The roaring and crashing rumble from Fred and Alex's spirit were still continuing as we moved out from the house to the front yard. The yard was ripped open with the angelic statues crumbled to pieces. The group stood frozen afraid to step any further. There was no clear indication on which spirit was the strongest unless you were keeping track of the spit ball of fire on the lawn and ruined flower beds. It looked as if they could battle for all eternity if nobody stopped them.
Distracted by the monster's brawl, Alex's hand swiftly grabbed hold of my wrist. Not even giving me a second to realize what he was trying to accomplish, he pulled my ring off in less than a minute. At first, I didn't think he was able to get it off, as I tried numerous times in the basement after Fred gobbled Jerald's spirit guide.
Once the ring was off, a red burnt mark was left causing me to grimace from the sting. Pulling my hand my back to examine my new injury, Alex snatched my wrist right back. Luckily his eyes were fixed on the mark and not the redness burning on my face.
I hated the fact my heart decided to thump faster whenever he touched me. It was stupid and embarrassing to have these feelings slither out like a can of worms. It was annoying how comforting he was for a split moment, and then he's back to having his uncaring attitude persona. Nothing is more irritating when a person can't pick a personality.
"Vlad it's time to come back." Alex spoke waving his black phone with one hand. His spirit guide was the only one standing due to Fred being forcefully removed from the makeshift arena.
"Sure you did." Alex smirked still holding my wrist as I attempted to rip away from his grasp. He raised an eyebrow at my pitiful efforts as I tried to pull away.
"Megan, hurry up and heal this so we can get going." Alex dragged me forward with my arm raised almost above my head. Does he not realize how fucken tall he is? Megan forced a tight smile, focusing on keeping her upbeat attitude afloat.
"I'm fine!" I shouted as I finally escaped from the clutches of Alex Count's octopus hands.
"Of course-" She answered, reaching for my hand until a portal tore open with the same black ominous door appearing in front of us. Ms. Helen and a taller woman with black hair, wearing a tight dress, came out the door.
"Mikeala Hernadez, I need you to come with me immediately." The woman's voice sounded stern and harsh even Ms. Helen was taken back.
"The rest of you will be coming with me." Ms. Helen said gently guiding Jerald and Sammy to a different door that suddenly appeared. Midnight easily carried Jenna quickly through the same door.
Rei and Megan followed afterwards not missing a beat to retreat from the cold stone teacher. Alex was the only person who took his time heading towards the door. He slipped my ring back into my pocket with his face leaning so close to my ear, I could feel his hot breath.
"Don't say anything stupid. She will find a reason to kill you in a heartbeat"
Does it look like I want to be alive after all of this?
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My body and mind felt like an empty shell, as I stood in front of the same faculty members that had studied me like a lab rat from the moment I enrolled in the school. However, today they held a different look in their eyes. They would avert their gaze and body as if I could potentially suck their soul and crush their spirit instantaneously. Nobody uttered a word, but the silence said everything. Even a blind man could sense the terror these people felt once I walked in the room.
So why not just fucken suspend me already?
The only person in the room who kept their composure and expression passive was Headmaster John. He did not appear to be anxious like the others, but it was easy to tell that he was struggling to find the words to start the conversation. The crowd was against me, and I couldn’t blame them. Fred was evil and I have no control over him. Therefore, I am just as evil.
“I understand that an unfortunate accident has happened-" The headmaster said, already creating a loud murmur from the teachers whose faces were anything but understanding.
“An accident! A student had to be removed from the school and now we must explain to the parents their son no longer has spiritual abilities!” The same woman who led me through the door snapped, and stood up from her chair abruptly. The crowd wasn’t hiding their opinions as they openly agreed with the woman who darted her dark cold eyes at me. This woman wasn’t afraid of me, it was so much deeper. This person hated everything about me.
“And what do you expect for us to do to Hernandez, Miss Barker?” Headmaster John questioned with his voice dropped with a grim knowing expression.
“Have her exorcised for Christ sakes! We all know that Soul Eaters possessive too much of a threat in our school than any vampire or werewolf!” Miss Barker said as she turned to the crowd to amplify the terror they previously felt to a new level of fear.
This is how the Beast must have felt from the angry mob, the only thing they are missing are the pitch forks.
“No child will be harmed in this school.” The headmaster declared, his voice echo throughout the room, creating an uncomfortable silence.
“A child was already harmed!” She spat angrily not backing down from the headmaster. The teachers nodded their heads and agreed with her statement.
