Just to make something clear first, we’re doing Kishimoto’s version only, a lot of people say that she’s only happy one in that family, well, that’s how anime did, in Gaiden and chapter 700 she’s completely different. So let’s look up at symptoms of depression and then at manga panels.
1. Feeling of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness or hopelessness
This is how she looks in Gaiden’s introduction, enough said. Kishimoto made all other characters look normally while Sakura looks exhausted.
2. Angry outbursts, irritability or frustration, even over the small matters.
Her daughter asked a question and she destroyed the house.
3. Loss of interests.
Now to be honest I can’t think of any (correct me if I’m wrong please), but that’s nothing weird since she’s not even an important character anymore, we don’t even know what her hobbies were if she had them.
4. Sleeping disturbances, including insomnia or sleeping too much.
Sakura fainted twice during Gaiden and once fell asleep while watching over sick Sarada, but Shizune says she’s always like that. I mean, being a single parent with a job it’s not uncommon to be sleep-deprived.
5. Tiredness and lack of energy, even small talks can take effort.
Not sure for small talks but look at this face that she has like 90% of the time while she’s at home.
6. Weight loss or weight gain.
Not completely sure am I right on this one but I believe I am. The first picture is a flashback from 2/3 years ago, when Sasuke got the mission, and the other from Gaiden that consists of 10 chapters. She appears to have lost a fair share of weight in those 2/3 years.
7. Anxiety, agitation or restlessness.
As a person with anxiety, I sweat a lot whenever something is a bit out of ordinary, and while I was re-reading Gaiden, I realized that Sakura is sweating in good 90% of her time, when she’s at home or with the enemy, it’s the same. I’ve got screenshots here and lemme just say these are not all, but it was the biggest template lol.
But seriously, she can’t stop sweating! Naruto and Sasuke did like maybe 10 times together in total while in a fight.
8. Slowed thinking, speaking or body movements.
Personally, I haven’t noticed any of those (maybe I’m not seeing it right?) but instead of that I’ll throw in the last number which I couldn’t get into a screenshot of symptoms - mood swings.
This woman… Do I even need to show you proof? I’ll show just one cause I think we can all agree that she has pretty bad mood swings; first she was calm, then when Sarada asked a question, she literally went batshit crazy and then suddenly sad, and then calm again, all in 10 seconds.
9. Feeling of worthlessness or guilt.
This isn’t that much implied but there are certain points, most of them during her mood swings.
10. Trouble thinking, concentrating or remembering things.
She doesn’t remember if the guy she chased for 25 years wore glasses or not, point proven. If you consider mood swings and passing out lack of concentration and trouble thinking are obvious actually.
One small thing for the end: she’s the only female that age that has wrinkles and bags under her eyes and she clearly isn’t taking care of her hair.
My conclusion: The main problem is her Sasuke obsession which leaded her to a loveless marriage and being a single parent. If she stayed single or ended up with literally anyone else she’s be much happier! (but nahh ss fandom was harrassing Kishi so we have what we ahve)
That’s it. Thanks to listening to my ted talk, hope you agree with me at least on some points, also if I left something out feel free to add!
And for the end, a picture of this beautiful wholesome family on their first meal together, look at how especially happy and not depressed-looking Sasuke and Sakura are:
Tags: sakura sakura haruno anti sakura uchiha anti boruto!sakura haruno sakura sasuke uchiha sarada naruto gaiden anti sss anti sss family anti sasusaku