I was sitting at my desk for what felt like hours scrolling through news article and websites. Every news anchor practically said something a little different but they came to the same bogus ass explanation. A cartel related incident that they believed occurred due to a dealing gone wrong. It had almost made me laugh and want me to through my phone against the wall all at the same time. Society can be so fucken unbelievably stupid...
Pacing back in forth in my new empty dorm room, my thoughts were blasting with my hands trembling as I held onto the phone. They can’t be fucken serious. The Cartel? Why the fuck would the Cartel want to kill my mom? Facebook was probably the worst place for me to start investing in the comments. I shouldn't have read them because each comment pissed me off more than the last one:
Such a tragic way to die but what do you expect for dealing with the Cartel
A horrific way to die but exactly @Jacob401! There’s no way this single mom could have lived in the neighborhood she lived. I feel bad for the kid she left behind.
I can’t believe I had her watch my son! To think someone could have been involved in such a crime in our own neighborhood!
I think what made it worse was that no one in my family even stepped up to even question how ridicules the allegations were. My mom wouldn’t even let me watch Narcos- for fucks sake! It’s terrifying how the media can easily take a story and manipulate to where the truth didn’t even matter anymore. My mother left her own country by the age of 14 to escape the violence and drug war that destroyed her village. Why would she come to America and undo everything she worked so hard for!
My throat burned begging to cry and scream for any relief from the amount of stress I was under, but I couldn't. I guess a more accurate answer is that I won't. I didn't want anyone to hear me cry through these strange walls. More importantly, I didn't want to give Fred the satisfaction in seeing me suffer. He was a demon after all and feasted on this type of pain.
Alone in my thoughts for the first time since I trapped myself with Fred, I wondered what I could have done differently. If I didn't actually try to jump off the bridge or if I never tried to run away, I could have straighten the story out. My mom's name wouldn't be dragged in the dirt by billions of people claiming she was a criminal. I would have at least have the opportunity to curse out all my aunts for not sticking up for their eldest sister and maybe that would satisfy me from the pain I was feeling.
"MK, you gotta eat something. You didn't eat the lunch they provided and it's way past dinner." Fred said revealing himself finally out of the shadows carrying a tray of food. I couldn’t understand how the tray didn't slip through his dark shadowed hands. It was like Fred had the ability to change from a figure that was solid and then automatically transparent the next. Laying the tray on the desk, he started to slide the mini sandwiches and parfait toward me, "Alright, now say AHH-"
“Fred I’m not in the mood.” I snapped pushing the food back further from me. Trembling with annoyance, Fred was holding in his fury but so was I.
"Listen Mikaela, I normally enjoy seeing people grieve or completely in despair. But you on the other hand are an exception because if you attempt to off yourself by starvation because you’re too sad to fucken eat, I grow weak and I die with you. So take a bite of that fucken stale ass sandwiches" Fred finally snapped grabbing a handful of mini sandwiches shoving them towards my face. Fred’s horrendous odor made me automatically recoil away but he was way too fast. He had me trapped in a corner with one hand clenching my jaw and the other holding the sandwich.
“Okay fine!” I shouted in defeat not wanting his stench to contaminate any of my clothing.
"Too fucken late! Now open wide!" He ordered squishing the miniature sandwiches in his fist tightly creating pieces of meat and lettuce to crumble onto the floor.
It was at that moment, a knock came to the door and then start to crack open. A girl with a high pony tail with a smooth dark complexion popped in at the worst moment possible. “Uh...Hi, I’m Jenna I’m your neighbor next door, right across the hall. Are you okay?” She asked looking overly concerned seeing how I was sitting in the corner of the room with dropped sandwiches spread across the floor.
Fred had disappeared yet again and I was left looking like an idiot.
I swallowed a piece of dry bread that Fred had managed to get in my mouth before answering “Yeah, sorry about the mess, I was having an argument with um-” I said having to pause for a second to figure out what to say next.
