"Ward off stoutly the man whosoever is first to assail you." ( Claudius quote in front of senate )
On the front of the box some of the Praetorians, with more artistic skills than the rest of their comrades, painted a large mural depicting Claudius being acclaimed by the guardsmen on the day he had become Emperor. Another mural showed the Emperor handling out gold coins to the soldiers in order to remain them of the special beneficence that he showed to his Praetorians, and the loyalty that they owed him in return. All was complete by the evening of the fifth day of February. The arena was large enough to seat every soldier in the camp behind the low barrier wall. There's was a wide gate opposite the Imperial box to admit the participants of the games, and two small exist at each side for those injured or killed to be removed from the freshly spread sand that covered the parade ground. At head, quarters the halls and colonnades had been filled with tables and benches ready for the following evening's feast. Wagons laden with bread,cured meat,cheese, fruits and Falernian Wine had trundled into the camp, from the surrounding countryside,where their contents were unloaded into the storerooms under the watchful eyes of Junior officers to ensure that there was no pilfering. As the night settled across the Praetorian camp, Voracio sat in the hot room of the bathhouse. After exchanging a few pleasantries with their new comrades he had taken one of the benches in the middle where he can observed and blended with the rest of the men and overhear the conversation from the men where they all scattered about the sweltering chamber. Some of them were engaged in conversation but most sat with sweat coursing down their bodies, relishing the heat. He sat deep in concentrate, staring at the tessellated floor in front of him, while Narius had visited the safe house and found the General message demanding a progress report. And arranged time for encounter the crow itself
or the courier been delivered.
Voracio considered at the situations at the Imperial officers in their busy little scheme for conspiracy. He stayed a little longer before using the brass struggle to scrape off the grime that had sweated out of his skin, he moved through to the cold room and get into the pool where the shock of the chilled water made him smiled after a long moment he hurried out to the changing area where he rubber himself down with one of the dry towels drying over the rack above the hypocaust flues. As he reached the entrance to the barracks, Barbulus was waiting for him. He jerked thumb towards the centurion's quarters.
" Lucius is back, he want to see you and Narius." Barbulus smirked." He sent for you an hour ago. Shame I couldn't find you - the centurion is not a man who is inclined to tolerate delay." The optio gave a dry laugh before sauntered off to the squad's room . " May Fortuna on you, lad."
Voracio smiled cynically at Barbulus, which Voracio knew the Optio knew where he were. He made his way to the door of the small office adjoining the Centurion's private quarters and saw that it was open. Lucius was standing at the window, looking out across the wall of the camp and over the city, illuminated by the twinkling sparks of torched and lamps. He stood quietly still as he stared in the direction of the Imperial palace, his back dimly lit by the single oil lamp glimmering on his desk, Voracio stood directly outside the door frame. Taking a deep breath, as he rapped on the wooden frame." You sent for me, sir?"
Lucius turned quickly and Voracio saw the centurion was younger than he had been expecting, same age with Narius. His hair was dark and artfully arranged in piled curls above a finely feature face that was on the pretty side of handsome. His good looks hardened into a frown.
"So you're the new men?" He asked in a thin , high pitched voice.1256Please respect copyright.PENANAeawxdAcfO6
"Yes, sir." 1256Please respect copyright.PENANAWYpxm878pk
"Don't just stand there. Enter."1256Please respect copyright.PENANA7p7bCSIkSX
Voracio strode in and stood beforehand his commander's despite was taller than Voracio but compared to Narius this man value not met the higher standard of Narius in looks, height, brain, even maybe in the social status, and ranks . Lucius tilting his head back slightly be gave even more of an impression of looking down on the other men.
" Where have you been? I sent for you for bloody hour ago. Why weren't you in the barracks?"
" Beg your pardon, sir,but I was in the bathhouse. " Voracio explained.
" Shrinking some duties no doubt."
" No, sir."
". I don't care, the men of my century are all the same as far as I am concerned. And now it seemed you a depend on me so much that I have been ordered to cut my leave short and return to the camp for tomorrow's tedious little show put on for the Emperor. I could have bee at a party in the city having a good fuck with some senator's wife or daughter , but no, I'm stuck here in the camp. If I have to give you my friends to be here, then the bloody least you can do is have the damned good grace to come when you are summoned."
" I came as soon as we were told you wanted to see me, sir." Said Voracio calmly.
"Well, that's not soon enough." Lucius snapped. He stared at Voracio with anger. " Well, now we know each others, and you know what I stand for. In future when I give an order I expect you to obey it at once. Fail to do so and I will see to it that your status as hero is revoked, and I'll have you up to you necks in shit doing latrine fatigues for the rest of the year. Do I make myself clear ?"
Voracio struggled to pressing his temper down, clenched his fist tightly. With icy deep voice of cruelty he answered." Yes, sir."
