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" Through the battle, through defeat, moving yet and never stopping, Than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his father, In the temple of his gods ."
The man with long sword whirling overhead was dark skinned a few feet from him stood another pirate thin and swarthy. He wore scale armour and carried a buckler and light, the man's shouted an order and the long sword sliced through the air towards Artemis's head . Artemis dropping his knees, he hunched down and the edge of sword cut deeply into the stern post. So deeply that it was edge in place and the pirate grunted savagely as he tried to wrench his weapons free. Before Artemis could take advantage of the situation the younger pirate sprang forward, his light blade whirling in a flurry of attacking strokes that Artemis parried desperately . When his comrade was clear of the Roman and had snatched up another sword, the young pirate stepped back . Artemis knew he was in desperate situation and the thought that his only line of escape lay in jumping over the side flashed through his mind, but his armoured as he was, he realised he would sink straight to the bottom of the sea, he clenched history sword tightly, eased his shield forward and waited for the next attack .
" Sir !!" Facius 's voice carried across the background din of fighting from the other ships. " Sir, get down !"
Artemis and the two men facing Facius, and heard the whirling sound at the same instant, but only the Roman realised the danger in time to act, and threw himself down on the deck and covered his body with his shield. Slingshot whipped overhead, cracked into timber and several thunder into the bodies of the two pirates . Both men crumpled to the deck and lay groaning. " Hold fast !" Facius shouted to his men.
Artemis waited a moment to make sure that no more shots coming his way, then he rose up. He glanced at the last two pirates . The thin man already dead, his skull crushed by a direct hit. His young companion had been struck in the back, smashing his shoulder blade and some ribs, as he gasped for breath, blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. He glared up at Artemis as his hand groped across the deck towards the handle of sword. Artemis kicked the weapon away and leaned over him. " Are you their leader ?" He ask in Greek .
The young pirate said nothing, only glaring at Artemis with hate filled eyes, then spat a globules of bloody saliva at Artemis's face. He wiped it away. " Have it your own way."
Artemis raised his sword and smile strike and the pirate commander clenched his eyes shut and flinched . Artemis smiled and walked away, back towards the boarding ramp where the last of Maximian marines were crossing over. With nearly two centuries of marines crowded on to the deck there was little room and Artemis had to squeeze through to find Maximian and Optio Facius. 1100Please respect copyright.PENANA5pmxlDgsca
" We have to move fast, This ship's sinking and I doubt the others will stay afloat for much longer. Come on !"
Artemis pushed forward to the bows where a handful of the marines were skirmish with the pirates on the deck of the Neptune. Neither side willing to be the first to leap across the narrow gap between them . " Give the front rank space !" Artemis shouted thrusting his men aside, "!Get back here!".
As soon as there was enough room for the men at the side trail to swing their arms effectively Artemis grabbed a javelin from his men and thrust it towards the pirates . " Clear that deck ! Use javelins!".
The marines who still had javelins took aim and hurled their weapons at point - blank range, skewering those pirates who, did not have the sense to retreat. As soon as the deck clear, Artemis clambered the side rail, checked his balance and leaped across the gap, landing clumsily on the Neptune's deck. He straightened up raising his shield and sword as he roared to the rest of his men whose following him behind. " Charge!". Artemis didn't wait for them, but charged towards the men fighting about the mast, some of the pirates were aware of the new danger and had already turned to face the fresh wave of Roman marines.
Beyond them, Marius's voice rose above the dim as he shouted encouragement to his men and foul abuse at the enemy. Artemis clenched his fist at his shield when he slammed the shield into the nearest pirate, the impact jarring his arm right up to shoulder. Artemis swung the weight of the shield back as his sword arm thrust forward, knocking aside a desperate parry and plug the point sword deep into the man's chest, he twisted the sword deep as he wrenching the sword free, and pushed the shield forward, knocking the pirate down to one side, made out for the next pirate , suddenly the axe swirl at Artemis, instinctively artemis raised his shield and cover his body as the Axe thudded into Artemis shield . Artemis smiled cynically to his attacker, as the man used his another axe and swing the shafts round again, and aiming low at Artemis's leg, as Artemis was forced to leaped back against his own men, and with a savagery roar the huge pirate raised the axe up for an overhead blow. As Artemis , crouched low, tipped his head down and charged forward under the blow, and the iron cross piece of his helmet smashed into the pirate's face, as Artemis plug his sword free to the Pirate's stomach as he push forward his shield . The men fall helplessly, as Artemis twitched his sword more harder, he looked at the his enemy eye, as he pulled his sword free ruthlessly.
The other marines swept forwards, hacking, and thrusting at the pirate , and the ferocity of their assault instantly broke the pirates' will. They glanced nervously each other slowly they retreat, turned and ran , try to find a haven from the anger of the marines. Back to back, and they've been cornered against the side rail, and the marines kill them without mercy , after the marines saw their comrades bodies sprawled in the sea lifeless.
Some pirates still fighting about the mast trapped between Artemis men and the survivors of Marius's century. When the last man had been killed, Artemis threw his eyes around the mast scene, Twisted bodies, Roman and pirate, were sprawled like discarded junk and toy, with the red liquid streak towards the scuppers. No more than a dozen wounded and breathless marines still stood in tight circle around the Base of the mast. Marius stood amongst them, spattered with blood looked around wildly, until his eyes fell on Artemis and he walked towards to Artemis . "What the bloody porsena kept you?".
