Two and a half weeks had passed and it was just after lunch on Monday, and I reported to Brian’s room like I normally do after lunch. When I got there, he was spinning around in his swivel chair like I normally do. I stifled a laugh.
“What are you doing, Mr. Thomas?” I asked, still in school-mode.
“You do know you can call me Brian, right?” He asked, continuing to spin around.
“I’m still in ‘school-mode’, Brian,” I replied, sitting in my normal spot.
He stuck his tongue out at me and continued spinning. “I don’t have any work to do, so feel free to do whatever. Also, you will have someone new coming here. His schedule was changed recently, and this was one of the only available ‘classes’ for him.”
“Who?” I asked.
“Sorry *twitch* I’m late. I couldn’t find the room,” A familiar voice said, walking into the room. It was Toby.
“It’s fine. I’m Mr. Thomas, if you haven’t realized that by now. I usually just let you guys work on homework or help me with some grading or whatnot, but most of the time you guys can have a free period.” Brian explained.
“Gotcha,” Toby replied, “I’m guessing--”
“You can sit wherever you want, yes.” Brian said, still spinning around like an idiot.
Toby sat down by me and whispered, “Does he do that *twitch* a lot?”
“He only does it when I’m not. Which is pretty much all the time.” I whispered back.
“Whisper, whisper, whisper. I still hear you,” Brian said, still spinning around. “And this is my thing now. Mwahahaha! I’m so mean.”
I casually got up and tipped his chair over, sending him to the floor on his butt. I sat in the chair and rolled away. Brian pouted.
“I should give you a detention for that,” He frowned at me, “But yet again, I’m technically not allowed that.” He fake sniffed.
Toby was just watching this go down, “Are you guys *crack* secretly related or something?”
“Nah, mate,” I said, using a British accent.
“We’re definitely not,” Brian said, getting up from the floor and sitting in his non-swivel chair. “We’re just pretty used to each other. Almost like friends? Wow, that sounds really weird to say…”
“Very,” Said a voice from the doorway. We all turned to see Tim standing in the doorway with Austin. “Mrs. Fluss told me to bring Austin here. I hope this doesn’t cause any trouble for you, Brian.”
“Of course not,” Brian said, getting up. “The more the merrier, right?” He shook hands with Austin. “I’m Mr. Thomas. I don’t believe we’ve met before, have we?”
“No,” Austin said, his tone was normal-ish sounding, “But I’ve seen you and Mr. Wright around Sarah. Goes to you guys a lot.”
“I’m troubled and need counseling,” I said, spinning around in the chair. “Even more so after what you did.”
Toby looked at me, confusion was written on his face. Austin glared at me, before he noticed Tim and Brian’s eyes were on him and his eyes softened.
“Tim, I need to talk to you outside,” Brian said, taking Tim’s arm. “It’s really important.”
“How important?” Tim asked.
“Very important,” Brian insisted. Tim sighed and followed him outside. Brian peeked his head in and looked at us, “Do not do anything bad. We’re right outside.” He then closed the door.
Austin stared at the door for a few seconds before walking over to Toby. “I heard from Carlos that you picked a fight with him. First you think you can take what’s mine and then you mess with my best friend. What’s wrong with you, you twitching freak?”
Toby glared daggers at Austin and spoke without even twitching. “First off, Sarah hates you, it’s clear to see, yet you keep trying to “win her over” or some cheesy bull like that. Secondly, I didn’t start the fight. And third, you can’t claim a girl who hates you with every atom of her being--”
Smack! Toby was interrupted by Austin slapping him. I felt something snap.
“WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!??!” I demanded, pushing Austin away from Toby. Austin stumbled back and fell backwards over a chair.
Austin looked highly startled at this, as if he had forgotten I was even there. He propped himself up on his elbows. “H-How… You pushed me…”
“You hit Toby,” I replied back with my voice sounding monotone. “Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it?”
Austin somersaulted backwards and got up like this was some sort of a fight scene from a manga or anime. “Oh yes it is.” Austin chimed before running at me.
I grabbed Toby and ducked to the side with him in my arms, avoiding the attack with ease. Austin skidded and barely missed bumping into the table. “Why you--!!” The door began to slowly open. Toby and I quickly sat in our seats and pretended to be working on math. Austin quickly sat in a random chair and began “reading”.
Tim and Brian walked in, each had an eyebrow raised.
I cleared my throat, “So, uh, Toby, to find the hypotenuse, you must…”
“Yeah I *twitch* got that,” Toby said, rolling his eyes all sassy-like.
“Remember, A squared plus B squared equals C squared, so…” I lowered my voice and continued to “help” Toby with his math.
Tim walked over to me and Toby and whispered, “You’re not really doing math, are you?”
“Nope,” We said in unison.
“Sarah, head to my office after this period, alright? I’ve already told Mrs. Wooly that you’ll be in my office for at least part of the period.” Tim said.
“Okay,” I replied.
Tim said something to Brian before heading out. Brian turned to face the three of us and spoke, “Okay. Tell me what happened in here in full detail.”
Toby and I gulped as Austin looked up from his book. Maybe the boy was actually reading. Didn’t know his brain had that much capacity.
“Well…” I started before Toby interrupted me.
“We had a little misunder*crack*standing, but it’s all good now. Right guys?” Toby lied.
