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Night had fallen and both of men had taken their cloaks to ward off the chill of the winter night. On either side on thoroughfare the dark masses of the cheaply built the tenement blocks reared up, pierced by the loom of occasional lamp and tallow candles glimmering within. The footie stink with sweat, sewage and rotting vegetables filled the air, Narius walked calmly . There been moment of tension between him and Voracio, where finally now there's a small square opened out around a public fountain. A strong breeze had picked up during the early evening and had swept away most of the pall of smoke that hung over Rome, and now the stars glinted coldly from the heavens, bathing the city in a faint glow, picking out the roof lines of the tenements blocks further down the Esquiline Hill. As both of them entered the square, they say their right a large door with a sign hanging above it with the neatly painted wording . The Archives wine. The sound of shooting and laughter spilled outinto the square and the door opened briefly as a man staggered outside, and threw up in the warm glow cast by the oil lamps and braziers that burned within .
" Like bunch of temple's of warriors here, no doubt." Voracio commented .
" Funny how you describe these shit place. Let's go to the source. I'm parched." Narius replied in cold tone.
Voracio held Narius's shoulder to restrain him for a moment . " You sure about this? By Juno name, why the hell we were here?"
" Trust me on this. I'll stay as sober as vestal virgin. Assuming we work to our main resource, this place where they're was gathering and doing they're free nights."
" I assumed you been doing your research?" Voracio asked Narius while scrutinised the place around them.
" on my account yeah, are you gonna talk in here or coming? I'm working now, this include our work ."
Voracio nodded as he agreement, He knew Narius when he was in Britannia, Narius was the Tribune of Fourteenth legions, knowing as the iceman commander when he was still in the Optio until eventually Legatus Vespasian removed him from the Second Legion to be Alexius scout messenger in the Fourteenth. And he's been sent to be an agent forLegatus Vespasian and Legatus Alexius. That's why he knew Narius the tribune of Fourteenth Legion Gemina, the cruel cynical man. Voracio reflected as he follow suit Narius crossed the square and carefully stepped round the men doubled over in the gutter as he continued heaving up from the pit of his stomach. Stepping through the entrance, Narius glanced around he knew the inn was large and extended much of the way beneath the tenement block above, which rested on the thick support columns that divided the room. It was already filled with the evening trade and the warm air was thick with smoke from the lamps and Braziers and some candles and filled with the Odour of wine. The flagstone floor was covered with a loose layer of straw and sawdust, there were over a hundred men and few women squeezed into the space and all the tables were occupied and some of customers sat slumped against the walls . A small clusters of off duty guardsmen as well as men from one of the urban cohorts. Rest of the customers were civilians .
" Magnus! Over here!" A voice of a man rose above the crowd. Slowly Magnus turned towards the voice and saw Fabian beckoning to them from the corner not far from the entrance. He was sitting at a long table with some other guardsmen, several jars of wine stood before them.
Narius waved his hand and smiled as he speak at Voracio from his shoulder. " That's our new pet. Follow me ." Narius made his way over to the table and Fabian, the young man with several cups of wine under his belt, made a greeting and smiled at Magnus, " Magnus! Finally you made it, lad" He wrapped an arm round Narius shoulder. " Lads! Here's the man I'm talking a
bout, the new boys in the job." he breathed over Narius's neck as he turned to grin blearyly at the men around the long table
Narius looked round at the other men and nodded a greeting. Then Narius replied with warm tone at Fabian." Yeah , supposed so, oh this is my friend who joins with me too. This one's Voracio."
The twelve men nodded at both of them and smiled, there were fourteen of them, three who looked like veterans and the others fresh faced and young, like Fabian . Most seemed to have had as much to drink as Fabian, though veterans were better at holding their drink and still seemed to have their wits about them.
" Have a seat." Fabian continued and glanced down and saw the bench already full, he turned round to the next table where two scrawny youths were sitting with a young whore, plying her with wine. " Get up!" Fabian ordered. " Hoi!, On your feet! I need your fucking bench."
One of the youths looked round and muttered," Fuck off! Find your own fucking bench, this one's taken."
" Not any more. When a Praetorian tell you to run, you bloody run. Now get up."
" Going to make us ?" The youth smiled coldly and his hand slipped down towards his belt. Fabian stepped aside to reveal the table where his comrades were sitting." Only if you force us to."
The Praetorians glared at the youth, they took the hint and hurried to their feet, roughly lifting the woman who groaned in protest. Fabian pulled the bench over to the long table and waved to make Narius a down and Voracio . " There you both at the head of the table . Have a drink, lads." he pulled the nearest jug over, saw it was empty and reached for the next before filling two cups to the brim and pushing them towards Narius and Voracio, spilling a measure of the contents. They picked up their cups and raised them to the toast the other men. Narius made a show of drinking a deep draught and squinted most back into the cup which he lowered on his side and discreetly tipped on to the floor. Voracio suppressed his smiled at Narius behaviour,then Voracio smell the wine . No wonder that man threw it discreetly the cheap wine indeed. Voracio thought .
