It's safe to say since arriving to this school and the trauma dealing with Fred, I have not made the best decisions. I will admit that. However, in my defense my frontal lobe is still developing, so wanting to punch Sammy and then kiss Alex is normal, right? This would be the case I pleaded if there was an actual adult in my life. Regardless, it feels like I'm on trial for my behavior despite not having a parent to reprimand me for my actions. Jenna stared down at me with questioning eyes that almost reflected my mother's when she had caught me in a lie for skipping gym class.
The auditorium was no longer filled with nosey students as they all reluctantly left back to their rooms. Without the students, the stage was fairly large and the balcony had a gothic cathedral wooden design that I didn't get the chance to notice before hell and confusion broke out.
The snapping of Jenna's fingers brought my attention back to the group. Jenna was a patient person that much I knew from the moment we met. On the other hand, she did not have patience for bullshit.
"So care to explain why you tried to punch Sammy across the face?" Jenna questioned, her arms folded across her chest waiting for a response. I felt myself clenching the cuff my jacket, unsure what to say. Where do I even begin? Do I start with reveling I have an elite spirit guide or that I had my mother soul eaten by a demon?
"I plead the 5th" I felt myself spit out. My brain was still foggy and tired from the drama. I didn't feel or wanted to explain my actions. My life is complicated and traumatically screwed up that no therapist could possibly provide a treatment plan- hell, they might have to find a therapist themselves after hearing my shit.
"That doesn't apply here." She answered, not backing off from the topic. Jenna's confidence was beginning to build again. She was regaining her upfront personality that was a force to be reckoning with unless...
"Do you mind if we talk to MK in private for a minute?" Rei asked with his classic honey sweet smile that could make any girl melt. I was hoping Jenna would read the expression that was painted clearly on my face screaming 'for the love of God, don't leave me'. The moment her eyes widen, I knew that I had lost her. Despite everything Sammy had said, she wasn't wrong about one important fact, Jenna was hopeless against Rei.
"Uh yeah, no problem." Jenna stammered, completely blinded by her school crush. How disappointing...
'Look at you being judgmental. I better not catch you cry over Alexander Count' Fred commented.
My eyes quickly swept over Alex who did not appear to be at all fazed by the kiss. He had the same dull and pointless expression on his face which I couldn't be more grateful. I was more than happy to dump that moment into my short term memory with all the Calculus equations that I will never use or need. Just like Alex.
'You won't ever catch me crying over any guy' I thought immediately.
'Never say never, Mikaela. You'll find yourself love struck too as all humans do as they try desperately to find their soulmates'Fred laughed.
'Are you telling me soulmates exist? Never thought you be a hopeless romantic?' I felt myself inwardly smirking, thinking how ridiculous someone must be to believe in such nonsense.
'True love is the sweetest tragedy for a demon to eat' Fred said casually as if he was explaining his favorite dish.
"Hello? MK?" Rei was snapping his finger like Jenna, refocusing my attention again. I did not realize Jenna was gone until I heard the auditorium doors close. Fuck...
"Yeah sorry I was- Hey! Let go of my hand!" I didn't have the chance to finish my bogus explanation before Alex held my wrist swiping the black ring off my finger. He held the ring in between his thumb and index finger, quietly observing the ring.
"Give me the fucken ring, Alex." I felt myself immediately cuss. I held my hand outward waiting for him to give it back, but he continued to ignore me.
"Do you have ADHD?" Alex said cooly, unbothered on how much he was pissing me off. Rei rubbed the temples of his cheeks, softly murmuring, "We just got her to calm down..."
"I don't know. Are you a narcissist or a kleptomaniac?" I said returning a comeback with the same tone. Why was he trying to make me mad again?
"That's a good one." Alex said with a small smirk but it instantly disappeared. "If you were paying attention to the announcement and not attempting to punch Sammy across the face, you would have known that the vessel is to separate your thoughts from your spirit guide."
I wasn't even aware that Fred’s voice was no longer lingering in the back of my mind. It was an odd feeling not hearing his cruel commentary jokes. He was the TV being constantly played in the background that I couldn't turn off. Now the TV is off and my thoughts were finally free to roam without any restriction.
"I didn't know it was possible-" I felt myself saying out loud in a whisper still waiting for Fred to crack a joke.
"Of course you didn't but that's not why we're here." Rei said interjecting into the conversation.
"You don't belong in the lower level classes. Why are you pretending?" Alex questioned his voice almost angry and sounding harsh as if I was the one who did something to piss him off.
