
And Keyo let's a giggle looking at me...
We don't even get respect from our own child...? Nope, you are on this alone, don't throw me in.
I looked at Nakumi and said, "Listen Nakumi, this is... Keyo, she will be living with us from now on... So... Yeah... Just don't annoy me, don't pester me, and don't you freaking shout..."
They both nodded with a slight smile, "well after Kan gets out, Kiddo... your turn, you... don't get hurt by water right?" I asked Keyo, and she nodded, "good... well me and Nakumi will go afterwards, we are 'allergic' to water" I said as I gently gave Nakumi a karate chop, "ba...!" she let that sound and fell on bed holding her forehead with a smile....
I let out a sigh closing my eyes.... What am I doing with my life...
After everyone took their own showers, and Kan already made today's breakfast. with sugar for Nakumi, no blood for Keyo, and his and Hiko's plate with blood.
After the breakfast... They all sat down for a serious talk.
At the living room we all sat down.
Hiko POV
"Alright... hear us out kiddo... And this is serious... As long as you live with us like this... Your life will not be easy... Do you still wish to live here... Knowing that you might die Anytime?" I asked gazing into her eyes, she smiled with a big nod, " Because dad will protect me!" she declared...
Kan and Nakumi let out a giggle and I just sighed," we will need to get her some clothes and... I can't just lend her my shirt all the time. And what did you do the jacket I gave you...?" I asked.
"I gave it to some cats, they were cold..." Keyo said.
I just shrugged it off, "good... well now that out the way... Nakumi, weren't you in your 20's some days ago...?" I asked shifting my view on her.
"I... don't remember anything" she said trying to remember her past, but soon after she holds her head, "it hurts...." she said...
"no use then... well listen, you know you are the princess of some kingdom right...? you don't remember your family...?" I asked scratching my head.
"uhmmm..... I can't remem-" she cuts off holding her head in agony a bit, "don't force yourself, it's alright" Kan said patting her and looking concerned at me.
And our doorbell rang, "I will get it." Said Kan as he went to open the door, moments later... She came...
"Miss me?" Said Kimrol... Nakumi smiling, ran over to her and hugged her, "Kimrol!!" she yelled.
"Missed you too dear... Oooh nice new clothes too" she said smiling and patting Nakumi, Keyo seemed shy a bit and loafed herself beside, holding onto my shirt. as soon as Kimrol noticed she said, "you guys... opening an orphanage...?" she said mocking us, "tsk... None of your business, now why are you here?" I said clearly not in the mood.
"Well I didn't come for you, I came for Nakumi, you two know she needs to go to school right? Also... Did you give her a room yet?" she asked concerned... "we are still working on all that..." Kan replied as he walked by near me, "Also this is Keyo... Hiko's daughter, come on say hi Keyo" Kan said encouraging Keyo with a smile.
Keyo lets a little weak wave from beside me and greets her, "hi..."
"awwww... I didn't know you had a daughter... When did you become a daddy, isn't she the cutest, well who's the mother?" she said waving back with a smile looking at us, "Oh... it's complicated, never mind it for now." Kan said brushing off the topic. Keyo just buried her head onto my shoulder, "I am n-" before i continue i just gave up...
"since I am busy hear me out... Since the war... They made some special schools for children who lived through the war, those who didn't get to go to at the right year, can go now, whatever their age is, as long as it doesn't go beyond. Each category in age is different,642Please respect copyright.PENANAw9x8oipFUj
from zero-three.642Please respect copyright.PENANAFJJls6oBdE
four-seven.642Please respect copyright.PENANA87JY6KMwdP
and eight-twelve642Please respect copyright.PENANAC8SUIOZ0gL
aside from being able to do what every school can, they will also be taught combat to prot-" I stopped her there.
"wait... combat...? you know Nakumi is a demon right? they will burn her on the spot if they found out...." I said angrily.
"that's why she doesn't have to enter the combat regime, it is not mandatory... specially for little girls like her... nor your daughter... there are other essential classes anyway, like survival and life skills, and knowledge improvement, it is important for the kids you know." she said.
I paused for a moment thinking about it... "I think me and Kan are enough for that." I said rubbing my eyes...
"but you missed the important part... Making friends, and having fun" Kan said crossing his arm smiling...
"Yeah! it's boring here!" she shouting...
I, in a slow grunting sound just accepted, "fine... tsk, I will check it out tomorrow..."
"good, see you later then, oh and Keyo... Name's Kimrol" She said winking at Keyo and dashing out...