" This is not bad."
" Of course," Fabian grinned. " They keep the good stuff for the Praetorians because we pay well, and they dare not give us second best."
" Oh," Narius pursed his lips, then raised his cup again and pretended to take another sip.
" So what do you make of the new posting so far?" Asked one of Fabian's companions. " Is it, or Is it not, the best job in the army ."
Voracio stared at Narius for a brief moment, this the time he is digging his curiosity Voracio decided," A good job but it ain't proper soldering." He replied calmly, then he scanned the other men expressions of the other men round the table freeze for a moment and staring back at Voracio coldly, then one of the older guardsmen blew a loud of his breath and laughed followed suits by the others to joined in.
" Typical bloody legionaries!" Another one of the veterans called down the table. " T
hink they own the army, then they come here with their mighty majesty airs. Bollocks. Give 'em a year in the Guard and they'll come with their logical thought, and blessed been in Praetorians."
Voracio leaned forward and pointed his finger at the table ." Look, You don't know what you're talking about. You saw any disrespect for the legions in front of me. I might take it to heart enough to beat the living shit out of you. Ain't that right Magnus ?"
" What?" Narius looked at Voracio with furious glance.
" I've had it up to here with these preening ponces. No suffer through the hunger and fight, is about going about the polish as if it was all that concerned, eh ?" He raised his cup and continued." Taking twice the pay of a great soldier and sitting pretty like fucking faggot while the same soldier out there risk his life with the shit thing for rome ."
" So?" the veteran at the other end of the table responded." You've served your time on campaign, like me and this is the long overdue reward we've always promised ourselves. Where is the problem?"
" The problem is not fair for them." Voracio replied with deep tone as he stared at him and set it down with a sharp rap.
" You talking about fairness ?" The veteran sniffed at Voracio ." Look lad, there's no fairness and justice in the world. Mark my words. What's the problem with that?"
"Not a bloody thing! Now fill my cup again." Voracio drained his cup wine.
The men round the table roared with laughter and Fabian poured more wine into Voracio's cup. He glanced at Narius who staring Voracio's cup with impassive face, and frowned. "Tell me," Said Narius," What's with all the training that Grasius Quintus that I hear you've been put through? I thought the Guard was an easy posting. Seem like the Prefect Grasius Quintus is preparing the Praetorians for war, from what I've heard."
" Fucking Quintus!" One of the younger men spat on the ground." Ever since last year, he's making us work like dogs. Route marches, sword practice and those bloody false alarm night and day. I'm sick with it. I think you're right. He wants to persuade the Emperor to send us off to some damned war." The man looked down into his cup. " Knowing my luck, the Praetorians will be sent back to Britannia to clear the mess up."
"Eh!" Fabian clapped his hands together," Damn about right time, Magnus here just returned from Britannia."
" Oh, really?" one of the older Praetorians struggled his mind to focus at Narius. " You from there?"
Narius smiled as he replied with boring gestured. " Me and Voracio, yeah we both from Britannia."
" What's the word of them? Are we winning?"
Narius cocked his eyebrow. " Define winning then."
" Define winning?" the man frowned ." What cocks is that? Either we're winning or we ain't. which is it?"
Narius smirking. " Winning is relative, the fact in Britain the Celts are tougher beasts than even Emperor or Roman thought, we can beat 'em on the battlefield easily enough, but they're keen to ambushing our lads then running like hares, Coward's for fighters, but it's tactical way for to kept their ground beneath 'em. And whittling us down, man by man. Rome's better off without those bog hopping barbarians for many legionaries think, and the Emperor should bring the troops home."
" Is that true about the Druids?" One of the younger Praetorians intervened.
Narius and Voracio nodded at once in the same time. The Younger Praetorians asked with curiosity intensity." What about Druids?"
"What about 'em?" Voracio cocked his eyebrows and stared with cold eyes.
" If we don't crush 'em in Britannia, we'll only have to fight them again in Gaul, or everywhere else they can get to. At least that's what I've heard."
" Forget what you've heard." Voracio replied." The druids are broken, they're savage because they skinning the people on the village, for their fucking Gods, after we heard and investigated on the druids culture , and we make a line between them and the civilians. They started against the legions you know the reason why the legions are in Britannia, that's only to make Emperor Claudius like proper General. Any halfway of decent emperor would never have put his men's lives at risk in order to look good in front of the mob and senate."
