Trust me when I say that I was never the kind of person to disobey authority. Honestly, if my mom was watching she would be wondering why the hell I ran away. My response would be and I quote, “why did you leave your only daughter to fend for herself in this fucked up world especially with your screwed up sisters?”
Okay, maybe that wasn’t fair to say since I don’t know what happened to her. Please believe me, I wanted to know more than anything but a mixture of loneliness overcame my curiosity. What was the point to finding out how she died? The outcome was never going to change. She is gone from this world and I am stuck here. As lame as everyone may think, my mom was the only person who truly knows me or I guess knew me.
I felt my phone buzzing and beeping simultaneously from the pocket of my sweatshirt. I didn't even have to unlock my screen to read Amber Alert with my full name in bolded letters.
Amber alert
Name: Mikaela Hernadez
Age: 16 years old
Sex: Female
Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown eyes
Height: 5′2
weight: 125lb
I wasn't surprise to find an Amber Alert was set in motion. Hell, once they find me they might put me in a mental institution for running away, showing the judge that I'm not in my right mind. And they would be so fucken right.
After climbing over a few fences to avoid the streets, I was near a dead end street. It was clear that that no cars could keep driving but that didn't mean I couldn't keep walking. I didn’t know where I was going and I didn’t care. I just wanted to wake up and start the day over. I wanted a redo of my birthday because this was fucked up. The universe had to be punishing me for something I had done in a past life because this didn't make sense to me.
Reaching into the front of my pocket, I held my mom’s favorite golden ring with three small rubies crested in the middle. My mom never discussed her plans after she died. The only thing I remembered her telling me is to make sure that this ring stays with me and not let anyone take it from me.
I love my family, truly I do. Despite everything they had put me and my mom through, my mother still had a lot of love for her sisters. But I also know family sometimes don’t want what’s best for us. If I know anything about funerals, it’s less about the person and more about who is entitled to what.
Looking at the ring under the dim moonlight, the ring was too big for my finger so I slipped it on my necklace that my abuela had given me before she passed away. I guess my grandma finally gets to see her favorite daughter again. A dark and unwanted thought slithered into my thoughts. Maybe she’ll get to see her favorite granddaughter pretty soon.
The walk I had decided to take became longer and longer. I was finally at the point where I did not where I was at. Pushing a few tall branches from my visual field, I had found a bridge that appeared to no longer be in service. I felt myself being pulled towards that direction to rest and get my thoughts in order. As I found my way to the bridge, everything felt so light as if I was in a sleepy haze. The world was much quieter and the stars were brighter. Looking down below, I can faintly hear trickles of water leaking between rubbles of rocks.
As I continued to look at the night sky, a cloud glided away from the moon again, revealing the rusty metal bars and rails so brightly that I can read the marks that were engraved. Some of the phrases were filled with initials from past lovers or profanity. There was one inscription that I couldn’t make out. The letters were almost scratched off but either way I found myself mouthing the words. I didn’t bother to attempt to decipher it and kept myself moving.
As I continued to walk on the bridge, the sadness I felt suddenly deepened. I was so tired, not just because of the passing of my mom but now just being me. I felt my finger tips no longer tracing the rail as I continued on my path to nowhere. Instead, I stopped and turn back to looking below the bridge with my hands clenching on the rail tightly. My heels began lifting up and down. In my thoughts I can hear a faint whisper that didn't sound like my own saying "Why not just end it?"
I should be able to come up with a thousand reasons as to why I shouldn’t even try to dance with the idea. But I couldn’t seem to come up with one at the moment. I’m just so damn tired and I think I’m done-
“Hey kid you shouldn’t be here!” A voice shouted from a distance.
Like a snap to a thread, my focus broke from the bridge as I heard the man ordering me to step away. Figuring that a cop finally found me and was going to take me back regardless, I felt myself drawn to reading the inscription again one more time.
“I’m coming officer-” I finally answered as I was about to turn around and ready to face the music that my dear mother was gone. As soon as I shifted my body, I was pushed hard onto the metal floor from an unknown force.
In a split second, everything went dark. My body felt cold and floating in the abyss of nothing. I couldn’t remember anything besides the moment I walked over the bridge. But I could still faintly hear people talking.
You three head back to school...
Are you sure we can definitely take care-...
I don't want your help so get back to class, this assignment is over!