Lucius stared at him. " Tomorrow we play host to the Emperor. Our cohort will be place either side of the Imperial box. That's mean I want a good turnout. Praetorian Guard , or I'll know the reason why. Don't you dare to let me down. Got that ?"
" Yes, sir."
" Leave me. Go! Get out of my sight. Your presence here annoyed me."
Voracio saluted, turned and he strode out of the room. Voracio saw Narius's figure to met the Centurion. Voracio stopped his step as he waited Narius. Then he informed Narius." Better off you go, once he saw your face he'll envy might be trouble you and that's going to be obstacle in our mission."
" Eh?"
Voracio explained as he walked back to barracks with Narius beside him. " A bloody arsehole. I'll bet he uppity bastard had been turned down by some woman. Now he's taking it out on me. As for that bullocks about hero...Cocks! Just finish this mission fast, otherwise I cannot help my self to slice his ball,"
Narius looked at Voracio, is rare that that man show his rage emotion. " Don't worry were not going to be here long enough for him to make your lives and mine a misery. So for short time. We'll ignored him and keep our heads on the job, yes?"
Voracio growled. " If turn out that our dear optio and centurion is part of any conspiracy, then I shall be sure to offer my free services to Generals for interrogate them."
At the dawn the prefect Burrus, gave orders for his cohort to assembly outside the barracks. The sky was overcast and the air felt damp and clammy as the soldiers formed up in the centuries and stood at ease. Narius and Voracio were amongst the first to fall in and watched as the other guardsmen stumbled out of the building, some still fastening their belts about their tunics, Centurion Lucius was one the last to emerge, bleary eyed and pale faced.
Voracio smiled and leant towards Narius." Well, well he's been drinking."
" Poor lad must have had his heart broken," Narius responses without a trace of sympathy and smiled mockingly.
Barbulus, positioned two paces in front of the first rank, turned history head and bellowed." Silence! Next man who utters a single fucking word is on a charge!"
Lucius winced at the sound as he shuffled into place in front of the Optio and the century's standard bearer. When the last men of cohort were in place, there was a short silence before the sturdy figure of the Prefect Burrus stepped out of the main entrance of the Cohort's barrack block. The senior Centurion of the cohort, the proximus, drew a deep breath and called out. " Commanding Officer present!"
The men stood to attention with a loud crash of nailed boots on the paving stones. Burrus strode out to stand in front of his command, hands clasped behind his back as he puffed his chest out and ran his good eye over the lines of men standing in their centuries. " Most of you know the drill, there's a quite a few who have joined our ranks since the last Accession games, I'll spell it out so that we all know what is expected of us. The Emperor,his family and selected guests of the Imperial court will be spending the day with the Praetorian Guard. As the unit that will be in closest proximity to the Imperial party we are the standard by whichever the rest of the Guard will be judged. You are on your best behavioural and I will have their backs off any man who gets drunk or acts in anyway that discredits the honour of Praetorian Guard." He paused a moment then continued in a soft tone." As we know, the Emperor had his funny ways, he is inclined to stammer and when he gets excited he has tendency to slobber at the mouth. It's not the most edifying of sights. I grant you. However, Claudius is the Emperor and we have all sworn an oath to honour and obey him, so there will be no laughing, nor even the faintest of tottering , if the old boy gets going. Is that clear? I can assure you it will be no laughing matter for any man I catch mocking the Emperor." Burrus turned and paced a short distance before turning back. 1256Please respect copyright.PENANAbMLb8k9wfy
" There's one other thing. The new Empress will be joining the games for the first time. Now, I am certain than some of you are still a little surprised, shocked even, by the fact that the Emperor has decided to marry his own niece."
There were discreet murmurs from some of the guardsmen and Narius was aware of the men stirring uncomfortably on either side of him, Burrus raised a hand to silence them." Whatever you're feelings, the marriage was sanctioned by the senate and so it's lawful. The morality of the situation is not our concern. We are soldiers and we obey orders, right or wrong, and that's the end of it. So, if any of you harbour any misgivings about the Emperor's new wife, keep them to yourselves, that's an order. I don't want to hear one word of discontent pass your lips," He paused again to let his words sink in." One last thing. Today is supposed strengthen the ties between the Emperor and the Praetorian Guard. Claudius is paying for the entertainment and the feast that follows it. Therefore it would be polite of us to express our gratitude at every occasion. You will cheer for him and his family as if you lives depended on it. That should please the old boy no end. A happy Emperor is a generous Emperor, every time you applaud him, it's money in the pay chest. Or will be, whenever he gets round to presenting the next donative to the Guard.... The Imperial party is expected to arrive at the camp two hours after sunrise. Every man is to be in his seat beforehand then, suited and booted. That's all."