"don't forget, clothes and a new room, byeeee!" she gazed at me in anger then let a wave. Nakumi ran out and waved at her... "so... you really going to take em to school?" Kan asked smiling.
"what else can I do... plus it is good for 'em, I am not afraid about this kiddo... but Nakumi... I can't just hand her like that." I said in a depriving manner.
"It is going to be fine... Heh... you becoming a father already" Kan mockingly said with his smile as Nakumi came back after closing the door.
"Just shut up" I said facepalming, I stood up and stretched my arm a bit... "I feel like hunting today... any reports?" I asked Kan with half open eyes. "Nothing... you should sleep... you look half dead you know." Kan said, "I am fine, demons don't need sleep." I said. "Just relax for today, also... should I give the girls my room?" Kan asked as he turns on the TV, apparently it was left on news and this is what the reporter said:
"Breaking news... A S-rank demon was recently discovered by the high church... the demon is said to have the characteristics of a human female child with crimson hair and eyes. The high church asks for cooperation by all citizens and they said the demon is likely to be with another acquaintance of demons. If you find the demon, report it immediately... And a word from the high five church of our glorious lands" the broadcast cut to them...
Five humans, the elite of all humans, even I got chills on my spine when i saw them...
Ruler of SouthLand : The knight (A giant with a lot of armor that covers his face and whole body, has a mark on his stomach)642Please respect copyright.PENANAvVyyUsq9UC
Ruler of WestLand : The father (Old man in a wheelchair, with one left eye and one robotic right eye, has a mark on his left hand)642Please respect copyright.PENANA5jDb3rTDHJ
Ruler of NorthLand: The music (a man, in a suit of violin player, has a mark on his forehead)642Please respect copyright.PENANAiIli06EgPG
Ruler of EastLand: The child (a little male kid that likes to smile a lot, has a mark on his right hand)642Please respect copyright.PENANAw1YdvCZy8U
Ruler of Central: The old lady (an old lady, she doesn't open her eyes, has a mark on her chest)
The five elected by the miracles themselves... They all were sitting down in a huge table each in their own high church gazing into everyone's soul, and the old man among them talked.
"the demon... Dead or alive should be found immediately or our glorious lands will suffer another merciless war, we call for your help citizens of the world. our faith shall rise us to the top, don't let it's child form play you... They are foul... All of them... And I know you see us now, we will find you" the old guy smiled as if he was seeing us.
I threw my knife at the TV shattering it in anger I whispered, "you got to be kidding me..."642Please respect copyright.PENANARb8CCTUMYv
6:00 PM
???, in a stranded island
Nakumi POV642Please respect copyright.PENANAB2EVCnF5Xi
Augh... Why do I have to do this...
"Can you tell me again why we are doing this?" I asked in bored tone.
"I told you you have to train... Otherwise you won't be able to go into school, they are looking for you" Hiko said in a serious tone, "But we didn't do anything wrong..." I said in disbelief... "Life is unfair... Deal with it..." He said, "Can't we just... Go back to hell?" I asked concerned, "Hell is worse... plus they will try to kill you and go into another stupid rampage into this world. Enough questions, let's start..." He said sighing.
"what are we doing again...?" I asked confused and hiko just face palmed angrily with a grunting voice.
"Seriously... Listen you have to learn how to use magic, demons use magic through blood, but you have the ability to use magic without shattering blood... So I am teaching you a disguise technique we used to use in hunting..." Hiko explained.
"all you need is to transform blood through the part you want the light to reflect on for humans to perceive as real even though it's not." He continued...
"can you explain in simpler way please...?" I asked... I mean i don't get what he is talking about >.<
"here..." he stabbed both palms with his knife letting blood drop as he started dying his hair... In my next blink... It turned white! "whaaa! What did you do?!" I asked in surprise. "I just turned what you see into something else, a different color for something easy" He explained. Another blink and it came back to black.
"listen it's easy, just... Focus on the part you want to change and change it, be one with your body" Hiko said.
"Ok ok!" in excitement I held my breath and tried focusing... >~<
"bah....I can't do it... Can't I just use my blood? " I asked looking at my palm... And as soon as I said that he held my wrist and looked terrifying, "do not even... Think about it" he said and I nodded slightly... "It took me time to master it, I can fool demons too... but I will let you on it's secret, you need to talk to your own inner demon, mine is Kikron..." He said, "I am not sure if you go by the same tradition... maybe you have your own... thing?" He asked, I just shurgged still confused as he just sat down and looked at the dusk near the shores.
