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CISALPINE, GAUL (the region between the Alps and the Po Valley ,France ) , December, 50AD
The small convoy of covered wagons had been on the road for almost tendays when it crossed the frontier into the province of Cisalpine, Gaul . The snows had already fallen in the mountain to the north that towered above the route, their peaks gleaming brilliantly against the sblue sky. Then men marching into the convoy in the cold air and crisp, there had been no rain since the convoy had left the imperial mint in Narbonensis . A bitter frost had left the ground hard and easy going for the wheels of the heavily wagons . The road stretched out in a long straight line, rippling over the landscape.
The tribune in the command of convoy was riding ahead as the route crested hill he turned his horse aside and reined in , he saw the view of the town of Picenum a few miles away where he was due to meet the mounted escort sent from the Praetorian Guard in Rome - the elite body of soldiers tasked with protecting the Emperor Claudius and his Family. The century of auxilary troop had escorted the wagons on the road from Narbonensis . The auxilaries were German , recruited from the tribe of Goths and Lombart , large, great stature, and generally powerful physiques , with fierce with unkempt beards thrusthing out between the cheekguards of their helmets. The tribune had ordered them to keep their helmets on as they passed through the hills, Precaution against any ambushes from the gangs of brigands that preyed on traveller .
The German auxilaries could be trusted with guarding the mint, owing their loyality directly to the Emperor . The real reason for tribune order was to cover up of the auxilaries barbaric hair as possible to avoid awareness any civilians they passed , the tribune felt a very Roman contempt for these men recruited from the wild tribes beyond the Rhine.
" Barbarians." he muttered to himself with a sighed to himself.
The tribune ordered to Gaul to take charge of the latest shipment of silver coin from the Imperial mint. After service in so many years as a guardsman, he had fixed idea of how a soldier should appear and he been responsible to a cohort of German auxilaries . Apart from directly protecting the emperor, the tribune Cato Scapula must protected their patron and his interests indirectly by functioning as a kind of secret police force. He been engaged in espionage, intimidation, arrests, and even covert executions of those judged to be a threat to the emperor.
Scapula Glanced the first Two sections of auxilaries came the four heavy vehicles drawn by six the horses each . A soldier sat on the bench beside each of the drivers and behind then stretched the goatskin covers and dry leaves, tightly tied over the locked chests resting in each vehicles. There two massive chests in each vehicle , each of them containing three hundred thousand denarius - three million in all, enough to pay an entire praetorian in a year.
Cato Scapula could do a brief speculation about what he could do with such a fortune , then he erased away the thought . He was a soldier, he been given his oath to protect the Emperor and obey . His duty was to escort the fortune to reached the teasury in Rome , he had somewhat more loyality of the concept of duty , it was less than eleventh years ago the Praetorian Guard had murdered the previous Emperor Gaius Caligula and his family , under Cassius Chaerea own aegis. Because Cassius by the increasingly unbalanced emperor, and angered at Caligula's mocking of his voice and of his supposed or real and that whenever Caligula had Chaerea kiss his ring, Caligula would "hold out his hand to kiss, forming and moving it in an obscene fashion".
Unable to bear this deliberate provocation any longer, Chaerea planned to assassinate Caligula during the held in January, 41. Chaerea's plot was one of several that formed around the same time and eventually coalesced into one broad conspiracy involving a number of Praetorians, Senators, and Equestrians and . On January 24 Chaerea struck, and Caligula died. At the same time, Caligula's wife and daughter were murdered, completing the task of destroying the emperor's immediate family. Chaerea was sympathetic to his fellow conspirators in the Senate, and wanted the destruction of the Principate .
