Person 1: "African Americans deserve what rights they have today! Definitely."
Person 2: "Agreed. They- ... whoa, whoa, whoa, did you just say African Americans? You do know that 99% of the black population in America isn't from Africa, right? That's like calling me a South Korean American, even though my grandmother is the only South Korean from my family in America."
Person 1: "But that's racist!"
Person 3: "Well, you people saying 'nigger' is racist, even though me and my friends say it all the time..."
Person 1: "That's because you're an African American!"
Person 3: "I'm from Alabama. My great-grandfather isn't even from Africa. I find offense in the N-word, sure, but only if it's used seriously. I'm educated, and my friends are educated, but it's funny to use the term in a joking way."
Person 4: "What I don't get is why these 'black' people are called 'African Americans' by some 'white' people. I mean, I'm not a Scottish American, but my father could be called that. Saying that African American is right to use on a 'black' person, that means that saying Scottish American is right to use on me."
Person 2: "Exactly!"
Person 1: "But that's because the African Americans used to be slaves!"
Person 4: "Scottish were slaves. Britons were slaves. Greeks were slaves. Gaulish were slaves. Ever heard of the Roman Empire?"
Person 1: "But that's ancient history..."
Person 3: "The Chinese were slaves. Just two generations ago."
Person 2: "Africans enslaved other Africans before whites enslaved blacks."
Person 1: "You guys just don't get it! It's because they have darker skin."
Person 3: "What if I told you that I'm offended when you call me that? African American?"
Person 1: "It's for the greater good."
Person 2: "Racist."
Person 1: "How's that racist?!"
Person 2: "Oh, sorry, I just thought we should use your logic."
Person 1: "Okay, guys, look here. African Americans are called African Americans because we, as white people, should feel sorry for the slavery that our ancestors and founding fathers opposed onto the African population. Because of the skin color, we can't say certain things. It's just common sense! Right, Person 4?"
Person 4: "For the last time, man... I'm blind. I don't get the whole racist thing."
Person 2: "We should all look at the world like Person 4 here."
Person 3: "Would be a better place..."
Person 1: "But-"
Person 4: "You say 'but' too much. Shut up."