Narius had been watching and noted all the men's reactions as Voracio spoke and could see the most of them nodding with approval. The discontent with the Imperial Policy towards Britannia was evident. The implication of Voracio's last sentence was not lost on them.
" Well, the old boy won't last forever." Someone muttered near the edge of the end of the table.
" Then what, you fool?" The other man snapped." You think we'll find better Emperor than Claudius waiting in the wings?"
" Could hardly be worse, that lad, Nero, has a good heart, and he like the guards. He gets round the camp, He'll look after us."
" I've seen it all before, young Gaius Caligula was just the same and look how he ended up."One of the veteran replied.
At the moment there was a loud chorus of shouts as a gang of tough looking men in shabby and dull tunics entered the inn. They had clearly some drinks and seats with two women in very short open clothes, their leader, a big man, saw the Praetorians and wrapped his arm around the one of the woman, as he stood up and the other customers glanced over and the conversation rapidly began to die away. " Look over here, lads!" he called out over his shoulder to his follower. " We've been honoured by the Emperor's toy soldiers tonight! Look at 'em filling their guts with wine, and good bread and fine cuts of the meat."
" Who the Jupiter Cock is that?" Voracio asked.
" Atilius." Fabian replied." He's the men of the Arena, broke two men's neck with his bare hands."
" Tough nut, eh?" Narius stared at the big man with cruel smiled at his corner lips.
" He's, and customers in here too." Fabian explained. Atilius raised his arm and shoved the woman aside as he folded his big arms and glared at the Praetorians for a brief moment before he continued spoke with mocking tone." Good job, they do well enough, while the rest of Rome goes hungry. I've never seen such a bunch of fancy layabouts in my life. All spit and polish and full with bullshit, there's not a real soldier amongst 'em. There's harder looking men begging in the gutters, I've seen."
Some Customers had risen from their tables and were making for the exit as unobtrusively as possible, more followed and the Praetorians at the other table got to their feet unsteadily and backed towards the table where Narius and Voracio and the others were still sitting.
" This look like awesome situation." Voracio muttered.
" Perhaps." Narius replied without leaving his gaze at Atilius. " We'll see what these Praetorian lads are made of. Don't you dare to throw at the buggers."
" Frankly, I'd rather they, for entertain us."
Narius stared at Atilius as the leader of gang men in arena began to make way through the rapidly emptying inn towards them. Over by the counter the innkeeper was frantically retrieving as many jars and cups as possible before the storm broke. He dumped the first load behind the counter and dived out for some more while there was still a moment's grace. Atilius and his follower crowded towards the Praetorians and some of them were brazen enough to defy the law and carry knives in their belts. Others had heavy leather saps. Narius glanced around and revealed that only a handful Praetorians had come out armed, mostly with small knives they used to cut meat and bread , he make a small smiled.
" Provoke him." Voracio leant toward Narius then whispered into his ear.
" You! No armed within the walls of city!" Narius snapped . There was a brief pause as everyone looked at him in baffled amusement. Voracio almost roared with laugh but he took a deep breath and pressing his expression by looking at the gang of arena men.
Atilius sneered.Atilius stood a short distance from the soldiers." This inn is on my turf. My turf, my rules. I'm afraid you're going to have to leave, pretty boys." he said with false civility. " Right
now." " Ah, but a quiet drink is exactly what I want, and a mob of loudmouth Praetorians is going to spoil the mood." He jerked a thumb over his shoulder. " So You get out."
The corner of Narius's mouth lifted in a half smile. " My, my no need to be so touchy." He sniffed. " Besides, You and Your lads stink like you just crawled out of some shits in the sewer. No offenece, but you do. Now, for the sake of Venus we need a quiet night, let's have no trouble, eh? You and Your lot there can drink over there, in the corner. You can have the first round on me, since, as you say, we can afford it. Come!" Narius reached for the nearest jug and filled a cup. Slowly he turned towards at Atilius, and stood up slowly, took a pace towards him and offered the cup. Atilius's gaze was instinctively drawn to the cup. That's when Narius smashed the jug into the big man's face. There is a loud cracking sound as the jug burst in a rush of red wine. Atilius staggered back a step, blood streaming from his cheek and Crushed nose . Narius threw the handle down and his voice rose like in the parade ground bellow filled the inn. " STUCK IN!NOW!"
Snatching up a stool, Narius hurled himself towards the gang members. One, with more presence of mind than his comrades, leapead in front of his leader and stood in a crouch as Narius's stool arced towards his head. Those Praetorians who had not yet had too much wine scrambled forward, swinging punches, while the others lurched into action clumsily. The man in front of Narius threw his arm up try to ward off the blow but his forearm smashed into the side of his head, and there was a crunch as a boe broke, and a cry of agony . One of the veteran bunched his hands into fists and looked for an opponent.