This wasn’t going to end well for me, but I was okay with it. I didn’t care what they decided to do with me. Jerald’s piercing cry and the unforgettable terror painted on Sammy’s face is forever engraved in my head. I don’t think I can carry any more guilt than what I already had to begin with. No matter what I do, I always find myself hurting others whether it was intentional or not.
I don’t belong in this school. I don’t belong anywhere…
I felt myself raise my hand to speak but nobody was paying attention. Miss Barker and Headmaster John were no different than Megan and Rei shouting at each other as if nobody was in the room.
I tried to fake a loud cough, but no one paid attention. Finally, I decided to get over my fear of being in the spotlight and raise my hands close to my mouth to amplify my voice.
“I WANT TO BE EXORCISED-!”I shouted but my voice was lost in the wind as a door blasted open with Alex dragging a ruffed up Jessie from the collar of his jacket. Miss Barker and headmaster John’s body jolt from the surprisingly blaring entrance.
I stared at Alex with confusion wondering why the hell he showed up. He didn't acknowledge me as he walked in the room which shouldn't have shocked me but for some reason it was just as aggravating. I didn’t want his help. What I wanted was to be done with this school and Fred.
“You better have an emergency to be bursting through a private meeting like that Count.” Miss Barker said icily with her dark eyes piercing back at Alex, who appeared to be completely unfazed by her threatening tone.
“Before you start throwing stones at students who were forced to possess soul eaters, I think you should listen to Jessie’s statement.” Alex said his amber eyes staring down at Jessie who was fidgeting awkwardly next to him.
“We already heard what he had to say.” Miss Barker said with bite in her tone, as her nails drummed on the desk impatiently.
“What else do you have to add, Jessie.” The headmaster said speaking with so much softness compared to Miss Barker. A loud gulp could be heard from Jessie’s throat as he stared back briefly at Alex's cold gaze and Miss Barker’s burning glare. What a shitty position to be in right now.
“I wasnotatthehouse duringtheassignment.-” Jessie spoke faster than any person on coke or crack with a voice so small and light. I couldn’t understand one syllable that came out his mouth.
"I need you to speak up, boy." The headmaster sighed, his patience was growing thinner by the second.
"Speak slowly so they can understand you." Alex said speaking directly to Jessis with irritation laced in his tone. If Jessie could shrink any lower, he would have.
Jessie nodded as he tried to focus his eyes on the headmaster. "I never went inside the house with the level D students. I figured there was nothing in the house so I decided to wait outside."
"I see. Thank you for your honesty. Do you feel that if you were inside the home, you would have known to contact the teachers as soon as you realized the type of spirit that was inside?" The headmaster added. Miss Barker clicked her tongue with annoyance as she rolled her eyes.
"Yes sir. None of this would have happened if I did my duty." Jessie answered his voice sounding a bit stronger than before.
"Good. Who was the teacher that assigned you to this group?" The headmaster asked with an all knowing smile curled on his lips.
"Miss Barker."
The votes of the teachers were mixed. Some voices could be heard from the teachers questioning Miss Barker's capabilities, where others still agreed with her. Headmaster John sat back down with relief on his face.
"This does not fall on the student but on as teachers failing to keep both of these students safe." The Headmaster took a moment to look at each teacher with some appearing ashamed, however, Miss Barker was furious.
"As of today, with Alexander Count present, he will be Mikeala's mentor. You are clearly best suited for the job as you possess and control a Soul Eater yourself." The headmaster stated as the teachers were mixed with this new alternative. "Are there any objections to this motion?" He added, ignoring the dark flames burning in Miss Barker's eyes.
"Miss Hernadez, do you have any questions or like to add anything else?"
"Can I just be exorcised?" I found myself blurting out, shocking the Headmaster and faculty members.
"Excuse me?"
Before I could repeat myself, Alex's large hand literally covered my face, pulling me to his side. "Don't listen to her. She's only joking." The headmaster pretend to chuckle unsure what joke I was trying to make.
"Well, it's safe to say that this meeting is over. Does everyone agree with that at least?"
"Yes." The teachers responded almost unanimously ready to return back to their classrooms or to whatever they were doing previously. As soon as everyone left the room, with Miss Barker leaving last to give us a scowled and heated look before she left, Alex pinched the side of my cheek.
I smacked his hand away as if I was swatting an annoying fly that was persistent on landing on me. No matter how many times I swatted his hand away, he would find a way to irritate me. Suddenly, he grabbed both my arms preventing me from smacking his hand away from my face. He leaned in close, revealing his true emotions- Mister too cool to express himself was pissed off.
"What did I say about not saying anything stupid."
"You should have been more specific."