The Prefect turned back towards the entrance to the barracks, the senior Centurion bellowed," Cohort,dismissed!" As the command echoed back from the walls of the barracks, at ease, then began to fall out of formation. Voracio was staring after the retreating prefect,then they all climbed the stairs at the back of the temporary arena, hundreds of men had already settled in their places. Burrus and his officer had been assigned the seat flanking the Imperial box which rose above the northern side of the arena to take whatever warmth was offered by the sun. Unlike the raked seating erected for the Praetorians, the Imperial box was constructed on a platform level with rearmost seats. Both Narius and Voracio took at empty seats right by the arena and then turned to follow his friend up the steep stairs between the rows of seating. At the top Narius could watched into the Imperial box then shuffled a short distance from it to allow the curve of the seating to afford a better view of the Imperial party. Satisfied, he say down. As the rapidly filling ranks of the benches stretching out in front of him and sighed. " The Emperor sound like a clown in front of the Praetorians, just because Gratus took him as Emperor, it's ironic, can you imagine, the puppet they treat him, it's so sad."
" Indeed, they had their own purposes. That's what we must calculated," Narius whispered back as he replied at Voracio.
" The place with horrible serpent, eh?"
" Considered, the Wolf and lion still sleeping yet watch under their close eyes." Narius patted Voracio thigh as he leant his back and folded his arm. Around them the Praetorians streamed in through the entrances and hurried towards the best of the remaining seats. The air swelled with good natured conversation in the light slowly strengthened. The sky was still overcast, but a lighter patch market the position of the sun as it struggled into the heavens and she'd a little more warmth over the city and the surrounding countryside . The higher officers were among the last to enter, picking their spots in the front row and displacing the rankers who were already seated there. Voracio shook his head and chuckled slightly at the sight, instinctively enjoying their disappointment. Directly below them prefect Burrus and his Centurions took their places and behind them sat the Optio and standard bearers, while Lucius settle down close to the Imperial box, but no so close as to be out of sight of those sitting at the fringes of the Emperor's entourage. As Barbulus was sitting behind and to one side of his Centurion. At the appointed time the uneven tramps of boots from the direction of the Viminal Gate announced the approach of the Imperial party. Mounted a German bodyguards led the way, and then came the first of the litters bearing the Emperor's guests. Slaves, neatly dressed in fresh tunics, laboured under the load of the carrying spars, while those inside the litters chatted freely. A section of eight more German bodyguards on foot came into view through the city wall, their bushy beards and strange armour making them, appear more barbaric. Then came the litter carrying Agrippina and Nero, and behind the litter bearing the Emperor himself, accompanied by Britannicus, more litters followed carrying the rest of the party, Narcissus, Pallas, Callistus, Seneca - Nero's new tutor, recently recalled from the exile and lastly those senators and their wives honoured with an invitation to join Emperor. The column halted outside the entrance to the Imperial box, and the lowest ranking guests hurried from their litters to take their places before the Emperor and his family took their seats. The prefect of the Praetorian Guard whose in charge, Gaius Quintus, emerged from the Imperial box and bowed to the Emperor as he sat in his litter. The prefect exchanged a few words with Claudius before joining the other guests in the box.
Many of the guardsmen in the highest seat turned their heads to watch the arrivals. Both of them could saw the three Emperor advisor talking briefly among them and Callitus look up briefly at the Praetorians guards seater as if he look someone and after a moment he spoke his head and continued the small discussion between Narcissus and Pallas. Then three of them dissappear from view . At last the Imperial party was ready to enter and Nero hopped down from his litter and held his mother's hand help her out. Having seen to his mother Nero had turned to the last litter with an icy stare. Britannicus steppes out of the litter and bowed his head respectfully as the Emperor struggled up from his embroidered red and purple cushions, holding his son's hand, Claudius limped forward, head twitching, until he stood at the entrance. He smiled as he gestured for Agrippina and Nero to join them and then waited as twelve of the German guards formed up ahead of the family and began to climb the stairs into the Imperialism box. The Praetorians watched expectantly. The bodyguards formed up at the sides and rear of the seated guests so as not to obstruct the view of the arena . Then there was a short pause before Narcissus discreetly gestured with his hand and the occupants of the box rose to their feet. At once the Praetorians followed suit and let out a deafening cheer, rising to a crescendo as the gilded wreath on the Emperor's head bobbed into view. Claudius climbed the last few steps and walked awkwardly on to the dais where two large chair Carving sat side by side. Agrippina joined him and the two boys stood at each side. Claudius kept his expression neutral, struggling to contain his tic as he turned his head slowly to acknowledge the acclaim from all sides, at least he eased himself down and when he was seated, Agrippina sat, followed by the rest of the guests.
" Damn, she's a looker, all right." Voracio whispered and whistle into Narius's ear. " Now we know why the old cow went for her."
Narius minify his eyes, smiled cynically as he replied to Voracio." There's more than just her look. She has influence, ambition, brains and comes with a healthy son who might be useful one day."