" What the fuck you waiting for ?" Narius called out over his shoulder." An invitation? Hit someone!"
Both side were matched in the terms of numbers and the brawls began to spill out across the floor of the inn. The innkeeper snatched a jug from a table just as it went crashing over under the impact of two men wrestling as they tried to grab each other's throats. More tables and benches went over, together with the remaining pottery cups and wine jugs, and dark jets of wine exploded across the floor. Voracio stepped back and hide him self in the dark corner of the room. He looked at Narius shot the blow of punched of the big man's face, the blow connected on the chin, snapping the jaw shut, and the man fell to his knees. Narius looked at the big man with cruelly and waiting his stood up , as Atilius shook his head in an attempt to clear h
is vision and then went for Narius with a deep growl that Voracio heard above the all the others groans, grunts , cries and crashed that filled the inn. Atilius lashed out with left hand, a boxer's punch that caught Narius on the chest . Narius mocking smiled made Atilius swung out his right hand and round in sweeping blow that Narius had plenty of time to duck and get an upper cut off his own in. Atilius's head juddered but he steeped forward punched Narius again, but Narius blocked the punch, and was finally throw his hard strength punch and blow the head of the big man's with his right elbow . " Watch it chief!" someone cried and Atilius began to turn , but it was to late and Narius elbow rushed down on the top of his head, then he slaps the Big man's two ears hardly with his hand. Blood stream down plastering his cheek and jaw and Fabian rammed the big man head with the leg of stool into the big man's stomach doubling him over. Narius kneed his opponent in the face and then strucked him about the head a few more times until the gang leader tumbled on to his back, arms flailing as he took two men down with him in a sprawling heaps of limbs.
" Someone's called for the Urban cohort! Let's get out of here!" A voice shouted .
The first of the gang arena members peeled away from the brawl and headed for the entrance. Others' bowed and staggering , struggled after them. " The chief! He's down. Here, you, help me!" Two of the gang hurried to their dazed leader and grasped him under the arms. Fabian went to hit the downed big man again, then paused, as if unscertain of the ethics of hitting a defenless man, by the time the desire to take advantage of the situation had wont out, the gang leader had been dragged halfway to the door and his boots scrabbling for purchase as he tried to stand. Both sides had mutually decided to break up the fight and were warily drawing apart, leaving tables and benches knocked over amid the shards of broken pottery and puddles and splatters of wine. The Innkeeper covered his face with his hands and shuddered.
Narius knelt down by one of the young praetorian's side. He was slumped against the pillar, eyes flickering as blood coursed from cut to his brow, nose and lip. " Hey!" Narius said loudly." You hear me?"
" Wheeerrrrrrrgggghh." The young praetorians licked his split lips and winced, then spat out a
gobbet of blood. " What the fuck happened? What hit me?" His eyes opened wide and he recognised Fabian. " Lad ! we're under attack! To arms!"
" He's lost it." Narius chuckled as he tapped his hand on the young Praetorian's knee." Knocked senseless."
Fabian nodded as he knelt down beside the young Pretorian. 1078Please respect copyright.PENANA5AB2sKkNhi
Narius glanced over at Voracio who stepped then approached to Narius .1078Please respect copyright.PENANAVrGEekFrnw
" Fabian, get me a jug of water, now."
"Right." The guardsman rose up and made his way over to the innkeeper to make his request. While the Innkeeper sighed and went to do as he was bid. Voracio leant close to Narius's ear and whispered ." You've been in a fight and they techniques very much clumsy, Narius."1078Please respect copyright.PENANAI5sGwPhx59
Narius smiled cruelly and glared cooly at Voracio,"Watch your tongue, fool. Techniques ....."1078Please respect copyright.PENANAqXRnZJpN7p
Voracio sighed," I'll much do the shut from thing we heard both of it"
" You really find a clown way." Narius mumbled and smiled at the young Praetorian whose been knocked down and patted him on the shoulder, Narius pulled him to stood up as Gabion stepped back and took aim before slinging the contents of the pitcher in his comrades 's face. Voracio still kneel down aside Narius as watched the young Praetorian. The torrent of water caused the youth to jolt up and splutter. His eyes opened wildly and he looked as if he might attack the first thing he saw. Then he recognised Fabian, he breathed deeply for a moment before he spoke thickly ." The other bloke?"
" Is out for the count. Thanks to Narius and him here who scream to call out the urban Cohort, other wise you'd be on the way to the underworld by now, Narius , would you mind help me to get him up on his feet. Before the urban Cohort troops arrive."
But it was too late. The sound of books drumming on the paved streets echoed round the square. The Praetorian were helping their injured up when the first of the troops entered the inn. Voracio shook his head and chuckled. An optio with a long staff stride in and looked around. " What's this then? What's going on here? I was told it was a brawl."
