I couldn’t believe my ears. Or my eyes. Or my other senses for that matter. I finally had a real family. I was missed! I wasn’t given up by choice! I was loved!
I kept holding onto my mother tightly, as if I was fearing that she would disappear if I let her go. My mother gently traced the scars on my arms as I hugged her. Tim and Brian had left the room to give us some privacy. I think Tim was even tearing up.
She rubbed my back and hummed. “Sarah, my child,” She spoke softly, “Tell me all about you. I would love to hear the story behind these scars and bruises.”
I looked up at her. I sniffed and pulled away. “Before I was knocked out, this boy named Carlos beat the sh*t out of me and sprayed me with Axe. A-And the scars.. I gave those myself…” I noticed a glint in my mother’s eye. “I-I threw my blade away though… A long time ago, actually..”
“Good,” She replied in a calm tone. She isn’t ashamed? Mad? Glad she gave me away? “How fresh is your last cut?”
“Four… Five years,” I said calmly. She raised an eyebrow at me. “Months… But Kaitlyn and Ash stole my blade and flushed it down the toilet and made me watch.”
She smiled, “Honesty is very important, my child! Now, we need to get going~!”
“For what?” I asked.
“For your first kill. Or revenge, I should say.” She smiled at me.
“Revenge?” Then it clicked. “On Austin?” I cracked grin and began to laugh like a psychopath (like Yandere-Chan’s laugh). “Oh~, this will be fun~!!”
My mother smiled at me and handed me my hoodie and scarf. I put on my hoodie fixed my scarf around my neck. I grabbed my pair of boots from next to Tim and Brian’s, which made mine look small in comparison. I laced them up and reached into my hoodie pockets and grabbed my black fishnet undergloves, put them on, and grabbed my black fingerless gloves and put them on over the fishnet gloves.
“You look good, kid,” Mom commented, “Something’s missing though… Oh yeah, your father told me to give you these.” She handed me black goggles with purple lenses. “They’re to hide your eyes from your victims.”
“Neato,” I said, putting the goggles on. “Whoa, everything is purple!”
Mom giggled, “How animated you are… You’ll be a delightful new addition to the Mansion!”
I smiled at her. She was really pretty. Like, whoever my father was, he has to be really lucky.
“Really?” I asked. I suddenly felt really happy.
“Really,” She replied.
I smiled to myself. I felt pride. I don’t really think I’ve felt that before.
“Come on, Sarah,” Mother said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, “Let’s go meet your father.”
We walked out into the woods. The silence between us was almost deafening. That’s when the static hit us.
“Relax darling,” Mom said with a smile, “It’s only us.”
Slender appeared before us. His aura was soothing and calming. He gazed, at least I think he was, at my mother with such love that I felt uncomfortable.
Slender then looked at me with what I think is a smile. “I assume she knows who she is now, am I correct Veronica?”
“She knows that I brought her into the world,” Mom replied. “I knew she’d remember the moment she saw my face. Even with my scars.”
“Then she doesn’t know who I am to her?” Slender asked.
This made me feel strange. Slender was a part of my life? I mean, yeah he’s followed me around my whole life, but what other impacts has he had on my life?
“Not yet, but she will soon,” Mom promised him.
“Uh, what’s going on now?” I asked. Slender and mom looked at me like they forgot I was even there.
“You’ll understand later,” Mom promised. I sighed. She looked at me curiously, as if needing an explanation.
“My adoptive parents did that all the time,” I explained, “They always told me that I would understand later or something like that.”
“Oh, well…” Mom cleared her throat, “Sarah…” She turned to face Slender, “I don’t know how to explain this to her!”
Slender pinched where I would assume the bridge of his nose would be, “How hard is it to explain who someone’s fa--Oh I see your point…” He stopped. I think they’re speaking telepathically? Is that even possible?
“Dearie, of course it’s possible!” Death chimed. Ugh. I thought she had gone away! “You know I am never done with you. Even when you die, I will always be with you!”
So comforting, Death… I thought sarcastically, We’re going to spend the rest of our life together skipping around, drinking tea, and eating biscuits (cookies. I sometimes use British terms. Deal.) and all sorts of goodies!
“I sense sarcasm!” Death said in a sing-song voice.
Well that is one of my favorite songs by Get Scared… I thought to Death.
“Of course it is! Isn’t that the first one you heard by them? The one that got you hooked for more?” Death asked me.
Well yes-- I was torn from my thoughts by harsh static.
“Ow!” I whimpered, rubbing my ears as the static faded. I looked up at Slender, “What was that for??”
