" No.” Marius’s heart was sinking like a rock .
" What of it ” Maximian answered calmly.
" We get the same as the auxilaries .” Marius informed and stares at him in horror, smiled nervously . ” You’re having me on again , Aren’t you ? Just give it a rest Maximian .”
" No, I’m serious.”
" Bollocks .” Cursed Marius with raised his eyesbrow . Maximian shook his head , looked at Marius expressionless. Marius spat on the ground . ” Shit .... that tight bastard General has shafted me again. I swear I’ll kick her head in oneday . If it’s the last thing I ever do.”
" Are you sure about kicking her head ?” Artemis chuckled . ” And pipe down about her, unless you want the whole town to know our business .
" I don’t believe this .” Marius Continued .
" Not only does she stick my head in the bloody noose, she does it on the cheap into a bargain .” Marius persisted in his grumbling .” Not more than three hundreds sestertians.” He muttered as the column worked it’s way down thoroughfare of Ravenna towards the docks.
As it most provincial town for Rome Empire, the streets were narrows and few of the building were more than two storeys at all. Even before they reached the water front , Artemis could see a dense forest of masts and rigging packed into the harbour .On the main quay itself scores of sailoors sat around disconsolately and gazed out the ships morred tightly together in the gentle swell . They stood up as the recruicts marched by , and stared at them with open hostility .
" I don’t Understand .” Said Artemis . ” I thought all the shipping had tried to get as far from the pirates as possible . There was a handful of ships in Ariminum . He pointed his hand across the harbour . ” I’ve never seen so many before, aren’t they afraid of the pirates ?” . Marius shrugged .
" Of Course they are, lad .” Maximian grinned . “And that’s precisely why they’re here . What better place to be than right beside a naval base. Over there’s the guarantee of their safety .”
Artemis followed the arm that Maximian had raised and saw what he was pointing at. At the end of the quay was a large fortified gateway, leading into the naval dock yard. Riding at the anchor in the open waters of the navy harbour was a fleet of sleek warships . He counted over thirty of them, most were samll patrol craft, but further out by lay of squadron of larger triremes , but formidable backbone of the Roman fleet .Each trireme boasted three banks of oars on eachside , with fortified towers at the bow and stern , upon which caatapults were mounted . A large bronze sheathed from extended from the paw of each ship. Beyond the trireme there was one even bigger vessel. Artemis stood and smile .
" What’s the fuck is that ?” marius asked.
" That’s the Aphrodite , our flagship, she’s quinquireme, a five , as we call ’em. Quite History behind that one. She was mark Anthony’s flagship. Captured at Actium and taken into the Imperial navy by Augustus , Built to last and tough as old boots . There’s nothing afloat that can match her.” Artemis winked his eyes at Marius. ” Fascinated , eh ?”
Maximian stared the tall young handsome greek with frown and suspicious then switched his gaze at Aphrodite a moment longer , as the convoy moved along the quay towards the gates of the naval base. The sailors and docker lining the route closed in on eachside , watching them in the bitter silence . After a moment then a voice cried out,” When are you going to do something about the prirates ?” The complaint was instantly taken up by other voices and soon the marines and their officer were surroundind by angry shouts and shaking fists . The recruits marines glanced around nervously .
" Eyes front! ” Maximian roared out. ” For Jupiter cocks , I Said , eyes front , ignored those bastards !”
A cold of filth sailed through the air and struck the Centurions on the shoulder . He clenched his jaw and stared straight ahead , Unfortunately , the example had been set and suddenly the air was filled with mud, excrement and other stinking refuse and it pelted down the hapless marine and their officers . The men at the front of the Column faltered as they tried to shield themselves from the bombardment and Maximian rose to his feet then cupped his hands to his mouth .
" Keep marching at the front there! Don’t bloody stop!”
The optios lashed out at their men with their staffs and the pace picked up , Maximian with their staffs and the pace picked up . Maximian opened his mouth to shout further encouragement and as Marius watched , A turd flew through the air and Caught the Centurion right in the mouth. There was a spontaneous roar of laughter from the nearest towns people at the sight . Maximian ducked down, spitting and wiping his lips on his sleeve.
" If I ever find the bastard responsible for that . I’ll make him eat his shit for the rest of his bloody days.”
Marius struggling hopelessly to keep his face straight, nudged at Artemis. ” I thought that sort of thing only happened to me.”
" It has look .” Artemis pointed and glancing down to Marius and smiled calmly . The watch officer on the gate had seen the trouble brewing along the wharf and as the recruit column approached a squad of marines piled out of the entrance to the naval base and charged into the crowd to clear a route for Maximian and his men .
