I kept running down the hallway, ignoring the strange looks from kids and teachers.
I flung open the door. Brian looked up at me with surprise.
“Sarah, what’s wrong?” Brian got up from his desk and put a hand on my shoulder.
“I-It’s Tim! Mr. William is with the… Is with the SCP Foundation!! Tim told me to get to you as fast as I could…” I panted heavily until I fully calmed down.
“Where is Tim? Why is he not with you?” Brian asked.
I looked up at Brian. “Mr. William has him.. I think..”
“We have to go, then.” Brian said, his voice was stern. “Tim probably would want me to talk you to the cabin.”
“The cabin?” I asked.
“It’s where Proxies of Slenderman can stay on long term missions or whenever, I guess,” Brian, sort of, explained.
“We have to help Tim, then!”
“You said it yourself that Mr. William has him!”
“But we still need to save him!”
“Tim is a strong man, Sarah,” Brian said, looking into my eyes, “Stronger than you would ever believe.”
“But why is this happening?!!” I demanded.
“I can’t tell you why,” Brian said. His tone was sad and a bit depressing. “I’m sorry, Sarah, I really am…”
“What, why are you--” I stopped when Brian pinned me to the wall and tried to put a syringe in my neck. I let out a startled cry and thrashed around. Whatever he was going to do, I wasn’t going down without a fight!
“Keep still, d*mmit!!” Brian hissed. After what seemed like an eternity, I got free. I grabbed my bag and booked it out of the room. Brian can’t follow me without looking highly suspicious.
I kept running until I ran into Toby.
“Whoa! Sarah, why are *twitch* you running?” He asked me, concern was in his brown eyes.
“I-I…” I took a deep breath, “I’m fine…” I wavered before falling straight into Toby’s arms.
“A-Ah! You’re not *crack* okay!!” He tried to set me up right but I just couldn’t stand.
“Y-You’re right… I’m not okay… I promise…” I finally got my breathing to calm down. Victory is mine.
“Enough MCR references…” Toby said softly, patting my hair.
“No… You’re not my Mama…” I said, laughing softly.
“And there would be *twitch* something very wrong if I was…” Toby smiled. Toby’s grip on me tightened as footsteps approached.
“Ah look who it is! It’s Ticci Toby and Sarah the Stalker! The best loser couple of the year!” Harmony teased, “The emo and the ticker. Who would’ve thought?”
“Shut your filthy mouth!” Toby growled.
I shivered at his tone of voice. I’ve never heard it before. Yet again, I’ve only known him for less than one day, but I feel like I’ve known him forever. And I kind of liked it.
Harmony kept going, “I mean, I guess it makes sense. You know, since you’re both complete and total--”
I snapped and pulled away from Toby, “For once in your life, Harmony,” I hissed before I, surprisingly, kicked her square in the jaw. “JUST SHUT UP!!” I screamed. Toby stared at me in shock. I blinked and shook my head. My eyes widened as I looked at Harmony. Her jaw was bruised and her nose was bleeding.
She was looking at me in complete and utter horror. “SOMEONE HELP ME! SARAH THE STALKER BEAT ME UP!! SOMEONE HELP!!”
I looked at Toby. He backed away from me. “You went too *twitch* far!!” A look of fear flashed in Toby’s eyes. “STAY AWAY FROM ME!”
I took a shaky breath, trying not to burst into tears, before I took off. Toby called after me, but I just ignored him. He probably thinks I’m a real monster now. I probably am, considering what I’m planning on doing….
~~~Toby’s POV~~~
I instantly regretted saying that to Sarah. What if she decided to do something horrible? I had to stop her and apologize. I ran after her, calling her name.
“You aren’t going to even help me up??” The girl Sarah kicked, Harmony, whined.
I turned around and flipped her off, “Not after what *twitch* you’ve done to her. You deserved it.” I quickly turned tail and ran back in the direction of Sarah before I ran into Mr. Thomas.
“Ah, Toby, there you are,” He smiled at me. “Have you seen Sarah? She ran off when I was asking her about what had happened earlier. Something bad must have happened. Do you know where she is or where she is going?”
I shook my head, “That’s what I’m *crack* trying to find--” Brian smiled at me. That smile shut me up quickly.
“That’s all I needed to know. Thank you, Toby. You’ve been a big help,” Mr. Thomas said, before walking in the opposite direction of me. He stopped and picked up an object that I recognized from Sarah’s trapper. It was one of her tarot cards that she kept in one of the inner pockets. I knew this because she told me we could do a reading after school. My eyes widened at the card that had fallen.
It was the death card.
~~~Sarah’s POV~~~
I kept running. Toby yelled at me. Why did I feel like snapping? I’m not a f**king yandere, am I? Don’t answer that.
My breathing was going wild. What would have happened if I hadn’t run from Brian? What would he have done to me? I shivered just thinking about it. I kept running until I ran into Brian. Sh*t, I thought, I’m done for.
“Sarah, I’ve been looking all over for you. Please come back to my room,” Brian said. He looked sincere, but I knew his motives.
I looked around the hallway and noticed it was deserted. Sh*t. “I-I’d rather not…”
“I’m afraid you don’t have much of a choice there, Sarah,” Brian said. His eyes had gone a little glassy. “The Boss requests that you are captured and protected. As his Proxy, it is my duty to make sure that his will is carried out. Even if it means harm to me.”
My eyes widened as static filled my ears. Tendrils wrapped around my torso and legs, keeping my arms and legs in place.
“I am sorry to do this, Child, but it is necessary for your safety,” Slender spoke. I tried to squirm, but I couldn’t get loose. “Now, Hoodie.”
Brian smiled sadly as he put the syringe to my neck. The needle pierced my skin and he injected a fluid into my system. (Totally not a Yandere Sim. victim POV…. totes not…) The tendrils disappeared from around me.
I fell to the ground. My vision began to blur as I stared up at Brian; my head was spinning fast.
Brian leaned over me and spoke, “I’m sorry, Sarah, but this is for your own good.”
The static grew louder as Slender picked me up in his tendrils. All I heard after that was the sound of screaming. The scream sounded so familiar. I didn’t know who it was. All I knew was that someone was screaming, the static grew stronger, my vision blurrier. Everything became too much before suddenly fading away into nothing at all.