“That was meant more for Death than you, Sarah,” Slender apologized, “She was getting way too loud!”
I frowned, “You only hear when you want to. I never have a choice.”
Slender sighed and patted my shoulder. “It’s time for you to come to the Mansion and meet the others.”
“The others?” I asked.
“Yes, the others,” Mom said, “You need to meet your brother and sister, your aunt and uncles, your cousin, and the other CreepyPastas.”
“Wow,” I said, “Big family.”
Slender and my mother exchanged looked and laughed. “You have no idea,” They said in unison.
I rolled my eyes and shoved my hands into my hoodie pockets. “Okay then… Creepy…”
Mom smiled at me, “We’re CreepyPastas, my dear child. Of course we’re creepy.”
I just sighed and followed them to the Mansion.
I stared at the Mansion in awe. It was beautiful, old-fashioned looking, but still incredibly beautiful. The outside had a Gothic Victorian look to it, like it was built during the Victorian era, and appeared to have a huge garden in the back.
“Ah the Mansion,” Mom spoke softly, “Still never gets old.”
I stayed silent as I continued to just stare at the building. How many people lived here now?
“Come,” Slender beckoned me to the front porch-like area. I walked up to him and stood beside him. My mother stood on the other side. “It’s time for you to be introduced.”
Slender opened the doors and ushered me inside. Slender cleared his throat and said, in a large and booming voice, “Everyone! Come meet the newest member and Proxy of the household!”
Right as he said that, many people came down the stairs ranging from an eight-year-old girl to a strange-looking Gothic clown. The little girl stared at me in delight.
“Yay! A new playmate!” She ran over to me and hugged my legs. I smiled at her before noticing the dried scabs on her forehead covering a gash. It looked as if she had been bashed on the head with a large rock. “I’m Sally! Will you play with me?”
I just smiled at her and patted her head, “Maybe later, dearie.”
“Hey, that’s my thing!” Death pouted.
Not anymore, I thought, Just like my Reality, it no longer belongs to you.
An older teen with longish blond hair, palish skin from being in front of a screen all day (I get that too), and pitch black eyes with red pupils looked at me. He had blood dripping from his eyes. He also looked a little high.
“Slenderp, who’s this?” He asked. He reached a hand out at me, “She’s so pretty~.”
I mentally gagged. He called me pretty. He must be high AF.
“Ain’t that the truth,” Death said, agreeing with me.
“BEN, this is Sarah. She is the newest Proxy. Be respectful of her.” Slender said, trying to keep cool. Does BEN do this a lot, then?
“Okay…” BEN laughed a little, “Sure… Whatever you say…” He then walked off.
Next came a guy with auburnish brown hair. He had a blue mask over his face with black eyes and this strange black substance dripping from the eye sockets. He leaned close to me and whispered in my ear, “Can I have your kidneys? They look fiiiiiiiiiiiine.”
I recoiled at that, “No. I need them.”
“You can keep one--”
“EJ, hands off!” A familiar voice said. Herobrine came running from down the stairs. In his hands was a bloody scythe-looking pickaxe. EJ rolled his eyes.
“I was just joking, mate,” He said, before walking off. “No one gets my humor…” He muttered under his breath.
Herobrine turned to face me and smiled, “Nice to see you again, Sarah.”
I smiled back, “Yeah. I didn’t think we’d meet like this again, though.”
“Yeah… Well…” He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, “I’m going to finish killing--I mean trolling, yeah trolling, these noobs. They seriously have gone too far…” He said, before disappearing into blue and white binary code.
Next, a girl with long brown hair, a green eye, and a clock eye came up to me. She offered out a hand and I shook it. “The name’s Clockwork. Don’t touch my knives. Bye.” She quickly walked off.
“That was rude,” Another familiar voice said. I turned around to see Tim and Brian walking towards me; both of which were in Masky and Hoodie mode.
“So,” Brian said as he and Tim reached me. “I’m guessing you found out that Slendy is your father? Veronica told you, right?”
I stared at Brian wide-eyed. “W-What?”
Veronica glared daggers at Brian, “YOU IDIOT!! SHE DOESN’T KNOW!!”
“Well now I do…” I said quietly. Everyone turned to face me. “What? I kind of figured he did a serious impact in my life, but being my dad? That was a little unexpected… But, you know, a possible plot twist.”
“What?” Tim asked, looking at me with so much confusion on his face, he could have been a meme.
“I’m a fanfiction writer,” I said, “Plot twists is what I do.”
“Well then…” Brian muttered, “That was unexpected.”
“Like I said,” I grinned, “PLOT TWIST!”