The crowd's Cheering began to subside as the Praetorians started to sit down. Narius and Voracio joined them and soon there was an excited hubbub as the editor of the game conferred with his officials to make certain that all was ready. Satisfied, the editor looked over the trail at the front of the Imperial box and gave the nod to the four soldiers waiting on the sand below, holding their long bras horns, they raised the instruments and blasted out a series of ascending notes. At once the Praetorians fell silent and at the front of the Imperial box the editor raised both his arms.
" His Imperial majesty, Tiberius Claudius Druids Nero Germanicus bids his comrades of the Praetorian Guard, welcome! " The editor had finely modulated voice that carried across the arena and could be clearly heard by everyone present . " In accordance with his desire to assure his grace soldiers that their loyalty to him is returned in kind and with great affection, his Imperial majesty, in honor of the day on which the gracious citizens of Rome entrusted him with their wellfare, herewith presents a day of entertainments....."
The editor tab through the programme, drawing appreciative round of applause as each item was mentioned, while he spoke, Agrippina propped her elbow on the arm of her chair and tested her head on her hand. She looked utterly bored with the preliminaries and after a while turned to look around the Imperial box until her gaze fixed on the small cluster of seats where the Emperor's advisers were sitting. Narcissus was engaged in a quiet conversation with one of his companions. The man nodding, then he became aware that the Empress was looking at him as he flashed a quick smile over Narcissus's shoulder. Narcissus noticed and glanced round just as the Empress looked away. There was the briefest of pause before he continued his muted conversation. Narius's attention turned to the other members of the box and he saw Britannicus standing stiffly by his father's side, left arm hidden under the folds of his small toga. That he wore a toga was significant. Claudius clearly wished to indicate that his son was soon to be accorded titles and honours beyond his year, just as his adopted son, Nero had been. The latter ,also dressed in a toga, had taken his mother's hand and now raised it to his lips and kissed it. Lingering over it for a moment until she drew her hand away from him.
" Did you see what I see, Magnus?" Voracio hissed. " What does he think he's playing at? He's not innocent as people thought."
Narius looked around them anxiously, after a moment he place his hand at Voracio knew and squeezed hard. " Save your tongue."
Voracio's lip curled in disgust. " Isn't about manner, that I'm concerned. Something weird in the Imperial family, should you notice that. Peoples might see about behaviour but nothing me and you. Now I know why the crows was worry. It's the air around the Emperor."
Narius put his arm and wrapped Voracio shoulder as he whispered at his ear," Claudius isn't idiot as many people think, he's refrain and control within himself and act's fool as feeblemindedness and it's just his mask, he's never change since he's still consulship in Caligula. He knew well that's why I said the lion still layabout in sleep. Now shut your mouth, or I swear I'm gonna put us as bloody sequel of homo in here, got that?"
"By Porsena no!" Voracio shoved Narius's broad muscle chest. Narius nodded and turned his eyes as he release his wrapped at Voracio's shoulder and switched his gaze at the spectacle. The editor wound up his speech to another deafening cheer and Claudius smiled and raised an arms in salute to his soldiers, there was no further preamble before the first event, a boxing match between two Numidian giants, their skin had been oiled and they gleaned like ebony as they squared up and began their hour. In the audience the Praetorians quickly fell to making wagers over the outcome and shouting the odds to each other. The fight went on for sometime and the sand around the two men was flecked with blood as the leather bindings wrapped round their fists tire and gouged. Eventually a knock down blow was landed to a mix of groans and cheers from the spectators. There followed a display of archery by a dark skinned man from Syria in eastern robes who shot his arrows with breathtaking accuracy, even around his boy assistant as the later stood against a straw target with his arms outstretched. Afterwards there was a short break before the editor announced the " Trojan " a display of horsemanship put on by the sons of Roman aristocrats. There was applause from the Praetorians .
A score of rides entered the arena wearing gilded helmets that hid their faces. Behind them came some of the guardsmen carrying target posts and straw dummies which they set up in a lines across the Arena. When the preparation were completed, Claudius stood up to acknowledge the salute of the leader who rode a pure white mare.
" You may be - begin!" Emperor's head shook then he sat down heavily. The boy took turns charging down the line of posts, slashing at the straw targets with their swords. Then they were handed light javelins and began to gallop down the line of the targets, picking one to hurl their weapons at. A stiff breeze had begun to blow, making them work hard to compensate for it as they took aim. Those who missed were dropped from the competition and left the arena. A short moment only three remained and the range was increased. After another pass, one more left the competition. The last two, one of whom was the leader, we're fine shots and once more a furious round of betting began as the boys matched each other and the range increased. At length the leader's rival missed his target and there was another cheer from the crowd as the winner punched his fist into the air then turned his mount towards the Imperial box, reining in with a spray of sand. The raider raised his hands to undo the chinstrap and then quickly lifted the helmet to reveal his face. There was a surprised gasp from the crowd and then tumultuous cheer split the air as they saw that it was Nero. The Emperor dimly recalled seeing his stepson drift towards the rear of the box a while earlier, Nero's mother was on her feet clapping her hands with delight while Emperor beamed. The Praetorians cheering gradually synchronised into repeated roaring of his name. " Nero!Nero!Nero!"
