“Hah! Bartender, get this man a firespice wine. He deserves it!”
“Ahahah, I may deserve it, but do you deserve to pay for it?”
“And who said I’ll pay?”
“Oho, now that’s just an assumption.”
“And why should assumptions govern who pays for what?”
“Well, the Coin Changers see to it that assumptions govern who should be punished for not paying what they owe.”
“Someone called for firespice wine?”
“That was me, and the Coin Changer there wants it.”
“And my friend here will pay for it.”
“Again with the assumptions?”
“Assumptions can give the best and the worst, friend.”
“And why do you assume I’m you’re friend?”
“Well, you aren’t, because you’ve almost spat in our, that being the Coin Changers’, face. Of course you’re not my friend.”
“Then I’d like to not be called things I’m not.”
“Well, we’re the Coin Changers, so we can call anybody what we want.”
“And what about the girl? What do you call her?”
“A toy.”
“And what do you call the woman?”
“A cow.”
“And the boy?”
“A slave.”
“And the father?”
“Well, you’re the friend.”
“Oh, am I?”
“Yes, you are. You’re a friend that we’ll kill. You’re a friend, but a target.”
“And how could someone kill their own friend?”
“And why are you so persistent with your questions?”
“It gives me time to make my peace with God. He and I have had a few quarrels.”
“Oho, I bet so! You’re an animal, you know that, friend? An animal!”
“Oh, but I’m not the one toying with a man’s daughter, slaving around his son, and cursing his wife.”
“But you are the one who massacred a whole State of our Nation. Why? No, more so, how? How did you, and how could you?”
“Well, let’s just say that, like me and God, the Coin Changers and I have had some quarrels. You’re not the first to confront me. Oh, and you’re probably not going to be the last.”
“Really, now? Well, if I could tell you that if you make a move against me, three snipers would shoot you in the head, what would you say?”
“I’d say that they’re already dead. Really, you Changers and you’re electronic vests. Hah, childish.”
“… And now what? You’re going to kill a man in a public bar?”
“Oh, no, no, no. I’m not that stupid, Changer. No, I’m going to kill everyone in a public bar. It masks the real mission behind it.”
“So in order to keep people from knowing that there’s a man killing Coin Changers, you’re going to kill a mass of people?”
“That’s why I ‘massacred’ a whole State.”
“… Clever, I must say. Clever, but evil.”
“Evil? Oh, no, Changer, this is just the tip of the iceberg.”
“And so you’re going to do worse? What, are you going to kill all that the Changers have changed? That could be all you love.”
“Again with the assumptions. No, Changer, I lost all I loved back in the War. My brothers in arms, my family, my friends. Worst part is that it was all because of you guys, the Coin Changers. So, friend, it’s time to make your peace with God. I know I have.”