(Jade’s POV)
A couple weeks had passed before I heard some of the worst news of my life. Toby and his sister had gotten into a car crash. Kaitlyn and Ash had been quieter than normal. I guess the possibility of losing of a friend after you already had lost one has a big impact on people.
By what seemed to be a miracle, Toby survived the crash. Lyra, however, was a different story. She had been fighting for life, but sadly lost the battle. Ever since Lyra had died and Toby had been admitted from the hospital, he became home-schooled again. His mother said it was to help with his stress-levels.
Currently, Kaitlyn, Ash, and I were at lunch. It’s been three days since Toby’s started being home-schooled. To be completely honest, things have gotten completely boring without him around. I mean, I really want to visit him, but I can’t; I don’t know where his house is. Kaitlyn told me that Sarah knew, though, and that they were neighbors.
Kaitlyn spoke up. “So Jade?”
I looked up at her, “Yeah?”
“Why did you guys move here in the first place?”
“Mom said I could choose to live anywhere I wanted, so I chose here,” I replied with a little sarcasm.
“Oh really? Because we’re that awesome?” She replied back a little sassily.
“Yes. Totally. No, it was because housing here is cheaper than in my old town,” I explained. “That and my mom decided it was time to move.”
“Interesting,” Ash said sarcastically. “I’m going to go dump.” He told Kaitlyn without any emotion before getting up and dumping his tray.
“He’s just in a bad mood,” Kaitlyn told me, “Like always.” She sighed, “You should’ve seen him and Toby go at it before gym. He was swearing and yelling at him that it was his fault that Sarah disappeared…”
“Well,” I said, looking down at my tray. I stared at the banana and grinned, “Well, isn’t this banana long?”
Kaitlyn snickered, “Very.”
Ash came back and raised an eyebrow at Kaitlyn, “What are you two talking about?”
“Oh nothing!” Kaitlyn and I said in unison, “Just normal things like that fruit.”
Ash rolled his eyes, “Yeah. Whatever.”
~~~Toby’s POV~~~
I haven’t been able to sleep that well since I got back from the hospital. I can’t believe she’s gone. My big sister is gone. To make things worse, my father is now living with me and mom again. To make things even worse than that, he didn’t even come to see me or Lyra.
The only two things that had been helping me stay sane were gone. I couldn’t even talk to Jade or Kaitlyn about this. It was beginning to drive me mad. I kept staring at my hands. My bandaged hands. Chewing on my hands has been helping me a little bit, I guess. It’s a shame that mom had to walk in on me doing it. I guess there are worse things for her to walk in on me doing, though.
Suddenly, I heard static ringing in my ears. Nothing new, of course. The static grew harsher, more persistent and demanding. It was almost as if it wanted me to do something. Voices began popping up in my mind, invading me and tormenting me until I felt myself about to go over the edge. Then, just as quickly as it came, it all stopped. I was breathing hard. Sweat was drying on my forehead. I blinked, What just happened? I thought, Was it him? What does he want??
I scowled at this. My ticks became more frequent. I heard a knock at my door. I turned my attention to the door just as it opened. Mom looked at me.
“Toby, dinner’s ready. Do you want to come down or do you want me to bring food up here for you?” She asked me.
I just shrugged, “I don’t really *twitch* care…”
She just smiled at me. Sadness was hidden in her eyes. “Then come downstairs. Your father isn’t here right now. He’s out--”
“Drinking, I know,” I replied while getting up and walking to the door.
“--on business… Although drinking might be more like it…” Mom muttered as she walked ahead of me.
I sighed. Why was my family so broken? Mom’s afraid of dad, dad’s an alcoholic and abusive, my sister’s dead, and then there’s me. The twitching son who chews on his hands. I can’t even remember a time before dad started drinking. I shook my head and continued to the dining room table. Mom placed a plate in front of me and sat in the chair across from me. The chair next to me always remained empty ever since the car crash.
After we finished dinner, I helped mom with the dishes and went back to my room. I laid down on my bed before I heard the front door slam. Dad’s home, I thought, pretend you’re asleep… I quickly rolled over to my side and pretended to sleep. To my surprise, he didn’t come up here.
I sat up. The static came back. I groaned and held my head as I rocked slowly back and forth in the fetal position. I heard mom go to bed and the TV in the living room turn on. I got up. My breathing was getting heavier. I felt arms wrap around me.
“Just do it, Toby,” a very familiar voice said. “It’d be so freaking easy.” I froze. That smell. Strawberries and pancakes…. Sarah. But how is she here?!? In my room?!?
I whirled around to see nothing but my room. That’s when I noticed the soft breeze. Coming from my, not before, open window. She was here… Oh my God, she was actually here!! My heartbeat quickened.
I rushed to the window and looked down. Just outside my window stood a figure…. A figure that looked just like Sarah…. That’s when it hit me. It was Sarah.