You ask, pressing the pads on your hands at the thought of stepping closer, onto the cold, blue edge of the pit.
"Not much." The soldier said, having no problem standing right before the blue ground ends into darkness. "They've been around since the SCI first discovered these moons and its respective planet. It's too dark and wet to see down there, so our most advanced cameras can never record anything. Sometimes, they are taken, like something pulls it off. The locals stay far away from them and whoever falls down in them never comes back." Their visor flickers and you feel their gaze on you intensifies. "You're the first being that's come out of one. What do you remember?"
Your hands squish together and are pressed closer to your chest, thumbs twiddling your soft grey fluff as memories trickle through your head. The Soldier approaches, stepping into the light, magenta mist and kneels down a few feet from you.
"It was really dark and I couldn't see anything." You notice the soldier lifts their arm, about to say something, but puts it down.
"Sorry, go on." They quietly change to sitting cross-legged.
"There's a lot of water down there and its not as warm as it is up here. I always kept my hands on the wall when I walked. Sometimes I would hear other people walking, but we never talked much. When I asked them where I was, they told me they didn't know. When they asked me where they were, I told them I didn't know either.
"Sometimes there was this horrible smell down there. Some other people would be lying by the walls and I would trip over them and get wet and smelly, too. One time, I was thirsty and drank some of the water from a puddle beside one." You grimace. "It tasted bad, not like water at all, and I felt a little sick after." The soldier shifts, but continues to listen. "It was kind of like this other time. I slipped and hurt my leg. I was thirsty and felt that my leg was wet. I licked my hand and tasted the yucky water."
"Uh, is there anything else that you remember?"
"I was tired and sad a lot of the time. That's all I can remember."
"That's a lot. You're a very brave kid to have... experienced all that. Do you remember anything before that?"
"No." You shake your head. Everything is darkness.
"That's no good, Cadet." The soldier states and stands up. "Why don't you come with me? I know how we can find out who you are, but it's at the station where I work, at the Polis."
>A. Go with Soldier and find out more!
>B. Don't go with Soldier: seek out your own answers.
>C. Can you really trust them?
>D. _____