(Two days after Sarah had disappeared, Jade’s POV)
I was nervous. My parents didn’t want me to go to school the next day, I mean, a girl was freaking kidnapped in the school halls! Like, hello! That’s not normal!
Anyways, I was going to school today regardless of my parents’ pleas. Not that I really cared. I mean, why would I be kidnapped? I continued on my way to school. I didn’t live that far, only a couple blocks away actually, from the school.
I finally reached the school grounds. I sighed and made my way up. Maybe things won’t be so bad. I opened the front doors and stepped in. Suddenly, I was pushed into the wall. I growled and spun around to see a boy with ashen colored hair. He frowned at me.
“Watch where you’re going, okay? Hate to run you over again,” He said, completely ignoring the fact that he ran into me.
I glared at him. “What was this little b*tch’s problem??” Is what I wanted to say, but I am a polite person and don’t want to be suspended on my first day. “Uh, okay…”
He just shrugged, before frowning as a pair of footsteps approached us, “AAAAAAAAAASHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” A female voice called.
The boy, Ash, groaned before taking off in a different direction. The girl who was calling after him was fuming mad. “You can’t be a jerk to the new girl!! Don’t make me crush your half-moon!” She threatened.
I just stared at her. She was about five-foot, I think, and had long brown hair with faded blonde highlights and reddish bangs. She wore a black shirt with two cats and a unicorn with a galaxy design behind them, black, slightly skinny, jeans, and black vans. She had a crescent moon necklace around her neck with a shark tooth necklace to go with it. She smiled at me, “Hi! I’m Kaitlyn! Kaitlyn Witch! What’s your name?” She asked me.
“Jade.. Jade Blackwood ,” I responded.
“Well, Jade Blackwood ,” Kaitlyn said with a grin, “We are now best friends! I hope that is just fine with you!”
I blushed at her abruptness, “I.. uh… Okay…”
“Great! Sit with me and my friends at lunch, okay?” She said, “You’ve already met Ash, but you need to meet Toby! He’s really awesome and you can meet Sar--” Kaitlyn stopped mid-sentence. I knew who she was going to say. Sarah Blutfleck. She’s the girl who went missing two days ago. She coughed awkwardly and smiled at me, “So I’ll see you then, Jade!”
Kaitlyn then took off down the hall. Her breath was hitching every once in a while as she got further and further away from me. I could still hear her when she turned the corner. I guess Kaitlyn and Sarah were really close. I hope she’s not becoming friends with me just to fill the void. That would be sad. I’m not going to be like Butters from South Park who only hung out with Kyle, Cartman, and Stan when Kenny died.
I sighed again and looked at my schedule. Mr. Brightside, huh? I hope he’s a good teacher and won’t fail me on purpose. That’d suck.
I quickly made my way to room 92, Mr. Brightside’s room, and went in the classroom. Kids looked me up and down before going back to their little conversations and cliques.
I sighed, for the millionth time today, and sat down at the empty desk in the back. The desk was next to a boy with brown hair, brown eyes, and, light gray skin? The boy ticked a lot and ignored everyone. I sat in the empty desk beside him. That made him look up.
“Uh.. hi…” He said softly. He stared at the desk I was at before looking back at his own.
“Wait, is this seat taken already?” I asked.
He looked at me sadly. “Yeah.. It *twitch* belonged to my friend.. She’s the girl who went missing two days ago.”
“Oh,” I said, “I’m sorry, I’ll move--”
“You don’t have to,” He whispered, “She was presumed dead. That’s why *crack* there’s a drawing of a black rose, a red rose, and a purple rose on her locker; *twitch* courtesy of Kaitlyn.”690Please respect copyright.PENANAU2GK9jm21j
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“Oh… That’s nice of her…” I said. I felt really awkward and really bad right now. “What’s your name?”
“Toby. Toby Rogers…” He responded. “My ticks don’t freak you out?”
“No.. Why would they?” I asked.