The Barrage intensified as the townspeople made the most of their last chance to have a go at the men they held responsible for the loss of their livelihood .
" Some Fucking welcome .” Marius grumbled. ” This Job is getting better by instant . Wonder what’s in the store for us next ?”
Artemis did not reply. He was looking intently at thes sea and for the first time he started to calculated the element inside his misson , now he was destined to spend the foreseen future on.
When the wagons at the tail of the convoy had entered the naval base the marines retreated inside and quickly close and bolted the gate . The watch officers , another Centurion, strode up to Maximian’s wagon , grinning widely .
" A fine wecome home , eh ?”
“Great .” Maximian growled as he reached for his canteen and rinsed his mouth out. He spat the content to one side . ” Farro , what the hell’s been going on here since I’ve been in Rome ? The whole of Umbria’s gone mad with this pirate nonsense.”
The watch officer’s smile faded. ” You don’t heard any ?“.
" Heard what ?
" They landed near a colony at Illyricum a few days ago . Sacked the placed and slaughtered everyone there. women and kids puts the sword and all the men impaled . They burned the colony to the ground .”
Maximian stared at him . ” Lissus ? You mean ? I know some people there ...”
" I don’t know man, seem not anymore.”
" Shit...” Maximian slumped down on to the driver’s bench . The watch officers reached up and gave his arm a gentle squeezed , before he turned to the other centurions .
" Are you Marius and Artemis ?.” They nodded. Then farro watched them a brief moment. ” You’re come with me . The legate gave orders to send you for you the moment you arrived .”
" Just a moment .” Artemis said as he climbed down from the wagon and trotted back to the vehicle carrying Marcus.
The Legate’s office was impossing - along room that gave out on the upper level of the portico, which provided access to all the officres along the second floor of the fleet headquartes building. The view of the Legate’s office took in the broad sweep of the naval harbour , the marines barracks and the sprawl of store sheds and workshops beyond . To one side of the harbour was a timbered hard where men toiled over a breached trireme, covering the bottom with black tar from the steaming vats - further evidence of the preaparations for the campaign against the pirates . Inside the Legate’s office , the floor was laid with attractive mosaic featuring Neptunes skewering some demon of the deep with shi strident while the otherhand directed a storm to wreck a punic fleet .
Legate Valerius’s office was luxurious there’s expensive furniture by a window at the middle of the room while in the centered was covered with huge map from white, brown, black sand on the long huge Carwing wooden table as a map of the fleet’s theatre of operation in minute detail. The Legate’s clerk brought Artemis and Marius into his room after the clerk closing the door behind him. Both of them stood in attention .
Legate Valerius’s was tall and build muscle man his hair were dark with blue eyes, he was signing a stack of documents and glanced up at them before turning back to his work and completing it unhurriedly . At length , he replaced his stylus in its holder and looked up at the two young officers.
" Welcome , I take it you had a pleasant tour through our idyllic countryside ? Valerius’s smiled as he leaned back in his chair.
" Yes, sir.” Marius replied in flat tone.
" Good, because the holiday’s over . We’ve got plenty of work to do over the following months. Things have moved on recently, the situation is more serious .”
" Meaning you ?” Marius chuckled bitterly.
The Legate Valerius’ was still for a moment, fighting to control his temper, and Artemis feared for a moment that his friend had overstepped the mark, by about a mile . Valerius’s raised his dark beautiful curved eyebrow. ” Please dispense with the uncooperative attitude.”
There was a pause as the two men stared silently at each other in mutual loathing, finally Marius nodded . ” Yes, Sir.”
" That’s better and from now on, You’ll supply the required respect due to my rank, you must call me ′ Legate’ or ′ Sir’ . Understand ?”
" Yes, Sir.” Marius answered , in silent Artemis took a silent sigh for his relieved.
Out from Legate’s office in the corridor one figure walking in some distance away from the bodyguards as the figure wearing an unadorned toga with the narrow purple stripe of a senior magistrate as the figure turned away and an instant later a fresh beauty face appeared at the Legate door and entered the Legate room. Marius turned his head to the door as he froze and blushed . ” No way....”
Vitellius reached the Legate’s navy office at the second floor as he stood behind the feature who wore a senior magistrate toga, from the curve he sense it’s a woman . He got no clue who was she not until he could see her face , the figure walked over a long huge map in the central of the room. Valerius’ smiled and rose from his chair , walked towards the woman and took her hand . Kiss her hand in courtesy.
Vitellius switched his gaze to Artemis and Marius who stood still and froze at their place .
" Let’s get down to business, gentlemen.” She said in regal tone . ” The pirates must be operating out of a base somewhere along this coastline . The Leader name is Tharsos . A greek, I expect he’s trying to drum up some support from the local. He’s Shrewd man and hope we can beat him .”
