He found that chaotic first ship depth and furnishing vigorously stir the waters; He dared to commit ourselves be scooping crisis the skill of the ways of which they had no natural ability he made.First apprehensive to trust the water the shores of an easy path, and the highest reading; to try to leave the lands of the bay and as soon as the long, and with a gentle south wind began to swelling sail. But when, little by little steep courage has grown by unlearned how sick with dread sailing over the sea and the sky that he wholly followed an errant overcome by main force winters and Aegean seas.
By hell of a robber carriage horses adflataque while taenario stars depth caligantesque and Juno, the cells produce a bold song and ordered the accumulation of the mind. The steps remove the profane. Instead iI am wrapped with the anger of the human sense of my own breast; as the breathe of the heart of a beautiful locks with the whole cast out and in; I have already completed, are seen to move to the alarm of the houses of the inhabited places of the thresholds of the light to scatter, and the clear, as witnessed by the arrival of the god; but from the lowest world great auditur noise and echoes a temple of the Cecropium sacred torches stresses Eleusls. As If a hissing snakes and scaly curves, crave backs up the hard ridges lapsuque weather; Alert rosy tend to songs crests For, a distance of three figures from Hecale beginning to dawn, the cavalry and light at the same time proceeds, Bacchus, crinali it may flee and of the ivy, which he veils his Parthian In his golden tiger knot collecting nails and a drunken Maeonian firm steps wand. Which serves the realms of the immense void of the common people the indolent, the wealth of which is given with the covetous, whatever in the world is lost, which is encompassed by the Styx, liventibus with her whom he still smoking with the perverse thou goest; and Phlegethon deep ocean surveys anhelisvos and of mihi the holy shrine of open . And you the secrets of the pole where the torch is Pluto. Love is bent; She is fierce Rape of Proserpine as Joynture chaos possessed enormous regions wandereth out of the course of the anxious care of a mother of the gods; unde given to the fruits and nuts abandoned Dodonim goes invention oak backbone. Chief shades once swelling in fury battles to move higher, which would require only bridal sterile spent years impatiens she could not tell her no reserves a decoy to know the name of the father, nor sweet, the deadly monsters of the abyss, no longer invisible, and against the Thunderer hard by to rush companies, and drew them into the compact Furiae, crinitaque criminals snakes.
Tesiphone shaking of bad light leaks,he calls pale ghosts, to the camp of the armed men, he resisted the things of almost tame the fighting again, swung elements rode deep faith. Titan bonds that unite youth prison vidisset celestial glow red again. An increase in the position of the body of the nodes, as Aegaeon, lightning strike hundred troubled him in motion. But you refused, fearing threats bereaved. Before a rigid set their feet soliumque leader as fifthy canitiem to their knees in tears prayers hands to touch the patient, one of which, under the law, they are bound to all things, because the series chain of the fates lead his thumb, and long iron casting roll forever. That's what Artemis recalled from the book of Claudius been wrote, as if with the circumtances he encounter as he silently stiffly stood facing Vitellius.
" What's the meaning of the little stunt you pulled out there, Centurion Artemis?" Vitellius grabbed Artemis hem .
" Sir?" Artemis the young aristocrat's stood in attention in the midle of the Prefect's room in the headquaters tent. Around him the other senior officers stood in line and watch the confrotation warily.
" You took the half of my triremes out of the formation!"
"Sir, we must save our lighter ships. The enemy crushed them into pieces."
"Because of you this operation failed." Vitellius roared.
" You blame it on me, sir, Such marvelous speculation you had in, it's risky for us all. In my judgement the greatest threat was to our biremes."
"This isn't about your judgment, ain't debating society, you must follow and obey the orders from your superiors, THIS IS IMPERIAL NAVY! And do not create your own order!" Vitellius squeezed Artemis hem more hardly.
"Begging your pardon, sir. I'm taking initiative and you did not issue any countermanding order. If those triremes hadn't gone to the aid of the other ships. It's certain we we're in the great lost of account ." Artemis paused to add heavy emphasis to his last words, " Than they already are."
Vitellius looked at Artemis eyes. As He clenched his hand tighter to Artemis hem, as he glanced round the tent he noticed the trierarch and most of the other officers nodding in agreement with Artemis. The confrontation was interrupted by a challenge from guard post outside the tent, then the flaps rustled as clerk ducked inside, clutching a bundle of slates under his arm, he straightened his back, marched up to the Prefect and saluted.