The boy made a slow circuit of the arena, sitting haughtily in his saddle as he revealed in the cheers. While on the dais, beside his father, was young Britannicus expression impassive. Remained silent. As he watched his step brother finally left the arena and the Praetorians ceased cheering. Slowly Britannicus looked up and looked at the Praetorians Guards who seats. His eyes fall in Narius gaze, Britannicus made a small smiled and slowly swiftly his gaze to arena. The icy trickle behind Narius's neck. Noon had passed and the editor announced a short interlude while the targets were removed and the arena prepared for the main entertain mentioned of the day, ten gladiator bouts culminating with a fight between a secutor as " Protacus" the present sweetheart of the mob, the champion of the arena.
And the" Hercules," a retiarius. A handful of those in the Imperial box hurriedly down the steps to relieve themselves or take refreshment in the area beneath the box. " I' need for a quick piss," Voracio leaned at Narius and standing up. Narius nodded as Voracio squeezed past and made his way down the stairs and along to the head of the staircase leading out the arena. Narius's eyes was still preoccupied with the expression he had caught on Britannicus 's face , and the gestured of Nero before he had left the arena. There was no mistaking the flame of ambition burned alive in Nero eyes. It all had been a calculated performance in front of Praetorians and for the moment he was their new darling.
Narius noted and make quick count on the political strategy in his head as he eyes staring at Britannicus, the youth whose promising genius in art, sciences with the degree of manner, with the province of the empire in Etruria, Ghaul, Greece, Spain, Germany, Pannonia, Egypt,Africa, Syria, will be affected as the legions it self under army fraction. Under the monarchy imperfect condition this obvious difference marked the two portions of the Senate interest and of course the Praetorians, while the legions must remained neutral, and only play as the Consulship in the senate forum. Narius noted. It would be the best on the conquest point of view future Emperor it would be hold the throne as long their allies and colonies must progress and improve of commerce, one thing he know the progress of manner was accelerated by the virtue or policy of the Emperor, the benevolence of the emperor must frequently prompted by the absolute suggestion of admission , that's the laws found it more necessary to restrain than to encourage a profuse and undistinguished. The power of the sword is more sensibly felt in an extended monarchy , without being soon exhausted, for maintain above the hundredth part of its members in arms and idleness, its influence over the rest members in arms , Narius smiled as he decided to make report as true fact to Caius Alea Zenious the master mind behind the curtain of army faction.
Voracio shook himself off and lowered his tunic, the latrine block was filled with the men who were taking advantage of the intermission, he made his way outside towards the gate giving out on to the parade ground . He picked his way through the litters and the slaves squatting silently beside them until he came to the enclosure beneath the Imperial box. Two German guards stood eitherside of the heavy red curtain flaps that covered the entrance . As Voracio approached, one of them held out his hand and spoke in his harsh tongue. " Easy there." Voracio smiled and nodded. " Just passing by."
At the moment a gust of wind whipped back the curtains and Voracio had a clear view of the man the two Imperial Secretary had been sitting next to the Imperial box, One of his arms was wrapped round a woman as he kissed her arched neck. His other had was under the folds of her stola, between her legs, and her mouth gaped in ecstasy. They looked round sharply as the curtain flapped and their eyes met Voracio's for what seemed a long moment. Then abruptly as it had come, the gust died and the curtains dropped back into place. Voracio froze until he shook his head and hurrying back inside the arena. A cold sweat of anxiety ran down his spine. This was dangerous knowledge and the last thing he could do cursing, the woman he had just seen in throes of ecstasy was Agrippina , an Empress . Voracio was sure that Agrippina must already learned from her predecessor's mistakes and would realise the need to remove anyone who could denounce her to the Emperor. Is it just a cover? For their discussion. Voracio climbed the stairs as he mind sinking in the wondrous thought, leaning back to the bench to makesure he could not been seen from the imperial box. Sometimes he wiggled his heel. Narius shot Voracio with a small glance . " What's wrong with you?" Asked Narius."Nervous or something?"
" Nothing is wrong .... just."
" What?" Narius focus on the arena.
" Listen if I'm dead don't look the cause why I'm dead." He whispered at Narius's ear. Slowly Narius turned his head at Voracio face and frowned, scanned Voracio's eyes detail. Narius could see enough more than he need, he glanced round propped his elbow on his knee then tilt head at Voracio face. Voracio shook his head as he flicked his head at the men sitting in front and on either side of them. Narius close his eyes and nodded and stretched his back and watched the arena.The first pair of gladiators had made their salute to the Emperor and now squared off, lowering themselves into a poised crouch as they waited for the signal to begin . The editor milked the tension for as long as he dared before shouting the command. " Begin!"