But Chaerea did not control the loyalty of the majority of the Praetorians, who proclaimed Caligula's uncle, , as emperor. Shortly afterwards, Chaerea was sentenced to death, one of the few assassins to be actually condemned. Chaerea requested to be executed with his personal sword, and this boon was granted.However , ovnce the rest of the comrades realised there's no emperor meant no Praetorian Guard, with all previleges that went with the job, they swiftly cast around for succesor to the throne , came up with with Claudius. And the accesion of Claudius had been a confused affair, as Scapula reflected , Despite his lack of experience and hardly the ideal figurehead for the greatest empire in the known world,but generally effective ruler and finally one of the Praetorian named Gratus found him hiding behind a curtain and suddenly declared him . A section of the guard may have planned in advance to seek out Claudius, perhaps with his approval. They reassured him that they were not one of the battalions looking for revenge. He was spirited away to the and put under their protection.
The Senate quickly met and began debating a change of government, but this eventually devolved into an argument over which of them would be the new princeps. When they heard of the Praetorians' claim, they demanded that Claudius be delivered to them for approval, but he refused, sensing the danger that would come with complying.Eventually the Senate was forced to give in and, in return, Claudius pardoned nearly all the assassins and fair ruler, Cato Scapula profess.
His gaze shifted to the last sections of the German auxilaries marching behind the vehicles. They doesn't look like a proper soldier, but they were good in a fight . He and his convoy would reach Picenum within one hour, there to await the Preatorian escort , they were still some two miles from Picenum whenCato Scapula heard the sound of approaching horses. The convoy was passing through a small forest of pine trees whose sharp scent filled the cold air . An outcrop of rock short distance ahead obscured the road beyond. Cato Scapula instinctively recalled his days on the Danube where the enemy's favorite trick was to trap Roman Columns in similiar confined settings. He reined in and threw his hand up.
" Halt! Down packs!"
As the vehicles rumbled to standsill , the German auxilaries hurriedly set down their marching yokes, laden with kit , on to the sides of the road and closed ranks at the head and tail of the convoy , Scapula passed the reins into his left hand , ready to draw his sword , glanced round into the shadows beneath the trees on either side. Nothing moved. The sound of hoofbeats grew louder , echoing off the hard suface of the paved road and the rocks , First riders came into view round the bend, wearing the red cloak of an officer. His crested helmet hung from one of the saddle horns . Behind him rode another twenty men in the mud - spattered white cloaks of Paretorian Guards rankers.
Scapula puffed his cheeks and let out a sharp sight of relief. " At ease !"
The Auxilaries lowered their shields and the shafts of their spears, Scapula waited for the riders to approach, their leader slowed his horse to a trot and then walked for the last fifty paces.
" Tribune Cato Scapula, Sir ?"
Scapula looked closely at the other officer. The face was familiar . " What is the correct challenge, Centurion ?" he demanded .
" The grapes of Campania are ripe to pick, sir." the other man replied firmly.
Cato Scapula nodded at the phrase he was expecting to hear, it was their password about the delivering packets to rome . " Very well . you were supposed to wait for us at Picenum, Centurion."
" Gaius Maximus, Sir." Centurion of the First Century, Fifth Cohort."
" Ah, yes." Scapula vaguely recalled the name . " So what are you doing out on the road ?"
" We've been reached Picenum yesterday, sir. Place was like a ghost town. Most people had gone to a nearby shrine for some local festival. I thought we would ride out and meet you, and your men there." He gestured towards the German Auxilaries.
" They're not mine." Scapula growled.
" Anyway, we saw you approaching , Sir. and well here we are. Ready to escort the packets back to Rome."
Cato Scapula regarded the centurion silently for a moment , he liked the soldiers who stuck to the letter of their orders and was not sure that he approved Maximus and his men meeting them here on the road instead of the town, as been arranged by Treasury Imperial Secretary divison. Clear plans fr the delivery of the gold and silver from Imperial Mint at Lugdunum had been made in Rome two months earlier and all concerned should obey their instructions. While these officers began to play free and easy with their oders, plans began to fall apart. Scapula resolved to have a word with Maximus's commanding officer when they returned to the Praetorian camp just outside the walls of Rome.
" Centurian Belgraussus !" Scapula called out over his houlder. " On me !"