“Kids called me Ticci Toby at my old *crack* school before we moved,” He explained. “It’s weird because *twitch* on my first day here, so many kids wanted to *crack* be my friend or partner…” Toby said, his eyes trailing to a girl with a light blue K stitched onto a gray sweater. He shuddered. “It was so freaking scary...?”
“Jade. Jade Blackwood,” I said.
“It’s nice to meet you, Jade,” Toby smiled at me.
“You too, Toby,” I said. The bell rang and class began.
~~~Timeskip, Lunchtime, Toby’s POV~~~
I hadn’t really known what to do since first hour. Should I be her friend or not? I’m not that great with people. Hell, it was a miracle that Sarah wanted to be friends with me and an even bigger miracle that Kaitlyn and Ash wanted to be friends with me as well. Things are so strange here.
Right now, I was walking with Ash from gym. He had gotten a little more closed off since Sarah disappeared. Even more so when she was assumed dead.
“You’re out of it today, Ticker,” Ash mused.
His nickname for me ticked me off a little bit, but I guess it was better than Ticci Toby. “Really? What makes you say that?”
“You aren’t ticking as much for one thing, and for the next, you were the last person to see Sarah. What did you say to her?”
I blinked at him, “What?” I asked.
“What did you say to her? It could have affected what she did.” Ash reasoned.
I sighed, “Well… It was personal… and I really wish I could do it over…”
“Did you ask her out?”
“Wait what?!?! No! I--” Ash interrupted me.
“Maybe that’s why she’s dead. You asked her out and she just couldn’t even--”
“SHUT UP!!” I hissed. Ash laughed.
“I’m just kidding, Toby! She probably didn’t die. I mean, she had until a week to be alive. Don’t know why the news said she was dead.”
“You’re not *twitch* funny…” I said, looking down.
“There’s the Ticker I know. C’mon. Kaitlyn’s waiting for us.” Ash said while he grabbed my arm and pulled me to the cafeteria.
We passed by Carlos who shouted “GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!”
Ash flipped him off and said, “Ah go **** ** ****!”
Carlos flushed an angry shade of red but didn’t do anything. Soon, Ash and I reached the cafeteria. We went in the lunch line got our food, and headed to our usual table. At the table, Kaitlyn was sitting with Jade. They waved at us as we sat down. As usual, Sarah’s spot was empty. I sat in the spot next to it like I would’ve done on any other day.
“So, how was gym?” Kaitlyn asked Ash, “You smell really bad.” Classic Kaitlyn.
“Like you always smell like roses,” Ash scoffed at her. Pretty soon they began arguing.
Jade looked at me, “Do they always fight?”
“Sometimes,” I replied.
“Are they dating or something?” Jade asked me.
I began to laugh. “What’s so funny?” Ash asked me.
“Jade just asked if *twitch* you guys were dating!” I replied.
Kaitlyn laughed, “Yeah no. Ash wishes he could get this!” Kaitlyn said, pointing to herself, “I’m literally the sexiest person at this school!!”
Ash glared at Kaitlyn, “Yeah no. We’re cousins, dude. We’re stuck with each other.”
“Yeah, if we were in Edgar Allen Poe’s time it’d be okay, but we’re not so no,” Kaitlyn said with a grin, “And thank God for that.”
Ash pretended to be offended, “B*tch, you’d be honored to marry me! I am Ashton Burns, the best guy around!”
“Yeah no,” Jade said, “You pushed me into the wall earlier.”
“You should’ve moved faster then,” Ash defended.
“Yeah, he’s a bit of an a**,” I told Jade.
Ash glared at me, “At least I stole Carlos and Austin’s Axe bottles and hid them so they wouldn’t spray us.”
Kaitlyn and Jade laughed, “True love right there!”
Ash and I blushed, before fake gagging, “Nope, nope-ity, nope nope! Nope-Coaster, please!”
“I’m just playing!” Kaitlyn said with a grin.
“I’m not,” Jade said while wiggling her eyebrows. Ash glared at her. “Kidding! Kidding! Geez.”
I rolled my eyes and began to eat my food. It was totally delicious and doesn’t taste bad like school food usually does. Nope. Totally not… Just kidding, it’s nasty.