Artemis raised his eyebrow. " If this is how you thank us, next time we won't bother ."
" Better be."
Artemis shake his sword and wipe it on the cloak of one of the dead pirates, Marius reached out his arm and grasped Artemis by the arm . " Better late than never."
Artemis smiled ," I know, now we have to go ."
Marius frowned ." Go? "
" Get off this ship. "
" We've just won the shark back."
" Listen Marius, she's sinking. Now let's go." Without waiting for Marius to reply, Artemis turned to the rest of the marines and filled his lungs. As he bellowed to the marines,1100Please respect copyright.PENANA9lbGDrRcu7
" Back to the Spartan, ladies ! Quick as you can! Move !'
Few feet away Artemis saw of the men ruffling the body of a richly dressed pirate and he angrily strode over and kicked the man away . " No time for that. Optio ! Get your men move ! Now!".
The marines withdrew towards where the ram of the pirate ship was buried in the side of the Neptune.They scrambled back across the gap, helping injured comrades as best as they could, unfortunately only few men could cross at once and Artemis stared about him in frustration. He slapping his hand against his thigh with hard sound as result. All marines looked at Artemis. Marius shook his head, " Now, what are you fretting all? '
A deep groan filled the air, Artemis felt the deck shudder beneath his boots, causing him unbalanced . Artemis nodded towards the ship that the Neptune had succeeded in ramming . " That's what I was worrying about ."
The decks of the ships were already awash and moment later the sea closed over the side rails as she began to sink, dragging the prow of the Neptune down with her. The timbers of the Roman bireme protested at the huge strain placed on the fabric of the vessel and the marines, sending the end was nearly scrambled for the deck of the other pirate vessel. But even as they swarmed over the narrow gap, there was a loud crash from forward and just behind the Neptune's bow strake the deck shattered as if a giant fist had smashed up from beneath the surface of the sea . At once water surged over the ruined bows, the deck lurched down at a sharp angle, and the marines still aboard scrambled for a handhold. Artemis dropped his shield and threw himself towards the side rail, grabbing on top it with all his strength. There were still wounded men on the deck and now their groans of agony became cried of terror at the dreadful fate swirling up the slanted deck towards them.
For a moment Artemis was gripped by the same icy horror . Then he saw Marius, holding on to the rail a few feet away, his friend winked, " Time we disembark, I think."
Only a handful of marines were left alongside the two centurions and they leaped across the gap towards the outstretched arms of their comrades and were hauled to safety. As the two centurions waited for the last of their men to quit the Neptune there was a sudden cry of alarm from the deck of the pirate ship. Artemis looked round and saw that Neptune was sinking quickly, dragged down by the combined weight of the first two ships. The foredeck lurched down, almost level with the surface of the sea. Artemis felt water closing round his thighs as a wave swept across the deck of the bireme.
" Oh, by name of Lucumo's , We're not going to make it. "
" Don't just bloody cursed ! Jump ! " Marius roared . Artemis stared at Marius clambered up on to the side rail, braced himself, as he rose up on his feet, tottering unsteadily. Then Marius launched himself across the gap and thudded against the bow of the pirate ship. His hands grasped the rail and immediately a couple of marines grabbed his arms and hauled him on to the foredeck. The sea had reached Artemis's waist and he knew the Neptune was moment away from sinking.
" Sir!" A voice called out behind him.
Artemis glanced over his shoulder and saw a young marine clutching the rail further down the deck with one hand.
His other shoulder had been shattered by a deep wound and the arm hung uselessly by a few raw tendons, he stared at Artemis, " Save you self, it's honour fought with you. In the name of duty and honour."
There was no mistaking in his expression. And when Artemis was about to climbed down the sea swept over the Neptune and the young marine disappeared in a crimson swirl. Artemis was seized by a will for finish his mission as he scrambled up on the ship's rail and leaped across to the pirate vessel, only a four feet above the surface of the sea. The impact drove the breath from his body. His fingers reached for purchase on the ship's side before a hand clamped on to his wrist and a powerful arm hoisted him up the side, over the rail and dumped him on the deck .
Marius's chest was heaving as he looked down at Artemis. " No more passing next time, just jump, if you death that bloody general will cut my throat."
" Well I thought I was supposed to ask, how high I must jump ?" Artemis smiled and laughed at Marius.
Marius shook his head as he looked at Artemis eye ." There's a time and place for smart remarks, mate. This ain't it. Let's go." He grabbed Artemis by the arm and hauled him to his feet .
Artemis glanced to the distorted outline of the Neptune disappearing beneath the sea's surface . For a moment there was a deep groaning and grinding as the Neptune hung on to the ram of the pirate vessel, as the deck shuddered under Artemis's feet. With a jarring crash, the side of the bireme gave way. The deck thrust up beneath the Romans, sending several sprawling , and the Neptune thundering into the dark depths of the ocean, handful of men floundered amid the flotsam, screaming for help. Marius steered Artemis away and the two of them followed the marines over the end of the boarding ramp where the men anxiously pushing forward to reach the safety of the Spartan's deck.