The officers in charge of the German auxiliaries hurried forward. He was a tall, broad shouldered individual whose scale armour just about fitted his muscular torso. He looked up at the tribune, his beard amost flame red in the sunshine .
" Sir ?"
Cato Scapula nodded to horsemen, " The escort from Rome. They'll protect the packets from here. You and your men can turn back towards Narbonesis at once. "
The German pursed his lips and replied in heavily accented Latin ." Do my respect, we were supposed to make the handover in Picenum, Sir. The men were hoping to enjoy themselves in the town for the night before we headed back."
" Yes, That's not necessary . Beside, I doubt the locals will take kindly to being invaded by a small horde of Germans. I know what your men are like when they got some drinks inside 'em."
CenturionBelgraussus frowned." I'll see to it that they won't cause any trouble, Sir."
" Nor will they. I'm ordering you to tuen round and march back to Gaul at once, d'you hear ?"
The other man nodded slowly, his bitterness quite clear. Then with a curt nod to his superior he turned and strode back to the convoy . " Take up your packs ! Make ready to march ! It's back to Gaul for us , formed up ."
Some of Belgraussus men groaned and growled and one of them swore a loud oath in his native tongue ,drawing a sharp rebuke from the Centurion.
Cato Scapula glanced at Maximus and spoke calmly. " Cn't have a bunch of hairy - arsed barbarians imposing themselves on decent folk."
" Absolutely not, Sir." Maximus nodded. " Bad enough that the Germans have been tasked with guarding the gold and the silver convoys as it is.That should be work for proper soldiers, legionaries or Cohort of the Guard."
" Seems we are not to be trusted enough by the Emperor." Cato Scapula said ruefully. " Too many senior officers playing at politics recent years , and this is what the rest of us have to put up with." He drew up in his horse saddle " Have your men form up either end of the wagons . As soon as the auxilaries are out of the way we can proceed . "
" Yes, Sir." Centurion Maximus saluted and turned away to call out the orders to his mean , As the germans grumpily formed a single column beyond the wagons , the mounted men eased their horses into place and soon the two small forces were ready to part company. Scapula approached Centurion Belgraussus to issue his parting instructions .
" You're to return to Narbonensis as swiftly as possible. Since I won't be there to keep watch on your men , don't let them cause any trouble in any settlements you pass through on the way back . Understand ?"
The Centurions pressed his lips together in a tight line and dodded .
" Off you go." Cato Scapula nodded at Centurion Belgraussus and turned his horse in the other direction and trotted back to the head of the small column where Centurion Maximus was waiting . Scapula waved his arm forward and gave the other for horsemen and wagons to advance , With a crack of the reins from the drivers , the vehicles began to move with a clatter and deep rumble from the heavy irons rimmed wheels. The clop of the hoofs of mules and horses added to the din . Cato Scapula rode on without looking back until he reached the rocky outcrop. Then he glanced round and saw the rear of the auxiliary column a quarter of a mile down the road, tramping back towards Gaul.
" Good riddance." He muttered to himself .
The vehicle with their new escort, followed the road round the rocks and the route resumed its straight direction, through another quarter of a mile of pine trees, towards Picenum. Now that he was well clear of the Germans troops Cato Scapula felt his mood improve. He slowed his horse until he was riding alongside Centurion Maximus . " What's the latest news from Rome ?"
Gaius Maximus thought for a moment and replied with an light smile. " The Emperor's new squeeze continues to tighten her grip on the old boy ."
" Oh ?" Cato Scapula frowned at the coarse reference to the Empress.
" Yes. Word round the palace is that Agrippina has told Claudius get rid of his mistresses. Naturally, he isn't so keen. But that's the least of his worries. You knw that kid of hers, Lucius Domitius ? . She's putting it about that the boy is going to be adopted by Claudius."
" That's make sense." Scapula responded . " No point in making the lad feel left out ."
Maximus glanced at him with an amused smile. " You don't know the half of it,sir. Agrippina's openly pushing Claudius to name young Lucius as his heir ."