" The butcher's bill, sir." The clerk handed a slate to Vitellius as the Prefect let go Artemis away. While the Prefect Vitellius scanned the noted on the slate, Artemis and the other officers in silence. They were exhausted. Even after the surviving ships had reached the bay late in the afternoon there had been no time for rest. The shore curved round for a mile or so in either direction before the beach gave way to a tumble of rocks that rose into headlands . Beyond the beach the land was covered with scrub and stunted trees for half a mile off before rose steeply into range of forested hills that stretched up and down the coast as far as the eye could see. Not far off lay a long abandoned settlement, little more than piles of stones now. While the triremes anchored a short distance from the shore the smaller ships had beached and immediately began unloading their supplies and equipment. The bulk of the marines, Under Centurion Marius, had been assigned back breaking task of constructing a fortified camp around the beachhead. It's different with the men in legions the marines had limited training and knowledge in preparing fortifications and Marius drove them on with increasing Exasperation and harsh temper. They laboured well beyond sunset and finally completed a makeshift defensive ditch and rampart by the flickering blaze of torchlight. Beyond the sweating marines a thin screen of pickets stood in the darkness, anxiously staring into the shadows of any sign that the pirates might renew their onslaught by land.
As soon the triremes had been anchored fore and aft in a line parallel to the shore, Vitellius had given the order for additional artillery to be mounted on the decks and trained out to sea. Any pirates ship that attempted to attack the Roman fleet now would have to brave the fire of scores of catapults . Heavy losses would be inflicted long before the pirates could close with the triremes. So Tharsos held his ships back and kept on the Roman fleet until nightfall. Then, as the last rays of the setting sun glimmered on the horizon, the pirate fleet turned away from the shore and steered slowly up the coast, leaving their battered foe to count the cost of the day's action against them.
Prefect Vitellius lowered the slate and stared at his deck, the numbed expression on the aristocrat's heavy features revealed his despair. Artemis almost felt pity for the man, before he recalled the disastrous of naval encounter was entirely of the Prefect's own making . The lighter ships of the fleet should never have been so encumbered with men and equipment, much of which now lay at the bottom of the sea . If they had only used a convoy of transports to carry the supplies and equipment needed to launch the campaign against the pirates then the enemy would have beaten off easily. It would have taken longer to make the crossing with transport, but that would have been a tiny price to pay as things had turned out. As Artemis realise the timing of the pirates attack's is perfect and not by coincidence but by calculated strategy.
Vitelliys sighed, and stood up. " It's not good news. As I'm sure you're already aware. We lost eight of the biremes, two more are badly damaged, as is one of the triremes. She was holed and will need to be repaired at a dockyard. We also lost most of our artilerry and siege tools. Much of the food was stored aboard the triremes, so we won't starved to death." He smiled weakly, but none of his officers responded and the smile died as the Prefect continued, leaving the most painful news to last.
"Nearly eight hundred men were lost with their ships, another sixty killed aboard those vessels that survived, and a further eighty - three wounded..."
Artemis looked numb staring to the front stiffly, and the other officers showed their hostile expressions. The human cost had been terrible indeed, and many of these men had lost comrades they had known for years . The cost of Vitellius must paid. This was a bitter and the report that he must send to the Ravenna and Rome . A higher considered for the general and the senate would give him severe situation.
" It's bloody disaster." A voice rose up.
"Who said that?" Vitellius asked. No one moved. No one replied . For a moment all was still until someone one senior officers raised his hand and throw his head at the Prefect .
"I'm the one who said that, sir. Just saying all the lads here, what I was thinking. The pirates have given us a great lost and the word's out that we were been betrayed, that's my opinion, sir."
Vitellius raised his eyebrow. If the men were looking for traitor to reveal their secret he might turn this to his advantage. " I'm listening. Carry on."
" Someone might sold us, sir. Told 'em where our position."
There was a low chorus and some of grumbling echoed in the tent space, and Neximus continued. "It's possible because only us in here today and the other high rankers officers know where we are heading, sir. We must consider the option. How possible Tharsos fleet know."
The officers nodded and few offered chilling suggestions for the fate of the traitor once it was discovered. Vitellius moved closer to the fire so that all could clearly see him by its glow. He raised his hand to quieten them down."That's the one of possibility. Find the traitor and he's yours to deal with as you wish , with one condition."
Most of the officers looked at him suspiciously, and Neximus replied sternly." What's your condition, sir?"
"You give me your word that his death will be as painful as possible."
Neximus nodded, then there was an long silence as they waited for the Prefect Vitellius continued addressing them. Artemis threw a small glanced at Marius . Marius knew Artemis gestured and said ." Now, what's the plan?"
"We carry on with the plan." Vitellius replied firmly." We still have enough ships to take on the pirates."
"No,sir." Titus Vizentius replied with high firmly voice . All heads turned towards at the rear of the line officers . " We need more ships . More biremes."
" From what I saw today those ships are worse than useless." Vitellius replied with cold tone.
Titus Vizentius looked at him with high stern intensity ." Unfair judgement . The men on those ships fought the best battle they could today. It's not their fault their ships were no match for the pirates. If we hadn't changed course and gone to help them will more casualties in our side , and I doubt whether any of the biremes would have survived."
Artemis take a looked round the circumtances . Vizentius's criticism of his commander could scarcely have been more open, and the centurions and trierachs looked all to Vitellius to see how he would respond under his leadership. For a moment Vitellius glared at Vizentius, and slowly he replied ." Your point is well made, but quite to academical, as things stand. Vizentius. I still wish to know why we need more biremes, Our main force, the triremes, are more or less intact. Once we throw them in against the pirates it'll be over quickly enough."
