The remaining days in class were basic subjects that I hoped I could avoid. I wished I could say that my last classes went smoothly and everyone had forgotten the ridiculous incident between me and class A. Sadly, I wasn't so lucky.
Class D, the lowest rank in the school, were definitely not over the fresh new gossip as they continued to obsess over the brief acknowledgment that was exchanged between me and Rei. According to Jenna what added fuel to the fire was the mere fact that Alex Count said my name. The idea that one guy can stir the school into a frenzy by remembering my name has to be a leader of some cult.
I didn’t know anything about Alex and I really didn’t want to know. I had always referred him as the Giant and nothing else. He had the mysterious and annoyingly 'bad boy' appearance. His creepy amber colored eyes and with the personality of a brick wall, I couldn’t find him attractive enough for him to be glorified the way the students viewed him. He was very cold and unapproachable. In other words, he was the complete opposite of Rei.
This didn't matter to the Alex Count fan club. A club I thought could only be described in romance novels. The fan base was very real and they were fierce. The ring leader of this pathetic group was unsurprisingly Sammy and Vanessa who felt that they didn’t get enough information out of me during lunch since we spent the majority of time talking about spirit guides.
The answer they received was not to their liking despite their efforts in hounding me in between breaks during lecture. I don’t say this often but I really just wanted to listen and learn about the judicial system. But, instead of learning about U.S government, I learned everything that I didn’t need to know about Alex Count.
Alexander Count whose name suspiciously sounds like a basic and overly used vampire Wattpad name, came from a long history of spiritual blood line. Not only did his height and appearance made this guy the heartthrob for every girl in the school, his family wealth sure didn’t help reduce his popularity.
I think there should be a rule in life where you can’t be rich and pretty. It’s not fair for poor and basic people like me who have to work through life being ugly. After tuning in and out of listening to lecture and Sammy’s obsession over Alex, I found myself not remembering what assignment will be due or Alex's powerful spirit guide.
After class I decided to head to Sandra’s office and talk to her about the books and ways to ship stuff to my room. The halls were like a maze and each corner led me to an unknown part of the school. I wished I had asked Jenna to come with me to find the office but Fred's comment had got the best of me. Did she really hate me or was Fred messing with me?
"Hey, MK, you should turn left." Fred said suddenly wanting to help with directions. I raised an eyebrow knowing damn well, he has never helped me with directions unless it was for his own amusement.
"Are you trying to trick me again into walking into the boys bathroom?" I said out loud seeing that nobody was near us. I am ashamed to say that it almost worked. If you have a constant demon on your shoulder talking to you known stop, your brain starts to grow foggy and tired.
"Sandra’s office is left, right down the hall." Fred promised revealing himself from the shadows of the hall floating beside me, his voice almost sounding genuine-only I wasn't born yesterday.
"I feel like you're lying” I said eyeing him suspiciously. Fred twirled above me like a dark cloud, snickering under his breath. This stupid demon was obviously enjoying my discomfort since I first declared I was staying at Parnorma. It was a no-brainer, he was getting even with me for not leaving when he wanted to.
My suspicions of him began to grow as he cheshire smile grew wider. At first I didn’t understand why Fred was cackling in the shadows until I passed the corner of the hall. My body and face slammed into the chest of someone. I was able to save myself from falling by instantly grabbing the wall. Unfortunately I couldn’t save my uniform, quickly realizing this person was carrying a box of cupcakes. My uniform was completely smeared with chocolate and vanilla frosting. The rest of the cupcakes tumbled out of the box from a tear on the side due to the collusion.
“Nice fucking going.” Megan spat angrily, her arms crossed tightly near her chest. Rei wasn't as badly covered in frosting as I was. Great, how am I going to explain to Jenna that I ruined her uniform?
“Dang it, I wanted to surprise the new class A student.” Rei said glumly not caring that a part of his jacket had frosting. I tried to help him scoop as much of the cupcakes off the floor. I really hate you Fred, I thought angrily knowing damn well he did this on purpose.
“Oh get over it. You just wanted to be the first to snag the new student in class A into your weird anime shit. ” Megan rolled her eyes.
“Oh come off it Megan, if Alex was into anime like me, you wouldn’t think it was so stupid.” Rei quickly replied grabbing pieces of the cupcakes off the floor and putting it into the box. I really hope he wasn't planning on giving that to the new student...
This argument was clearly going left once again and I was no longer a part of it. Debating if I should just leave, Alex approached me carrying crinkled napkins.
“Here.” He said with a voice that sounded eerily deep and calm.
I grabbed a few napkins from him not trying to make eye contact with his distinctive colored eyes. Alex’s expression was very dull and didn’t give any hint on what he was thinking. I didn’t particular like that about him. The second trait I wasn’t too fond of was how his height towered over me.
“Thanks. Sorry about the cupcakes, Rei.” I said having to tilt my head an and stretch to even glimpse at Rei who was still arguing with Megan.