The taller build muscle man with the name Protacus charged in and launched a ferocious attack on his opponent and the sound of blades clashing and the thud of sword strokes on shields echoed around the arena, then Protacus moved his feet while he still make his opponent busy and twirled to mid air and sent a hard blow with his sword to the head of his opponent. while his feet attempt to kick his opponent shield. Hercules hold his shield tightly as move he hold the impact of protacus kick and ducked his head down. they parted a couple pace and began to circle each other warily with great cautious intensity. Narius playing smiled in his mouth while the rest praetorians were intense watching, muttering comments about the two gadiators physique and fighting styles as they placed bets. Narius leant towards Voracio," It's safe now, you can tell me. Everyone's concentrating on the action."
Voracio leant closer to Narius's ear and explained what he had seen a moment ago quietly.
"Does they aware your face?" Narius asked Voracio.
"Very much indeed."
" Juno! let me find a way." Narius arched his eyebrow. It's something beyond his expectation. And rubbed his chin. If Agrippina had already taken a lover from Emperor's retinue then she was playing a dangerous flame game. unless she was only using the man as her cover for her true purpose like what exactly ? Voracio thought. Does this any relation with the mission that the generals is so keen to uncover?Narius contemplated. Suddenly he frowned, caught a sight of Narcissus the Imperial Secretary approach and bent down close to Emperor's ear. Claudius listened and then turned in his seat and looked up at Narcissus with concern. There was a brief conversation before the Emperor nodded and waved him towards the Prefect Grasius. Moments later, guardsmen hurried out of the pavillion to carry messages to the officers in the arena. The Paretorians whose close to the Imperial box were watching curiously as the Prefect Burrus stood up and cupped his hands to his mouth. "Fifth Century! form up outside the arena at once!"
Lucius quickly rose from his bench and beckoned to Barbulus as they both hurried across the entrance. His men began to bellow. Narius and Voracio rose up and hurriedly descended the stairs, Narius took a last look into the imperial box, the Emperor and his family had already left their seats, and with all the imperial secretary and some of senators went after them. The rest of the guests remained where they were, trying to look unflustered as the fight continued in the arena. The men of Fifth century gathered around Lucius, while a short distance away the litter slaves were on their feet, ready to take up their burdens the moment the order was given, As narius and Voracio and the other men cameout the arena, the centurion called out loudly so that he could be heard over the noise from the arena.
" The Emperor is returning to the palace. He has just received a report that a food riot has broken out in the Forum. The urban cohorts have the matter in hand but the Emperor wants to take command of the situation in person, Prefect Grasius had decided to reinforce the Emperor's bodyguard with the Fifth century. This is not ceremonial. Our orders are to protect the Emperor, his family and advisers at all costs. If anyone tries to block our path we're authorised to use whatever force is needed to get the litters through. Fetch your weapons and armour from barracks .Then get back here ready to march. Move!"
A thick pall of smoke from the direction of the Forum billowed into the afternoon sky as the column of litters and soldiers made their way down the Viminal Hill towards the centre of the city. Even though news of the riot had spread through the streets' many people were still going for their business and hurried out of the way of Centurion Lucius and the two sections leading party. The germans closed ranks around the litters carrying the Emperor, Empress, and their two sons. The rest of the Fifth century filled in the gaps between the remaining litters and brought up the rear. Narius, Voracio and fourteen other men were under the command of Barbulus as they marched behind a litter shared by Pallas, and two other advisers, including the man that Voracio had seen with Agrippina. They were marching four abreast, with one guardman to Voracio's right and surly youth two years from him. They progressed in silence and as they drew closer to the Forum the street ahead of them began to empty. A few small groups of anxious looking civilians hurried by, squeezing past the columns with barely a comment or surprise as they glimpsed the Imperial litters with its barbarian escort. The roar of the mob was clearly audible now, and soon they could discern distinct shouts of anger and even a shrill scream of terror . The smoke was dense and acrid. Some stores closing their doors and stopped their trade . While women stares them from the public fountains , they keep moving from the square and continued down the road, a short distance further on, the column came across the first body. An overweight man lay sprawled in the gutter. The columns start passing the fringes of the subura, a district of the city that was notorious for its poverty and crime . The crowded tenement blocks reduced the gloomy light further and the rank air caught in soldier's throat as their foot steps echoed off the grimy walls. As they reached the foot of the hill. there was a sudden outburst of shouting from the front of the column, Narius could saw Lucius confronting a small crowd of men who had spilled out of a side street into the path of the Emperor and his retinue .