The Pirate ship which released from the burden of the Neptune, was rapidly succumbing to the water rushing in through the hole driven into her side and her motion on the sea . Water gleamed only a short distance beneath the gratings on the main deck. The ship suddenly lurched once the sea surged over the stern, by the gurgling hiss water poured across the left beam, slanting the deck over even further,1100Please respect copyright.PENANAvMcZRQydSp
" She'll capsize," Artemis realised. 1100Please respect copyright.PENANASKKyT6c8jN
" Get Over the side . Now."
Marius stared at him, " Over the ...."
" Follow me ." Artists braced one foot against the Base of the mast and hurriedly unstrapped his belt round his waist. Grunting with effort, he wrenched his scale armour over his head and threw it on to the deck where it slid down the slope and splashed into the water. " You too."
As Marius ditched his weapons and armour, Artemis clung on to the foremast . The other marines had all returned to the deck of the Spartan and were hauling the tackle to raise the crow from the pirate ship's deck and swing it back aboard the trireme.
" There !" Marius threw down his chain mail best. " I'll go first then you follow and we go straight over the side before this thing roll over on us .
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The timber of the vessel began to creak and groan alarmingly as the angle of the deck increased. Marius slid down into the water along the side rail. He landed with a splash and immediately trend and looked back at Artemis , arms raised to cushion Artemis's landing, as the young officer nodded , and let go. Both of them waded on to the side rail. Took a breath and leaped into the ocean swell. The sea closed Artemis's head and at once his ears were filled with the dull roaring of his grunts as he made out for the surface. He was aware of the dump shape close by, and hand gripped his arm as they reached towards the shimmering light .
Marius and Artemis broke the surface together of the sea and gasped for air. A short distances ahead of them was the weathered side of the Spartan, seeming to be as tall as a building from water level. The sound of rushing water from behind them was deafening ,sensing a shadow fall upon him, Artemis glanced round and looked up at the glistening dark hull of the pirate vessel as it began to roll over .
" Swim!" He spluttered. " Swim for it!"1100Please respect copyright.PENANABZMAqc8R9e
The two Centurions struck towards the trireme kicking and strokes with their booted feet. The road of cascading water plunged in their ears and for moment Artemis felt a current drawing him back, before he kicked free of it, struggling to keep up faster . Then with a crash of spray, the pirate vessel capsized just behind them up and carried them several feet towards the trireme before it subsided. Artemis glanced back and saw the glistening hull rising above the sea, dark and barnacle encrusted like a rock. Marius spat out a mouthful of salt water and shook the drenched locks of hair away from his forehead.
" Venus ! That was close. "
" Too close." Artemis muttered, still kicking his feet to keep his head as far above the surface as possible and spitting out the saltwater . " Ergh ! A rope , Get a rope down here !" He raised an arm and waved towards the faces lining the side rail of the trireme . With legs and arms working furiously against the burden of their heavy tunics, both of them struggled to stay a float. A snaked rope over the side of the trireme and splashed into the sea, Marius stretched an arm towards it, his fingers brushed against the coarse hemp, closed tightly round the rope . " Pull!" He shouted up to the trireme and the ropes steadily tightened and then began to draw them in , already a boarding net had been lowered over the side and two sailors had screamed down and he out an arm each towards the twisted officers thrashing through the swell . Then the sailors let go of the net and plunged toward them as they struggled towards the boarding net . After a moment the two Centurions were slumped down on the deck, the water pooled around them. Artemis shook his head as he glanced around at the battle. The ship scattered all around the Spartan. Some of Roman wet still locked in battle. Just over half the biremes were still afloat. Artemis looked the eagle - bearer over Prefect Vitellius's ship.
The Pirate ship was struck home, blaze from end to end , and black smoke over her side in a sense swirling cloud, settling in the waves, about to sink. While the other pirate vessel were hurriedly disengaging and weaving a course between the battered wrecks and the survivors of the Roman fleet as they made for the open sea.
In distance Tharsos trireme skirting round the main strength of the Roman fleet as he made for the small force of Pirate ships that had wrought havoc amongst the overloaded biremes . Artemis stood silently , too self conscious to watch the battle formation, eyes fixed on the Pirate vessel as they start circling each other over the Athena'. With no advantage gained, the Pirate vessels resumed their circling motion . Artemis could well imagine the devastating impact of the battle. He looked over his shoulders and saw the form of the trierach. Vizentius raised his eyebrow.
" It's not over yet, seems they regrouping, they'll be hanging round the fleet, waiting for time to strike fast,like mountain wolves around the sheep. If we don't make land before dusk then they'll eat us under cover of dark and bite the weaker ships right under our noses."
" That's not what that bloody Vitellius seem to think. Our flank walking wounded." Titus Vizentius nodded at the ships of Roman ships few mile before them.
Suddenly the lookout called down, " Signal from the flagship,sir !"
Titus Vizentjus tipped his head up to face the man , squinting into the bright sky, " What ?"