"I understand, Sir. Provided the pirates are prepared to sit there and wait for the triremes to come for them ..."
" That's correct." Vitellius's voice impatience was apparent to all. "What's your point?"
Titus Vizentius asked bluntly. " You've served in the legions, sir?
"What about it ?"
"Then you know the tactics well enough. The lighter forces are there to find and pin the enemy down so the main strength can close in and destroy them. At least that's how it works at sea battle . I assumed you do the same thing in army."
"Of course we bloody do!" Marius snapped." We're not bloody fools, you know. At least the men in legions could build a proper fucking camp!" Marius waved an arm towards the dark outline of the rampart stretching round them ." Not this bloody fools!"
Vitellius cut in." Thank you Centurion Marius, that's enough."
Marius's mouth was ready to deliver the rest of his diatribe, but he clamped it shut and nodded. Vitellius hold his smile he aware Marius irritated with the marines. That's the tradition between division in the army. " Then what, Vizentius, so we need more biremes ?"
" Yes, sir. Match at their numbers, at least, were well handed. They've got good crews, and good trierarchs to command them. Frankly, they're better than us, that's why we need more ships. We need some kind of advantage if we're going to stand a chance against them the next time it comes to a fight." Vizentius concluded firmly.
" Well, there aren't any more biremes." Vitellius snapped . "I can not just make some magic them out of thin air, Can I ?"
"There's twenty or so at Ravenna." Vizentius said flatly .
"FOOL! That's Ravenna defences. General and Emperor would have my head if anything happened. She gave me already with this fool, imbecile marines and ships!"
" The General and Emperor may do that, already, sir." Artemis spoke quietly, " Once they get word of what happened today. If we're to continued operations against the pirates, we'll need every man, and ships we can drawn on."
" And if the general not willing to give 'em? And if the pirates attack Ravenna?" Vitellius stepped towards Artemis.
"We have our orders, sir." Artemis laid in the first word."The operation must take priority."
"And Ravenna?" The prefect responded.
" Ravenna will have to take it's chances, sir."
" I see, Is that your best advise? Do you willing to put that down in writing?"
Artemis clenched his fist to prevent himself letting slip any temper of contempt for his superior. Instead he replied in calm tone." That's my advice, sir. Given our orders. But the decision is yours. Goes with the rank at the moment."
" I understand." Vitellius held his gaze at Artemis and stood stiffly. The other officers were sunk in deep thought, as they waited for Vitellius decision. The prefect knew he was in a wretched position. He had already lost a quarter of his force, as well as good quantity of his equipment. What had begun as an overwhelming demonstration of force directed at crushing the growing pirates threat, had turned into disaster that threatened to destabilise the entire region. If he called off the operation then it would been seen as an unambiguous defeat, and the general by Emperor authority was not tolerate of defeated commanders, Vitellius feared that his career, his family wealth and privilege include all his life fainted. His frowning . All his career was all that gave meaning to his life, without the promise of power and wealth he might be as well be dead. There was no possibility of calling off the operation. That is certain. The campaign must continue. The question was, did he have enough power and resource include material and men to do so ? To ensure success ? The initial setback could be quietly glossed over. Indeed, If Vitellius could pin the blame for defeat on some traitor then he might escape censure for defeat altogether. As long as he was ultimately victorious. But did he have forces to do it? Certainly Titus Vizentius did not think so, and from all sea officers expression more biremes were required. They must know this issue more than him. Vitellius reflected . With the reminder of the Imperial navy fleet and marines he had left showed how' much careless his strategy. He would ensure the pirates were put under enough pressure that they would not be able to mount a raid on Ravenna. He know Caius Alea Zenious too well. The unthinkable factor once she heard this, if he sack the fleet, without show no mercy. She might sent her clerks straight to Claudius. Used other Generals to cut off his head. The worse Scenario he can be imagine Caius Alea Zenious will strangled his neck in front of the legions as unworthy uncompetent leader example.
Then he recalled Artemis had said, the firm reminder that maybe there were even greater issue at stake. The General had ordered them to fight at any cost.
At any cost....
Vitellius could not have claimed that the terrible risks he ran in deploying all his men and ships against the pirates were risks demanded by the terms of her orders. Caius Alea had been too clever for that, as usual, as she put her men in his campaign . There would be no evidence to lay against her, Vitellius must think to bring such a charge . Just as there would be no acceptable excuse for failing. He thought through his options on clear course of action emerged as the most effective strategy for the Prefect to pursue, as he fixed on with a growing sense of despair, reluctant to make the final commitment by giving the necessary orders. He looked up at his officers and his heart sank as he saw them watching him, waiting for him to speak, to set out his plan of action. Once he began there must be no turning back. He cleared his throat, and the officers stared at him intently.