"I seriously want to just give up..." Hiko said. He looked... bothered and sad... "Ok...! I will show you!" I said with a confident face and sat down focusing. It's.. pitch black around me, but I hear a sound, something from behind me... I see two blurred figures standing away, each blink felt like they got near, and one last blink I see two faceless faces smiling... one with sharp teeth and the other with... human teeth?
they kept looking... Afraid I ran away closing my eyes calling Hiko "Hiko! Help!"
".........!" I heard a scream and with my last blink I saw the shore again... Hiko was beside me eyes wide open and sweating slightly holding me... "did you... see something...?" He asked letting go.
I nodded answering, "I saw two figures with no faces... and were smiling... who were they?" I asked concerned, appearntly I was sweating too. "those are called 'guardians' they hold the key to all your abilities, you know... you are someone who has wings right? you hatched from a chrysalis" he explained... wait really?!
I jumped up excited and fascinated, "teach me teach me!" I said jumping, "...you don't..." he let a sigh face palming, "sure, maybe that will help in learning how to use disguise... you taught me it after all" he said.
Hiko sat down and sat me infront of him, "here, go into focusing again..." he said.
I nodded and closed my eyes... again... it was pitch black. I blinked and saw Hiko standing beside me, and the figures again beside me, "don't be afraid, give me your hands" he said offering his hand, I took it, "so these are your gurdians huh..." Hiko said looking at both of them, they were tall and skinny, with dark flesh warping around them, clothed by darkness...
hello observant, I bypassed a certain element that was missing in the program... the missing language should be attached now... but it is still corrupted, you won't get everything said sadly... I am still working on it, hang in there.
"Shi.. .. ..ra.., mol...a" they said smiling at Hiko, Hiko responded, "i....o mi......ba n. ru.." as he took his knife and slashed his left arm letting blood drop on the ground, his blood made a black rose appear, and several others around us... seconds passed and I couldn't hold my blink... so I blinked... and they were all gone... I kinda woke up again near the shore in this island... Hiko was warped around me, sweating, and his arm was bleeding, I got up and looked behind me holding his shoulders, he looked weak, his eyes were barely opening.
"gi...ve me a second... they... took a lot" he mumbled, I let him resting on the sandy while he looked at the sky, the sparkling stars were pretty, I sat beside him...
"they... know you?" I asked concerned, he slightly nodded, "They hate me... And I hate them... but we have to cooperate for you... otherwise they would've killed me long time ago." Hiko explained, "but why...?" I asked.
"I am a low demon, to them I am ash, or someone trying to use you... they are your gurdians so.." he shurgged, "anyway it is time for you to use your magic, I asked them to grant you magic." he said jumping up. I nodded confidently >:)
I put my fingers indexes all together, and moved them apart creating a chain of crimsonic particles moving them around and behind to my hair, showered in them my hair turned from crimsonic to black, and my eyes too!
I finally clapped my hands together and opening my eyes...
"did... I do it?" I asked, and Hiko's eyes were wide opening amazed... "You... learn fast... seems like your memory is returning" Hiko said as I was checking my hair, it was still crimson... he hopped me onto his back, "grab tight" and jumped. We went back to the house!
8:30 P.M642Please respect copyright.PENANAAADRNhvzOM
SouthLand, Autumn streets.
that was one long ride! but we got back into the big house.642Please respect copyright.PENANAJan9gyEI4E
Hiko let go of me down in the kitchen, "We are back" Hiko said to Kan who was cooking today, he looked at me with a smile of surprised, "Whow... did you take her to dye her head?" He asked.
"how about you tell him everything at the dining table? I will finish the dinner..." Hiko said as he took in the work of Kan, we head to the dining table, and Keyo was there just waving her legs!
I jumped and sat beside her, Kan sat infront of us, "whow... when did your hair turn black...?" Keyo said touching it, "Yeah tell us, what did you do?" Kan asked... wow... I feel amazing <3
I explained everything! how I did it, and who I met, and everything!
Hiko came after a short while and served the dinner today, it was a dark omelet except for Keyo's, it was a normal one yellow one... and they stuffed it with a lot of meat and vegetables., mine had sugar mixed with it :D642Please respect copyright.PENANAGLh8oXpDrZ
After everyone ate their share of the meal, they went to bed, Keyo and Nakumi, both slept in Kan's room for the night. Kan slept on Hiko's bed, and Hiko, just went on the roof to watch the moon for tonight... Tomorrow is a long day.642Please respect copyright.PENANAdeyj2JW3vd