Cato Scapula raised his eyebrows. This was a dangerous development , the Emperor already had a legitimate heir, Britannicus, his son by his first wife, Messalina . Now there would be a rival to the throne . Cato Scapula shook his head . " Why on earth would Emperor agree to that ?"
" Maybe his mind is growing weak." Maximus suggested .
" Agrippina claims that she only want Britannicus to have protector and who better for the job than his brother ? Someone to look ut his interests after Claudius has popped off. And that day ain't so far off. The old boy's looking thin as a stick and fragile , so once he goes, it look like the Praetorians are going to have young Lucius Domitius as their new employer, it's quite a turn - up , eh ?"
" Yes." Cato Scapula replied. He fell silent as he considred the implications, as an infant the Emperor's son, Britannicus, had been popular with the Praetorian Guard he used to accompany his father on visits to the camp, as he wearing a small set of armour of his own and insisting on taking part in the drilling and weappons pratice, to the amusement of the men. Now the infant had become a boy , these days he began cold and more hard to reached , Young Britannicus was going to have to compete for the affection of the Praetorians .
" There's more, Sir." Maximus said in deep tone , glancing over his shoulder as if to makesure that his men did not overhear . " If you care to know it."
Cato Scapula looked at him sharply, wondering just how far he could trust the other officer. In recent years he had seen enough men put to death for not guarding their tongues and he had no wish to join them . " Say Maximus, does any danger in hearing what you going to say ?"
Maximus smiled as he replied . " That's depend on you, sir, or , more accurately , Where your first loyality lies to ?"
" My only loyality is to my Emperor, as is yours, and all the men in the Praetorian Guard."
" Are you certain, Sir ?" Gaius Maximus looked at him directly . " I would have thought a Roman would be loyal to Rome first."
" Rome and the Emperor are the same ." Scapula replied tersely . " Our oath is equally binding to both. It's dangerous to say different, I'd advise you not to raise the issue again. "
Maximus smiled cynically and scutinised the tribune for a moment and then looked away . " You are right, sir." then Maximus let his mount drop back until he was behind his superior . The convoy reached the end of the pine tress and emerged into open country. Scapula had not passed any other travvelers since dawn and could see none ahead in the direction of Picenum , he recalled what Maximus had said about the festival. A short distance ahead the road descended into a slight fold in the landscape and Cato Scapula stretched up in his saddle as he caught sight of movement amid some stunted bushes.
" There's something ahead." He said to Maximus. He raised his arm and pointed . " See ? About a quarter of amile in front, where the road dips."
Gaius Maximus looked in the direction indicated and shook his head .
" Are you blind ? There's clearly something moving there. I can make out now , a handful small carts and mules among the bushes."
" Oh ! Now i have on my sight, sir." Maximus stared into the dip a moment , " Could be a merchant's train in camp."
" At this times of day ? Think short a distance from Picenum ?" Scapulla snorted . " I don't think so. Come, we need a closer look." He urged his mount forward , clopping down the road towards the bushes nestling in the dip. Maximus beckoned to the leading section of horsemen to follow him and set off in the wake of his superior, as Scapula drew nearer he realised that there were several more carts than he had first thought and now he couls see a handful of men crouching down between the bushes . The anxiety he had felt shortly before returned to prick the back of his scalp with icy needles. He reined in a hundred paces from the nearest of the men and their carts to wait the others to catch up.
" I don't like about this, Those scroundrels are up to no good . I'll be bound, Maximus ready your men."
" Yes sir ." The centurion replied in a flat tone.
Scapula heard the rasp of a sword being drawn from its scabbard and he took a tigter grip of his reins as he prepared to lead the mounted guardsmen forward .
Gaius Maximus plunged his sword into th tribune's back. Between the shoulder blades. The point cut through the cloak and tunic and on through the flesh and bone into the spine . Scapula's head jerked back under the impact and he let out a sharp gasp as his fingers spread wide, half clenched like claws, releasing his grip on the reins , Gaius Maximus gave a powerful twist to the blade and then ripped it free. The tribune collapsed forward between his saddle horns, arms hanging limply down the flanks of his horse . The beast suprise and the movement dislodged the tribune from his saddle. He fell heavily to the ground, rolling on to his back, he stared up, eyes wide open as his mouth worked feebly .