" We must carry on with the operation. If we fail to take the fight to the pirates, then we knows how much powerful they may become. They could strangle our trade, we can not afford to let that happen gentlemen. I accept Trierarch Vizentius's argument that we need to have sufficient force to face the enemy an acceptable terms. To this end I will send an officer back to Ravenna to bring up the report and require for our reserve and equipment ....." He glanced round and his eyes fell on Artemis, stiffly stood in his build frame close by the fire. It might be wise to keep one man as distanced from this operation as possible, the Prefect considered. Vitellius needed to claim all the credit available for this operation, besides there might be opportunities to exploit in his situation, and he doesn't want another men of General looking over his shoulder. There was Centurion Marius as well, of course but Marius not a threat , he was too guiless for his own good, and plain . It might be well to keep the two separated. Artemis the aristocrat boy would be the one to return to Ravenna, facing the rage of General and high rank officers. And no chance for Artemis ruined his tactical plan later on.
" Centurion Artemis!"
"Yes, Sir."
" At first light, you and Titus Vizentius will take the Spartan back to Ravenna. Her complement of marines will remain here to give you more space on board for the return trip. You' ll bring back the rest of the fleet, with the marines and replacement supplies. I'll have my clerk draft your authority to act in my name , and along with my report to General."
"Gentlemen! That's all. Centurion Marius is taking the first watch. The rest of you can turn until your watch is called. Dismissed!"
All officers include Artemis salute to Vitellius. As the officers strode off from the headquarters tent, the two Centurion picked their way through the camp, Artemis glanced over his shoulder to make sure they were out of earshot.
"While I'm gone, watch your tongue and yourself."
Marius frowned." What do you mean?"
"I'm not sure yet, but I do not trust him."
" That's not new, sod. No man in his right mind would trust that bastard. What' do you think he's up to ?"
Artemis sigh slowly. " He's splitting us up, for some reason. All we can be sure of is it's nothing to with getting this message through. Just watch your self, I dispatch to the General." he explained " He might put the bait for Tharsos, that's what in the head of Vitellius."
Marius nodded. " You sound just like some old balds at the senate."
Artemis glanced at him. " He's scheming something. I can sense that."
Marius's raised an eyebrow. " Because he send my triremes straight?"
Artemis nodded, " He must wonder with all the mean with the low rank such us been summoned to the general back at Ravenna, he might curious."
They walked in slowly pace and silence for a moment. " If anycase there's a traitor like Neximus's said, we'd better find this traitor soon, before he gets another chance to sell us out."
" It could be anyone ?" Marius asked ." Any clue?"
" You're right but he'd have someway of getting in touch with the pirates. That's narrows things for sure."
Marius smiled, he could most hear Artemis mind roared. " Anyone in mind?"
" I'm not sure. Not yet. But I have an idea where to start looking."
As a sign of the moment, the air was temperate, the sky was calm, a silver lines of stars flickered from the sky, all the nature in silent singing, as the melancholy sadness of the mind spread through the marines to make catastrophic actions, extinguishing not worthy of attention, because each brought new insights from elements to survive the next time prospect with fresh meaning for the present for revival. Ruined by the appearance of pirated threats, and that the last remnants of military spirits were buried in the chest of each soldiers. Vitellius managed to use the enthusiasm of the masses to achieve certain goals. It's ironic at the expense of Tharsos hairpling implants. He ironically underestimated the losses on bloody suppression. It is very clear how Vitellius weighed his main source, Artemis carefully filtered and evaluated the factors in presenting his measurable conclusions. Vitellius succeeds in avoiding repetiveness, he had no objective drawing for counterbalancing contributions of the strategy, and lack of energy and originality , he been fatally reconciled itself to loss of full strength and maturity. Seem Vitellius's in very much creative rivalry from political instinct. Artemis reflected as he's watching the tents around in the camp.
" This's your orders." Prefect Vitellius held out a sealed parchment to Artemis as they stood on the shore. A boat was waiting to take Artemis out to the Spartan, lying at the anchor a short distance out to sea. The trireme was barely out more than an outline as the first light of the new day filtered over the mountains peaks. " I've empowered you to act in my name when you get in Ravenna. Don't hesitate to take what you must acts , If any of the locals try to hinder you, you must act ruthlessly. Extreme circumstances call for extreme actions, Understand , boy ?"
" Yes, sir."
"Good." Vitellius lowered his voice as he out a small sealed package to Artemis." This the report. Make sure it's sent on General as soon as you land."
Artemis took the package and tucked it into his haversack. " I'll see you in a few days, within reinforcements. You're to rejoin us at the earlier possible opportunity. I'll hold you accountable for any unwarranted delay."
Artemis returned his look with cold icy expression . " I understand, sir."
"Just as long as you do, Centurion. It would be a shame to have end our long - standing antiphaty. But I'm sure I'd find fresh enemies before long."
A small smiled flickered at the corner of Artemis's lips. " No, doubt sir."
Vitellius stared at him for a moment and then turned away and strode off. Marius approached Artemis soon as the prefect had disappeared amongst the tents. He extended his hand and the two officers clasped each other on the forearm.