"Move aside there!" Lucius shouted, his high voice carrying above the shouting . "Make away for us to get through."
" It's the Emperor! Emperor!" Many voice responded. Lucius raised his arm, 1256Please respect copyright.PENANA2ykKA6rjP6
" Column halt!"
At once all the Praetorians, Germans and slaves carrying the litters and the column suddenly stop. Over the head of the men in front of him Narius saw that many of the men in the crowd were armed with rocks, axe, clubs. Lucius stepped forward to confront the crowds as more people joined it, shouting and gesturing angrily. " Clear the way for the Emperor, NOW! or by Jupiter you'll regret this!"
" Emperor! Give us food! your people is starving! Feed us!"
" Get out of the way!" Lucius bellowed then looked over his shoulder." Draw your sword!" he ordered .
There was metallic clatter as the soldiers pulled the swords from their scabbards and held them ready. The rebellion leader stepped forward as he approached the head of the column and called out loudly enough to all his follower to hear clearly. " Claudius!." He pointed his sword. "n While we go hungry, Our children starved to death, we demands for bread and grain! at affordmidable price! And you Centurion! We stood our ground here until we speak with Claudius!"
The mob roared their approval, Lucius withdrew into the front rank of his men and drew his blade." Protect the litters! On my word, advance ! Optio, call the pace! shield front!"
The Decurion whose in charge of the Germans formed his men up around the Emperor's litter while the Praetorians surrounded the others . They angled their shields to screen those huddling down in the litters and held their short stabbing swords level to the ground, elbows bent and weapon ready to thrust. The mob more coming from the other direction, and yet more, sprinting across an intersections as they cut round the column try to surround it and cut the gap in between the column of litters.
" One!Two!" Barbulus called the pace and leading Praetorians moved forward, shield to shield, behind the first section came the Germans and the Imperial litter, then the advisers, followed by Barbulus and his men. For a moment the crowd fell silent and then the leader of rebellion roared ." Kill!Kill them!"
A brick hurtled over the gap between the soldiers and the mob and glanced off a shield before thudding on to the thick fabric covering the Emperor's litter. There was a cry of terror from within. More missiles filled the air, bricks, fragments of paving and lumps aof filth scooped up from the gutter. More came from the sides, hurled from the alleys at the flanks of the columns caught in the narrow street. Step by step they moved forward . Ahead of them the mob held their ground until the last moment and then began t press back, but those behind blocked their retreat, men scrambled to the side of the street in panic and pressed into the arches and doorways of the tenements . Some managed to escape down the side alleys but a number were caught in the path of the Praetorians." Keep moving! Don't stop!" Lucius roared.
with the Optio Barbullus steadily calling the pace, the Praetorians reached the mob and thrust forward with their oval shields, battering the nearest men. Then the first sword stabbed out, tearing into the side of a struggling figure. He screamed in agony before slumping down on to the street. At last those at the rear of the crowd realised the danger and began to fall back. But it was too late for those at the front. The Praetorians pushed their shields forward relentlessly , stabbing into the flesh of those before them, Some of the wounded fell to the ground where the soldiers trod over them, others were caught tight in the suffocating press of bodies and were stabbed again and again, screaming with pain and terror. The figure of rebellion leader push his way through an alley where he disappeared with several of his men. Ahead, the mob at last began to break up, leaving several dead and injured bodies in its wake. Those who had enough fled from the scene find shelter, or easier pickings , over hundreds remained, staying beyond reach of the swords as they hurled whatever came to hand at the imperial party. The missiles thudded and cracked off the shields and helmets, but the slaves carrying the litters had no protection and already four of them had been felled. One was knocked cold by a blow to the head and blood gushed from a long tear in his scalp. Two of the others had also received head wounds. They released their hold on the litters and staggered to the side of the street before collapsing. The last was clutching his smashed elbow and groaning through clenched teeth. The remaining slaves were struggling under their increased burden and their way was impeded by bodies sprawled across their path . Then one of the slaves carrying the Imperial secretary's litter stumbled and the litter thudded down,, almost pitching Narcissus into the gutter. The slave couldn't hope to make any speed along the street. Narius suddenly aprrochd to Imperial secretaries litter spoke above the sound ." Sir, get out of the litter!" He ordered Narcissus." Three of you, have to abandon the litter. And keep your heads down and stay behind Praetorians."
The three of Emperor's advisers nodded . As the three of them slithered off the cushioned interior and their expensive boots squelched down into the filthy mud street. Barbullus yelled from the otherside of the litter ." Are you bloody Centurion, Magnus? You don't give orders, you obey them." Barbulus ducked down to peer through the other side of the litter at the freedmen. " Best get back in. I'll have some of my men make up the slave numbers."
Callitus shook his head " Your men was right, we have to abandon the litters. Narcissus tell the Emperor."
