In a world dominated by technology, the Schmidt family, led by teenager Evelyn, must confront a technological threat that puts humanity at risk. Evelyn is given Eve-Bot, a robotic assistant designed to help her with her projects, but things take a dark turn when a virus called EDSN unleashes an uprising of machines. They soon discover that the threat comes from their own neighbours, who work for Edison Corp, a corporation with a sinister plan: to use technology to enslave humanity.
Ian, a technician living in complete isolation in a cave in the middle of the desert, had fixed his phone. But for his phone to be useable, he needs to take it to the capital, a highly futuristic and important city, so that his phone can be verified by the servers there. However, moving towards the capital he encounters a group of rebels who also want to get inside the capital in order to shut down these servers. In sensitive times where dystopia is present and apocalypse imminent, will Ian help with these plans, or will he only focus on his own tasks?