“Your spirit guide” She answered with a weary smile on her face. She was probably thinking of changing dorms since she’s next door to a lunatic with bread on the floor. I mean if she was thinking that, she’s not completely wrong. I am about this close in losing my shit right now with Fred.
“Well, I just wanted to let you know I am pretty new to all of this stuff too. I started at Paranorma Academy a week ago with another classmate of ours, so we wanted to invite you to come sit with us during lunch. It can get pretty overwhelming seeing how different their school system works and rules. Like regulations when you can and can’t use your spirit guide for. But you probably read through the syllabus-Or not.” Jenna started seeing that my face was still utterly confused.
“There’s a syllabus?” I said trying to remember what the woman had said during the very short tour but clearly my thoughts were somewhere else.
“Yeah girl. You literally start tomorrow. They normally leave everything on your desk to read along with your uniform to wear. I’m so glad I came in.” she said opening my closet next to the front door. “See- wait hold up, your uniform is black?” Jenna said her eyes widen with shock as she took the uniform off the hook. “No this isn’t right, someone is definitely punking you." Jenna shook her head as if she was totally fed up. "Nope. Not fucken again.” She spat.
“Again?” I said unbothered if the students wanted to pick on me. I didn't have the energy to care or even feel scared. My brain was already rejecting the idea that I was actually attending a Paranormal high school. Also, It's not like the students can cause me anymore pain than I was already dealing with.
“Yeah, a few of the upper level classes tricked one of our classmates into thinking he was in a whole different level than what he was. The assholes gave him the wrong uniform and schedule on his first day." She said her voice not sounding chirpy when she first walked in. "It totally screwed him up. Now he can't even look at the level A students.” She said appearing to regain her composure as she found my schedule on the ground.
“Yep, totally gave you the level A class schedule. What a bunch of pricks.” She scowled crumbling the piece of paper. I didn’t understand what she was talking about with the uniform situation nor did I care to ask. It didn’t mattered to me if I was in class A, B, C or freakin Z.
“Don’t worry, I ordered a couple of uniforms. I can let you borrow a few until we can get you the right ones.” She said with genuine smile and then her smile dropped, “Oh shit, I didn’t even ask you your name.”
“Don’t worry, it’s Mikaela. Some people call me MK.” I said picking up the small pieces of ham sandwiches on the floor. Fred could have at least stolen sandwiches that had Turkey.
“Well, MK, I’m glad to meet another friend who isn’t stuck up like most of the students here. Do you need any help unpacking or need help bringing your stuff up to your room?” She offered seeing the room to be practically empty with only a desk and a bed with a thin sheet.
"I’m okay. I was actually thinking of just getting brand new stuff and have them shipped here instead” I said seeing that there was no way I was going back to my old house again.
“Well, make sure to inform Sandra about it since she’s the person that gets all the students shipment to the building there’s not an address to the school incase you didn’t know” Jenna answered figuring that if I didn’t know about the syllabus, I sure as hell didn’t know about how to receive packages. “I’m gonna get going and let you rest up for tomorrow. I’ll have the uniform at your door by 7:00, that sound good with you ?”
“Yep” I said getting up from the corner of the floor finally and brushing off all the crumbs that was left on my shirt.
“Awesome! See yah, tomorrow then” She said leaving the room that apparently was just across from mine.
Once Jenna had left, Fred made his unwanted appearance, moving out from the shadows of the curtains." Are you going to eat that parfait?"
“I don’t like parfait” I mumbled looking at the unappetizing yogurt that has been sitting on my desk for a few a while.
"WRONG ANSWER!- NOW OPEN WIDE!" Fred’s ghostly shadow flew down like a falcon about to attack his pretty.
“God fucken damn it Fred!” I groaned forgetting for a split moment of my anger and confusion of being thrown to a school of the paranormal. Instead, I directed it all towards at the demon who continued to mock me for being the new kid.