" May Fortuna ride on you." Marius grinned " With Poseidon on your side, with the last our experiences of life at sea, You'll need all the luck you can get."
" Thanks." Artemis smiled back charmingly . " Marius, if we ever live through this thing you have my permission to kick me and if I ever so much as look at the ship with a fond expression."
" You can count on it, sod."
Artemis smiled. In a world determined by the whim of the fates it was reassuring to know that he could rely on Marius's steadiness. Artemis placed his forehead at Marius forehead. " Don't dare you die." He hug Marius body and patted Marius's back softly. As he let go and turned towards the waiting boat. He clambered over the transport and the sailors ran the boats out into the gentle surf that rolled and hissed up the shingle . Once through the surf they climbed aboard, took up their oars and rowed. Artemis out towards the looming hulk of the spartan. Artemis turned his head back for one last glimpse of Marius and saw him lift his hand, and turn away, marching back amongst the tents crowded between the beach and the dark line of the rampart.
As the sun rose over the mountains the triremes cleared the bay and set her elegants bows into the open waters beyond. The sky was overcast and the sea was a steely grey with a heavy swell. A stiff breeze was blowing off the coast and the crew had sheeted the mainsail in tightly at an angle across the deck to make the most of the favorable wind. As he stood on the aft deck Artemis noted that there was a tenseness amongst the sailors, and they gazed round at the horizon as if expecting a host of pirate hips to come tearing down on them the moment they ventured beyond the safety of the rest of the Roman Imperial fleet and clawed their way out to sea. He turned and paced slowly over to Titus Vizentius . The trierarch looked as anxious as his men and Artemis tried to affect the same fearless calm he had seen so often in Marius.
" Reckon they're still out sthere?"
Vizentius nodded." Bound to be. They'll have left a few at sea to keep an eye on us."
"Any sign of danger?"
Vizentius looked at him. " At sea, there's always sign of danger from the gods and from the elements, and from them."
Artemis chuckled." I'm asking from the enemy."
" I know . But with this heavy sea we should make better going of it than they will." Vizentius glanced up at the grey clouds overheads. "I'd be more concerned about the weather. Look like we're in for a bit of a blow."
" Bit of a blow? Sounds like some kind of nautical euphemism." Artemis raised an eyebrow.
Titus Vizentius turned to smile." All right, then. We're in for a storm. High winds, heavy seas."
" I preferred a bit of a blow after all." Artemis glanced over his shoulder at the coastline of Illyricum and saw that the entrance to the bay had already disappeared over the horizon and only the serrated line of mountains was still in sight.
"Sail ho!"
All across the deck, heads tilted up to the masthead, noted the direction of the lookout 's arm and then turned towards the direction he indicated .
"Three sails."
Titus Vizentius cupped his hands and shouted up." What's their heading?"
After a short pause the lookout made his reply, with a weary falism that was evident to all on dek " Closing to intercept us,Sir! I can make 'em out more clearly now. It's them pirates again."
"Very well. Call down the moment they make any course changes!"
Trierarch Vizentius dropped his hands to his side, and clenched them tightly before he thrust them behind his back where they would not betray his state of mind to anyone but Artemis and steerman.
" Three of them ?" Artemis mused " Enough to take us on I assumed."
Vizentius nodded " More than enough, If they're handled well. They've got the wind gauge, and they'll try and close in on us at an angle."
"Can't we outrun them?"
Vizentius pursed his lips as he calculated the relative speed on his ships and those of the pirates ." Not unless the weather worsens, Otherwise they'll catch us before noon. They've the edge in terms of speed and numbers. But they'll have to board us. It's too dangerous to try and ram anyone in these conditions. Besides, the Spartans's a tough ship. She's got firm sides, made from well seasoned wood." The trierarch nodded at himself pridely. " They'll not hole us."
There was a degree of certainty in his voice that went beyond mere bravado. and Artemis was slightly reassured. He crossed back to the otherside of the deck and with the rest of the crew, kept an eye out for the first sign of the pirates sails on the horizon. Less than an two hour later he saw them, three tiny dark triangles , pitching in and out of sight as the trireme rose up on the crest of each wave, the disappearing as the warship surged down into the through.
Titus kept an anxious watch on the enemy's progress, as soon as they had closed enough that their sails were always in view he called out to his crew. "Hands aloft!Shake out the last two reefs!"
Some of the crew glanced at him doubtfully before they threw themselves on to the rigging and scrambled up towards the peak where the main yard hung across the deck. They quickly inched themselves out along its length and bent over to work the reefing knots loose. The sail, already taut as a drum, wrenched the heavy leather from their grip with a rippling crack and then, as the loosened sail flapped in the end, the crew hauled in the sheets and tied them off on the deck cleats. Under the additional pressure the trireme heeled further over to windward and Artemis gripped the rail as he glanced down into the foaming sea racing past a scant few feet below the side of the ship, almost submerging the oar ports. The increase speed was immediately apparent and as Artemis Watched the pirates 's sails for a short while he was sure that the spartan was slowly drawing ahead of them. He moved up the canted deck towards the trierarch , blinking away the salty spray that stung his face as the bows crashed through a wave.