" A brawl? No, we were just having a drink when the Arena Gang charged in and started beating the place up."
" A likely story, lad!" The optio snorted." Bloody Praetorians think you can pull the silk over my eyes."
" It's true!" Narius snapped at him." They've only a short start on you, they'll be making for the bottom of the Viminal. If you go now and stop wasting bloody time, you can still catch 'em."
" You catch 'em!" The innkeeper cried out to the Optio. " Someone's got to pay for all this!"
" And it won't be us!" Narius's voice above the dim. " Not if the Emperor has anything to say about it. He'll not take sides against his Praetorians. Better you go after the gang, Now!"
All peoples in the inn shuddered listen to the tone that Narius make, as the optio bit his lips and then turned and left the inn.
" Come on, boys! We leave now!" Narius eyes squinting sharp at all the Praetorians. " Move your fucking feets and arses! Move!" Then the sound of all praetorians boots hurrying off filled the air. Fabian eased his friend up on to his feet and slung his friend's arm across his shoulder. The other Praetorian took the other side.
" Praetorians!" Narius called out." We are leaving!" 1078Please respect copyright.PENANAOAsXZlvmdV
They stumbled outside and then in a loose column headed out of the square and up the street in the direction of the Praetorian camp. 1078Please respect copyright.PENANAR10pvu8jKO
Voracio winking his eyes at Narius hardened face. " Thanks for helping him and us!" Fabian said in low tone." You probably saved our's dignity."
" Really?" Narius replied in calm tone.
" You did." Fabian spoke softly. And they went in silence for a moment. " By the way, who's Narius?"
Narius felt his head almost cracking in a beat. " Narius? Must have had a bit to much drink. Voracio mate back in Britannia. He's might slip of the tongue. That's all."
" Ah, right." Fabian responded vaguely ." Slip of the tongue then."
♧ The day after at Imperial Palace Ground ♧
"Since you two have got such a nice shiner each, you're bound to draw attention to yourselves. If any of the Imperial family speak to you, be ready to respond with the appropriate form of address." Barbulus sighed impatiently as the century, dressed in their duty togas, crossed the Forum towards the palace gates one days later." One more time. The Emperor?" He was marching beside Narius and Voracio and had been running through some of the basic protocols since they left the camp.1078Please respect copyright.PENANAHyYeqtsGxe
" We call him ' sir ' outside of the palace, and ' your Imperial majesty ' inside the palace."Narius replied.
Barbulus nodded then added quietly," And some can call him whatever they like behind his back."
At once Narius and Voracio turned to look at him with a surprised expression. Barbulus smiled thinly. 1078Please respect copyright.PENANA144FifK77c
" You won't be so shocked when you've been here for more than a month, Magnus. You'll see for yourself they truth of the situation. Claudius has always been ruled by his freedmen and his wives. Messalina had him eating out of her hand, until she made a play for the throne and got chop. Her replacement 's a sharp one." Barbulus smiled warmed for a moment ." Agrippina knows exactly how to tweak his strings. His or any other man's. Now then, what a our the Empress?"
" Imperial majesty.' In the palace and in public." Narius replied."Since she doesn't have to worry about public opinion."
Barbulus turned to him sharply." That's enough, Magnus. You're a bloody rankers. You don't get to comments on such matters. Just the correct form of address from now on, Is that clear?"
" Yes, Optio."
The column stopped at the gate to relieve the section on duty and then continued up the broad staircase to the main entrance hall of the Imperial palace. Narius had been raised withi
in these walls many years ago and felt a peculiar tingle in his scalp at the thought of all he had seen as a child on the fringes of the Imperial court. For a moment he wondered how many of the slaves and guards he had been raised with were still serving in the palace. He struggled would not be recognised even if he did encounter someone from his true life or past.
At the head of the column of the one centuries marched as the Prefect Burrus and at each station of the first watch he barked the orders to relieve those who had been on duty, during the night. There were three watches in all, the first running from the first light to noon, the second from noon to dusk, and the third - the least popular - guarding the palace through night. The night watch operated with only two centuries since they simply had to guard the entrances and patrol the public precinct of the palace. The private suites were protected by the German bodyguards. At length, it was the turn of Lucius's section as the column passed through the palace and into the gardens of the Imperial family, built on a terrace, surrounded on three sides by a colonnade. The fourth side had a marble balustrades and overlooked the Forum. Lucius and his men took up their positions around the garden, with Narius and Voracio being assigned to the entrance of a small hedged area around a fountain. Marble benches, with red cushions, we're arranged near the fountain. Due to the Beighton the garden there was little residual water pressure from the aqueduct that supplied the palace and only a small jet if water emerged from the fountain to tinkle pleasantly into the surrounding pond.1078Please respect copyright.PENANAdCfgs792PJ
" Great." Voracio nodded as be looked round the nearly kept garden." A very restful spot indeed. With the kind of view you could get killed for."