Artemis looked at the map . ” Getting the chest back isn’t going to be asy either, General .”
The woman nodded, then she continued speak from her volouptous red lips, ” Anyway , as additional information that our pirate chief is quite a player . He sent a message to inform us that there are now other parties interested in the chest, they’re willing to match any price that Emperor Claudius will pay.”
" Who are these people, Ma’am ?” Asked Marius.
" We didn’t know.” she replied tersely .
" He’s trying to drive the price up .” Said Marius .
" Maybe, but we can’t take the risk that he’s lying. The Emperor want the chest, whatever the price , in men as well as money.”
" But who else would want these bloody chest, General ?” Marius asked.
" It Doesn’t really matter. whoever it is, they can’t be allowed to have them.” She replied at him with firm tone. Marius looked Artemis who just stood silent . ” Look here, it would help us if we had some idea of who are up against .”
" No doubt.” She smiled . ′ But ask your self , if these chest and scrolls are so vital to the Emperor and Rome Empire, then who else would be so interested in them ?”
" The Liberators.” Artemis said quietly. The secret organisation of Republican dedicated to overthrown of Emperor Claudius to be obvious suspects.
" Great.” Marius shook his head wearily. ” That’s all we bloody need. If they’re in on the act we’ll be jumping at our shadows.”
" All right, now in addition to this tasks you’ll have to carry out for your cover, Artemis and Marius have been assigned to regular duties. And Vitellius as the Prefect fleet. This is your campaign , I want Artemis and Marius to carry the task as conscientiously as if you were back as good as you can make them if we’re going to have the edge over the pirates when it comes down to the fighting . That’s include you Vitellius.”
Valerius nodded to Zenious then looked at the three men in front of him .
" You’ heard what General Zenious orders, furthermore, Vitellius will responsible for the assault , and when the men and ships are ready to take offensive, You’ll be pointing each of them to command a ship.” Valerius’s said in firm voice.
" Take command of ships ?” Marius shook his head. ” Sir, I don’t know the first thing about the bloody ships.”
" Vittelius , teach him, I wanna know how good you all. Dismissed.” Valerius’s eyes scanned Vitellius eyes.
" Yes, Sir.” Vitellius answered. Marius intterupted suddenly . ” But sir.....”
" I repeat Centurion Marius , two of you been dismissed, oh’ you’d better learn. Don’t be late with the marine officers and trierarch at tonight’s meeting. You may go now . There’s a clerk outside who will take you to your quarters . Artemis you stay .”
" Yes, Sir.” Marius exchanged a glance with Artemis, then he joined with Vitellius gazed and marched out of office, closing the door behind him .
For a moment Valerius gazed at the map with Artemis, then he switched his gaze at Zenous, then turned his head at Artemis. ” Let’s take a seat.”
They crosed the room back to the Legate’s desk as he pulled up the chair for his superior after she sit dwon. He walking towards and seat on his chair opposite from Zenious and Artemis . Artemis wincing slightly as the iron feet grated across the mosaic tiles . He had no idea why he had been kept assign with Vitellius while the General knew how slickest Vittelius is and he was afraid, because he knew what the scheming aristocrat was capable of .
Zenious was a good reader of men’s expression and appraised the undercover legate of Praetorian Guard with empty eyes .
" I dont mind that you hate me so much, I can understand your reasons, but you must accept that I am out of your league. You raise one hand towards me and I’ll have you crushed underfoot like cockcroach . It would be a shame to have you or Vitellius killed , since you both have much to offer in the service of Rome . Now for the duration of your both issued get over it . For Rome sakes, there’s already enough danger to be faced out there without needlesly adding to our perils , Do you understand me ?”
Artemis shook his head ,” Yes, Ma’am.”
" Good. Feel free to hate me as you wish .” She said in softly tone, and regal way.
Artemis slowly raised his head and looked straight in her deep blue eyes, and replied in his deep voice . ” I always hate Vitellius and despise him, not you. But I can endure that wihout it affecting my duties , for a while at least .”
She stared him and gaved the slightest of nods . ” Good . so we understand each other. Now there’s one thing you need to know,Tharsos message ended with a demand that we make payment up front to keep us in the negotiations for these treasure. ′ a token commitment’ as he put it. So, you will met him, assure him that we’re still keen and give him the gold he’s demand.”
" Why me ?” Artemis asked her carefully.
" First its important none of us read those scrolls, second it’s important that you can identify Tharsos by sigh. When the time comes to put that man in his place , and we certainly have the right man. He may be the only one who knows where the scrolls are being kept.”