"Isn't this a bit risky ?"
Vizentius grinned as he patted the side rail." She can take it. Unless the wind get any stronger. Then we'll have to take those reefs back in, if we don't want to loose the mast."
Artemis nodded as he looked forward and saw that every rope was taut and vibrating the strain of the mainsail, every scrap of it exposed to the northernly wind . Then he glanced back at the pirates ships and slapped a hand down on the side rail with a cry of triumph.
" We're drawing ahead of them!"
Vizentius nodded. " Yes, but two can play at that game. Look!" He pointed towards the pirateships and Artemis saw the tiny figures swarming aloft to take the reefs out of their sails. A shortly afterwards the enemy was slowly gaining ground on them once again.
" Head down wind and hope that we've got the more weatherly ship." Vizentius turned to steerman ." Take her before the wind."
As the trireme's bow started to swing away from the pirates, Vizentius shouted orders to his crew and the mainsail sheets were cast off until the wind came from directly behind the ship. Then they strained to haul the sheets in tight and cleat them home. Sailing downwind, the wind passing over the decks moderated and Artemis felt a was of pure excitement as the triremes coursed down one wave and climbed the next. For the first time in his life he could sense something of the attraction that sea held for men like Titus Vizentius and his crew, then he glanced aft and saw that the pirate ships had changed course and were now directly behind the Spartan barely two mile off.
"How much longer before they catch us up?"
Vizentius squinted at their pursuers for a long moment "Four hours , if we're lucky. Before nightfall, at any rate."
The chase continued across the white capped expanse of grey sea the wind steadily increased in strength and the rigging of the trireme fairly hummed under the strain. Vizentius went forward and rested his hand on the mainsheets, anxiously stared up at the taut steams of the sail. Yet when he returned to the aft deck and glanced at the pirates it was clear that they were steadily closing , that there was no chance of taking in a reef . Behind the pirates it was clear a grey film had closed in over the horizon and the sky above it was a filthy dark grey.
"Vizentius is that a storm ?" Artemis pointed .
"Squall, more likely. Rain and wind, that's all. Still..." His expression suddenly hardened in firm concentration. He gauged the distance between the Spartan and the pirates before fixing his eyes beyond the three vessels, staring into the fast approaching gloom. Then he turned and grinned at Artemis ." We might be in fortuna protection, as soon as the squall closes round us, I'll alter course. We might lose our friends, or at least gain enough distance to see us into the night, and try , lose from 'em."
The veil of rain swept across the sea towards the pirates, suddenly swallowing them up and hiding them from the sight of those aboard the trireme. The crew stood to the mainsheets and braces, ready to move swiftly as soon as the trierarch gave the command, just before the grey haze was upon the Artemis sensed a freshening of the wind and it veered wildly, causing the mainsail to flap and boom for a moment before the wind direction steadied with a low keening moan through the rigging. The rain struck with almost no warning , glinting shafts thundered down on the deck and exploded in a shimmering carpet of spray about the crew's feet. Artemis hunched down inside his cape, holding the hood over his head with his spare head as he clutched the side rail.
"Loose sheets!" Vizentius roared the order by his voice straining to be heard above the sudden din of the squall. "Steersman! Bring her about!"
The triremes lurched round, heading for the Italian coast once more. The mainsail flapped and thundered like some vast bird.
"Hands aloft! Take in a reef!" Then the sailor climbed the rigging, and inched their way along the yardarm. Below them the deck rolled from side to side, threatening to pitch the sailors into the ragging sea. When all the men were in position along the yard the trierarchs shouted an order and they began to draw the sail in, until the first reefing tie was within reach. They hauled the ties in and hurriedly fastened them around the yard before making their wayback to the mast and clambering down the rigging, chests heaving with the exertion and excitement of the moment .
"Well done, ladies! Now sheet her home and let's get as far from those bastards as we can!"
With the wind across her aft quarter the trireme pitched and rolled at a sickening angle as she clawed her way trough the squall. There seemed to be no end of it, and for an age Artemis stood, hunched over the side rail, gripping the rough wooden surface as tightly as he could, racked by bouts of sickening ships that wrenched down his body , until the air seemed brighter and the torrential ppounding of the rain on his body negan to subside just as the grey shroud of the squall began to to pass, and then it was gone, just as suddenly as it had fallen upon them. The hiss of the rain subsided and then it was beyond earshot as the squall raced away to the south . After the savage intensity of the howling wind and rain it seemed unnaturally quiet as the trireme surged across the rolling sea. A shaft of sunlight pierced the overcast , falling across the patch of sea the Spartan was traversing, and the water dripping from the rigging gleamed like diamonds ."
"Did we lose 'em?" Artemis asked after struggled from seasick.