" All ships to form up on the Aphrodite. "
With the large warships wallowing over the swell , the smaller ship rowed in towards the protection of the quinquireme. The trierach of the Aphrodite stood on the foredeck, raised a speaking trumpet to his lips and began bellowing a string of orders. These were relayed from ship to ship and when every vessel had raised a pennant to acknowledge the orders , the Aphrodite gave the execution signal. With the flagship in the lead, the other triremes formed a thinly stretched diamond shape across the sea. Packed into the middle of the diamond were the smaller vessels, most showing signs of the battle they had just survived, damaged, rigging , torn sails and some with livid streaks of red trailing down from their scuppers.
Once the fleet had formed up it began to crawl across the sea , making for coast of Illycrum, still out of sight over the horizon. The men at the oars had been exhausted by the battle manoeuvres and the ships raised their sails, while their trierach prayed that the northerly breeze would hold.
The pirates wasted no time in pursuing their humble foe, and theirs dark triangulars sails hovered on the flanks of the Roman fleet, waiting for their chance to strike, just as Artemis had foreseen. Every so often, one of the pirate ship would suddenly alter the course, steer for an opening between the triremes, trying to penetrate the defensive screen. This time the advantage lay with the Romans , whose vigilance paid off as the trireme moved to close down any gap the pirates had hoped to exploit.
The day wore on the sky cleared to a serene and unblemished blue, and the breeze slowly moderated as the two fleets crept across the sea, the pirates managed to break through twice, the first time two of their nimble ships succeeded in swooping round the heavy triremes and attacking either side of a heavily damaged bireme straggling a quarter of and behind the others . The ship was boarded,its crew put to the sword, a quick search made for any portable loot, and then it as fired, the pirate vessels darted away, steering clear of the trireme that had turned to try to save it's stricken comrade. Worse still, in going to the aid of the stragglers, the trireme left a gap forward a handful of other pirateships to slip in and ram another Roman ship before they too were forced to retreat. But the damage had been done and the Romans could do nothing more than take on the crews and as much of their supplies as it was safe to load, and leave the rest to go down with the ship.
From the deck of the Spartan, Artemis watched with the rest of the crew as the long drama was played out over the gentle swell. Despite the dreadful losses they had suffered at the hands of the pirates, Artemis found himself admiring the way Tharsos had executed his trap. His intelligence had been perfect, allowing the pirate's to catch Vitellius and his fleet at their most vulnerable and Artemis was almost certain that the treachery had been involved. Tharsos seem already read the Mark Anthony legacy strategy war . What else could explained such confident handling their ships when the pirates would normally have been thoroughly outclassed as well as outnumbered by the Imperial navy ? They knew they had the upper hand in maneuverability long before they had closed with the Roman fleet.
And even now the pirates were looking for every chances to press home their attack. Not content to wait until night when the triremes would be blind to the dark shapes sweeping through the Roman ships.
Artemis must ready on the consequences of the disastrous encounter. Their lost of hundred men ,along with much of the supplied and equipment that Prefect Vitellius needed to launched his campaign once they landed on the coast of Illyricum. It was possible that the loses were already so serious that the operations might have to be called off. Artemis knew Vitellius well enough that the Prefect could not countenance such a setback to his reputation. Senior officers had been exiled, or even executed, for lesser failures. There was no choice for Vitellius that man must go on with his campaign , even if the odds were now stacked firmly against him. Artemis smiled charmingly . Marvelous to see how the prefect would lead his men to victory or tomorrow defeat and death, as Artemis watched the orange fire consuming the distant bireme he was filled with a bit joy and sense of euphoria. And Artemis deepened in his calculated element, as his dark mood wrapped him like the afternoon dragged on, until finally the lookout gave the cry that land had been sighted ,Artemis must maintained his game as he knew that safe land would merely mark the beginning of yet more dangerously phase of Vitellius's campaign.
♧ River Tiber ,Rome - Italy, January, Year 51 AD ♧
Zenious stood on the small foredeck of the barge. She were only passenger. The rest of the avaliable space was piled with jars of wine from Hispania. So heavily laden was the barge that there was scarcely a foot of freeboard above the glistening sweep of the River.
" Oh, it ain't so bad !" A deep voice call from behind her as she turned to see the captain of the barge approaching her round the jars . The man's old and thin frame was evident even under his tunic and thick cloak . A felt cap was jammed on his head from which protruded struggles of dark hair . He smiled , revealing a jagged display of teeth that reminder her of a cluster of long neglected and stained tombstones. " They say you get used to it soon enough when you live here. Course. I don't seeing as me. So, my lady what are you visiting Rome for ?"
Caius Alea Zenious clenched her hand to fist and her eyes narrowed suspiciously. " What my business is none of your concern."
The man raised his hands defensively, as continued smiling. " Please no offence,! No meaning to pry, like just a polite question.".
She nodded and smile. " Excuse for my impolite manner, I just needs a little bit of peace and quiet."
" I see." The barge captain smiled warmly . " Just be careful, Lady. I've seen many men include Praetorian might trouble you specially when they're in their cups.".
" I'd appreciate your advise, thank you. Is there's been trouble lately? "
The barge captain nodded. " A fair bit these last months , the grain supply has been running low, specify with the business in Egypt last year. Price has been rising steady. The mob don't like it one bit and there's been a few shops looted and some grain merchants beaten up. So the Praetorian Guard started cracking heads together. And more than that, they've gone and killed some people. "
" Oh ," she puffed her cheeks out . " I'm sorry to hear that."
