There was a rattle of cart wheels in the street outside and then the sound died away abruptly as the vehicle drew up outside the inn. Cornius hurried to the door, eased it open a fraction, then quickly ducked outside, shutting the door behind him. Alexius and zenious heard a brief muted exchange before the cart continued round the building to the rear where there was a small yard with stalls for the horses of travellers stopping at the inn.
" D'you think it's for out of town ." She played her voluptuous red mouth.
" Just leave it, love." Alexius smiled charmingly as he pulled one of his lover golden hair and kiss it. " For once stop, your brain for thinking and precaution ." He warned her softly as he stared her .
Zenious nodded and stared down into her bowl for a moment before reluctantly picking up her spoon to consume some more of the stew . Shortly afterwards , they're both eating in silent in a heartbeat the cook reappeared, looking flustered as he limped over to the table and presented them with a fresh loaf .
Alexius smiled and looked at zenious in surprise " Wow, freshly baked ." He picked it up, tore it in half and thrust a chunk towards her before tearing into the warm doughy mass with relish. From the back rooms of the inn came the sound of voices and the scrapes of furniture and it was a short while before Cornius emerged through the low door behind the counter . He glanced round at the other customers then crossed the room to Zenious and Alexius's table.
" What now ?" Alexius muttered . " I'll bet he regretted, want his bread back for his new guest ."
" I doubt it."
Cornius leant towards the woman General and whispered " Follow me."
Zenious and Cornius exchanged a glance before zenious responded in regale tone . " For ?"
Cornius frowned " Just come with me, Ma'am . It'll be clear enough in a moment . I couldn't say anything else ." He made a slight nod towards his remaining customers. And looked back at the beautiful General of Rome who watched him in impassive.
" What's wrong ?" Alexius asked in firm tone with Cornius .
Cornius shook his head and sight slowly. " Please I beg you, General ."
Zenious pulled her red hood forward more and nodded as she quickly turned looked at Alexius and said .1390Please respect copyright.PENANAR9aAIEGHi1
" Let's go."
Alexius left what remained of his meal and rose to follow the Roman General across the room as she follow the innkeeper who led her to the back of the inn. The other people in the room could not help eyeing Zenious as she passed by with astonishment and curiously. Alexius noted with a faint smile of amusement. Cornius went first followed by zenious, with Alexius last. Who had to stoop under the door frame . There was a narrow room behind and lit by a single oil lamp. By it's week glow Alexius could see the walls were lined with jars of wine and basket of vegetables and a net of fresh bread hung from a book close to two joint of cured meat . Clearly the innkeeper at well, even the customers didn't. At the far end of the room a door stood slightly ajar and the frame was brightly lit by a fire burning in the next room . Cornius entered the room , followed by the General who immediately pulled up her hood which cover her long curly golden hair . The room was generously proportioned with a wide table in the centre . A freshly stoked cooking fire crackled beneath the iron grill and provided the room with a rosy light . Seated on the far side of the table was a figure in a plain cloak. He looked up from the cheese and bread that had been laid before him and smiled as he saw Zenious , and nodded curtly in courtesy at Zenious and Alexius.
" Greeting, Lady and gentleman . It's good of you to join me !" Pallas waved them towards the bench opposite him. " Or rather, it is good if me to join you."
" What are you doing here ?" Asked Alexius. " I had begun to fear that you were going to keep us sitting on our arses forever.".
" It's a pleasure to see you too, Legate." Pallas responded smoothly . " The waiting is over . Your Emperor needs you again, General. Now more than ever....".
Zenious responded to the Imperial Secretary's of Treasure greeting with a cold stare . Despite being born into slavery in the Imperial Palace, Pallas had worked hard and been set free by Claudius in the years before he had become Emperor . As freedman Pallas had a lower social status than even the humblest Roman citizen, but as one of the closest advisers to the Emperor he had power and influence far beyond that of any Senate . It was Pallas, Narcissus, Callitus who also controlled the spy network dedicated to sniffing out threats to their master, Claudius. In this role he had made use of the allies with zenious and some Generals who their loyalty on Claudius and Rome , was about to began again, Alexius reflected.
Zenious whispered something to Cornius after a moment the innkeeper brought a jar of wine and three cups , zenius dismissed him. " That will do for now, Cornius. Make sure that we are not interrupted not overheard ."