I thought when people die everything was suppose to be quiet but all I hear are people talking. I just want everyone to stop talking. When I thought I had gotten my wish. I heard chanting and hums. They started off as a cool whisper but slowly grew louder and louder. My body felt like it was on fire and there was nothing I could do to ease the pain. Paralyzed in the darkness, I felt every inch and nerve being hit.
"Demon there is no place for you to run either. So submit to me or be exorcise." A man's voice yelled into the darkness. Was he going to save me? Or did he just say he wanted the demon as a slave?
"Fat fucken chance" A voice cackled. "Hey kid, do you seriously want to die? Hello, I know you can hear me." A voice in the dark spoke with a chilling and crisp tone that can only be described in my nightmares. I didn’t want to answer and hoped that maybe it will go away. However, no matter how much I ignored it, it continued to mockingly call my name
"MK, MIKEALA-” This continued on repeat for what felt like eternity.
Finally for a split second, I thought the pain had stopped. I found myself emerging out of the darkness into a white blank space. My brain could only comprehend that maybe I was in purgatory and that maybe I did jump over the bridge. Or was this my own personal hell? Or was this how all humans die and there was nothing at all?
My heart dropped as I turned my head slightly feeling long thin black nails curled around my shoulders. I didn’t want to look behind but it didn’t matter. I was forcefully turned to face it and I couldn’t keep my eyes from closing. This thing had the most bloodiest red eyes and its face that I could give no description to compare. The only thing I found myself focusing on was its sharp teeth that can eat me whole if it wanted to.
"Trust me, if I wanted to eat you I would have." The voice chuckled darkly reading my thoughts. "But I’m in a rather tight bind. I can eat your soul and then I die on the spot by those pathetic humans OR I can merge with you. I still get to live on for a bit despite your pitiful human life span." The demon said his bloody eyes squinted almost as if he was still contemplating on his first option.
Merge? What the hell is that? My voice still sounded the same but my lips weren’t moving.
"Details...Details. That’s for a later a time. Your body and soul isn’t going to survive living in limbo for very long. So do we have a deal?" The monster grinned tilting my chin with a single nail from his pitch black shadowy finger.
No. I felt myself answer. I didn’t want to be eaten but I also didn’t want to go back.
"What. The. Fuck." The demon stopped taking a long deep annoyed breath. "You know what fine. The contract I’ll make will be 50% in your control deal?"
I said no. I want to die. I repeated.
"Jesus fucken christ, I don’t have time for your Hannah Baker attitude right now, 60%." The demon sneered his nail digging deeper into my skin. The chants were growing while the pain was now radiating from my head to my toes.
No! I screamed. I have no clue where I’m finding the strength to even deny this monster a deal when these chants are torturing my ear drums.
"75%" The monster snapped realizing his grip was beginning to loosen.
The chanting was suddenly louder than the demon talking. I didn’t understand what this thing was talking about anymore and I didn’t care. I just wanted the pain to go away and I want everyone to shut-up.
"FUCK IT. Everything! I’m not ready to leave this fucken world yet even though you are!" The demon's voice boomed furiously causing the blank space to vibrate and suddenly begin to crack.
Fine! Just Shut the hell-up! I felt myself scream back.
Everything happened so fast and slow. I felt myself falling down into the void. It kind of felt like I was jumping off a diving board. At first you hit the water fast but if you jumped too far down to the bottom it feels like forever to get back up to the surface. This was kind of the same feeling except I didn’t feel like I was going to make it to the surface on time. Maybe this is how I die? It’s way better than feeling like I was being burned alive or someone beating nails into my eardrum.
"Can you please stop talking about dying. It’s getting annoying." The demon said appearing now in my thoughts.
My bad, I thought I was alone for a second.
"You are never truly alone." The demon answered his voice sound incredibly eerie.
Okay, don’t make this weird. So if you and I are going to be stuck for-
"Eternity" The demon stated without a second thought.
Jesus that long! I don’t even know your name.
"You can call me anything. I can go by Master, Prince of darkness, Handsome" His voice sounding like narcissistic asshole than a demonic entity "just make sure whatever you call me isn't-"
I’ll just call you Fred. There was long moment of silence and then a roaring scream.
"Are you fucken serious! Did they not teach you anything at that stupid school! My name is going to be fucken Fred!" The demon shouted into my thoughts causing me to wince.
No, they don’t Fred! I didn’t have the chance to take Demonology. I was juggling fucken AP English and passing Algebra. This time I shouted back already angry and annoyed with the fact that I had caved to this deal.
I should have just ate your soul...
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