" I leave you, my lady." The barge captain smiled and retreat smartly.
Zenious eased herself down on the foredeck and stared towards the vast sprawl of palaces, temples, theatre, markets, bathhouse, private homes, and teeming apartment block that covered the hills of Rome 1100Please respect copyright.PENANAQlyCv3gJfe
If Alexius found out about her missing he might be angry . The only shred comfort was that Alexius above all people. The thing he was shocked to discover he had believed that she in her headquarter busy with the rally empire plan. She smiled as she recalled . Thing she counted that she played all part well . Not to be found out .
The barge eased towards the vast warehouse that stood at the foot of the Aventine Hill. In front of the warehouse was the river port where hundreds of barges and smaller craft crowded a wharf that stretched along the the bank of the Tiber.From her distance , where the river bent to the west, Zenious could see the subliminal Bridge where to swift current flowing beneath the wooden trestles of the footbridge effectively ended the upriver commercial traffic for the barges from Ostia, some details of the city were merging into distinct grey shapes in the distance. The mule team reached the terminus at the start of the wharf and the slave untied the yoke and handed the tow cable to a gang of burly men who were waiting to haul the barge on to a mooring. The captain released the steering paddle and then he and his crew took some thick timber poles to find the barge off the vessels that were already moored alongside the wharf .sometimes the boats were tied up two or three deep so that gangplanks were laid across the sides and the cargoes loaded or unloaded across the intervening hulls. The captain glanced ahead and seeing that there was little sign of berthing space for some stretch he indicated a single craft a short distance.
" There !" He called, pointing out the spot to the men pulling on the the tow rope . Their leader nodded and shortly afterwards the barge was tied up alongside. Zenious put her sack bag and waited until the gangways were tied securely before they made to quit the boat .
" May Fortuna ride on you, Lady ." The Captain said .
" As well as you, this a bit of token memento for you from me, No thank you for the ride ." Zenious handed a hundred sestertians from inside her little brown pocket wallet .
The captain looked at her shyly and said ," It's too much,Lady Alea"
Zenious smiled at him and gently squeezed the Captain's shoulder , " you'll need it , for pay your man ." She nodded at the captain crew who stood behind him. The voice of the shouted and cries of the gang of porters on the wharf, Swinging her sack back she quickly picked her way along the gangplank extending over the next boat and then up on the wharf, feeling relieved to have solid ground beneath her boots, as she looked around for a moment. One of the Captain crew suddenly stood next to her .
" Where you're going ? I'll company you until you reach the place. He's kind a bit worry about you . Consider for you as extra service ." The man nodded in front of her and pointing the barge Captain who stood still on the boat, watched zenious and his crew and waved his hand at zenious . Zenious shook her head and sighed clumsily.
" North side of the Boarium, and that's right over there ." She indicated the civic building rising up beyond the end of the warehouse complex .
" Then after you, many thieves around here, Lady. Please let me do my task." He smiled at the beautiful young lady in front of him who wore a long red cloack, the empire's capital was a seething turmoil of noise and sights and the sweaty stench of people mingled with acrid woodsmoke. Gangs of slaves, some chained together, struggled under the burden of bales of exotic materials, jars of wine and oil and smaller sealed post packed in straw filled cases that contained perfumes and scents from the east, others carried ivory tusks, or length of rare hardwoods . Around them skirted the captain of the barges , merchants and petty traders and the air was filled with voices, in smattering of tongues; Latin, Greek, Celtic, Hebrew dialects and another Zenious had never heard before.
The dusk was thickening in the dark air, amid the gloom, fired flickered in braziers and cast pools of lurid red light across the paved wharf strewn with mud and rubbish . A few dogs and feral cats darted through the crowds, sniffing for food. Beggars squatted in archways and in front of locked doors, rattling wooden or brass bowls as they cried out for spare coins.
Caius Alea Zenious edged through the press body and the man followed closely, careful to keep a firm grip on his pommel sword. Every so often zenious glanced over to hear sack bag to make sure that her sack bag was safe from petty thieves . She had heard from some legionary stories of sharp knives being used to cut open the goatskin containers. So that swift hand might pluck something out without the victim knowing until it was too late.
" This it's like bring stuck in the middle of battle ." The Captain crew spoke at her.
" No, it's not. " zenius replied calmly as she stopped waiting the mule team crossed the road before her . " without danger or the blood , the bodies, the screws and the crest big icy hand of terror clamped round the back of your neck."
" That's funny ." The captain crew replied.
Caius Alea Zenious smiled as she continue walking , the crowd thinned out a little as they beaded the arched entrance too the Boarium market. Like the warehouses, it was built on a grand scale with a columned entrance, above which loomed a pediment topped with statues of statement from the Republican era, their original paint now, obscured by a Patina of grime and bird pup. The tangle of blood and meat from the butchers stalls filled the air. On the other side of entrance a wide vistaopened out, large enough to camp a legion in, Zenious thought. The temporary stalls were already being dismantle and packed, with the trader goods, into small hand carts to be taken to the secure stores at the side of the Boarium. Elsewhere the permanent stalls were being closed up for the night, around the edge of Boarium was a two storey colonnade, the ground level was used for shops and inns, while above were the officers of those officials who collected duties and the rents of the traders, many of the city's bankers rented premises on the second level as well, a look from the bustle below as they counted the profits.
