Korn bursted inside. ''Whats going on?!'' He asked before dragging chaeyoung away from there. ''Chaeyoung... did jia tell you to get out?'' She looked down before nodding. ''Tsk.. she will be fine.. its just a matter of time where she is losing her sanity.. she is just confused and you know... betrayed'' Chaeyoung cried hardly hearing the word 'betrayed'. ''I-i have to g-go...'' She said. He sighed. ''So you're going with him? Come on.. It doesn't even make sense.. How can you..? This all happened because of you.. You're not gonna care about win or anyone here anymore? Why the fuck are you going with that hoe?.. Can we please talk first?'' Korn said and before she could reply. ''Ao korn.. Taking lessons hunh?''Jiyang came and stood next to them. ''Can you leave us alone for a fucking minute!?'' Korn shouted and jiyang shrugged. ''P-please korn...i cant stay h-here.. i-i know its my fault..and thats the only r-reason im going...please..'' She said almost crying.
Korn : what about win?!
Win : i dont care anymore.. let her go anywhere she likes..
Jiyang : good.. good.. then lets go..
Chaeyoung : (Looks down and nods)
Jiyang : (Leaves with chaeyoung)
Korn : yah are you crazy?! She is your mom!
Win : what do you want me to do?.. She always did what she likes.. im not gonna stop her. Plus its good for jia too-
Korn : what good..? See, i literally have no clue whats really happening right now! He is some stranger.. your just gonna leave her-
Win : yeah he is some sort of bitch!!! What do you want me to do?!! Its her fault!!! She doesnt fucking think!!! What do you want me to do exactly?!! (Shouts)
Korn : calm down... calm down... (Hugs him)
Win : im calm im calm okay?.. Its just that, i-i dont know whats really happening around me now.. what if jia hates me too? what about team? I have no idea what to do now..
Korn : why would jia hate you?.. you just need some time to digest all this win.. dont overthink okay? Relax..
Win : because of chaeyoung.. i-
Korn : stop it.. now go to your room..
Win : no i-
Korn : i said go.. team will be here by the time you wake up..
Win : (Sigh) fine..
As soon as win left korn called in. ''yeah bring him here.. win needs team now.. calm down bubs.. yeah he's okay.. calm down... okay..(On the phone)'' He said, trying to calm In and once he was done he went to pharm's room. ''Why didnt you sleep yet? whats wrong?'' He asked before sitting down next to pharm.
Pharm : i am exhausted.. of everything thats happening around me..
Korn : pharm.. i understand okay.. i just want you to relax and not overthink..
Pharm : but.. jia never listens to me.. i get that she is so mad now but.. she cant just throw chaeyoung out like that!! I know its her fault but what is she huh?! A object or some shit she can throw out?!! She is a part of our family no matter what!!
Korn : see, even if jia didnt want chaeyoung to go.. she would. She really thinks jia hates her now and she wants to go. Its her decision. You cant do anything.. no one can.
Pharm : i-it makes no sense.
Korn : what happened to gulf? i dont see him..
Pharm : mew came a few hours ago..
Korn : hmm okay.. Now sleep already.. its late..
Pharm : im not tired..
Korn : pharm..
Pharm : oh god okay!
Korn smiled and stepped out of the room. He streched his arms above his head when a loud scream was heard with a loud crash. He immediately ran to jia's room. ''Jia? Is something wrong?!! Jia?!! Open the door!!'' He shouted but no response. Win and pharm ran to korn. ''What happened?!'' Pharm asked. ''She is not opening the fucking door! Jia!!'' Korn shouted. They all banged and shouted but no response was heard.
Ring Ring Ring
''get the door'' Win said and pharm opened the door to see In with sleepy team. ''what happened?'' In asked as he closed the door from behind. ''Jia is not opening the door and we head her scream'' Pharm said as he ran to the door. ''Ha!? Wait let me-'' In was about to leave team on the couch but all the noises woke team up and he started crying. ''Oh shit i cant right now.. Win! You take care of team..'' In said and ran to the door. Win sighed and carried team upstairs. As soon as korn saw win carrying team upstairs, he kicked the door and the door flung back. They scanned the room but jia was not found. He kicked the bathroom's door and saw jia on the bloody floor. Tablets and a bloody knife was scattered on the floor.