" Yes, General." Cornius bowed hid head and then turned to leave . He hurried out throughout the door . And zenious waited until the sound of footsteps faded and the door at the far end of the linking room closed behind her .
Pallas looked at Zenious and spoke calmly . " He's good and faithful servant but he can be rather demanding at times. Anyway, how are my beloved general !" Pallas leant forward and nodded at the zenious ." Narcissus told me that you've been busy with rally the empire circuit from the Camulodunum , Londominium, Rome , Ravenna, and Ostia ?"
Zenious nodded curtly . " I've do what I must do for Emperor and Rome ."
Pallas stared at her for a moment and then nodded at the jar " I know, it must hard for you . Well we should celebrate this reunions of old friends ."
Alexius shook his head . " You're not a list as friend of ours"
Pallas cleared his throat and laughed nervously and nodded. " That's true, Legate. Well, very well I'll do the honours.". He least forward pulled out the stopper and poured a dark red wine into each of the cups. Then he set the jar down and raised his cup . 1390Please respect copyright.PENANABlmNgY8G84
" At least join me in a toast .... Death to the enemies of the Emperor."
Abruptly zenious turned her head at Alexius who standing in attention behind her . Exchange glanced each other as she nodded at him for toast with Pallas the Rome Imperial of Treasury .
Alexius stepped calmly and brief of reluctance he picked up the nearest of the cups and made the toast. He took a sip and made an appreciative smile . 1390Please respect copyright.PENANArd43M8SUSc
Pallas took a small mouthful of wine and licked his lips . " I wonder how he got this a good stuff . What do you think , my son Alexius?".
" Yes, Indeed he got a good stuff. It's Falernian wine."
" You really impressed me as always, Alexius. " Pallas said in polite and chuckled slightly. " Thought you don't appear to agree with me in some particular aspects at the Senate. "
" I am a mere soldier and citizen." Alexius replied . " I used to see the fact and worse and I had my own principle to make Rome realised the facts ." Alexius glanced at Pallas surprised expression and then cocked an eyebrow.
" So you are. And always for you to serve Rome once more. " Pallas replied in calm tone.
" I imagine you will be in a hurry to return to the palace. " said zenious . " Best we get straight to business." She spoke suddenly in an icy tone.
" How considerate of you, Young beautiful General ." Pallas smiled as he set his cup down slowly . " Why don't you take a sit, hmm...."
Alexius stepped forward as he made way to his General who he's lover too for pulled out the bench . " General ." Alexius nodded at her .
Zenious place herself on the bench opposite from Pallas as Alexius sit next to her .
Pallas watched her as he ask, " So this is good, please eased yourself, General. How last your research ?"
" On Capraea, is that what you referring to? " She asked as cooked her eyebrow.
" Yes."
" I raised the matter of a new threat posed by Liberators. Those scum will never rest until the Emperor is disposed of. Naturally, they claim to act in the interests of Senate and people of Rome back into the dark age of tyrant like Sulla and Marius . The Senate would be riven by factions fighting for power. We'd had a civil war on our hands within months of the fall of Claudius. The Senate had it uses in age before Rome acquired an Empire. It's need supreme authority can provide the order that is needed. The fact is the senators can not be trusted with the safety and security of Rome. "
Pallas nodded and was silent for a moment. " I know, that's true. Despite from all , what we going to do ?"
She smiled smartly and nodded . " I and those who serve Emperor and Rome are all stand between order and bloody chaos. "
" It may true." Pallas conceded " The fact is that order claim to protect is almost as bloody from time to time."
" There's a price to pay for order. Do you really think peace and prosperity can be maintained without the shedding of a modicum of blood , problem that you don't know there's another battle field, far from the frontier, that goes on, never ending , fight for order . You all in Imperial should aware of it and the war that i wage is barbarians in the battlefields and some are not screaming barbarians. They are smooth - talking creatures lurking in the shadow who seek personal power at the expense of the public good . Their dressed in their ambition up in the robes of principle but believe me there's no evil they would not countenance to achieve their ends. That's why Rome needs me and she needs you . Human like us are her only hope for survival." She passed and helped herself to scanned Pallas expression.
" It's funny , when other me act out of self interest you call it evil, when we do it , we're patriots. "
" That is because our cause is just. Theirs is not. " she replied undertone at Alexius comment .
" A difference of perspective ." Alexius replied at his General with an even tone.
" Don't dignify our enemies with your philosophical abstraction , Alexius. Just ask yourself whose Rome you would prefer to live in. Ours,or theirs ?"