The Vineyard of Potlemius was easy enough to find . A large painted placard had been fixed over the entrance to the premises . A crudely painted man with a big grin was holding a brimming drinking horn against a backdrop of heavily laden grapes vibes, amid which in a fascinating variety of positions, amorous course were going at it hammer and tongs. Caius Alea Zenious paused outside with a stern expression.
" I'm already in a safe place, better you going back to your master ."
The barge captain crew frowned, as he looked up the place . " Are you sure , this is the place ?"
Zenious nodded. " Yes, this the place I want to visit."
" She's come to visit me," A deep peaceful voice a man suddenly sounded. " Hello, My dear ." A man with chest broader and tall , a tidy short black hair approached at Caius Alea Zenious from inside the Vineyard. He smiles, wrapping an arm around her waist . And looked at the barge captain crew with menacing look . " Thank you, now you can leave her."
The man reluctantly nodded . " If you say so, Sir. Bit you farewell, Lady." He nodded at Zenious and glanced once more before he leave her in the front of the Vineyard of Potlemius . It's a waste how beautiful girl like a doll had a man whose busy wondering around that kind of the inn. She could even have decent man more that one. He thought as he made a way unhurried back to the ship and report to his captain that the lady already safe . At least .
Zenious watched the crew of the barge captain leave after a moment she looked up at the man who hold her , " Now, let go of me."
The man with broad chest hums as a response. He let his hand off from her waist , they stood in silence as his shadow castes upon her frame. " I'd think you enjoy the view here, General."
She nodded firmly, and replied ," That's possible ."
The morning wind send hers hair flying all over her face, for a moment the man could smelled her fragrance inside his nostril, the soft, sweet,exotic,and wild in the same time. He witness her as masterpiece of gods in creating as a living creature, yet so alive . " I believe so ." He replied as his cooking his head to the side as looking the pair of bright blue eyes of her deeply.
Zenious begin to back away, taking a little steps as unconsciously she pulled up her hoodie for covering her face and her hair then open the door of the Vineyard. The man with broad shoulder smiled and chuckled behind her .
" What ?" Zenious frowned. A hand rested upon Zenious shoulder. " Sometimes you are so innocent to the situation around you."
" Oh, Narius. It's because has been clarified as to why I am here." She responded calmly .
A man who's named Narius slowly moved dangerously he bring his face closer to her as he bend down to her size and whispered ," It's just seem inappropriate for woman like you who does know you're a noble and as to why you are here, General ." Narius smile, and his eyes glowing in the shadows .
" It is after you've had your fill of our wines! " announced a cheery voice. A thickset man with mildly oiled hair detached himself from the pillars either side of the entrance and beckoned them inside . " The wares of the Vineyard of Potlemius are famous across the Rome. Welcome !" Please step inside . There's still vacant table, a warm fire, good food, fine wines and the best of the company. " he winked ." For modest price, sir."
" Give us food and drink ." Narius replied. " That's all." 1100Please respect copyright.PENANAAkClpN35C8
Zenious stood silently still scanning the illustrations above the door. The tout waved his customers inside before they could move on and then followed them. The interior was larger than zenious had expected, stretching back some seventy feet . A counter was set halfway down the side of one wall, flanked by alcoves, two of which had their curtains drawn, A thin, heavily made up woman with wiry red hair sat in another alcove with a bored expression, her head propped on her hand as she stared blankly across the room. The place was filled with the first of the evening trade - men from the Boarium who had packed up their stalls of finishes their business for the day . Most were having a quick drink before returning home for the night. There were a few old soaks among them, bleary eyed and with stark veins in their nosed and cheeks, who were only just starting a long evening drinking themselves into oblivion.
The tout who had picked them off the street called out the innkeeper who nodded and chalked up two strokes on the wall above the wine jars to add to the rally of those that the tour had already brought in .
" Here's your table, sir." The tout gestured to a plain bench with four stools a short distance inside the door . Narius and zenious nodded their thanks and squeezed past the other customers. As they seat against the wall .
" such well place , you've chose ."
Narius grinned as he replied. " Yes, the kind of place where men can get lost in the crowd , nice and discreet.". He winking his eyebrow as he looked at zenious feature .
" I was thinking of kind legionaries place, cheap, cheerful and waiting for punch up to start any moment ."
" Oh," Narius chuckled, " There's that." He replied cheerful. " Entertain for you, General.". He whispered as he nodded at handful of customer drinking on their own . A moment later the innkeeper threaded his way over to them .
" What would you order?"
" It's on the wall the menu is, dear ." Narius wrapped his arm surround zenious shoulder. As she looked at a long list of regional wines that had been chalked up on a board behind the counter .
" Mnmmm!" Narius smiled as he ran his eyes down the wines. " How's the Etruscan ?"
" Off , sir."
" Oh, all right. The Calabrian ?"
" Off."
" Falernian ?"
The innkeeper shook his head .
" well, what have you got ?"
" Today, it's the Ligurian or the Belgian. That's it."
" Belgic ?" Zenious whispered with raised an eyebrow ." I thought they made beer ?"
