I tensed up even more when I saw boots stop right by the opening of the hollow. I held my breath, hoping that whoever it was would go away. Nope, nope! Whoever it was crouched down to get a better look at me. They held out a hand.
“Take it. I won’t hurt you, kiddo. I promise.” His voice was calm and almost soothing, but I sensed an edge to it. Like Austin’s voice before “the incident”. He had broken glasses on his face. And a gun in his hand. He noticed my eyes looking at the gun. “Oh don’t worry; it’s not loaded. I promise.”
I, reluctantly, took his hand. Shadow crawled up after me. I then noticed two other men approaching me and this man. One wore a tan jacket with a white mask with black, feminine details. The other wore a faded yellow hoodie with the hood pulled up and a black ski mask with red eyes and a frown stitched in. The man must have noticed this, before he pulled me against him so I couldn’t move with his gun pointed to my head.
“STOP!! Get any closer and I will pull the trigger!!”
The white-masked man took his mask off, revealing… Mr. Wright?!?!? My guidance counselor?!?! “Let her go, Alex. If you pull the trigger, and he will make sure you don’t survive this time. You already took Jay and Jessica from us and put them in comatose states, and now you’re trying to steal his daughter from us, too? When will you stop?” Mr. Wright said, walking closer with his voice rising ever so steadily.
“BACK AWAY TIM!!! I WILL FUCKING DO IT!!! I WILL END HER LIFE, YOU SO HELP ME!!” Alex yelled, tightening his grip on me. The other masked guy took his mask off, revealing… Mr. Thomas?!?!? My para? What in Hades’ was going on here?!? Why are they dressed up like Masky and Hoodie from Marble Hornets? Oh wait, they are Masky and Hoodie! How did I not make that connection earlier?
“Leave her alone, Alex. You have already caused so much harm.” Mr. Thomas said, his voice remaining calm as he advanced towards us.
I heard Shadow growl before biting Alex’s leg. Alex let out a pain-filled cry. I heard the gun go off. I winced, waiting for the pain to arrive or for death. Nothing happened. I noticed that the gun was pointed at a tree, that evidentally had a bullet hole in it.
“Damn you mutt!!” Alex kicked Shadow. I felt something in me snap.
I grabbed a sharp stick from the ground and began beating Alex up with it. “DON’T HIT MY DOG, YOU BASTARD!!! DIDN’T YOUR MAMA EVER TELL YOU NOT TO HURT AN INNOCENT DOG!! ESPECIALLY A DOG THAT HAS ME AS IT’S OWNER?!!?!?!?” Alex pointed the gun at me. I kicked it out of his hands before he could shoot it again.
Alex started coughing up blood. I didn’t care. He tried to kill me, threatened Mr. Wright and Mr. Thomas with taking my life, and attacked my dog!! I was beyond pissed off. Alex slowly lost consciousness. I didn’t care.
Mr. Wright pulled me off of Alex. “Sarah, stop!! Sarah he’s unconscious!!! SARAH STOP HITTING ME!!!” I dropped the stick. “Good girl. Now will you explain to me why you stormed out of your house like that?”
“I’m sorry for beating up Alex and all but he hit my dog and I am very protective of him and my “dad” already hit him so that’s one of the reasons why I ran out of my hous--WAIT, how did you know I ran out of my house??” I asked Mr. Wright and Mr. Thomas.
Mr. Wright set me down on the ground, and knelt down as if I were a small child. “Sarah, I’m not just your guidance counselor. I am Slenderman’s Head Proxy. I know, it’s probably a lot to take in, but there’s actually a reason why I was selected to be your “guidance counselor”; I was around Slender my whole life, just like you were. Sarah, you have to believe me. If you’re feeling hurt and betrayed right now, I understand. I’m supposed to be a trustworthy adult you can spill your guts to.”
Mr. Wright got up, before pulling me into a hug. Confused, I hugged him back. “We saw the whole break down, Sarah. Carmen did set you up, but not for that outcome. She was meaning to get you in trouble--”
“She did get me in trouble, Mr. Wright!! My “parents” now think that I am a suicidal little freak!! My “dad” hates my guts and wishes I was never born! I don’t want to go back there…” I felt a tear escape my eye and roll down my cheek, staining Mr. Wright’s jacket.
Mr. Wright patted my back, “It’s okay, Sarah. I understand, but you have to. Brian and I will see you at school tomorrow. Promise.”
I nodded. “Yeah, but I don’t want to walk in with my “family” yelling at me about how much of a mistake I am.”
Mr. Wright nodded, “I can respect that. I’ll take you directly to your room. Just tell me what window.”
“O-Okay, but how do you propose we do that?” I ask, nervously.
“Oh, Tim’ll carry you,” Mr. Thomas said, putting his mask back on. “I need to take Alex away from here before he wakes up, so sadly I will not be accompanying you on your journey.”
“Tim?” I asked, a little bit confused.
“Oh, Tim is my first name, Sarah. I suppose you should know it now. Brian is Mr. Thomas’s first name. Only when we are alone, should you address us by our first names, do you understand?” Mr. Wright, er, Tim, asked me. I nodded.
“I think so… Tim…” I said, feeling a bit awkward.Tim put his mask back on.
“Good, now if you don’t mind, we, well, I, if you would rather, need to get you back home.” Tim said, awkwardly gesturing to pick me up.
“O-Okay…” I said, letting him pick me up bridal style. Tim started running at, seemingly, inhuman speeds. I held on for dear life, afraid of falling. Within a, seemingly, endless period of time, we ended up outside my house. The sun was beginning to set. Wow, I can’t believe we’d been out in the woods all day. Well, I did run off around 4 in the afternoon….
“Which window?” Tim asked.
“That one,” I said, pointing to the one with black curtains, band and anime posters, and dark purple walls.
“I should have figured,” Tim said with a chuckle, “It’s so like you.” Tim set me down before crouched in front of me. “Get on my back. Time for a piggie back ride, if you will. Twilight style, not so much.” I laughed, before hopping on his back. Tim walked over to the wall, before starting to climb up. Within moments, we were in my room.
“You should probably go get something to eat real quick and get to bed.” Tim said walked back over to the window. “I’ll see you at school tomorrow.” Tim was about to climb out the window before turning back to me. “Hey Sarah?”
“Yeah, Tim?” I asked.
“Be careful, alright? Alex might see you as a target now. Just like Jay and Jessica.” Tim said, climbing out the window. “See you tomorrow. Oh, and be nice to the new kid. He’s been through a lot, okay?”
“Uh, okay? Bye Tim!” I waved at him as he disappeared from sight. Wait, the new kid next door is a he? I wonder who it could be. But he’s been through a lot, apparently, and I guess he could be a new friend. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see tomorrow.