Pallas clicked his tongue " She has a point. She can see the sense of ratio and logical result for our empire circumstances.".
Alexius sighed and cooked an eyebrow. Pallas gave a light laugh and topped up Alexius's cup . " I meant no offence . "
Zenious looked at Alexius and said regally, " What's the right and wrong if it's abundantly clear to a man of action, such as ourself ."
While Alexius reflected on zenious words. The Imperial of Treasury moved on hastily. " I agree with her, it's a really little choice of issue . And I respect your right to express an opinion, however poorly thought through any of circumstances in Rome. Now, I am going straight to the business . I'm might promoted you, zenious on the Senate. "
Alexius reflected and lowered his hand and slowly ran his fingers through his dark hair. Pallas was right. He had him exactly where he wanted him. More than anything he only want to protect his woman. He must took the part of this dangerous game . " So she could out from here ?"
Pallas laughed slightly but did not say anything. Alexius raised his head and looked directly at the Treasury Imperial Secretary . " What do you want us to do ?"
Pallas smiled slowly, with the air of a man accustomed to having his way .1390Please respect copyright.PENANA1LhGdRRIhd
" My, My son Alexius, you're such impatient . All right , as you already know , the regime was nearly brought down by the conspiracies perpetrated by Messalina. That woman was pure poison. There was no debauchery that was beneath her. The only thing that matched her wanton lack of morals was her ambition. She knew exactly how to wrap Claudius round her finger. Not only him, but many others inckuding one of the Emperor's advisers, Polybius."
" I know the name ." Said Alexius . " Didn't he commit suicide."
Pallas threw he small glanced at Zenious , which remain silent and empty eyes looked at back at him, after a moment Pallas continued, " That's what he was ordered to do so. In the Emperor's name. There wasn't even time to appeal to Claudius before he was visited by some Praetorian guardsmen who rather pressed the issue."
" Murdered ?"
" The line between murder, execution, and suicide has become a little blurred in recent years. Death, one way or another, resolved a political difficulty , or a desire for revenge, simply comes on a whom from those with the authority to order it." She spoke softly, her eyes still fixed at Pallas eyes .
The Imperial Treasury secretary nodded. And smiled patiently at zenious . As Alexius turned his head at his fiancee. " You know about this ? And never told me anything about it."
Zenious shrugged. Unmoved by Alexius question. Pallas shook his head and found a bit satisfaction as he watched the young couple in front of him, and he looked at Alexius, spoke. 1390Please respect copyright.PENANAvDj7CBo4J1
" So when a Messalina to use the Emperor's absence from Rome to divorce him, marry her lover and then seize power, we had to act. Claudius was in the way to Ostia, that's when the news reached me and narcissus. We could see the imminent danger very clearly and spoke to those who were closets to the Emperor, Callitus. It took all our powers of persuasion to get Claudius to accept the truth about Messalina . Then he denied it all, saying it couldn't be true." Pallas visibly trembled at the memory, and make out a long breath . " we encouraged him to drink some wine to soften the blow. That was when we presented him with a warrant for her arrest and execution, among a handful of other warrant issued for the arrest of her allies ."
" You're pig !" Alexius commented admiringly. " What did the Emperor do when he came to his sense ?"
" He grieved for a month . While the three of us disposed of the other members of Messalina's conspiracy. The point of all this is to make yoh aware of how easily the Emperor is filled, and that makes him and Rome, vulnerable. "
" Hm, what's the story with his new wife ?" Asked Alexius . ” Agrippina. She's his niece, if i recalled right ."
" You're right, caused a fine scandal when Claudius announced his choice of new bride to the public. So that's Narcissus task to had battles to get the Senate to pass a measure to remove such a marriage from the incest laws. Because he's Correspondence Imperial Secretary and good at his duties . So one of the leading senators was keen to ingratiate himself with the Emperor . He picked up the job and pushed the new law through. Even then it was no easy feat, I can tell you that ,"
Alexius had been thinking during the exchange. " Whose idea was it to suggest Agrippina ?"
There was a brief moment before Pallas smiled with satisfaction and replied, " My idea, because we'd have a better chance of avoiding a repeat of the Messalina episode if we chosen a bride from within the family, and I had some influence over Messalina . We calculated that we would be able to keep her in line and ensure that Claudius continued to take advice from us ."
" And has it worked ? Is the new Emperess taking to the role with the required degree of compliance ?"