" It's been known to happen." Narius replied as he watched Voracio adjusted his toga. It was a cumbersome thing and he kept getting the interior folds snagged on the handles of the sword he wore underneath. " What exactly you doing?" Narius stared at him ." You look like you've picked up a particularly nasty off some tart."
" It's this imbecile toga."
"You're pretty hopeless this time." Narius shook his head and sighed. " Why? I've been pair with you on this, here, let me sort you before the whole bloody thing gets tangled." He stepped over to Voracio and pulled a length of the cloth up, over the shoulder and then folded it across Voracio 's left arm ." How's easy is that? Eh.."
" Thanks.... Still I never like this ridiculous outfit."
Narius continued glancing around the garden one more time. Lucius and the others had taken up their stations and wandered along their beats , as if they were civilians come to take in the pleasant surroundings.
" So this is what we do? Just Swan around up here for the next five hours? How to get us any nearer to exposing this conspiracy that the General is so keen to uncover?"
" For now, nothing yet. We just keep our eyes and ears open."
The sun rose higher into the sky, accompanied by a gentle breeze that ruffled the topmost boughs of the trees in the garden and carried off the smoke from the fires burning in the city. Despite the pleasant day and the peaceful scene, Narius's mind was working. While the unmistakable signs that the Emperor's authority was slipping, there was little direct evidence of conspiracy. The prefect Grasius's tough training regime was no more
that what was expected of any good commanding officer. And they had seen no sign of sudden with among the ranks since they had arrived at the Praetorian ground and camp. Today was the first day they were to put into practice what they had been learned about their duties from Barbulus, Narius paused as he recalled about the Optio, he had been discovered from the other guardsmen in Lucius's century, had been with Praetorians for just over a year, after having been recalled from exile, along with the number of people who had fallen foul of Messalina. Most were friends or servants of Agrippina who had been persecuted by her predecessor . What make Barbulus had done to be sent into exile no one could say. Narius's thoughts were interrupted with the sound of the voices and he turned towards the colonnade to see a stooped silver haired man in a cloak, leading towards the hedged enclosure around the pond. One of the boys looked to be teenager, long limped with a fine head of curly dark hair. The other was a younger by a few years and was solid built, with fair hair. He looked down as he trailed the others, and held his hands behind his back, as if deep in thought. Narius smiled widely. He knew that's Britannicus.
The old man glanced back and called out in a thin reedy voice." Britannicus! Keep up, don't dawdle."
" Ha!" The older boy called out with a smile. " Come on, little brother!"
Britannicus scowled but increased his pace nevertheless.
" Heads up," said Narius." They're coming. "
They quickly stood in attention, just inside the enclosed area either side of the entrance, and started straight ahead. The light patter of footsteps on the paved path gave way to the soft crunch of gravel as they crossed to the pond. The old man eased himself down on to a bench and indicated that the boys should sit on the edge of the pond.
" Now let me collect my thoughts." He wagged a gnarled finger." Ah, yes! We were going to talk about your responsibilities."
"Boring," said the older boy." Why can't we discuss something more important?"
" Because your adopted father wishes you to think on your obligations, Nero. That's why."
" But I want to talk about poetry ." His voice was plaintive and slightly husky. Narius risked a look at the tutor and his two students now their attention. Was on each other. The boy, Nero , was effeminate looking with a weak jaw and a slight pout. His eyes were dark and expressive and he regarded his tutor with an intense gaze. A short distance from him Britannicus sat resting his head in his hands as he stared down at the gravel apparent uninteresting. The tutor looked vaguely familiar and then in flash Narius remembered him. Eurayleus. He had been one of the Palace tutors when Narius was a child. Eurayleus had been tasked with the education of the children of the Imperial family. As such he had little to do with the other tutors who taught the sons or daughters of the palace officials and the children of the hostages that Rome kept in comfort while their elders were required to maintain treaties or apply pressure in Rome's interest. Narius for a moment recalled his childhood he could well remember the aloof manner in which the tutor had regarded the rest of the palace staff.
"We will talk about poetry another time," Eurayleus said firmly." Today's subject for discussion had been decided by the Emperor and neither you nor I can challenge his decision."
"Why?" Asked Nero.
"You can ask that question when you become Emperor," The tutor replied curtly.
" If he become Emperor," said Britannicus with regale tone."Ahernobarbus is only adopted son. I am the natural son. I should be first in line of succession."
Nero turned to his step brother with a frown." My name is Nero."