Maximus turned to his men . " See to the drivers of the vehicles and then bring them up to the charts." as he looked down at the Tribune. " Forgive me , sir. You're a good officers and you don't deserve this . But I have my instructions."
Cato Scapula tried to moved his mouth to speak but no sound escaped his lips. He felt cold and for the first time in years, alone. As his vision began to blur, he knew he was dying . There would be no quite life for him in Pompeii and he felt a passing regret that he would never againsee his brother. Swiftly the life faded from his eyes and they stared up fixedly as he lay still on the ground . Futher down the road there were a few suprised cries that were quickly cut off as the vehicles drivers were ruthlessly disposed of . Then the wagons and the mounted men continued towards the waiting carts . Maximus turned to a large man close behind him and indicated the tribune's body. " Taticius, put him and the others on one of the vehicles. I want two men ride ahead and keep watch. Another two to go back to the bend in the road and makesure those auxilaries don't pull a fast one and turn round to take some unofficial leave in Picenum. "
The men with the carts emerged from the bushes and formed them into a line beside the road. Under Maximus's instructions , the chests were quickly unloaded from the vehicles, one to each od the carts . As soon as they were secured, they were covered with bales of cheap cloth, Sacks of grain, or bundles of old rags . The traces were removed from the horse teams on the veahicles and the animals were disributed among the carts to haul the additional burden, Once empty, the vehicles were heaved deep into the bushes and their axle caps knocked out and the wheels removed from the axles and collapsed down , out of sight of the road . The bodies were taken further into the scrub and tossed into a muddy ditch before being covered over with brush cut from the bushes . Eventually the men gathered around the carts as Maximus and a handful od others cut some more brush to cover the gaps in the bushes where the vehicles had passed through and to sweep the tracks in the grass. Because the frost there were no telltale ruts in the ground .
" That'll do." Maximus decided, tossing his bundle of twigs aside . " Time to change clothes, gentlemen."
They hurriedly removed their cloaks and tunics , swapped them for variety of civilian garments in a range of styles and colours . Once the unifors were safely tucked away in bundles behind their saddles, Maximus looked on the men over. He nodded in satisfaction they looked enough like the merchants and traders who regurlaly passed along the roads between the towns and cities of Italy.
" You have your instructions, we'll leave here in separate groups. Once you get beyond Picenum, take the routes you have been given back to the warehouse in Rome. I'll see you there. Watch your carts carefully. I don't want any petty thieves stumbling on the contents of these chests . Keep your head down and low profile, play your part and no one will suspect us. Is that clear ?" He looked round . " Good . Then let's get the first carts on the move !"
Over the next hour the carts letf the dip in the road singly, or in groups of two or three at irregular intervals, intermixed with the horsemen, some made for Picenum, others branched off at the road junction before the town, passing to the west or east following an indirect route to Rome. Once the last carts was on its way, Maximus took a final last look. There were still some tracks left by the carts and the hoofs of the mules and horses, he doubted that they would attract attention from travellers on their way to or from Picenum.
He check for the last time and steered his horse on to the road and walked it unhurriedly towards the town . He paid his toll to the guards on the town gate and stopped at a tavern to have a bowl of stew and a mug of heated wine before continuing his journey. He left the tonw's south gate and took the road to Rome.
It was late in the afternoon when he saw a small column of horsemen in white cloaks riding up from the north. Maximus pulled his hood of his worn whitecream tunic up over his head to hide his features and raised a hand in greeting as he passed by the Praetorian guardsmen riding to meet the convoy from Narbonensis. The officer leading the escort haughtily ignored the gesture and Maximus smiled to himself at the prospect of the man having to explain the dissapearance of the wagons and theirs packets of gold and silver when he reported to his superiors in Rome.
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