" Thankyou, General.” He smiled brightly. ” Where will this meeting take place ?”
" At sea , he needs to be sure that isn’t a trap, You’ll take one of the scout craft. Don’t draw any attention .” she replied calmly .
Artemis nodded and replied , “Understand”. Zenious looked at Artemis impassively and said ,
" You’re to met him ten miles off the cape at Mortepontum shortly after sunrise so he can be sure that you’re alone and that he can escape if you’re not .”
Artemis nodded thoughtfully and looked at zenious in the eye . ” This Tharsos sound the kind of man we could learn from .”
She cocking her head at Valerius and smiled, ” Perhaps , At least every human had their own virtue and vice versa. ” Valerius smiled smartly .
Slowly Artemis eyes enjoyed his General face greedyly he could not just make out turned his eyes and his head from the beautiful glowing face as if the diamond dust spreading in her white smooth skin as it laboured to complete her natural beauty . Every men in legions even in senatorial intended to marry her, because of her skills and specially her beauty . In her twentytwo years she more blossomed in her career and position. Finally Artemis switched his gaze from Zenious face to the map and ask .” When is this meeting ?”
" In two day’s time . You’re leaving tonight .” Valerius’s answered in his bariton husky voice .
The bireme heaved to before the first hint of dawn. It wallowed in a heavy swell that rose under the stern, lifted it up and let it fall back with sickening swoop, Artemis leaned on the stern rail, head pitched forward and saw the sea below the bireme like the dark abyss as the horizon as reference point to steady his sense of mind , the darkness closed round the small ship the chaotic and nauseous movement under his feet had increased his misery tenfold .
" Are you all right ?”
Artemis turned from the rail and saw Neximus, the bireme trierarch ,stepped from the darkness. Artemis smiled calmly and nodded. Neximus ask him, ” So you were one of the new centurions appointed ?” . Artemis answer. ” Yes that’s me.”
Neximus nodded as he leaned on the rail next Artemis, upwind and sniffed the air. ” Fresh and salty, we’re in a good day, bit choppy, but no storm.”
" Choppy... Where are we exactly ?”
" Neximus smiled at him. ” Some miles from the cape, I gave the order to heave , so we don’t get to close in the dark.”
" Any reason ?” Artemis nodded at the darkness sea in front of them .
" Cape Mortepontum mean the bridge of death, bit of giveaway, don’t you think ?”
" Is dangerous ?”
" More ships are wrecked on the cape than anywhere else along this entire coastline .”
" How so ?” Artemis raised his eyebrow.
" You’ll understand when the sunrises and we get closer, the reason why I give it a wide berth.Now you’ll excuse me. I’ll see to my men, they need to be fed and at their stations before first light.”
Artemis grabbed Neximus’s hand suddenly . ” Can you tell what pirates we face it ?”
" I asumed you’ve not had dealings with pirates before, well, they’re as trustworthy as a shark in sausage factory and twice as dangerous.”
Artemis smiled warmly .” Colorful, but not entirely coherent.”
" What ?“,Neximus frowned .
Artemis smiled thinly . ” The analogy doesnt work. the shark is not a land creature.“.
Neximus shrugged. ” You obviously haven’t met my banker.” At the first hint of dawn spread along the eastern horizon Artemis could just make out the pale shadown of the mountanious coastline. Then Neximus pointed out a darker path. ” That’s the cape. we’ll move close in.“He turned to face the bows and cupped his hand to his mouth .” Raise the sail ! Put a reef in her, now !”
Several sailors clambered up the rigging and swung out along the yardarm, feet pressing down on the toe - lines as they shuffled along. When everyman was in place the mate called out an order and the sailors undid the ties and began to unfurl the sail. It billowing expanse slowly filled up and became taut as more sailors on the deck hauled the mainsheets in and fastened them to the stout wooden cleats on the ship’s side rail. When rectangular sail had been let out as far as the first reefing lines, the sailors on the yard tied it down and returned to the deck . The motion of the bireme began to settle as it got under way and Artemis could hear the rush and hiss the sea sliding along the’ waterline.
" Steersman !” Neximus called out. ” Heading, three fingers off the port bow .”
The man replied .” Three fingers off the bow. Aye sir.”
The powerfully built sailor braced his legs on a foot rail and heaved at the great steering paddle that was suspended over the side of the bireme, a short distance from stern . Slowly, the vessel began to respond and the bows turned downwind , towards the distant shore. The bireme was running before the wind and left a swirling white wake across the sea behind her. Neximus was clearly in his element and turned to Artemis with a twinkle of delight in his eyes. ” Feeling good now ?”
" A lot.” Artemis answered.
