Weston carried in all the groceries never saying a word. He had said nothing since seeing Gina in traffic. The fire in his heart has fizzled out leaving nothing but a dark hole. Laina put up the food, but couldn't do much besides watch Weston stare out at his house.
The soft grey light made him look lifeless like a statue. He had one arm wrapped around him and one hand over his mouth. Thousands of words were going through his head, but nothing made sense. There was only aching. His phone didn't have any messages. Not even a call.
Laina couldn't imagine what he felt. While she understood the sorrow she didn't understand what it was like to be in love. The reckless happy-go-lucky Laina had never been in a relationship that had lasted over a few weeks. She had always been more interested in herself than anyone else. Nobody ever penetrated her shell.
"I have to go get Monty." Weston muttered beneath his hand. He didn't move his gaze, but only backed up and quickly fled out the front door. She watched him scutter down the walk. His cardigan fluttered behind him in the rain. She didn't see him for a few minutes.
In the few minutes he wasn't around she turned around from the fridge and put on the beef. It sizzled in the skillet as thunder boomed overhead. She flicked on the stove light and stirred it. She didn't even flinch when the front door opened and slammed shut. There was a scutter and bark, and Monty came pitter-pattering into the room. He crawled under the table and laid down.
"Gina." Weston pressed his phone against his ear. He closed his eyes and pressed it against the glass. He looked ready to fall apart.
"Gina. Pick up. Where are you? Baby, please answer the phone-" It clicked off, and he threw it on the floor. Laina looked at him. He sat in a chair and hid his head under his arms. Weston started shaking. Both of his hands trembled as he grabbed handfuls of his hair.
"Weston," she whispered walking towards him. She stayed back not knowing if he would explode or break apart.
He sucked in a breath and turned towards her barely looking over his shoulder. His eyes were red and the breaths coming out of his lips were cracking and sharp. Both of his eyes fluttered around the room, not knowing where to go. Now and then they'd stop on her and dart away.
"What if she doesn't come back?" There was a desperation in his voice that pulled on Laina's soul. It yanked and didn't let go.
"Don't do that to yourself." She said. Weston grabbed her jacket and pulled her close searching her eyes.
"I knew there was someone else a year ago. I did everything I could to bring her back. There's not a home without her. How do you throw away eight years of marriage?" There was nothing Laina could do to comfort him. "She's been gone for a while, but I don't want to watch her walk away."
Laina slipped her bottle out of her pocket and set it on the table. It rattled and Weston let her slip out of his grip. She wiped the rain from his face with her sleeve and put her hand on top of the lid.
"Half one of these and go sleep. You're exhausted and you're worried." She grabbed a knife from the drawer and popped off the cap sitting one on the table. She lined the knife down the middle and a little pop chopped it in half.
"They help with sleep. Nothing addictive in one, I promise." She shut the bottle and put it back in her pocket with the other half of the pill. Weston nodded and pulled a drink from the fridge and swallowed it.
Weston stood next to the couch and pulled off his cardigan and shirt throwing it to the ground with a wet slap. A second later he turned around. Laina raised her brows, waiting for whatever he needed.
"If I take a shower, will I drown in the tub too?" He grinned softly and Laina shook her head no.