Playing with your hands always helps you feel better. Now that you are calmer and got some of your bearings together, you should see what's around here - wherever 'here' is. Ever since getting out of that pitch-black hole earlier today (tonight?), the outside world has surprised you with it's warmth and bright colours and tried to take everything in at once.
From above, there's a sky filled with moons, too many for you to count. One blue star is shining in the distance. You can feel the heat from it all the way from here. Its light reflects off of the moons, but only enough that the sky stays a light purple.
From below, the land is made of pink hills as far as you can see, with a light mist causing the hills to appear as though they are moving and changing colour a little bit.
At the side of the path, there's a drawing. Oh! It looks like something that changes itself depending where you're standing. Neat!
'Marama Dal'? What does that mean? Who wrote it? Examining it over again, you notice that the first letter of the words resemble your curls.
"Maybe it's a name. Could it be my name?" you ponder out loud. "No... maybe this is what this place is called. Marama Dal."
You smile to yourself, because now you know something. Kind of. It's a pretty name and seems familiar, but you can't quite say why. Interesting how deeply it's etched into the dirt, not even the mist is obscuring it.
The only other thing that pops out from the terrain is the bright blue path stretching on into forever.
You've been following its glow ever since you found it after leaving the hole... which is only a few minutes behind you. It was so dark in there, everything was either clammy and slippery or hard and cold. If you weren't pulled up, you would still be down there.
That's right! There was a ship that pulled you up! You were so transfixed on the world above that you ran off to explore, leaving it behind. Maybe it's still back there...
>A. Go back and check
>B. Continue onward
>C. Squish your paws again!