" We’ll be at the meeting point soon with this following wind. Of course, it’ll be difficult going if we have to beat back towards Ravenna. Might have to take down the sail and get rowers to work .” Neximus nodded at the deck.
As Artemis glanced towards the main grating . The dim form of men sitting at their benches were just visible in the pale light .” Will they be fast enough to get the ship out of danger if it’s trap?”
" They should be . This class of vessel is designed for speed. The real question is how long they can keep it up. I generally keep my men well fed and rested so we have that extra reserve of strength at the oars, should we need it. Let’s just hope we don’t need it, eh ?”
" Sail ! Away to port !” the lookout cried down from the masthead, thrust his arm out, pointing a short distance off the coastline. ” Artemis automatically turned and squinted towards the horizon but saw nothing along the unbroken line. Then after a moment.
“Black sail, I can see the hull now. Big ship.”
" Is that him ?” Artemis ask to Neximus.
“Most likely . There’ll be a few ships at sea in winter even fewer with pirates out on the prowl.”
" Deck there !”
Artemis and Neximus tilted their heads up towards the masthead, the lookout was pointing to the south .
" Another sail.” Artemis felt an icy tingle at the back of his neck .” It’s trap.”
" Calm yourself.” Neximus smiled.” There’s still plenty time to head back out to sea.”
" Another sail ! and another !” cried out the lookout, pointing his arm out over the stern of the bireme. Artemis nodded in resignation and then forced a smile as he turned back to Neximus.” You were saying ?”
The trierach ignored him, and stretched up on to his toes as he stared out over the swell behind his ship, there , faintly visible on the horizon, were two triangular sails. ” Bloody fine piece of seamanship.” Neximus growled ” They must have been watching us from the east, long before we heaved to last night. ”
" How’d you know ?”
" They’d have been hidden in the dusk while we were silhouetted against the sunset.”
" So what now ?” Artemis asked.
" Now ?” The trierach shrugged . ” They’ve got us by the balls . Let’s just hope they aren’t planning any treachery. No point in trying to escape. we’ll have to heave to and wait for them to run down to us .” The bireme rode out to swell. a small foresail had been set to steady the bows and give just enough forward motion for steering paddle to bite. Around Artemis the deck had been cleared for action and the bireme’s complement of marines were at their stations. The Catapult mounted to the foredeck was loaded and the crews were winding back the torsian arms with a steady clank from the locking rachet. Boarding nets had been rigged and a handful of men armed with bows lined the stern rail. Artemis had put on his armour and stood beside Neximus, One hand resting on the pommel of his sword . He gazed at the four ship steadily closing in on the bireme . Three were not much larger than the bireme, and used a lateen sail of eastern design. they looked sleek and cut easily through the blue grey rollers sweeping across the sea.
Neximus shook his head on despair as the fourth vessel drew close enough to them to make out the details .” She was. That’s one of the trireme that went missing.”
The smaller ships heaved to some distance from the bireme and waited for the fourth ship to close up. The trireme like the other pirate ships, carried a dark sail and as they turned on the final tack , tiny figures appeared on the yardarm and hurriedly furled the sail. A moment later the oars were run out and after a brief pause to get the timing right, they dipped down and churned up the sea as the trireme maneuvered directly towars the Roman ship.
Neximus glanced up at Artemis . ” The moment of truth I think .”
" Yes.” Artemis’s eyes were fixed on the approaching warship and he wondered the real reason Zenious had picked him for this task, he was hope he would comeback .
When the trireme was no more than a hundred paces away, it began to tun up into the wind, and the oars stopped moving and were neatly drawn back into the hull. Almost at once, a small skiff was lowered over the side and it bobbed across the gap between the two ships, steering clear of the Catapult in the bow of the bireme , it stoped and stoof off a short distance from the beam of the Roman ship . A build athlethic youth with curly black hair poking out from under a phrygian cap sat on the aft thwart of the skiff. He cupped a hand to his mouth and called across to the bireme in fluent greek . ” Is the negotiator on board ?”
Artemis moved over the rail and raised a hand. ” I’m here.”
" Do you have the money with you ?”
" I do.”
" You’ll come with us .” The man called an instruction to his oarsmen and the skiff darted over the water towards the bireme and one of the pirates took a firm hold of the boarding ladder. Artemis turned to the nearest marine. ” Go down to the cabin. There’s chest under my bunk. Bring it here.”
The marine saluted and hurled over to the hatch coating that led down the small cabin in the stern. Artemis gripped the side rail and swung himself over, his boots scrabbling for the steps on the boarding ladder.
" Roman!”
