Ch. 6
I end up choosing the white shirt. Why I'm listening to Mac's opinion, I don't know. He clearly has no fashion sense. But I put the top on anyways and then slip the skirt on. I look in the mirror, doing a full 360. Then, I reach for my gel and brush.
Once I get my hair pulled back into a low bun, I step into my black air forces and leave for Mor and V's room. I know V will have a fit when she sees my shoes, but she's lucky I'm even wearing a skirt. The two of them live at the end of our hall, and I knock on the door. It pops open, and Mor says, "About time."
I step inside. I always feel like I get whiplash whenever I come into their room. You can clearly tell whose side is whose. One side has a bed with yellow and white covers and matching pillows. Sunflower stickers are placed all over that side of the wall, and a giant squishmallow panda is sitting upright on the bed. A fuzzy white rug is in front of the closet.
On the other side of the room, the bed has dark purple and light grey covers. LED lights line the bed frame and wall, slowly fading in and out between colors, with huge posters of different music artists and animes on the wall. A black rug lines the edge of the bed. Mor grabs my hand and pulls me into the room, and we sit down on her rug.
She looks me up and down, then nods approvingly. "So, you look hot."
I give her a knowing look. "You look good, too, girl."
Mor is in a sparkling navy-blue spaghetti strap top that highlights every inch of her curved chest and tight black jeans, and she leans forward and grins at the compliment. I look to my left, where V is sitting at her desk bouncing in the chair, Pey behind her messing with her hair. Pey lightly slaps her head and tells her to quit moving.
"Ugh, I've been waiting for this party all week," Mor groans. "This week was so slow."
"Why're you so excited?" I ask. "Trying to show off for Chris? Those jeans leave nothing to the imagination. And what is that shirt? A bikini top or a training bra?"
"Bitch, anyways." She scoffs, leaning back onto her palms and tilting her head back to face the ceiling. Shutting her eyes, she says, "I don't know why you always ask me that like it's the truth."
"It was just a simple question." I wave my hand in the air. "Just checking."
"Yeah, right." Mor opens one eye and leans her head back farther. "Pey, are y'all good yet? All the drinks are going to be gone if we don't go soon."
"I'm done, I'm done." Pey swings V around in the chair and exclaims, "Ta-daa!"
She's taken V’s hair and split the top half into two braids. Then, she wrapped the braids into two buns on each side of her hair, like a blonde Princess Leia. The remaining hair is down her back in large curls.
V is grinning like she's just been handed a puppy. "We're ready!"
I stand, dusting my skirt off. "Alright, ladies, I think we're ready to head off."
Lately, I've been getting fidgety whenever we went to parties. Campus is big enough, so I don't worry as much as I used to. But parties...that's where everyone comes to meet. Add that on top of alcohol, and some nasty things tend to go down. So, the chances of seeing someone you know but didn't necessarily want to run into?
They pretty much doubled.
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The party is suffocating. Like, physically and mentally. I haven't seen this many people in one house since the Halloween parties. I guess everyone needed to let loose this week.
The four of us are smack in the middle of the person's living room. With LED and strobe lights flashing, the music loud enough to wake the people 10 blocks away, and hundreds of kids packed together dancing, it's quite the scene. I begin to sweat within five minutes of getting there, but the music is decent, so I try to stay positive.
We grabbed drinks as soon as we got there, and then headed back to the crowd to get hype. After a good 20 minutes of dancing, Mor grabs my shoulder and pulls me closer, shouting over the music, "Do you want to go get another drink with me?!"
Mor is what some not-so-nice people might label as an alcoholic. "Sure!"
Holding each other's hand, we make our way through the crowd of sweaty people to the person's kitchen. The music wasn't as loud, and there were fewer people. I let out a breath. Every time I go out to parties, I feel like I'm becoming less and less of a party person.
Mor stops and makes a face. "Ugh, there's always a crowd of people at every party right in front of the drinks, and they never move the whole night. Like, at that point, just go to a fucking bar, people."
I look over towards the drink counter. Four guys are gathered around it now, and I instantly recognize the two facing us. "Well, at least we know two of them. That's Chris and Dylan right there, which means one of the other two guys must be Silas."
Mor blinks. "Oh, you're right." She pauses. Then, quick as lightening, she slaps my shoulder and hisses, "Girl, look at the other dude! I'm only looking at the back of him, but damn."
I follow her eyes. It's a little hard to see in the dark, but the LED lights flashing helped. The fourth guy has his back to us and is wearing a dark red suit jacket with matching pants. His hands are in his pockets, and the suit pants outline his muscular figure, revealing thick thighs and calves with serious muscle definition. If they were giving out prizes for people who fit the night's theme, he'd definitely win. I can only imagine what the rest of him looks like under that suit jacket.
You know, it's a bit dark, but that jacket looks a lot like the one I bought for-
I blink as one of the guys calls out to us. Chris walks towards us, saying, "I was wondering where you guys were. You two stalking us now, huh?"
"You wish." Mor rolls her eyes. "The kitchen's where the drinks are, Chris. You aren't special."
"Lovely to see you too, Moe." Chris has dark skin that matches Mor's, with deep-set, seductive eyes as black as coal. He runs a hand through his curly black hair and flashes her a smile. He's in a button-up black shirt that shows off his biceps and jeans. A lousy attempt at the Club Night theme, in my opinion, but Mor eyes him up and down and swallows.
Then she scowls at him. "Knock it off with that stupid nickname before I wring your neck."
Chris steps towards her, grinning down at her wildly. "Ooh, careful. Don't threaten me with a good time."
Mor takes a step towards him too. "You wanna go at it here? Seriously?"
"You have no idea how many ways I want to go at it with you, Moe."
Ugh, gag. Chris is someone who I can only describe as an instigator. I move towards the drink counter. Once the two of them got going, an asteroid could hit the Earth and they still wouldn't notice.
"Hey, Dylan," I say. "What's in your cup? Let me taste."
"You don't even know what it is," he says, handing it to me anyways. "What if it's pee?"
I sniff the cup, then take a sip. "That's good pee, then." I tip my head back and drink some more.
Dylan laughs. With a mop of reddish-orange hair reaching almost to his shoulders, hazel eyes, and a big toothy grin, Dylan has what most consider a baby face. A lot of the time I just want to give him a hug whenever he smiles. Chris and Dylan are roommates, and they're practically inseparable. If you find one, chances are the other isn't too far behind.
"If you two are here, then that means Ronnie's here too, right?" The third boy turns around, and I nod at Silas, V's boyfriend. Silas has light-colored skin, slicked back chestnut brown hair, and clear blue eyes. Looks wise, him and V couldn't be further apart. But personality wise? It's like watching two fluffy pandas interact. Silas knocks back the rest of what was in his cup and says, "Well, then, that's my cue to dip. I'll catch you guys later."
Silas slides past me and Mor as Dylan says, "Hey, we just met this dude like ten minutes before you two came. His name's Mac, and he's pretty chill."
My heart leaps into my throat as the fourth guy turns around. How the hell had I not realized it was him?
"Hello, ladies," Mac says, waving. "How are you?"
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Enter human Mac! With the plan being set into motion, let's see how things go...
-Zuffy <3