At last I found Alda's trail. The savages who had taken her were headed for the other side of the island. I burst forth over the beach.
They were putting forth in a boat!
The savages spied me as I approached at top speed.
"Look out! Here he comes!" cried one of the savages. I hit them like a rocket, but they clung to me.
"Hang on to him. Drag him under," shouted one. I swung viciously.
The canoe slipped from under us. We were all plunged into the water. It looked bad for Alda. Her hands were bound.
One of my enemies got loose and climbed aboard. He dragged Alda back into the canoe by her hair. Half drowned, I struggled with the other.
Down---Down---into the green depths, we sank. I was rapidly losing consciousness. Alda and her captor were already some distance away. In a flash, I was after them.
I tried an old trick on the Islander. I few at him feet first and caught him under the chin with terrific impact, which finished him.
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