Artemis glanced round and saw the man in the skiff wagging a finger at him ” No sword!” . Gripping tightly to the rail with one hand Artemis drew his sword and tossed it up on to the deck of the bireme . Neximus eyed him anxiously .” Is that wise ?” . Artemis responded with grinned, not answering , as he looked up , timing the rise and fall of the skiff beneath him, then dropped down heavily. The little craft rocked down from side to side and pitch them all into the sea. In his armour , he was sure to sink like a stone, instead he put a stern face, the young man grabbed at his houlder and steadied the Centurion.
" Sit down, you bloody fool, where’s the gold ?” the greek young man stared at Artemis with frowned .
Artemis replied in deep tone .” Coming.”
A moment later the marine appeared at the side of the biree and lowered the box in some netting. The pirate stood up with the instinctive balanced of man who has spent many years at sea. He stretched up his arms to the chest and steered it down into the bottom of the skiff . He dragged it free of the netting , before placing the chest under the thwart in the centre of the boat, then nodded to his oarsmen . The skiff turned and made for the trireme as Artemis squatting down, icy water sloshing over his boots and breeches . The sea seemed to be almost level with his face and the boat bobbed up and down in a terrified manner . When they reached trireme he grasped the rope that was lowered him as if it was a lifeline and scrambled up the side and on to the board deck in a most undignified manner, the relative firmness of the deck beneath him went someway towards calming his nerves as Artemis rose to his feet and stiffened his back . An instant the chest was heaved up and placed by his feet. The young man from the skiff scrambled up and stood beside Artemis .
" Welcome !” A voice called out from the stern.
Artemis turned and saw a man striding towards him, He was tall and broad chest, with unmistakable features of Greek. The captain forced himself to keep his face devoid of expression , Below the light, matted locks of his face devoid expression, piercing black eyes looked out from beneath a strong brow. His nose was broke and twisted , knotted white scar tissue curved up across his chin , over his lips and up his cheek . His appearance had a wonderful effect on those that beheld him, but the injuries were the marks of experience borne by a life long pirate . The pirate captain’s eyes never left Artemis feature as his hand reached down and resting on his falcata.
Which was terribly scared that Artemis could not help but stared at it. Tharsos smiled as he stood before the Centurion and stretched out his hand. Artemis had not expecting anything resembling a warm welcome and was momentarily thrown off guard. Then he was swallowed and was determined to play the part of true Roman . He glanced coldly at the outstreched and shook his head . ” I regret to say I am under orders not to fraternise with pirates.”
Tharsos stared at him in suprise for an instant and he roared with laughter. ” I’ve never known such a stiff necked people! Aren’t you Romans taught social graces ?”
" Of course. we just don’t consort with criminal . I assume you are Tharsos.”
" I am.” The greek bowed his head .” And this is my lieutenant, Arelius.” He nodded at the man who stood next Artemis . ” So we’ll have to make this quick, Roman . I have bussines to attend to.”
Artemis sniffed ” Business ? Is that what you call piracy and pillaging ?”
" You can call it what you like, Centurion .... I didn’t catch the name .”
" I didn’t mention it .” Artemis replied in his deep calm voice .
Tharsos shrugged and says ” Please yourself. This our retainer ?” he tapped the box with the toe of his boot and smiled .
Artemis replied curtly , ” It is .”
" Good then I have message for your masters, Tell that the merchandise is still with me , but the other parties have also demonstrated their interest - in gold. They paying their retainer in the next few days.”
" Who are they ?” Artemis asked .
" I can’t tell you that, they wish to remain anonymous and alive .”
" The liberators.” Artemis sneered . ” Who could it be ?”
" You tell me . It’s not as if the world is short of people who have every cause to hate Rome and all it stand for.”
" How do I know that you’re not bluffing just to drive the price up ?”
" You don’t .” He grinned . ” But can your masters afford to call my bluff ? Given the nature of the merchandise , I doubt it. Now then, You will tell them that the competition has offered me twenty million sestertians. Your masters have two months to improve on that .”
Artemis struggled to contain his astonishment at such a vast demand , It was a fortune , enough to ransom a kingdom, Let alone the King. He stared at at Tharsos . ” When you say the merchandise , you are reffering to the scrolls, aren’t you ?”
Tharsos exchanged look with his lieutenant Arelius and chuckled . ” That’s right .”
" But no scrolls is worth such a scum .”
Tharsos poke Artemis chest , ” These scrolls are, Believe me.”
" Why ?” Artemis asked .
" Tharsos stares at Artemis with amusement . ” You have no idea what they are , do you ?”
Artemis thought about trying to deceive the pirateschief but the man would be seen through in an instant . ” No.”
" But would you like to know ?”
