28.Ship (6)
Since that incident where the thug like boy initiated to broke the instructions and Lex failed to find out 'related' once again, there's no other special event or accident
After dinner everyone went back to their own designated room, it's the same with Lex, Arthur, Aria, and Mio because of their ages they don't divide the boys and the girls.
It was in the middle of the silent night, about two and half at dawn, while every participant resting their fatigued body. suddenly
A deafening explosion sound echoed the whole ship trembled by it
The four of them Lex, Arthur, Aria and Mio woke up by the loud noise, while Mio and Lex only woken up from their bed, Arthur and Aria which more trained instantly jumped form their bed taking a fighting posture
"what happened!?" Aria screams
Both of them so vigilant that like they won't miss a single move in the room, at that time Lex quickly reached the room light
When the light turned on they quickly analyzed the room and found nothing unusual
““““pheww”””” they all sighed in relief
“Any of you know what happened?” Aria asked
By this time Aria really have taken the leader position among the four of them, the rest shook their head replying Aria
“how about we check what happened outside, just know we felt the explosion and the ship shook, I'm afraid….” Arthur suggest
( whoa! This is the first time I get on the ship in my past life and this life, and this kind of event happened, you've gotta be kidding me!! )
Aria then look at Lex and Mio to ask their opinion about Arthur suggestion
“I agree, staying here won't do us any good” Lex said
“I agree too” followed by Mio
“ok then, but we must be careful, I and Arthur will be on the front, and Lex and Mio will be on the rear, I want you two to be alert with our back”
“““got it!”””
They all here to participate in the mercenary camp except Lex who thought military camp but either the case is similar, that's why even in their sleep they won't wear something as defenseless as pajama, the four of them wore a casual clothes, which they don't need to change when they went out of the room
By the lead of Aria, the four went out of the room they quickly found the other children one by one went out of their room too.
“does anyone know what happened here?” Arthur said in loud voice for all the children in the corridor to hear them
"we don't"
"what are we supposed to do…"
Everyone answered negatively, everyone on the same situation.
Thus, Arthur once again looked at Aria which our temporary leader
“let's get out to the deck, we can see more clearly what happened outside”
The other children who don't know what to do at situation like this overheard Aria's group conversation decided to follow them too, when all of them run to the deck on the corridor something caught in Lex's eyes
It was a written text glowing on the greenish blue light
‘Check under the bed’
As they in hurry Lex ignore the strange text and follow the others
At the deck where the first time all the children gathered, once again filled by children the same as that time, the different is the children looks more cautious and cautious.
Even at the deck they did not find anything except the gathered children
(Strange… from where the explosion sound came from?)
Then suddenly a video hologram big enough for all the children on the deck can see it clearly showed up. The video quickly played by itself the children have no clue what happened, but all of their attention gathered on the video
The video showed some kind of machine it like an engine which working from normal and slowly becoming more and more intense, cause the video being fast forwarded not much time had passed, then the machine becoming more and more heated started to discharge electricity and flame then boom the machine exploded then the video lost connection the hologram disappeared at the same time.
Everyone seen the video gasp in shocked, then as if it was trying to proof what happened in the video
Another deafening explosion sound echoed
"Whoaaa!!!!" "Kyaa!!!" the boys and the girl cried alarmed
A thick black smoke flew into the air and The ship started to tilt to one side, most of them quickly brace them self to hold their position, but still a few of them late to brace themselves their broke their posture and falling down pushing the others with their bodies, like a domino they started to fall one by one.
Luckily the Lex, Arthur, Aria and Mio a bit far from the falling children they didn't caught at that accident but they still like other froze in dazed on the spot
The first to recover was Lex
(damn! This is bad! We need to get out of here fast!)
“Arthur!! Snapped out of it!!”
"Ha! Ah! What I--” Arthur recovered by Lex shout
“Quickly take Aria with you!!” Lex roared while pulling Mio with her
“what-” Arthur tried to say something Lex glared at him “QUICK!!” and instantly cut his words
(we need to get out of here now!! Or we will be devoured too!!!)