Titus Vizentius shrugged ."Can't say. Wait a moment."
"Ooohh, Juno."Artemis curse as he followed Titus Vezentius as both of the, went over to the sternpost and stared intently as the squall receded. There was no sign of the pirate ships, and after a moment the trierarch breathed a deep sigh of relief and nodded his satisfaction. He glanced at Artemis . When he was about to say suddenly a voice called out.
"Deck there. Enemy sail in sight!"
The trierarch and the centurion stared aft, just as three glistening sails emerged from the grey haze at the rear of the squall, less than one half mile off.
"Jupiter!" Vizenius pounded the sternpost with a clenched fist "Those bastards second guessed us, Whoever's in command of that lot is a clever little sod and no mistake."
"We'd better get ready for 'em." Artemis suggested , still calculating for the direct command of the ship. " You'd better give the necessary orders. "
Titus Vizentius nodded, turned back to his crew, bellowing out orders for the men to arm themselves and prepare to repel boarders Artemis continued to watch the pirates as they closed on the spartan, sails close hauled and straining at every seam. The pirate ships seemed to be closing faster than predicted. Vizentius rejoined with Artemis, staring at the enemy as the pirates clawed closer to the spartan. In the foredecks of the smaller ships were packed with men, their amour and weapons shining in the sunlight that spread across the sea as the clouds dispersed. The pirates sailed in close formation, and they were within catapult range plan the attack. Two of the ships began to ease upwind, to close in on the trireme's left side, while the third dropped a little windward, to take her from the right . The romans would have to split their strength to face both attacks Artemis reached his shield and wore his helmet . The section leader formed their men up on either side of the trireme .
Artemis shouted to Vizentius." If anything happens to me and the spartan wins through make sure dispatches reach Ravenna and to the General." He slapped the wet haversack at his side ." If it looks like the ship's lost I'll take care of 'em. Either way, they must not fall into the enemy hands."
Artemis smiled and grinned. " I'll take as many of them with me as I can."
"We all will." Vizentius nodded towards his men." They know there'll be no mercy."
There was nothing to say, both Artemis and Vizentius stood side by side as the pirate vessels closed in, the shouts and taunts of the men in the bows of the pursuing ships carrying clearly across the waves . "All right then, let's make sure they don't forget the men of the spartan in a hurry."
Artemis realised that spartan not taken in any reefs, and his wondered why the trierarch had not immediately ordered his men to get aloft again to shake out the reef in the Spartan's broad mainsail. As his thought faded on the wondered there was a distant splintering crack. He's looked towards the leading ship, just as it mast shuddered for an instant, then pitched to windward in a graceful arc, sail and rigging leaping to one side as if plucked by a giant invisible hand. The tangled mess of timber, rope and canvas pitched into the sea, immediately dragging the bows round, directly into the path of the ship surging across the waves behind the leader. It was too late to alter course and the second ship rammed the leader at full speed with a jarring crash that threw the men on both ships to the deck.
Vizentius made a hard laughter and slapped Artemis on the back. " Did you ever see such a sight? Stupid bastards! oh, there!" he pointed his hand at the second ship.
The mast of the second ship wavered a moment and then slid backwards and crashed down on to the men scattered across its deck. ,eliciting a fresh chorus of cries and screams .Vizentius glowing with delight satisfaction at his enemy's misfortune. "That'll show 'em."
Artemis was only just recovering from the stunning reversal of fortune."What's in Juno name happened?"
"What always happens when you have too much sail in too much wind, snapped their mast clean off!"
The third ship held its course for a moment longer before its trierach realised that he could not hope to tackle the trireme alone. He hauled his wind and turned the vessel to go the aid of his comrades. Vizentius rubbed his hands with unrestrained joy. "Time to finish them off, I think!"
Vizentius turned to Artemis with a confused expression. " What did you say?"
"Leave them."
"Leave them? But they're at our mercy. We just have to turn and run them down. The last one'll run for it the moment he sees us go about." There was a pleading expression in his eyes that Artemis could well understand. After the torment of the previous day the chance to exact a crushing revenge would be sweet indeed. Vizentius leaned closer and lowered his voice. "There'd be no risk. Centurion I swear....I'd bet my life on it."
"No we can't chance it. Our orders are to get back to Ravenna and get reinforcements. I'll not take any unnecessary risks. Our comrades are counting on us." Artemis could see that trierarch was not convinced and he tried another line of thought. "Look, supposing we did turn on them and somehow they managed to get men aboard the spartan . There's more of them than us. And if we're lost what becomes of Vitellius and the others?"
Titus Vizentius looked from Artemis to the pirateship, already falling behind, and look of bitter frustration crossed his features. For an instant Artemis was sure that he would have to pull rank on the man. He tensed himself up and drew a deep breath. But before he could speak Vizentius turned away from the pirates and called out to his crew.
"Ladies! Stand down!"
The cries of jubilation and excitement of the main deck, died away, a once a low grumble of discontent rippled through the sailors as they turned to face their trierach. "Return weapons to lockers and get back to your sailing stations! Now! Section Officers! Get your men moving!"