“Don’t worry about him. He's probably already forgotten it once Megan started dissing his favorite hobby.” Alex sighed tiredly as if he has gone through this rodeo with his friends more times than he could count. It was apparent that he was the only sane person in his group.
“Well, I’m still sorry. Anyways I’m gonna get going.” I said quickly wiping any more crumps that I could scrape off my jacket. I was ready to leave this conversation before more students start spinning this into a drama that I didn’t need right now.
“Hold-up.” Alex said reaching me easily by my shoulder with his long arm stopping me at my tracks. What's with this group grabbing me? I couldn't help but felt a tinge of annoyance unable to hide the scowl on my face. This must have taken him by surprise because it was the first time I had ever seen this guy looked puzzled by my reaction.
At this point Megan pushed Rei to the side, her green eyes flashing at me seeing Alex touching me. Why this girl felt the need to be possessive for was beyond me.
“Alex, why are you wasting your time mingling with a low level student.” Megan said hooking her arm under Alex’s. He didn’t appear to be bothered by her as if this was a normal routine with them. It was unclear to me if they were dating or in some form of relationship. Nobody should be that handsy with a person if they weren’t close, but then again I was never an affection person to begin with. Realizing that Alex still had his grasp on my shoulder, I pushed his oversized hand off me.
“Because we’ve spent all day trying to find the new student in class A and with the system’s down we weren’t able to locate them. So Mikaela was this uniform loaned to you by another student-” Alex said his amber eyes pierced down at me. Forget, vampire tendency, was this guy Sherlock Holmes or maybe I’m just an idiot who can’t keep herself hidden?
“Wait hold up. You think this normy who barely knows anything about the supernatural is in our class? You’ve got to be joking.” She scoffed looking up at Alex and then darting her eyes back at me.
Rei immediately jumped in the conversation forgetting about his cupcakes for the time being and dashed behind me, his arm snaking around my shoulder. “Yes, please Mikaela. Did anyone mention getting you a black uniform! I can’t deal with this blonde bitch for long. We need a new member!” He said sounding obviously desperate to recruit me into their crew.
"We don't need a new member, jackass." Megan snapped at Rei but he was not bothered by her comment.
“I’m not sure. I only saw a red uniform in my closet. So I’m pretty sure I’m in class D.” I lied figuring that Megan wasn’t going to question it. However, Alex didn’t seem thrilled with my answer nor was Rei. Jenna described level A to be incredibly exclusive and cliquey to the point, the members may hate each other but would rather die than be seen with another class level.
“Aw C’mon Mikaela, there can still be a chance!” Rei persisted with his face uncomfortably close to my very flushed face.
“Get over it Rei, she’s not dumb enough to lie about it.” Megan interrupted wanting to end the conversation of me being in her class.
“It still doesn’t explain how a new student has arrived and conveniently enough the first new student to come to Paranorma was her.” Rei added to the suspicious. "It has to be her."
“Well as much as I want to help ya’ll figure out out this Scooby-doo mystery. I’m still covered in chocolate frosting. So can you guys point me to Sandra’s office so I can order my books and uniform.” I asked seeing that there was nobody around that would give me honest directions.
“Weren’t you listening, idiot. The systems are down so there’s no way for Sandra to access the uniforms.” She seethed as if the uniforms were like some golden medals. I couldn't understand why the students obsessed over the uniforms. It was just a stupid symbol that divided and separated them from the rest of their peers creating unnecessary drama.
“Relax, Regina George. I figured they were just uniforms.” I rolled my eyes adding another reason why I would rather stay in the low level classes than have to deal with this blonde bitch.
“What did you call me-”
“Really you haven’t watched Mean Girls. It’s pretty much a documentary of your bitch ass self.” I said brushing past her leaving Rei snickering and Alex having to deal with his friends fighting.
“Thanks a lot Mikaela.” Alex narrowed his eyes down at me as Megan started smacking Rei on the side of the head, interrogating him on what he thought was so funny.
“Soo Sorry...” I said half heartedly not really caring on how I made the situation much harder on him. He stood as a wall between his friends to prevent them from killing each other while I made my way back to the dorm. Fred was very proud of himself once we were out of sight from the group.
"Now that was entertaining! Don’t you think you should have told them about the black uniform? It’ll be so much fun to see Megan’s face!" Fred said with glee floating above and around the ceiling. Fred enjoyed being the center of attention but it also meant that I would forcefully have to join in the spot light.
“As tempting as it sounds, I don’t want any part of it.” I sighed extremely tired from the whole day. So much has happened from the morning and then having cupcakes ruining my shirt. I don’t even know how to ask Jenna if she has another pair or ask for direction to the laundry room. Hell, I don’t even want to mention how this uniform even got ruined in the first place!
"You’re no fun!" Fred added as he returned back to the shadows satisfied with ruining my first day at Paranorma.
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