"Did Headmaster John say I was in the wrong class?" I couldn't help matching his tone of voice. I didn’t want to start another fight but this jackass is really testing my patience. The silence of both boys made me realize I had an opening to win this argument- at least for now.
"Well if Headmaster John didn't say anything-"
"He's coming next week so don't get comfortable. Let's go Rei." Alex said tossing the ring in the air as it landed effortlessly back to the palm of my hand. Rei looked back at Alex astonished, trying to read his friend's expression. Rei opened his mouth wanting to say something else only to find Alex already leaving without him.
"What the hell is going on with him?" Rei muttered under his breath as he chased after his friend.
Remember when I said that gossip was like a deadly game of telephone. I was wrong. It's more like getting hit by large waves of ridiculous stories, one growing bigger than the last. Jenna was currently my only life vest that was keeping me from drowning and running away from this crazy school. The only good thing that came out of the whole event was Sammy no longer hovering over me with questions about Alex.
Instead she glares at me with daggers in her eyes as she talks with Jerald about our assignment. Jenna wasn't speaking to Sammy but she wasn't happy with me either. She still wanted to know what pushed me over the edge that created this altercation in the first place.
Luckily for me she couldn't stay mad for long as we stood outside a house that had acres of land with carved angelic statues on each corner. We were both amazed wondering why this house was our assignment. Both of us had expected the house to be scary or at least placed at a run downed sketchy neighborhood. This house did not fit the description of a haunting.
Reading the chart for a second time, it contained the address of the family with a generic description. They were a wealthy family who had a daughter the same age as me. She had a sleep over with a few friends playing with a ouija board as most teens do.
"So are you guys going to get rid of the ghost?" The girl said sounding desperate and scared. She had curly brown hair with blue eyes with dark bags underneath. Has this girl even slept?
"Yeah we'll get rid of Casper" said the level class C student who stared mostly at his phone. Because we were still new to the supernatural, low level students were required to have at least one upper level student to supervise. Jessie was the only student that required volunteer work.
Sammy and Jerald idolize the upper ranking students and did everything they could to create a divide between us and them. The entire ride to this house was filled with bragging and downplaying their original excitement for the assignment stating "this will be a walk in the park."
"Okay please just hurry and get rid of it. My parents are talking about sending me to therapist or switching me out of school because they think I'm making things up."
"We got the gist. We just need you to stay out of our way." Sammy said her attitude and voice reflecting Regina George.
"What she means is that it's easier to exorcise the ghost and keep you safe." Jenna added narrowing her eyes at Sammy who replied by rolling her eyes.
"So back to the problem at hand, did paranormal activities started to occur after playing with the board?" I asked wondering if there was more to the story.
"That's it...I think."
"Okay, will be done in 15 minutes, go hangout with your friends or something." Jessie said finally placing his phone in his pocket. The girl was confused by his behavior but didn't question him. She left in a black Tesla with her friend who had stared at me for an awkwardly long time before they drove off.
"Alright, so once we get inside the house feel free to use your spirit guide to search for the ghost. Whoever finds Casper first, I'll show them how to exorcise him. One of you may level up if we get out of here early..." Jessie said creating a competition that was suppose to be a team effort.
As we stepped closer to the house, Jenna's black cat immediately sat beside the front door waiting for her. Sammy twisted a heart like charm hanging from her necklace, ready to summon Margaret.
I felt myself hesitating as I pulled the black metallic ring from my pocket. Everything was so much easier without Fred commenting on every terrible thing that goes on in my life. I didn't have a migraine hearing his voice every time I woke up in the morning. Mentally preparing for a life time of bitchiness and complaints, I knew Fred was going to be pissed off once I put on the ring.
"If you get nervous, Mikaela, you can stand behind me." Jerald said for the first time with a flirtatious smile. His summoning was a black Raven that was perched on his shoulder. Jerald and the raven had made me uncomfortable as I took a large side step away from them.
"I think I'm good" I answered immediately slipping the ring on before we opened the door. Jerald shrugged his shoulders and opened the door as his raven flew inside searching for the ghost.
As we stepped inside the house, it had marble flooring and a large twisted wooden stair cases. This family was beyond loaded with money. The raven soar in the air going down the hallway that appeared to be the west wing whereas Sammy took the opposite route.
"Has nobody watched scary movies..." I said as I realized everyone was taking a separate path. Being in a group is essential to survive!
"It's a low level spirit. The ghost hardly has any energy to even give us a single scratch. " Jenna said no longer finding concern in the assignment.
I stood and watch as each member took a separate path in the house. I was left with Fred again unsure what I can even do with him. If this is a low level spirit, then nothing surprising should occur.
This is not a low level Spirit, MK...
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