You follow the bright blue path until you're at a cliff. From there, you can see the giant hole that you were carried out of. The ship isn't there, no matter how many times you scan the horizon. A pang of sadness sits in your throat.
"What did it look like again..." you ask yourself, already missing its presence. It was like a dark grey round-thing with a broken swirl of bright purple on it on one side. It was floating by when you grabbed at the soft, knotted rope and piece of fabric with a tug, which suddenly caused fire to appear from it. You were so scared at first, but held on for dear life as it rocketed you up. "Maybe it left to look for other people."
Beside the hole, there's a big puddle of liquid nearby that reflects things. When you saw how dirty you were, you cleaned yourself in it and used the piece of fabric to dry yourself off. Then you found the other smaller bits of fabric inside the first and put them on your feet.
When you looked behind you, the rope and ship had disappeared. Until you find it, you'll keep the fabric, hoping to return it to the one who made the ship.
A humming sound reaches your ears, like something is coming closer. There's a figure coming up on the pathway.
>A. Step aside
>B. Stay on the path
>C. Run