I woke up in my room, feeling dazed at first before remembering what had happened. I almost died yesterday!! Holy mudder truckers!!! I then realized that Mr. Wright and Mr. Thomas were Masky and Hoodie from Marble Hornets! But why were they watching over me? Me of all people!! What makes me so special? I sighed, getting up from my bed and walking over to my dresser.
I grabbed some black jeans, a Get Scared shirt, some Jack Skellington socks, my black hoodie, and got changed from my purple tank top and fuzzy black and red pajama pants. After getting dressed, I brushed my hair since it was a rat’s nest, as per protocol. I grabbed my Jack Skellington high tops and laced them up. I glanced over at my, fabulous, black and red striped scarf and put it on. I then glanced over at my black fishnet gloves and my black fingerless gloves. I bit my lip, before putting the fishnet gloves on and then put my fingerless gloves on top. Fabulous, I look fabulous.
It was barely past 5 AM, twirled around in my room, striking weird and silly poses. I didn’t notice my door open. It was Mark, Allison’s fiance.
“Hey,” He said, adjusting his quiff. “What do you think of the blue streak in my hair? Allison and I got matching streaks.”
I smiled at Mark. He was a good guy and treated my sister like a princess. I liked him for that. “Blue looks good on you. When did you dye your hair, if I may ask?” I asked him.
“Yesterday,” Mark replied, tracing the blue streak with his left hand, “We decided last minute before our date ended.”
“Well, last minute or not, it looks pretty good.” I said, smiling. “Wait, Mark it’s barely past 5 AM, why are you here, if you don’t mind me asking?” Mark blushed.
“Why are you up?” He asked me back.
“I couldn’t get back to sleep, so I decided why not?” I smiled, “You are avoiding the question, Mark. Why are you here?”
Mark blushed slightly, “Um, it was pouring like crazy before our date ended, so I dropped Allison off and she said it would be best if I stayed here.”
“Mark, I was in the woods after you left and probably before you ended your date. It didn’t rain at all.” I said, smirking.
“Well, maybe Allison suggested that I stay the night,” Mark said, his blush not going away. I smirked.
“Okay, whatever you do is your business. Just don’t get my sister pregnant, okay?” I said, getting my desired reaction from Mark.
“W-What!?! N-No, I would never do that with h-her!!! Not until marriage!!” Mark said, his voice slowing steadying. I smirked.
“I believe you.” I said, walking over to my window. I gazed out into the dark world. I felt a buzzing sensation in my skull. I stared for many moments before I felt Mark place his hand on my shoulder.
“Hey? Sar-Sar? You okay?” He asked me. I kept staring out the window. I nodded.
“I just really like the forest,” I said, not looking away. “There’s just something about it that I just can’t ignore…”
Mark let go of my shoulder. “Well, I guess you just like the solitude and such? Anyways, I’m going to be leaving. Tell Allison that I left, okay?”
I nodded, “Sure thing, Mark.” I heard Mark leave the room with a quiet “thanks”. I kept staring out of the window until I saw Mark get in his car and leave.
I went over to my desk and began to sketch. I don’t know what I was drawing; it was just appearing on the paper beneath my pencil. I looked at my phone as I finished drawing; it was 6:25. I looked to see what I had drawn. It was a picture of Tim, Brian and two other guys. I recognized one of the guys to be Alex, or the man who was threatening Tim and Brian with taking my life. The other guy, however, I didn’t know who he was. He was holding a camera and had a hat on his head.
I shook my head and drew another picture and colored it in. This time, I drew myself with someone I hadn’t even seen or heard of before. In the picture, we were sitting hand in hand. I was wearing a black dress that didn’t hide my scars on my arms and wrists. He was wearing a slightly formal outfit; black skinny jeans, dark gray shirt with a vest that was unbuttoned, and an orange bowtie. His hands were bandaged slightly larger than mine were.
I stared at the picture, trying to figure out who I had drawn. Unable to find any conclusions, I set it aside in my binder. I looked at my phone, finding it was now 7:13. I rolled my eyes, before gathering up my things and began going downstairs and to the kitchen. I set my stuff down on the couch as I walk through the living room. I make myself some toaster waffles before noticing that I was being watched.
