"... Okay." You say, scanning the tall, metallic soldier over. "But how are we going to get there?"
"Like so!" The soldier shoots up and takes a few steps back. They press a button on the side of their helmet and jump high up. In less then a second, a yellow light flashes from their feet, followed by their metal board appearing and spewing flames from underneath, pushing the fog away.
They approach you and squat down, holding out their gloved hand.
"Ya ready to climb on, Cadet?" Their yellow visor stares down at you and the helmet and armour gleaming dully from the glow of the moons and star above.
"Why do you wear a helmet?"
"... Huh?"
"You said that you didn't need a helmet, so why do you wear it?"
"It's a part of my uniform." the soldier states, but then presses another button on the side of it. "Here, let me take it off."
The pale mask slides into the helmet and they lift the rest off.
"Octavia Shelly at your service, Cadet."