Artemis stared at him for a moment for a moment , he couldn’t deny his curiousity . Tharsos nodded before Artemis could reply . ” I thought so. If I told you what they were .... If I told you any detail of what they contain, You would be in mortal danger , be content in your ignorance , if you want to survive.′ he watched Artemis closely to make sure the young officers understood the peril, then continued . ” Now before you run along, there’s other message I’d like you to carry back .” He clicked his fingers and a Egyptian came trotting up with a small wicker casket, which he handed to the pirate leader. He flipped the lid open and tilted it towards Artemis .
Inside there was a shock of black hair plastered down on to a scalp.
" May I introduce you to the former governor of the former collony at Illyricum ? Gaius Sexerius , I think his name was. Take this back to Ravenna as a little memento of our meeting . Tell your master that I will begin to raid more colonies from now on, unles I am paid a tribune of fourteen sestertians a year, or the equivalent in gold.” Tharsos looked at Artemis closely . ” Can you remember all that ?”
" Yes .” Artemis nodded curtly .
" How old are you, boy ?”
" Twenty .”
" O’ dear venus , I was wondering why they send you here ?” Tharsos grinned .
" Is easy because I’m expendable.”
" Indeed you are,” Tharsos rubbed his chin, after a heartbeat with blur fast of motion and then a curved dagger was at Artemis’s throat. as he leaning towards Artemis , his dark eyes narrowing to slits . He spoke warm and softly . ” I’ll remember you , you arrogant youth pup . I could cut your throat right now and send your headback as a companion pieces.” He leered into Artemis’s face .
" As it happens I want to close negotiations reasonably soon and I’m not prepared to wait until you Romans send out an envoy with some manners. If we meet again, I’ll swear I’ll gut you with my own blade . Now take that.” He thrust the casket towads Artemis . ” Get Off from my ship. If you make any attempt to follow us once this meeting is over. We’ll turn on you, sink your ship and kill everyone. Go !”
Artemis froze as he hurried down the side of the trireme and back into the skiff and the casket, with the lid fastened was tossed down to him, Artemis quickly tucked it under the thwart and tried not to think about what it contained . Arelius watched him with an amused expression .
" You’re got guts, Roman. There’s no many people who speak to Tharthos in such manner and live to tell the tale.”
" Oh, Really ?” Artemis looked at him for a moment before he continued . ” You must be served him long enough to know him well .”
A strange smile flickered across Arelius’s face. ” You’re wrong , I’ve known him all my life , If you meet again, he will kill you, mark my words.”
" No unless he die first .”
Arelius laughed , ” Roman arrogance. I’ve never seen anything like it .”
They were back to the Roman using the pirate trireme , as Neximus helped Artemis on to the deck , Passed the casket to the marines he had sent to fetch the chest . ” Put this in the cabin, but do not open it, unless you want to be flogged . Understand ?” .
The marines nodded . ” Yes sir “.
Artemis walked crossed the deck calmly to the far rail and threw up . ” What happened over there ?” Neximus asked . Artemis wiping his mouth as he threw a glanced and replied .” Don’t ask. Just take the ship back to Ravenna . Get me out of this place .”
Ravenna, January , Ad 51
A team of mules was towing the vessels gainst the current and their driver, A skinny , barefoot slave boy, flicked his whip once in a while to keep the pace up. A thick pall of smoke hung over the city as the inhabitants struggled to stay warm through the dreary cold air, adding the output of the communial fires they were permitted to the smoke of the tanneries, smiths, and bathhouses that plied their trade in Ravenna . With two guards in front and two behind , Caius Alea Zenious made her way into the stairswell at the bottom of the tenement block. The guardsmen had been seen entering the building and a small crowd of curious onlookers had gathered outside. As the General and escort clattered on to the paved streets. A girl emerged from the bakery . Her eyes widened in shock as she saw Zenious the temporary Governor General wore her military uniform . The woman stepped out in front of the leading Legions.
" G - Ge - General , what’s happening in here ?”
" Out of the way, Lady.” snapped one of the guards.
The girl looked round her shoulder. ” You ! Alea ! Alea ?” . She tried to push past but the guard grabbed her arm and thrust her back against the wall of the tenement and then the bodyguards marched off with the General . They entered the streets through of main street that opened on to a narrow side street away from well - used thoroughfares. There were few people around to see they were taking their way to port. Once past the guards stationed at the entrance .
The General stood still alone as she watched the rough sea was grey, except where the strong breeze lifted veils of white soume from the crest of waves as they rolled in towards the shore . Above the sky was obscured by low clouds that stretched out unbroken towards the horizon. A light, cold drizzle added to the depressing scene and soon soaked General Zenious’s long golden hair , plastering it to her scalp as she gazed out over the port . Ravenna had not changed greatly since the last time she had been there, a few years earlier on her return from the campaign in Britainnia.
