Laina and Weston sat at the kitchen table most of the morning drinking coffee. The sky got dark and overcast. It rumbled while they watched it from the open backdoors. The trees shook, and the coffee was bitter. A full bag of sugar sat in the middle of the table with a spoon.
"You should really go get groceries." Weston dragged pouring another cup and sitting the pot back down on the table. He held it between his hands and looked at himself in the reflection. He ground his teeth and looked up at her.
"I have to go refill my sleeping meds today, anyway." Her voice was dead and broke up. She yawned covering her mouth and pushed her hair back away from her face.
"That's not fair. I don't want to be the only one awake at twilight." He teased drinking the coffee. It was hot and made him wince because of how bitter it was. He sat it down and poured a heap of sugar into it and didn't even stir it. He took another sip and closed his eyes.
"Go makeup with your wife and sleep through the night." She looked at him and he swallowed a wet clump of sugar.
"I would rather wait till she leaves and go sleep in the bed."
"That's no way to solve the problem." She leaned on her hand. "What was the fight about?"
"I found." He leaned back in his chair and looked for answers in the lightbulb above. "I found messages on her phone. Not found like I searched because I don't do that. I just checked the time and saw them."
"She went nuclear when I asked about them. The words dalliance, affair, and impulsive were thrown around. She threw around callous and inattentive." He cringed, pushing his cup away. A wave of nausea overcame him when he looked at it. He raised his brows, recalling the fight and tossed his hands through the air.
Laina shook her head and took the last of the coffee and drank it straight not caring that it burned the back of her throat. Her stomach rolled demanding more than caffeine and cigarettes. She pushed the chair back and tapped on the table getting Weston's attention.
"I'm gonna get dressed. We're gonna get food." She rubbed her eyes and asked him to close the doors and started digging through a set of boxes in the hallway.
She pulled on a pair of panties and wriggled into a pair of baggy black pants. She pulled the belt and shrugged the robe off. It crumpled to the floor, and she pulls on a white tee. When she turns around Weston is standing just outside the kitchen looking in her direction. His hands were shoved into his grey joggers and he looked unaffected though his heart was beating faster. He didn't know if it was the coffee or her body.
"Need to wash my face." She said stretching. She kicked the box to the side and walked into the bathroom. Weston followed.
"Me too." She scooted over and handed him a rag.
In the mirror, they looked awful. They both had dark circles and greasy faces. Laina washed it off and made a face before rubbing the back of her neck. Weston laughed and did the same. She caught him glancing over at her and he smiled. Even tired he had a glow that lit up the room.
"Are we taking your truck?" Weston hung his rag on the towel loop and picked up a comb brushing his curls back down into submission.
"Do you wanna go get your keys?"
"Fuck no." Laina laughed and gazed past him. She grabbed her jacket off the couch and shoved her empty pill bottle in her pocket and snatched her keys from the table.
She opened the front door and locked it behind Weston. They walked down the porch and she climbed into her ancient beat up truck. On the other side, Weston opened the door and hopped up looking at the bench seat. It was nothing like his modern-day Bluetooth capable car.
"I just want to let you know. I'm a horrible driver." The keys pushed in and she had to try twice before it started up. She buckled up and threw her arm over the back of the seat and put it in reverse, swinging out of the drive.
"I'm impressed you can drive stick." He said brushing her hair back behind her ear.
"Like it's hard?" She scoffed turning the radio on low.
"It is for me." He laughed turned towards her.