Laina slammed the door getting out and waited for Weston before clambering up the steps and walking into the pharmacy. When she stepped up to the counter and pulled out her bottle, the woman behind it gasped. Laina looked up, smiled surprised.
"Oh, my god! Cielle, darling is that you?" The woman walked around and wrapped her arms around Laina.
"Tiffy!" she exclaimed feigning excitement. Weston watched amused. He waved to other ladies.
"How old are you now? How have you been since your parents passed?" Tiffy took Laina by the shoulders and held her out to study her. Laina gave a grimace.
"Great, Tiffy. I just moved back to town." Tiffy let her go and clasped her hands together. She smiled and went back around the counter.
"Oh, that's so great hunny. Tell me what you need."
She took a deep breath and looked back at Weston, embarrassed and flustered. She fished the bottle out of her pocket and tapped it on the counter. Tiffy pulled on her glasses and held the bottle a good two feet away from her face.
"Quetiapine." She said. Tiffy nodded and wrote a slip and handed it to a lady behind her.
"You're still on that darling? If you keep it up, you won't be able to sleep without it." Laina laughed and elbowed Weston when he chuckled. He sealed his lips and smiled down at her.
"Weston? What are you doing here? And where's little Gina?" She crossed her arms. He opened his mouth and smiled, but Laina cut in before he could say anything.
"Weston is my neighbor! I couldn't remember where the pharmacy was, and he said he'd show me." She hadn't drunk enough coffee to go through this, this early. She felt a yawn come over her and she covered her mouth and coughed into her elbow.
The lady in the back sat a basket up on the counter and Tiffy rang her up. She shuffled out the money and shoved the bottle into her pocket and dragged Weston out before Tiffy could ask another question. Weston looked down at her hand, wadding up his cardigan sleeve and thought about taking her hand.
"You going home tonight?" She twirled around, stepping down the steps backwards. She pulled him closer and smiled. Weston shrugged.
"Isn't it hazardous to let a stranger stay over?" He asked. She snorted and looked over her shoulder.
"Maybe if you were some sick psycho. Why, do you like feet or something?" They laughed, and she started towards the grocery store.
Weston liked the way her hair was wavy and stuck out in uncontrolled directions. She had tucked her right side of hair behind her ear and had the front pushed back off to the left. It had dried messy from last night and looked soft and clean.
Laina let go of his arm when the store doors slid open. He wanted to grab hers and keep the connection, but she grabbed a cart and hopped up on the bar. With a soft shove, she was gliding down the lane. She stopped and looked both ways before squinting off in the distance to read the signs.
"Have any food allergies?" She asks whipping the cart to the right and pushing off again, riding the cart towards the end. He couldn't help but smile at her.
"Strawberries and Pineapple." He said walking behind her. She looked back laughing.
"You're allergic to the best fruits?" She yawned and swooped around to the first wall of food.
"They are by far the worst fruits." He came up behind her and caged her, putting his hands on either side of her hands. She didn't notice.
She stepped up on the bar and he slowly pushed her down the aisle towards the fruits. Laina looked at the sliced apples and boxes of mixed fruit and made a face. Weston stopped, and she put her hand on his and he looked up. She leaned over his hand and grabbed a bag. Her hand slipped off of his without a second thought.
"I think I'm gonna get some nectarines." Laina picked up a few checking them out before tossing them in and twisting it shut. She sat it gently in the top of the buggy.
They moved along gathering up bell peppers, squash, and potatoes. She only got a small bag of potatoes because she didn't think she'd end up eating them very quickly. She'd be wrong about that.
After the basics, they decided on burritos and went back for onions and tomatoes before quickly rolling through every row and picking something up. Weston pushed her up the last bit of the store and stopped in front of the shortest line and let go. He was having a great time, and it made him think of Gina.
Laina gathered up handfuls of bags and slung one hand over her shoulder. Weston grabbed the rest in one hand and dropped his other hand to the middle of her back on the way out. The doors shut with a last blow of freezing air and they were covered in warmth.
The rolling storm clouds had gotten darker and turned the day to a bright night. They started tossing the bags in the back of her truck and Laina leaned against her door, pulling out her keys. She caught Weston's eyes and grinned.
"What?" He laid his arm on the edge.
"I don't even know your last name." She laughed, flipping through the keys one by one. He grinned and licked his lips feeling a rush of bubbles in his stomach.
"It's Sawyer." He slipped his hand into his pocket.
"Weston Sawyer." She said slowly committing it to memory. A shiver ran up his back at the sound of his name on her lips. He was sure his arms were covered in bumps.
Laina took the key in hand and shoved it into the door, unlocking it. She looked up at his warm cheeks and dark eyes and felt a lump in her throat. In an instant, she thought about his hands in her hair and pushed his cardigan to the ground. Pressing her body against his and having him look at her with those dark eyes in a whole different way.
Weston saw the same thing flicker through his mind. What Laina's laugh would sound like in a moan instead. Her shirt lifted showing her body just for him. He thought about her pulling it on in the hallway. He stepped against the truck afraid that if he moved closer that he'd do something worse than cheat on Gina.
"It's raining." She broke eye contact and looked up into the rain. It splashed over her cheeks and dripped down.
He stepped back looking around. When had it started raining? The ground was already covered. He looked back and saw that his shirt had gotten dark. Laina moved, and he saw her breasts pressing against her own wet shirt. She grabbed the handle of the truck and slid up into the seat.
He shut the door and jogged around the other side and hopped in before the rain had started to pour. Laina pulled her jacket around her and started up the truck and switched on the wipers. She slid on her belt and looked at him before clicking it in.
"I didn't even notice it start." She put the truck in reverse and pulled out. The parking lot had gotten empty while they were shopping. She pulled off onto the road.
Weston rubbed his face and looked out his window at the traffic and grey rain. It was truly a gloomy day. He had come close to throwing her in the truck. Where had his resolve gone to? There was a growing desire in his chest that just screamed for him to take his frustrations out on her. Every single one of his problems. Could he stay there tonight without acting out? He couldn't say.
"Weston." Laina reached over and tapped him getting his attention. He snapped back, and she put both hands back on the steering wheel.
"Weston isn't that your wife behind us." He whipped around and saw her sitting in her car typing slowly on her phone. She hadn't even noticed them. He turned back around and flared his nose.
He wrung his hands clenching his jaw. Laina sneaked looks at him. He took slow breaths and popped his neck. When he looked at her, there was a heat in his eyes that reminded her of the way the coffee tasted that morning. His brows were pulled in close.
"We don't take this way home." He seethed. "She's not going home."