Pallas tilted his head to one side. " She's not been much trouble . The only problem is that she came to the marriage with some rather awkward baggage.".
" Baggage ?"
" Her son. Lucy's Domitius Ahenobarbus . "
" It's known as Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus . " zenious interrupted suddenly .
" He's your still favorite friend, isn't it ?" Alexius turned his head to his fiancee and cooked his eyebrow. But zenious remained silent and threw her gaze on the wall behind Pallas .
" Claudius's natural sin is not taking to the new arrangements. Britannicus refuses to acknowledge his step brother and won't call him Nero. So there's no love lost there . Those two are going to be scrambling to succeed Claudius when he goes into the shades, or where ever it is that deified emperor go."
Alexius sight and shook his head, " Sound like there's going to be a right old carve up when the time comes."
Alexius thought for a moment before he spoke again . " But Britannicus is the Emperor's heir , so surely he is first in line to succeed?".
" If only it was that clear cut," Pallas replied. " Nero is fourteenth, four years older than his step brother. Say, my beautiful General who you gonna choose ?"
" You asked me ? O' by Athena," zenious raised her eyebrow. " They're both still growing. "
Pallas smiled smartly at zenious , " You know them both, is hard isn't it ?"
" Britannicus.... I always like him, because the additional advantage that his mother was Messalina and put hik under a bit of cloud as far as his father is concerned. And to he become Emperor then I'll bet he's the kind of boy who would make a priority of revenge, he had that cold side." Zenious chuckled sweetly at Pallas .
Alexius laughed slightly, " So there's is some justice in life. That prospect must be causing you few restless nights, sir ." Zenious laughing together with Alexius as they looked at Pallas expression 's face.
" I wonder what he's gonna do, when he knew how three of your made Claudius lose his sense while the three of you persuaded him and execute Messalina. Eh ?" Alexius sneered at Pallas.
Suddenly Pallas face hardened ." Legate, if you knew only a fraction of what burdens our mind I doubt whether you would sleep at all. The Emperor is vulnerable to threats from all sides . His health is starting to weak, and we must do everything in our power to protect him and ensure that peace and other endure ."
" Despite from your disliking to Narcissus too, I'd guess. When the old boy dies ? What next ? " Alexius asked perspicaciously .
" Then we must ensure that the right successor is chosen. Who do you have in mind, Alea Zenious? " asked Pallas.
" Nero and Britannicus are young and each has his own virtues and vice versa." Zenious replied smartly .
Pallas leant forward , " The time will comes , and all Emperor's closest advisers, will make choice and point Claudius in the right direction when he names his successor, just be wise zenious . "
Zenious cooked her right eyebrow and sniffed, she smiled cynically. Alexius could felt the tense air in the room as he say, " I don't see what all this had to do with her and me . There's nothing we can do to influence events."
" I'm already told you. It's necessary to brief your general on the wider picture, so that y'all understand ."
Zenious responded coldly." I'm aware the full gravity of the circumstances and situation, include the Praetorian aspect in politic ." The General thought a moment and continued,1390Please respect copyright.PENANAMNbfI3iA9T
" Shall i remained you what i said earlier I stand between order and bloody chaos. And the key inside Imperial palace include in Praetorian Guard . And it was the support of Gratus ,the Praetorian commander that made Claudius 's accession possible . Are that answer your question? "
The three of Rome officers looked at each other and Pallas gestured to Zenious and Alexius. " It's rhetoric answer, as always . " he replied in a subdued tone . " This is why i came with the palace devided of successor, the Liberators decided to act , the key of any change of power in Rome is to have control of the Praetorians Guard. When Emperor dies, they are the final arbiter when it comes to the question of who won the throne. And, if the Liberators can win control of the Praetorian then the question of which of the Emperor's two sons will succeed him become academic they will be cut down, along with the rest of the Imperial family, their servant and allies ." He paused to let his word sink in. " That is why the command of the guard is split between two prefect and three legate and the Emperor's immediate bodyguard is made up of German mercenaries - men he can trust. However , one of the prefect has been ill for several months, which leaves the Praetorians under the command of the other, Grasius Quintus, who is more of concern. Lately he has been increasing the training of the men, working them hard with regular route matches, weapons exercises and mock battles , recently the battletraining has shifted emphasis. He is now drilling them in street fighting and siege techniques." 1390Please respect copyright.PENANAdCF7qFq0AF
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