I blinked at him, before nodding. “Yeah. That’s what happened.”
Austin nodded, “Yeah.”
Brian didn’t look convinced, but hid it well. “Well then… If that’s the case…” He looked up at the clock. He was probably gaging how long we had left in the period. “Still got fifty or so minutes… Let’s watch YouTube. Sarah can pick the videos.”
“Oh yassss!” I cheered, walking over to Brian’s computer and went to YouTube while he set up the ELMO (projector). “Can we watch Dan and Phil? Oh, how about Markiplier! No… Even better…” I pulled up Kubz Scoutz’s Yandere Simulator Myths videos. “KUBZ SCOUTZ!!”
Brian chuckled, “Of course…”
I clicked a video that I knew would be very promising. I sat by Toby and pulled my legs to my chest. We kept watching as he did the intro:
“What’s up guys, Jay from the Kubz Scouts here, and welcome back to another episode of Yandere Simulator Myths: the show where I put myths to the test!”
The episode was pretty interesting and I laughed when he said, “Okay, let’s say this all together now! Let’s take this KNIFU AND END THIS BITCH’S LIFU!!!!!” Toby gave me a weird look as I said it with him.
“Let me guess *crack*, that’s his catchphrase,” He asked.
“Yep!” I said, popping the ‘P’ in yep.
“Why am I *twitch* not surprised?” Toby said, chuckling under his breath.
We continued watching the video until it ended:
“Well, that’s the last myth for today. Like the video if you enjoyed and comment what myths or glitches you’d like to see if the next video! And make sure to share this video and tell your friends that Jay from the Kubz Scouts IS THAT DUDE!” The words “That Dude” appeared on the black screen in big, uppercase white letters a couple seconds after he said the last phrase and the video ended.
Brian turned to look at me in his swivel chair, “It’s official. You’re obsessed.” He looked at the clock, “Also, Sarah you need to report to Mr. Wright’s office.”
I shrugged, “Okay…” I grabbed my things and headed out of the room.
I walked through the school until I got to Tim’s office. I knocked on the door and heard a “Come in!” from Tim. I opened the door and walked in.
“Ah, Ms. Blutfleck. Please have a seat,” Tim was being really formal. Something was wrong.
“Okay…” I said, having a seat in front of his desk. “What’s wrong?” I mouthed.
“Bugs,” Tim mouthed back.
“Bugs. They’re onto me and Brian. Here..” Tim cleared his throat and spoke as he wrote something onto a whiteboard. “So, how have you been since our last session?” He wrote: SCP agents have infiltrated school. Bugged my room. Bugged Brian’s too.
My eyes widened as he passed the whiteboard to me along with the marker and eraser.
“I-I’ve been good,” I said, “Better than I thought I would, to be honest…” I wrote: SCP agents? Like the SCP foundation? Secure Control Protect?
Tim took the board back, “Well that’s good.” He wrote: Exactly. They know who I am, who Brian is, and who you, your friends, and Toby are. Or, at least, what you’ll become.
I took the board back, “Yeah.. Austin harassed me a little this morning and Carlos harassed me in the hallway before lunch. Nothing new.” I quickly wrote: They know who I am? I don’t even know who I am! What will I become?
Tim quickly took the board back and erased it. “Well, that’s a shame. Kids messing with other kids. We have a great future don’t we?” He said the last part with heavy sarcasm.
“Yeah, I guess..” I trailed off as someone entered the room. It was the Vice Principal, Mr. William. Mr. William had slicked back blond hair, forest green eyes, and pale skin. He always wore something slightly formal, like a navy vest, gray undershirt, and black slacks. Looking closely, I saw that his shirt sleeves were rolled up past his elbows, revealing part of a tattoo that said SCP A 00 in small font from what I saw.
“Mr. Wright, may I talk to you in the hallway?” He asked. His voice was calm and smooth, yet had a, slightly, threatening tone to it.
“Of course, Mr. William…” Tim said, his tone was a bit uneasy. Mr. William exited the room with Tim following him. Tim looked back at me, a look of fear was on his face. He mouthed three words “Get to Brian” before turning back to Mr. William.
I slowly got to my feet and crept to the door and pressed my ear against it. I heard every little detail of their conversation:
Mr. William: I know exactly who you are, “Mr. Wright”.
Tim: Oh? Who am I then?
Mr. W: You are Timmothy Wright, also known as Masky, and you work under Richard Lee, also known to us agents as Slenderman.
T: Well, you certainly don’t believe in childish internet stories, don’t you?
Mr. W: I’ve seen your mask.
T: *silence* How did you find it?
Mr. W: That’s not important right now. What is important is you giving her over.
T: Who?
Mr. W: You know exactly who I’m talking about, Proxy.
T: *voice deepens* You won’t lay a finger on her.
Mr. W: Oh ho ho, you would defend a halfling? A dangerous halfling who should be given to the SCP Foundation for safe keeping?
T: Safe keeping my foot! The SCP Foundation would only hurt her and experiment on her! Don’t you dare tell me that she would be--smack--Gah!
Mr. W: That’s for not holding your damned tongue, Proxy!
T: She can hear us you know…! *breathing heavily* RUN, SARAH! RUN!!
I backed away from the door, grabbed my things, and ran out the door. Mr. William fell backwards from the force of me running out of the room. I ran down the corridors until I reached Brian’s room.