The auditorium was filled with numerous students wearing red jackets. The room was buzzing loudly of chattering students that it soon became impossible to even have a conversation with Jenna who was standing right next to me. The plan was to find Sammy among the crowd, but I doubt that was going to happen anytime soon. The middle of the auditorium looked like a mosh pit with students clustered together as they tried to find their friends. Whoever was in charge of the ceremony was doing a shitty job organizing the event.
Everyone was completely lost and confused on what they should be doing. Some students voiced their opinions on forming a line in front of the stage. For a moment I couldn’t even see a stage among the wave of students until a few taller boys moved to the back. The stage was gray with rows of black and white candles lined on opposite sides from each other. At least the stage had a hint of witchy and magical vibes despite the overly annoying fact that this was still a high school.
“Hello everyone! Sorry to keep you waiting, normally Headmaster John begins the ceremony but he is currently away on an important business meeting so yeah …” Helen said in the microphone her voice filled with nerves and possible sweat dripping from the side of her forehead.
‘Have you figured out what vessel I’m going in?’ Fred said persisting to continue the conversation where we had left off about his temporary home. As childish and elementary as it may sound, I have been giving Fred the silent treatment the moment we left my room.
“I would have been actually surprised that Headmaster John showed up to the ceremony.” Jenna commented as the noise from the crowed began to dial down.
“I know a lot of student’s have come to support their friends but please take a seat on the sides or upstairs in the balcony, thank you!” Helen continued, her voice echoing louder through the auditorium. The students began dispersing as they gave their younger classmates a hug or fist bumps. My eyes trailed at the students leaving as they walked up the steps to the balcony when suddenly their expression dropped and appeared completely dumbfounded.
Following the direction the student’s were staring, my eyes landed on a familiar amber eyes with his chest leaning causally against the rail. Unlike the girls who were whispering how their heart dropped looking at those gorgeous eyes, I promise you mine did not. Rei jumped behind Alex wrapping his arm around his friend’s neck. He held a large grin on his face while his soft brown eyes found mine. You have got to be fucken kidding me…
“Don’t worry Regina George is not with us!” Rei shouted having no sense of embarrassment for himself or consideration how I felt as the crowed continue to stare at him while tracking down the person he was speaking too. Well they aren’t going to find out…
“Uh MK I think Rei is talking to you- Hey where are you going?” Jenna said turning to find me already pushing pass students.
“Bathroom.” I answered not bothering to look back. I was already irritated with everyone’s constant glances and murmurs trying to figure out who Rei was speaking to. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for them to put the pieces together from the last encounter.
‘Ah are you embarrassed in being the center of attention? Or maybe you actually have a school cru-‘
‘Do you want to be known as the demon who possess Charmin brand toilet paper?’
‘Got it…’
Arriving at the nearest girls bathroom by the entrance of the auditorium, I was able to finally catch my breath. My heart was rapidly beating as if I had just ran a 10k marathon. I leaned over with my hands clasping the edge of the sink trying to steady my breath. The silence in the girls bathroom almost felt like a fresh of breath air until it wasn’t. The door swung open by a girl with a very sour face and dark blonde hair with brown eyes.
I guess I’m the lucky one to find Sammy.
“So care to explain why Alex came to the Ceremony?” Sammy asked her voice sounding arrogant and smug. Normally, she would hide this tone when Jenna was around but the curtains were down and the show was about to begin.
“Rei came to.” I added not like it would have helped or worsen my situation. Sammy’s expression never changed and it was apparent that she wanted to have this petty fight since we first met.
“Are you dating Rei?” She questioned almost hoping that would be the answer to end this Cold War she built in her head.
“Nope.” My answer being very short and consistent just like the first time she interviewed me in our U.S government class. It might actually be easier to be interviewed by the U.S officials than Sammy right now. These accusations felt like a loop of the same damn questions each one being more ridiculous than the last.
“Are you dating Alex ?” Sammy crossed her arms tightly against her chest trying to give a threatening pose-only I wasn’t intimidated. Helen’s voice boomed through the microphone and can be heard outside, stating the Ceremony was going to begin.
“It’s time for us to go Sammy. The ceremony-
“Why are you avoiding the question?” She snapped pushing her back onto the door blocking my escape. I couldn’t help let out an exasperated sigh. ‘Why am I always in shit that I don’t even want to be part of’ I thought to myself tiredly.
‘Maybe it’s because you’re the main character?’
‘Toilet paper!’ I reminded him loudly through my thoughts.
‘Got it…’
“I’m not dating Alex, happy? So move out the way.” The tone of my voice was growing frustrated despite my efforts in trying to keep my cool. I’m not a confrontational person at all but this school is making me question myself and my sanity.
“You know Jenna is only hanging out with you because she has a crush on Rei. If she finds out you are dating him or have a crush on-”
“I’m going to need you to get this in your fucken skull right now.” I stated my voice pissed off as I stepped closer to Sammy with my fist clenched in my pockets. I was already passed my breaking point with Fred and Sammy just had to be the person to push me further to the edge. “I don’t give a flying rat’s ass about Alex or Rei. I want you to stop this crazy, fucked up, jealously fantasy you created in your mind that I’m after a guy… who for starters don’t know you fucken exist.” I stated with venom in my voice “So get the fuck away from the door or we’re both going to be late.”