This time Arthur pulled Aria with him obediently
When they back on the corridor
“looks like we're lucky” Lex said when he heard those scream
“w-what happened!?” Arthur staggered asked
“Mass Panic” the one who answered is the now recovered Aria
“I'm sorry I'm panicked too there, thanks to you we avoided caught up in that” Aria said as she sincerely showed her gratitude to Lex
(it feels strange for her to take this attitude with me, but now not the right time)
Lex nodded accepting her gratitude, the he looks at Mio and surprised by her condition Mio looks paler and shaken then before
“h-how, b-but I-I…” Mio stuttered
“Mio” Lex called he pulled Mio shoulder to him staring right at her eyes, Mio stare at Lex eyes too but at the same time she's not looking at Lex, there's no focus in her eyes, she can't see Lex in front of her
“I-I did not s-see this c-coming”
“!!?? Aa… L-Lex sorry I…”
“it's ok, let's talk it later” Lex said then he turned to Aria “for now let's get back to our room”
“let's go” Aria nodded
When they back to their room
“Arthur help me check under our bed” Lex said
Arthur looks at Lex strangely but still followed his wish, he checked under the bed
"hey! Something pasted here!” Arthur Said
Ripping sound heard by them as Arthur pulled something under the bed
"It's Life Jacket!!" Arthur said after confirming its identity
“it turned out like that” Lex said calmly
"how do you know that?" Aria asked amazed by Lex
“when we ran to the deck I saw something written on the wall it said ‘check under the bed’ so I think there must be something in there” Lex said
“…” because Aria didn’t reply Lex anymore, he checked the other bed
*Shrieekkk *shrieeek *shriieeeek
The total four life jacket for the four of them
“I noticed it too” Mio said as she tried to convince Aria with Lex statement
“sorry, it looks like I don't believe Lex I’m just in deep thought, I noticed it too but I don't have time to read it at that time”
“it’s okay” Lex said “for now let's wear this at the worst scenario it can save our life” then Lex shared the life jacket to each one of them
( I'm sure we won't need it but as an insurance…, I believed this event organized by this what they call Crimson Eagle, or they won't prepared something like that text and life jacket under the bed)
"I think we won't need it, but still let's wear it to be careful" Aria said as she wear her life jacket
"what do you mean Aria?" Arthur asked
“the event just to structured” Aria replied “the explosion, the written text, the video, and this life jacket, if I guessed it right this is another test by Crimson Eagle”
(pheeww~~ this girl is really clever, I noticed it because I'm already mature inside, but for a ten years old child like her…)
“now we what we gonna do after this” Aria continued “do we stayed in this room, or we go to the communication room to find anything for us to communicate with other or we went to the deck once more to secure a lifeboat”
“do you know where they are?” Lex asked
“yes, I have a map here” Mio said as she took out her smartphone, she showed them the photo of the map of this SS.Marie she took from the entertainment room
"damn! How prepared are you” Lex exclaimed
“I'm always prepared!” Aria replied confidently
“haha” Arthur let out a dry laugh
“kukuku kusu kusu” Mio to let out a strange laugh, when She realized all of this event were organized and planned which not life threatening she quickly recovered become better
Aria looks at Mio in dazed
(aa~~ Mio's delicate personality in her head just crumbled~ I feel sorry for her~~)
Mio who's realizes Aria gaze “Teehee~” she let out her tongue and softly hit her tilted head softly
(broken into pieces unrecoverable~~)
The only serious one was Arthur who intensely checking the map “our room is on the lower side, if the ship is really sinking this place going to be filled by water fast, and because we think this is another test maybe it's better for us to aim the communication room, which on the higher side of this ship too”
"what do you guys think?" Arthur said then he lifted his head looking at strange situation between Mio and Aria “what happened?”
“no, nothing happened, I agree let's aim the communication room”
“I agree~~~” Mio replied after Lex “haa~~ acting really takes toll on my body~”
“~~~!!” Aria who's realize the real personality of Mio, can't help but feel embarrassed with herself “u…. I agree too” she said softly her charismatic leader like figure has disappeared without a trace
The moment they step out of the room, they found the other children, some quick witted have safely escaped while other just barely escaped some of them even injured being pushed around
The others saw the four
“LIFE JACKET!!!” they outraged, they have searched the place where's the emergency life jacket placed but they don't find anything, then suddenly some others walking around with the life jacket which they can't find, of course they think they were selfish people who only want to be saved themselves
“CHECK UNDER THE BED!!” Arthur cried, he wants to avoid being enemy of the masses at the same time he wants to help the others too
The others glared the four vigilantly, they glared like they won't miss a single gesture, any strange move will, in them pouched by the others
“found the life jacket!!!” someone who's checked under their own bed have found the life jacket, with this the crowd quickly dissolved.
Uneventfully the four made their way to the communication room, the before prohibit are has disappeared, which they can easily arrived to the communication room with a map as their guide,
Inside the communication room they found another text written on the big monitor
‘assemble at the highest deck’
(the highest…)
“the deck where they can park helicopter right” Lex said
Aria checked the map “un, correct, let’s go I lead the way”
The same as before there's nothing unusual happened on the way they arrived on the highest deck
*pop *pop *pop
A party firework burst out the same time the four arrived to at the highest deck
“Congratulations!! Welcome to the Crimson Eagle training camp!!!”