The port had been an exposed landing point for the transhipment of cargo and passengers to and from Rome, A handful of timber piers had projected from the shore to provide for the unloading of imports from across the empire. Somewhat smaller flow of exports left Italia for the distant provinces ruled by Rome .
Now the port was in the troes of a massive development project under the orders of the Emperor as part of his ambition to boost trade , Unlike his predecessor, Claudius prefered to use the public purse for the common good , rather than absurd luxuries . Two long moles ere under construction , stretching like titanic arms to embrace the water of the new harbour . And her task is to rally circuit to the empire . The work continued let up through every season of the year. and zenious’s gaze momentarily rested on the miserable chain gangs of slaves hauling blocks of stone across the wooden rollers out towards the end of the moles where they were pitched into the sea. Block by block they were building a wall to protect the shipping from the water . Further out, beyond the moles , stood the breakwater the one largest ships ever built had been loaded with stones and suttled to provide the foundations of the breakwater. More blocks of stone had been completed and now the lower levels of a light house were under construction . She could just make out the tiny forms of the builders on the scaffolding as they laboured to complete another course .
" Sooner than I thought .” she mumbled to herself as she pulled her cloak tighter around her body. She had taken this walk along the shore every early morning for the last four months and had followed the progress of the harbour constructin with much and much interest , the ports , had its complement of boisterous inns and taverns close to the quays to take advantage of the custom of freshly paid sailors at the end of a voyage . But few ships put to sea in the winter months and the port was quiet and the inns frequented by only a handful of soldiers. She took a last look at the slaves working on the breakwater and then pulled up the hood of her military cloak , she turned and made her way back along the coastal path towards the port . Several large warehouse had sprung up behind the new quay and yet more were under construction in the area to make way for the new building projects , it would be a fine new port when the work was done , and it’s complished her task to rally the empire circuit in economy and security. More proof of Rome’s wealth and power.
The path joined the road leading to the port and the iron studs on the soles of Zenious’s army boots sounded softly on the paved surface , she passed through the gate with a brief exchange of nods , one of the sentry passed her a equsterian toga for her to wear. She turned to narrow street as she entered the quiet empty open space under the building construction , she changed her clothes from her military army to be unardoned toga as commoner . One of her guardsmen took her military uniform , as she gave a slight short briefing to her clerks, and guardsmen . Then after finish her briefing she heading the main street of Ravenna.
The blocks of aparments lining the street, three or four storey high, crowded already wan daylight and imposed a chilly gloom along the route leading into the heart of the town, reachin the junction where the streets radiated out to the other districts of Ravenna , Zenious turned right into the long throughfare that ran through the heart of the port where the main temples , plushet bath and the Forum crowded upon each other as if jostling to be the most prestigious establishment , the main street was busy with merchants and municipal officials hurrying about their bussiness . A line of slaves, chained at the ankle , on their way to the holding pens of the slaves market shuffled along the edge of the street under the watchful eye of a handful of burly guards armed with clubs.
Caius Alea Zenious passed through the Forum, which extended across the both sides of the street, then tuned into a side street where he saw the imposing columned facade of the Library of Menelaus where she had agreed to met Alexius . The library had been gifted to Ravenna by a Greek freedman who had made his fortune importing grain . It was well stocked with an electic range of book that where arranged on shelves in an equally electic manner .
She stepped up from the street and ascended the short staircase to the library’s entrance . Just inside the doorway a clerk sat at a plain wooden desk, warmed by the flames of a brazier , his eyes narrowed suspiciously at the sight of a commonner girl . ” May I be of any assistance , Lady ?”
Zenious looked around for a moment , and wiped the moisture from her brow, and nodded .
" I’m looking for someone . A young man, like me .”
" Really ?” The clerk arched an eyebrow . ” Are you certain this is the place, lady ? it’s a library.”
Zenious looked down and whispered . ” I know.”
" Might I suggest, miss, that you would have luck looking for your man in one of the inns or taverns close by the Forum. I do believe those sorts of establishments are more popular with man than this library ."
Zeniuos sighed and bite her lips than she replied . " Believe me, my lover arranged to meet me here."
" It's not where lovers usually meet, miss." The clerk persisted, tersely .
" True tho, but you know my lover is not usual man ." she raised her head slowly . "Have you seen him ? whould you kind to answer my question, sir ? No need to look down your nose at me, not if you like it the way it is ."
The clerk realised that this young pretty girl was tough looking visitors was not going to be fobbed off. He cleared his throat and reached for a stylus and waxed slate , as if to imply that he is someone important in the process of carrying out some complex and vital bureaucratic task .