“And if I don’t ?” Sammy retorted her dark brown eyes burning with anger. “I have a spirit guide too, you’re not fucken special MK.” She sneered as she snapped her finger. The temperature in the room suddenly dropped as I felt prickles of goosebumps on my arm. I didn’t see anything at first until a gray hand pushed through the mirror above the sink. A woman with dark black hair covering her eyes crawled out with pale gray skin.
My body stood still in horror as I was watching the woman move out from the mirror. The ghostly woman bent her neck staring at me, attempting to reach for my face until she stopped. The woman retracted her hand quickly and returned back to the mirror.
“Where the hell are you going Margaret?” Sammy yelled with frustration in her voice, as she demanded for her spirit guide to come back.
The door started to be pushed open despite Sammy’s back against it. It was clear that she was not strong enough to prevent whoever was trying to open the door. The door eventually opened with Alex leaning his head to the side on the door frame.
“Hey man, we can’t go barging to the girls bathroom!” Rei told his giant friend appearing for the first time embarrassed standing next to him, searching to find the words to explain why they opened the girls restroom door.
“You summoned your spirited guide. What for?” Alex spoke his eyes narrowed down at the very skittish Sammy with her eyes wide and fearful.
“I was um…just showing MK because she never met Margaret, my spirit guide. Right MK?” She added quickly trying to appear relax but ultimately failing miserably. Sammy looked at me with pleading eyes but my expression remained emotionless and cold.
“My name is Mikeala, crazy bitch. ” I muttered the last part under my breath as I found myself walking pass Rei and Alex making my way back to the auditorium. No way in hell, I was going to pretend we were friends. I would rather sit by myself during lunch, than ever have to deal with Sammy again.
As I entered the auditorium, I was surprised to find the line in front of the stage was incredibly short. Jenna like many of the other students, have already figured out what type of spirit they had. I watched the remaining students walk up the stage, and stood in between the black and white candles. I figured that all the candles would light up at once, but in fact, only one black candle lit for Jerald. He had a smug look on his face as if he had already anticipated what kind of spirit he had.
I could hear small quick footsteps from behind as this person stood beside me wearing a pitiful look on her face. I didn’t know if words were exchanged between her and Alex but regardless I knew she would be happy to receive any attention from him.
“MK…I’m sorry.” She apologized her voice was small but there still was a hidden dislike in her tone.
“Okay.” I said with an uncaring shrug. I’m not sure what she expected me to say. I’m not going to fake our friendship even for the sake in keeping the peace between our mutual friend.
“So are we good, saying okay isn’t an answer.” Sammy whispered her voice growing agitated again.
“I don’t care.” I replied trying to keep my voice in check. I was up next as I moved forward up towards the stage. Helen was near the steps her lips forming a tired smile. I could tell she hated being centerstage as much as I hated being in the spotlight.
“Is your spirit going to possess an animal or an object?” Helen asked.
I’ve actually taken some thought in considering where to put Fred despite his constant nagging on where he was going. It was difficult to hide the information, but I figured if I kept on tuning him out with melodies from Taylor Swift, or any song that was stuck in my head, I was able to block him out.
“An object” I stated. I couldn’t with good conscience have Fred possess an animal. It wasn’t fair to the animal, and it left me feeling sick to even consider having an animal being possessed by an evil spirit like Fred.
Helen let out her hand expecting to receive the object. I quickly dug into my pockets, trying to find the pen that Jenna loaned me. But like most cases, when your in the center of the spotlight, you start to get nervous. I felt myself fumbling to find the pen, and suddenly something fell out instead.
A sharp and clear sound of metal dropping down the steps could be heard through the auditorium. The golden ring with three rubies in crested that was specifically designed by my mom, fell into the hands of Sammy.
I reached out my hand, expecting that she was going to give it to me, but with a sly smirk on her face, she handed the ring to Helen, who immediately turned around. Instantly, I hurried up the steps, trying to get a hold of the ring, but it was too late as Helen dropped the ring into a glass bowel filled with clear water. Standing in between the candles and staring at the bowl, where my mother’s ring was placed, all I could feel at that moment was pain and rage.
The stage suddenly became warm as I realized all the black candles were lit. The auditorium grew into loud murmurs, amazed that all the candles lit up. Even Helen looked shocked but it wasn’t at the candles being lit. She carried the small bowl in her hands moving towards me to retrieve my ring.
“The water has never turned this black since…” Helen whispered but then stopped changing her tune. “ Go ahead Mikaela take your ring back .” She smiled finally coming back to reality.
I dipped my hand into the black water, finding my ring at the bottom corner. As I took out the ring, my heart fell to my stomach, no longer seeing the beautiful pure gold band as it was replaced by an obsidian black metal with rubies the color of Fred’s eyes.
My mom’s ring was tainted