Britannicus lifted his head and respond calmly." That's what some say. But your heart you will always be what you were first named, that's your name in first carried the origins of your soul, many people could change their names with million name but you're is what you're that's basic character identities as equal as your first original name, no offence and to me, you will always be Ahernobarbus."
Nero glared at him for a moment before he spoke, " Always quick to try and cut me down to size, aren't you? Well you may be natural son of the Emperor, but your mother was most unnatural, so I wouldn't set too much store by the Emperor's affection for you, little Britannicus."
" My mother is dead, she died because she was a foolish creature, she let the power of the Imperial palace go to her head." Britannicus smiled charmingly ." That's woman nature, how long do you think it will be before your mother does the same! Then what will become of you? At least I have common blood with my father, what do you have?"
All Praetorians and the tutor could not help looking and listen at the younger boy, surprised by his deep knowledge and confidence and knowingness in the tone of his regal voice.
The tutor broke with a wave of hand," Boys! Boys! That's enough. You must stop this bickering. It is not worthy of the Emperor's heirs. What would be say if he could see you now?"
" S-s-stop it!" Nero mimicked the Emperor Claudius way. And let a little bit of spittle dribble from his lips as he stuttered and then giggled.
Britannicus folded his arm and remained silent as he watched at his step brother Nero. The tutor frowned at him and held up his hand to quieten the boy. " That's ungracious of you. Let there's be no more digressions from today's lesson, do you hear?"
Nero nodded , struggling to stiffle a smile .
"Emperor is not an easy as title, and mere mortal indeed, ironic is you mocking my father but you still live under my father affection, and most tragic for me to see how your mother could stand laid her hands and fingers over so many time to the man that you just been playing a joke of." Britannicus erected stood firmly." Responsibilities, is not a mere words but you carried within your act's and if you can mock my father I'll bet with my life, once you became Emperor, one day you slip on the irrelevant, unlogical desire as you done a moment ago to any other people." Britannicus informed at his tutor with sarcasm smile.
" I understand, Britannicus. What you feeling and the way of your thought. Very well. The subject today is responsibility. Especially the responsibility of an Emperor to his people. Now, I could lecture you on the matter, but being Greek, I prefer to deal with this by way of protracted dialogue."1078Please respect copyright.PENANA7dMNHx0OnC
Narius heard a long soft hiss of expelled air come from Voracio at the tutor's words.
" Let's start with you, Nero. Since you are in high spirits today. What do you think are the primary responsibilities of an Emperor?"
Nero looked at him and spoke." His first duty is to make Rome safe, obviously. Rome must be defended from its enemies and it's wider interests must be protected. Then the Emperor must look after his people. He must feed them but not just with food, he must give them his love, like a father loves his children."
Britannicus sniffed derisively, but Nero ignored him and continued,
" He must teach them the important values: love of Rome, love of art , love of poetry."
"Why those things?"
" Because without them we are nought but animal that scratch a living and then die unmissed."
Britannicus shook his head. The movement was caught by the tutor. 1078Please respect copyright.PENANAAVwd46X3px
" You have something to say? "
" I do." Britannicus looked up defiantly. " Ahernobarbus is too influenced by that new personal teacher Seneca. What is poetry to the common people is nothing, they need food, shelter and security, the last is entertainment. They do need knowledge but not only arts, poetry, they need invasion as in medical for the health, and math for trade and anything else, the guarantee of their stock in prosperity as their own or mob . That's what they want from their Emperor. He can download his best to give some of them that. But not all. So what in his duty? It's not simple. His duty to uphold order and fight chaos. He need to defend Rome from those within as much as from the barbarians who live beyond the frontiers ."
" That's a very cynical line of thought, young Britannicus. " The tutor commented.
" I am young, but I am beyond my years. World of Emperor and words of Emperor does not mean as easy as you whispered or say it,there's consequences within the title and names with more a hundred task must do it continously and consistent."
" Yes, your precocious has been noted."
" And not approved of." Britannicus smiled coldly.
" There's a wisdom that comes with age and no other way, until you had walked in the boots of other men, you are not wise, only well read."
Britannicus regarded the man with a world weary expression. " Perhaps if you had walked in my small boots you would understand my cynicism, I have family that is not family but a Colony of killers, I have father who no longer treats me as a son. I have no mother and I have a brother.... Who will surely disposed me once he Emperor because I might brought the threat. " the boy made a half smile from the corner of his lips." Walk in those boots, Eurayleus. And see if you do not have to live in your wits."
The tutor stared at him with sad expression and then drew a deep breath. " Let us continue, Nero thinks that common man have poetry in his life."
" Yes, I do." Nero said fervently.
" Does he have this capacity innately? Or must it be taught to him?" The tutor turned to Narius and Voracio as if noticing them for the first time, " Take these two men , soldiers they know little but the art of the destruction, which is opposite of knowledge. They know weapons and drill, and spend their leisure time in mindless bouts of drinking, womanising and visits to the arena. Is that not so, soldier? You there! He pointed at Voracio ." Answer me."
