"Nick Cosmos!" said Alda Rosa triumphantly, "this is a feather in our caps!"
Alda and I had captured the archcriminals O Braniac and Larissa, and we were now speeding towards Rio de Janeiro with our prisoners in tow. Suddenly, we were almost overcome by hurtling projectiles which fell from space.
Down into the sea they crashed, then rebounded and headed for the distant shore. We followed them over Venezuela and Colombia until they finally settled down in the Andes Mountains of Peru. Descending and tying our captives to a tree, we approached cautiously.
"It's a camp of tiny men!" exclaimed Alda.
"There are no other people like that on Earth," I said. "They must be from some other planet."
"All the more reason for caution," warned Alda. "Our first duty is to deliver our prisoners to Rio."
We went back to where we had left O Brainiac and Larissa.
"They're gone!" cried Alda.
"The tiny men must've taken them!" said I.
The trail did indeed lead to the camp of the tiny men.
"There they are!" whispered Alda. "They've taken them!"