I looked up and saw Alex watching from the trees in my backyard. I paled, noticing the pipe in his hands. His gaze was locked onto me. He smirked, realizing that I had seen him. He gestured for me to come to him. I shook my head and backed away from the window. I heard my waffles pop up, so I grabbed them and put them on my plate. Allison came downstairs and started making her own waffles.
“Hey, Sarah. Like my streak?” She asked me, her voice sounding a little faint, but not too noticeable.
“Yeah, it’s pretty cute that you and Mark got matching streaks,” I said, taking a bite out of my waffle; ignoring the fact that I am now being hunted down by Alex.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. “I wonder who that could be…” Allison said, walking to the door, “Watch my waffles for me, Sarah.” I shrugged, before realizing that Alex could be at the door. Panic surged through my body. I walked hurriedly to the door, finding Allison conversing with a girl not that much older than her with long blonde hair in a ponytail and vibrant green eyes.
“Hi, I’m Lyra,” she greeted with a smile. Allison smiled back. “And this is my brother, Toby.” Lyra gestured to the boy who was standing right beside her. The boy, “Toby”, had short, fluffy brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, and pale, almost sickly, gray skin. He would twitch every now and then, which I found to be ADORABLE!!! Don’t judge my life choices!
“I’m Allison, and that’s my little sister, Sarah. Sarah, come say hi to Lyra and Toby!” Allison said, waving me over. I walked over slowly and waved shyly.
“H-Hi… I’m Sarah...” I said, stuttering a bit. I was a bit nervous around strangers. Lyra smiled at me and waved. Toby jerked his hand as he tried to wave at me. I blushed. I know I just met him, but DAMN that boy is cute!
“Aww, you’re a little shy, aren’t you? That’s so adorable!” Lyra said, giggling. “Don’t you agree, Toby?”
Toby looked over at his sister, “What? I *crack* guess so….” He was blushing a deep shade of red.
Allison smiled, “So, do you want to come in? I should have offered before..”
Lyra smiled back politely, “Sure. Maybe we can get to know each other better, then.”
Allison backed away so Lyra and Toby could enter the house. I backed away and headed to the kitchen when I heard Allison’s waffles pop up.
“I’ll get your waffles so they don’t burn,” I told Allison, and made my way to the toaster. I quickly got the hot waffles and put them on the plate, almost burning myself. “Sweet freckled Jeebus you’re HOT!!!!” I waved my hand in the air, trying to cool it off.
“Well *crack* you’re not so bad *crack* yourself,” Toby said, smirking. I whirled around and saw him just standing there, smiling at me.
“Are you a waffle? I think not. And thank you! At least someone appreciates me!” I said, laughing. Toby smiled.
“Yeah, and I secretly *crack* am a waffle! I’m delicious.” Toby grinned.
“You’re pretty outgoing, now aren’t you?” I asked, leaning against the counter.
Toby shrugged, “I mean, I guess. *crack* You just seemed like a nice person. And you like Get Scared….” Toby said, gesturing to my shirt.
I looked down at my shirt, “Oh! Allison got my this shirt at Warped Tour! It’s actually got signed by the band! See?” I asked, pulling the edge of the shirt down to show Toby their signatures. “Same thing with one of my Black Veil Brides shirts.”
Toby smiled, “Bands are *crack* pretty cool, huh?” I grinned.
“That’s awesome! We already have something in common, well, besides having older sisters.” I said, smiling. I looked over at my waffles, “Do you want any?” I asked out of the blue.
Toby looked at me, hope in his eyes, “Really? I can have some?” I nodded. “YES!!!” I gave Toby four of my eight waffles and we ate them in my room.
“Your room’s pretty cool,” Toby said. He was sitting on one of the bean bag chairs. I sat in the other one and smiled at him.
“Thanks. This is pretty much one of the only rooms in the house I can just be alone in. You know, besides the attic,” I said, pulling my knees to my chest. Toby smiled at me, a knowing look in his eyes.
I smiled back. We just sat there, awkwardly, for many moments until Lyra and Allison came up to get us.
“Come on, Sarah,” Allison said, swinging her car keys around on her right index finger, “Toby and Lyra can ride with us, if they’d like.”
I looked up at Allison before looking at Toby. Toby gave me a shy smile, “Well *crack* it will be my first day at *crack* school..”
I got up and helped him up, “Well, maybe, you can hang out with me and my friends.”
Toby smiled, “I’d like that.”
Lyra let out a little squeal, “Aww you guys are just too cute!!!”