Voracio smiled a moment and nodded his head." Sir."
" You see? How can you expect to teach such men to appreciate the finest sentiments of poetry? How can you induce them to know the subtle shades of expression upon which the finest literature turns? They are a class apart. Why look at them, see those black eyes ? Not content with their dullard existence of the mind, they compound their denigration by engaging in brawls, what hope is there of the finding their way to the Great works of the finest thinkers? I doubt that they can even read. You there, the other man . Tell me, have you ever read the works of the finest thinkers?"
" Which one sir? The Politics, Ethics, ,Nicomachean Ethics or De anima by Aristotle, Or De Bello Gallico by Julius Caesar?"
The tutor stared at Narius for a moment, nonplussed. Britannicus laughed as he winking his eyes at Narius. " Please continue, Eurayleus. Your line of argument is most intriguing."
The tutor struggled to his feet and gestured to his pupils, " Come, let's find somewhere more, er, private, to continue the discussion." He walked straight between Narius and Voracio without meeting their eyes. Nero followed him, pausing only to shake Narius hand before he left the enclosure . The smaller boy was slower to get up and he came and stood before Narius and stared at him.
" Why you were here? Uncle Narius?" He whispered
" Job. Call me Magnus next time."
" No wonder, my my they will think rather different about you to the other Praetorian."
" Might be, go inside, young man."
Britannicus stepped back and spoke in softly low whisper." I'm not sure what you mean, sir. You supposed on the campaign? It's not?"
" I'll explain later. I already hope no one recognised me."
" Actually yes after you spend your time in Britannia for your campaign, by the gods I don't forget a face. Listen I may need you one day, tell me if you could choose your new Emperor when my father died, who would it be? Me or Ahernobarbus."
" The choice is not mine to make."
" But you in Praetorian now , when the times comes, these man will have to make a choice, as they did when my father became Emperor. So I wanna know who would be they choose?"
Narius was froze, he dared not provide an answer for the boy , moreover, he was supposed by the mature depth to him eyes and the shrewd , knowing manner of his speech. Britannicus stood silently as he waiting Narius answered, and he made a kick a sma stone towards the pond, for a moment he looked just like any other boy in his age. He turned to Narius again. " When the time comes, they will have to make a choice. For me there will be no choice. " He looked up at Narius again and glanced over Voracio as he observed him. " We will run into each other again, Praetorian. Until then, farewell."
He folded his hands behind his back again and walked off quickly on his legs to catch up with his tutor and step brother. As the sound of footsteps faded, Voracio turned to Narius and puffed his cheek out.
" Phew, he's called you uncle? That Britannicus, an old man in a boy's body. Never seen alike."
Narius nodded. He could felt something very unsettling about the boy. Something that had left Narius feeling quite cold. He had about him an air of ruthless calculation and Narius had recognised that Britannicus had meant what he had said about the succession when the time was right. The child would have his backers too - men like some greedy freedmen who wanted to ensure that they retained their positions influence when Claudius passed into the shades, how ever it was clear for Narius that the Imperial advisors would be dealing with a boy Emperor possessing far greater intelligence than the present incumbent. Britannicus would be his own man. But what kind of man? Narius wondered. There was some truth in what the tutor had said. Intelligence was one thing. But not allied to wisdom and emphatic it could easilu result in a cruel tyranny of reason every bit as damaging to Rome as Gaius Germanicus C
aligula's madness had been. Even at this present age, Britannicus was something of a forced to be reckoned with.
" Say, what do you think about Nero?" Asked Voracio.
" He seemed harmless enough, head seemed a bit lost in the clouds but his heart's in the right place."
" That's what i thought. And he's popular with the lads in Praetorian Guard."
" That's what I heard." Narius could see had an easy charm a out him, in the inevitable struggle for succession, that would be a considerable advantage over his more intelligent but cold step brother. Narius felt a dread sense neither boy was ready to succeed the Emperor . It would be some years before they had experience to rule wisely, for that reason, it was vital that Claudius survived long enough to see the order and stability of his reign continue for as long as possible. If Rome fell into the hands of either boy then she would face a danger every bit as grace as that posed by the barbarians hordes biding their time beyond the empire's frontiers.
The day before the accession games were to be held was taken up with preparations. A temporary arena bad been under construction on the parade ground outside the camp for several days. When the works to had packed up their tools and departed, one of the Praetorian cohorts was tasked with painting the timber stands and decorating the Imperial box with fresh garlands of oaks leaves, a large purple canopy was erected over the seating area of the Imperial box to shield the Emperor and his family from the elements.