The innkeeper shocked in surprise as he listen to the woman voice who came from the next of broad tall muscle man. He cleared his throat as the man watched him with cruel expression. " Mnm... they do, Lady." The innkeeper replied in courtesy voice . " They should stick to beer in my opinion."
" Oh, I see." Zenious looked back at Narius face for while after he nodded. Then she said . " The Ligurian then. One medium Jar and three cups ."
Narius frowned at Zenious request . But he decided to be quiet.
" Yes, Lady. Good choice ." The innkeeper bowed his head and turned back to the counter.
" He's trying to be funny ." Narius scowled " Have you heard Ligurian . I thought you never drink.".
" Then today should be something of an education for me."
The innkeeper returned with the wine and the cups and set them down in the table. " Ten sestertii."
" Ten ?" Narius shook his head ." That's to expensive. "
" That's the price, Sir."
" Very well, " zenious cut in, fishing the coins out of the wallet from her waist wallet . " There. "
The innkeeper swept the coins off the top of the table and nodded his thanks.
Zenious picked up the jar and sniffed the contents. Her nose wrinkled at the sharp acidic odour. Then she poured them at Narius cup of the dark almost black wine, Narius raised his in a mock expression and took a mouthful. At once he made a face . " By the gods, I hope your taste better than this ."
Zenious took a cautious sip and felt the sour, fiery flow all the way down into her guts . She set the cup down and leant against the wall behind her back. Covered her face with her hoodie , " Just hope the birds turns up soon."
Narius nodded. They sat and waited in silence, while around them the local drank copious amounts of the only available wine, seemingly oblivious to its tough flavour. There was a cheerful atmosphere, except at the table where Narius sat, waiting with growing patience as night fell outside. One of the curtains covering the alcoves was gently drawn back and a talk sinewy man with short dark hair eased himself out of the alcove. He had already pulled on his tunic and held a neck cloth in one hand behind him a woman was slipping on the short tunic that signified her trade . He turned and tossed a few coins on to the couch and then made his way out into the middle of the room .
" It's that the bird ?" Asked Narius.
Zenious watched as the man glanced round and then saw the empty stools at their table . He came over . " May I ?"
Narius shook his head. " We're waiting for a friend ."
" I know, That's me ." The man smiled and then sat down opposite the two officers . He raised his hand so that Narius could see his ring and then laid it down close by Narius's hand so that he could see that the designs were identical. Narius looked at him carefully, noting the green eyes, smoothly shaven cheeks and the small tattoo of stars with Athena on his neck, before it was hidden by the strip of cloth he arched loosely about his neck. Narius felt a stab of mistrust even as the man lowered his voice and spoke. " The Crown sent me ."
" Really ? Then what's your name, mate ?"
" Liqintus Voracio" he said in a low tone.
Narius made a sharp deep tone. " I assume that's not your real name."
" It serves, and as far as anyone is concerned from here on in, thing been arranged ."
" Oh then, what's your challenge. "
" The goat of ares been snatched. And it would not be wise to reveal your identities to me."
The names were neatly written on the document that Caius Alea Zenious had been given : he had taken the identity of the guardsmen of Titus Valadio Cicero.
" That mark on your neck, It's cohort 's emblem," Zenious said in cold voice. " I take it you served on the western frontier.".
Voracio narrowed his eyes slightly. " Who are you?".
Zenious was silent for a moment and then shrugged . As Narius said in cold voice ." Not nice keeping me waiting. "
" She's you're woman ?" Liqintus Voracio asked and nodded at the woman who sat next to Narius .
Narius frowned. " My woman ? Hardly to say, so what's new ?"
" This thing outrageous dangerous," The man scowled , " If I had a woman it would be one like her," The man ducked his face and peep at Zenious lip. Narius suppressed his smile and reaction as he looked at Zenious and wrapped her shoulder tightly and whispered close to her ear. " Don't kill one of your bird who said that, by sending them to the frontier in the front rank at century."
Zenious made a thin smile as she said, " Right, the introduction are over. Let's go."
The man leant forward," Go where ?"
" To a safe house, where we can talk without any risk of being heard. It's also a place where you both can drop off any message safely. You shouldn't have any trouble getting to and from the Praetorian camp, the soldiers pass in and out of their barracks freely, thats how you'll communicate for the most part with the crow." She replied in whisper and looked round ." Play your part, Narius and let's make it look it more casual, and better finish our drink first." She poured the wine to the two cup and raised her voice ," Thank you, husband for loving me ." She kissed his cheek while her boots stomped Narius boot with all her strength .
Voracio looked at the woman in red long cloak whose hiding her face inside the hoodie with wondrous mind, as he threw he small glanced at Narius who smile and busy staring the woman who seems became his wife. Voracio followed suit and forced down what remained in his cups, then stood up behind the couple he just meet.By now the inn was filling with customers and they had to push their way to the entrance. Outside the tout was still looking for futher custom. He smiled as he saw them . " Leaving so soon ? The night is barely beginning, sirs. Stay awhile and drink your fill."
Narius stopped in front of him. He drew a breath and spoke loudly enough so that the passers-by could clearly hear him. " Your drink is poison. It's insane to whom drinks their fill of the slop in this place and going to be staying for more than a while."
