As the Prime World Ends, another parallel tale takes its first steps. Welcome to a world where Izuku has two older sisters, Tatsumaki and Fubuki. But that's not all that has changed in this world. Strange new things lurk in the shadows, stars and across the ocean. Can Izuku once again become one of the greatest heroes, just like his older sisters?
A young man has died unexpectedly and has encountered death. They talk about his death and thoughts on life, but throughout their conversation, the man feels something beating in his supposedly dead heart.
What is life without a purpose unfulfilled.
So was this story too angsty and did it jump the shark at the end? I would love criticism, I would like for this to be good for the future and past works.
This is a short story I made in the Tale Foundry group. They wanted the story to stay below 350 words and because of that, I had to cut a lot out. Here is that uncut version, our at least the parts I remembered to put back in.
After a father's 4th near-fatal heart attack, he once again meets with death. Now he must decide again whether to leave into a peaceful afterlife or struggle to live for his daughter's sake.