A chorus of shouts and rough handling the Junior officers dispersed the men, and the off duty watch was dismissed below, leaving their comrades to stay on deck ready to respond to any new orders. Vizentius turned to Artemis." There. Satisfied ?"
Artemis stared at Vizentius in silence, until the man's gaze faltered and turned away, over the stern, across the sea to the distant pirates ships slowly rising and falling on the swell. "Vizentius," Artemis said quietly. " We have our orders. Our duty is to carry them out as immediately as we can."
"I know that, damn you. It's just that I wanted to see those bastards suffer."
"You'll. Not now, but soon enough, savour that thought."
Vizentius gave a brief nod and turned away and strode down the length of his ship in silence. A sudden gust of thought caused him thrust a hand and struggled to reach the strap of his haversack then open the flap and peer inside. The scroll with his orders was still its leather holder , but the package carrying the report from Vitellius was sodden, he lift out of the haversack , the seal fell off, and the wrapping opened a little, inside he could saw the first of the waxed slates that comprised the reports. For a moment the first temptation to do what he knew he should not flickered across his mind. But a voice inside him reminded that it would be a breach of trust for him to read the report. And the dangerous consequences. As he recalled with who he was dealing with. "Bollocks,"Artemis muttered to himself, as he fastened the flap, Decided to deliver the report straight to the receiver.
At the gate of the Naval base been guarding by the sentries above the entrance .The gate themselves had been closed and a locking bar towered . Inside the naval base the marine Centurions and trierarch of the remaining biremes were working their men at a feverish pace to complete the loading of food and equipment . As Legatus Valerius ordered, The commander of the naval supply station at Ravenna . The subordinate was having his morning meal when the optio in charge of the dawn watch made his report. A light drizzle - rain had been falling since first light and optio's cloak was covered with droplets that looked like tiny beads of glass.
"What's it, Orcious?" Trierarch Elisius asked tersely.
" Beg to report a ship has been sighted, Sir. Heading along the coast towards us."
" A ship, eh? Just happens to be passing along one of the busiest sea lanes in the Empire," Elisius took a deep breath to cover his impatience . " And the marine on watch think that's unusual?"
"It's warship, sir. And it's making for the entrance to the bay." The Optio ignored the sarcasm and continued his report in the same deadpan voice that he used ever since the trierarch had taken command of the marine naval base At first Elisius had been delighted at the promotion, after had commanded a sleek liburnian warship in the Peiraieús, flotilla at Attica and so Elisus eked out his commading a half century of marines and as many sailors, together with an old bireme Kythnos - that had once served in the fleet that under Lucius Mummius had taken in his war against Achaean League. The bireme had been absorbed into the Roman navy and served with Imperial Navy beached in front of Ravenna mud - brick for that overlooked the bay .
" A warship, eh?" Elisius bit off some bread and chewed " Well, it's probably on patrol."
" I don't think so, sir." Said Optio Orcious ." I've checked the station's log book and supposed no warship are due to put into Ravenna for a least a month."
"Then it's been sent on some detached duty." Elisius continued dismissively . " The captain has made a landfall to pick up water and rations."
"Shall I order the men to arms, sir ?"
Elisius looked up sharply," Why ? what's the point?"
"Standing orders, sir. If an unknown vessel is sighted, the garrison is to be alerted."
" It's not an unknown vessel, is it ? It's warship. We are the only people who operate warships in this port. There fore it's not unknown, there's no need to trouble the men, Optio."
Orcious stood his ground. " Unless the ship is making a scheduled call, it is unknown, according to the book, sir."
" The book?" Elisius puffed his cheeks. " Look here, Optio, there is any sign of hostility then you can call out the garrison . Meanwhile, inform the quatermaster that we have a visitor and that he and his staff are to be ready to revictual the warship. Now if I may. I'll finish my breakfast. Dismissed."
" Did Legatus need to be inform, sir?" Asked Optio Orcious.
Elisius sigh as he looked at Orcious the junior officer, "Not Yet! It'll me to report after we sure. Now! Dismissed!"
" Yes, Sir." The Optio stood in attention, saluted and turned to stride down the short colonnade towards the exit to the commander's quarters. Elisius felt guilty about treating the man with disdain , Orcious was a good junior officer, efficient, even if he wasn't terribly imaginative , he always had been right to cite standing orders, the same orders that Elisius had carefully penned in the early days of his appointment when the first flush of excitement for his new post .
Elisius finished the last mouthful of bread, drained his watered wine and rose to make his way to his sleeping chamber and then reached for his breastplate and helmet . It would be as well to greet the Naval commander formally, to ensure that he was efficiently served, so that a favourable impression was conveyed back to the fleet . As long as his record was good, there was always chance that he might be promoted to a more prestigious command. As he tied his chinstrap and adjusted his helmet , then slipped his sword belt over his shoulder and strode out of his quarters , to the Legatus office .