The tout tried to laugh it off and clapped Narius on the shoulder as he turned to join zenious and the agent. In a second, Narius spun round and squeezed his hand on the tout man's throat, slowly he lift the man from the ground, as the man struggled and gasping for his breath, Narius eyes glowing in the dark, staring the tout man's eyes for while then he threw the tout man's and hissed, " Don't you dare to touch me."
Voracio glanced nervously at the people who had stopped to witness Nariu's action. " Darling, let's go you're drunk." Zenious grabbed Narius wrist as she says, " Don't attrack any inttetion, or by the Jupiter I won't hesitated to kill you." Zenious warned him in icy cruel tone.
All the three of them unhurriedly along the edge of the Boarium and left by the wide street that passed between the Palatine Hill and Capitoline. To their right the imperial palace complex covered the hill, the torches and braziers lit the coloumns and statues that looked down on the rest of Rome. On the left loomed the mass of the Temple of Jupiter, built on a rock with sheer sides in places and accessed by a wide ramp that zigzagged up to the temple precint, They entered the Forum and crossed in the front of the Senate house. A party of finely dressed youths came the other way, talking loudly as they boasted of their ambitions for the night's entertainment . They quietened down a little as they passed the two soldiers and the other Imperial agent. As Caius Alea Zenious led them both continued on the farside of the Forum, another street led past the Temple of Peace and up into the Subura, one of the poorer quarters of the city where crime was rife and the buildings so poorly constructed that hardly a month went by without one of the ramshackle tenement blocks collapsing or burning down .
Calea Alea Zenious whistled in a owl voice, several time from her volouptus mouth. After a moment the same tone replied from across the building. Zenious glanced down to the two mans behind her as she continued the journey. The street began to incline and they passed between the first of the tall brick structures where most of the city's inhabitants lived. The tenements crowded the street and towered high above so that the dim gloom of the night sky provided almost no illumination. A few lamps burned in the entrances to the buildings but the streets were in darkness, hope was no bad thing, Voracio reflected as the foul air filled his nostrils. He did not want to know what he was stepping in. Around and above them, they could hear voices, some laughter, some quiet conversation, occasional angry shouts or the crying of infants and the splatter of slops being emptied into the streets . Climbing a few steps us from the street into a narrow entrance. An oil in lamp flickered in its bracket and revealed a muscular man in a plain tunic sitting on a stool just inside the doorway. Caius Alea Zenious pulled down her hoodie as the man took attention at Zenious and nodded before he lit a tapper from the lamp and handed it to the General.There was a short corridor with narrow staircase at the end of it. As she led the way up the stairs Zenious raised a hand in front of the taper to protect the flame, On the Fifth floor she stopped in front of a door and opened the latch . she led the way inside and Narius and Voracio entered the room . Zenious light the lamp as she reached up on to a shelf . The pale flicker of the taper flared for a moment and then the flame settled into a steady glow and she removed the taper and blew it outshe placed the lamp back on the shelf and turned round , by its wan glow Narius could see that the room was empty except for two bedrolls, It was barely nine feet across and another doorway led through into similiar sized room.
" Not much in the way of creatire comforts." Narius complained, prodding one of the bedrolls with the toe of his boots.
" I keep it this way." said Zenious ." There's nothing to steal, in any case, the watchman keeps an eye on the place most of the time." She reached inside her sackbag for took out several bundle of scrolls and two set sets of waxed slates, with medium pouch to each of them . " The rest of your documents and the report on Britannia. You can sleep here tonight and then make your way up to the Praetorian Camp in the morning. If you need to leave a message then put it over there beneath the shelf, the floorboard is loose and there's small space underneath. Make sure that you come up here and check as regurlarly as you can. If there's message, then turn the lantern towards the door. Otherwise point it away. If it's pointing any other way then we'll know that the apartment has been compromised."
" Compromised?" Voracio chuckled. " What's that? Secret agent talk?"
" I understand," Said Narius." I assume we can use this place to hide if we need to. Or conceal something."
Caius Alea Zenious nodded firmly, " And if you need to meet me for any reason, Just make sure that you are never followed here, if the enemy manages to do that they can keep tabs on the visitors and trace our way back to the Emperor. Wact your back at all times, and you both need to collaboration, don't take any chances." She looked at the two man in front of her. "Is that clear?"
" I'll be fine, You'll see. It's him you need to look out for, Narius."
" Stop!" Zenious stepped forward and cupped her left hand at Voracio jaw bone, and squeezed it tight." From now on, use your cover names, at all times. Whoever he were or you before today must be left behind, from now on his name, Magnus Romanius and you're Liqintus Voracio." She stared the man with cruel intesity." I warn you, If you fall short of this task, I swear the gods, I'll excorticate you alive. Now, Get some sleep, tomorrow you join the Praetorian guard."
Lintus Voracio stared at her nervously, for a woman, this anonymous girl quite had deadly power and speed, Narius glared at him with a mocking expression as he ask at his general," Where are you going?"
She kept her gaze at Voracio and replied curtly." I'm going back to Ravenna." Zenious nodded toward Voracio, while she order Narius with authorititative regal voice," If he's making trouble, you know what to do, you're good in this, play this well, and don't let me down, my men will watch you both, now I'm off to go."
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