Zhining eats rice and cabbage for his morning meal. He dresses in a standard white-collar uniform for the military service. Before departing for work, he looks into the sky, and at the ever-present Buhao starship, so said to be docked for the next year to take military passengers.
The ride to work is dull. A bus full of plain white-collars and chippy pink-collars and sweating blue-collars, nearly all familiar faces to one another simply because they ride the same transport vehicle to work every work day. Zhining stares at the military base as the vehicle drives by, wondering if his older siblings ever think about their father when in the service. Their father gave his life for the service.
The transport vehicle arrives to the production offices, where Zhining works his job. After showing the security his identification, he climbs to the thirteenth floor. There are no elevators in the production offices, for fear of electric discharge. There is nothing in the production offices powered by electricity, save the production machines themselves.
After lighting his workstation's candles, Zhining proceeds to work. Zhining's job is to organize programmed matrices into appropriate software for military automatons. It's simple: take the different categories of compatible matrices and add them, take those that are compatible by the sums and multiply them, expand the final product by minors, and, if appropriate, divide by the smallest numbers until a prime number is the output. After that process, all final outputs are put into sequence by different white-collar workers, and eventually programmed into the software of developing military machines. All equations considered waste are deleted, including binary and irrational numbers.
The machines practically do all the work. Zhining only has to make sure everything works. Should it not, then software and hardware precautions will be taken.
This week, there is an order for "The Most Effective" gunships to date. A direct order is something to worry about. Does this mean the planet is losing the war? Perhaps that is why the Buhao starship is taking so many military personnel.
The gunships' software comes from the white-collars like Zhining, so Zhining and the others are hard at work. The hardware to hold the software is made pieced by blue-collars, as well as the ships' parts. "The Most Effective" gunships will be difficult to produce, but Zhining is okay. The machines practically do all of the work.
The only errors that went through the processes are binaries, easily deposed of at the end of the work week. Binaries are pesky, but are easy to take out due to single ones and single zeroes being disallowed in the processes' final outputs.
The end of the day for Zhining. Wait for the transport vehicle, take a sigh and a sip of a warm drink, and sleep until the name of his neighborhood is called and the vehicle comes to a stop. Once home, Zhining eats a meal of breaded white meat and rice with cheese on top. A hearty meal.
Zhining makes it through the week. Before the system automatically rids the outputs of waste, Zhining takes a look. Just binary. Strange. There's at least a few irrational numbers here and there, but this waste has none. Well then, perhaps the white-collar programmers have increased their skill for the direct order? Of course!
The end of the work week, and Zhining sleeps well.
The start of a new week. Awake.
Zhining eats a single rice bowl for his morning meal. He looks into the sky, and Buhao has departed. There is no large starship in the sky anymore. Strange, it hasn't even been a year. They said that the Buhao starship would be docked for the next year. How exactly is the war doing?
Zhining takes the transport vehicle to work. The vehicle has some less faces than usual. The Buhao starship must have taken quite an amount of personnel. The ride doesn't change, though.
Once through security, Zhining makes his way to the thirteenth floor. He reaches his desk, lights the candle, and awaits an input.
There is no input for hours. Perhaps "The Most Effective" gunship software was so satisfactory that the administrators require no more software for this day? No, they would have signaled an allowance. Zhining decides to file through the processes and system, checking for anything wrong.
The matrices aren't anywhere. There is no input. There is binary in the waste. Shouldn't that be deleted?
What does it mean? Why is it there?
Alarms sound. There is a fire on floor thirteen. Zhining follows protocol, and walks down the stairs. Once outside, he can see the flames on the thirteenth floor. The flames are large. Step back a few paces.
The work week is postponed until repairs can be completed. Zhining and other white-collars walk to their homes.
There is a news report that military personnel have been targeted by fires through the process and production hardware, the desks burning through overheating. There was no input because of background processes, unwanted programs, working so much that the input has no time to enter. Zhining is lucky to be alive.
There is another news report. The war between planets is failing. However, once the Buhao starship reaches the battlefield, events are expected to take a turn.
The week goes by without complaint or report. The next work week may still be postponed due to the fire at the production offices.
Another news report while Zhining eats a meal of bread and white meat. Buhao starship has failed, and enemies are en route towards the planet. This is not good news. The production offices must be restored for another gunship to be made! The software is on a halt because the production offices are damaged.
Zhining does nothing, much to his distress, for the next week. Then, a starship is seen in the sky. It looks just like Buhao, only lighter, with more vibrant colors.
"This is the ruling officer of Henbang starship. We have freed you from the evil. The evil has been in guise of good, but you are slaves to it. Now, you are free, and may see the true image of good. We ask your planet to look at us as your leader, in exchange for eternal peace."