Barbulus looked at Narius with furious glance at Narius, but he nodded. " As your wish, sir."
" You, Magnus and that one the handsome boy, come here!" Callistus order at Narius and Voracio as he beckoned . " Protect Narcissus, cover him with your shields. Is that all right ?"
Narcissus smiled as he replied calmly." Let's go."
With Narius and Voracio on either side, holding their shield over the Imperial Secretary of correspondence Narcissus, emerged from the ring of Praetorians and the three men made their way the short distance to the Germans screening the Imperial litter. Narius hold his grip over his shields as a brick struck his shield. At their approached the Germans parted to let them through. Six from the twelve slaves carrying the ornately decorated litter had already fallen, the others could barely keep the litter off the ground. Narius turned to Narcissus ." You must get the Emperor and the others out, or we won't be able to move."
"I understand." Narcissus nodded.
Narcissus nervously ducking as a turd flew close overhead. He drewback the curtain to reveal the Emperor protecting Britannicus in his embrace and whispered at young Britannicus ears quietly,"He who dealt the wound will heal it. So no need to be fear, after all, the Roman people may at last have a genuine Caesar. Remember this my son. Be wise and do not show your skills until it's time embrace you."
Next to him sat the Empress cradling Nero's head in her lap. Claudius looked up calmly and his head twitched.
" Sire, The Praetorians say we have to continue on foot." Narius informed him carefully.
"On f- f- foot?"
" Yes, Sire, we won't be able to get the litter much further. It would be dangerous to try."
" But there's are madsmen out there!" Agrippina protested." Just drop the curtain and get us back to the palace. I order it."
" I regret to say there is no choice in the matter, Your Imperial majesty. Either we move now or we will be stuck here, at their mercy."
" Where are the Urban cohorts?" demanded Agrippina. " They should be dealing with these rebellion. They'll find us if we stay here."
Narcissus shook his head. " They probably don't even know what's happening." He turned to the Emperor. " We have to continue on foot, sire. Now."
Claudius turned to his wife. " The soldier know the best, my d- de- dear. Come , let's not show any fear in front of the mob."
Narcissus helped his Emperor out and then handed out Agrippina and the two boys, Claudius put a protective arm round his wife and faced Narius and Voracio . Claudius surprise and smiled widely . " Narius! Y- You here! by jupiter grace!Guard my children."
Narius bowed his head and then gestured for Nero to join him, " Voracio , guard the smaller one."
Voracio nodded." Over here, Your majesty." Britannicus smiled at Narius and glance at Voracio. as Voracio gently took his shoulder and drew him behind his shield.
" Are they really angry because they starving and no food to eat?" Suddenly Britannicus asked at Voracio.
Voracio replied softly,"With regard to what to do with delayed wheat, your majesty. "
" I know you now, you not fool as the accusations that my tutor said, well we must decide once for all what plan to make them in full stomach, don't you think ?" Britannicus winking his left eyes to Voracio. For a moment Voracio heart felt affection and compassion, something about this young boy moved him want to be his patron one day. He stole the virtue in his ten years old. Voracio nodded courtesy to Britannicus. As the Decurion of the German bodyguard called to his men to form a cordon round the Emperor and then The Imperial Secretary of correspondent, Narcissus cupped a hand and shouted towards the leading sections a short distance ahead. " Centurion!"
Lucius heard the shouts, glanced back and then ordered his men to hold their position before he made his way to the other party, hunched close into his shield.
" We're leaving the litters behind. Gather your men together and we'll make our way across the Forum to the palace. It's not too far now."
Centurion Lucius shook his head." Sir, it would be safer to return to the camp."
" No, we can not do that, sir!" Narius and pointed his sword back up the street. A hundred paces behind them another small crowd had gathered in the shadows between the tenement block and was already beginning to the edge towards them. Voracio nodded at Britannicus and thrust themselves towards the centurion, sheathed his sword and grasped the officer's shoulder." Pull your self together! You're Centurion here!Get the men together, and doing shield to shield , and move!" He saw the dazed look in the officer's face and shook him hard,"Sir!"
" Lucius blinked then his eyes flickered towards the Imperial family as Britannicus watched him with furious anger glance, then he swallowed ." Yes, Yes , Right." He raised his head and called to Barbulus " Optio!"
" Sir?"
"Bring the rest century forward. Form up by the Germans!"
While the men guarding the Emperor's advisers trotted towards them , Once all Imperial entourage include Seneca had joined Claudius and his family, the soldiers closed up behind their shields, protecting the slaves as well, and Lucius gave the order for the makeshift formation to advance. The leading sections waited until the rest caught up then continued as one body. Meanwhile the crowd behind them had grown bold enough to come closer and hurl insults before following those up with the first stones and broken roof tiles drawn from a pile of rubble at the corner of one of the alleys. Both of Generals trusted agent held their shield up and bent forward to use their bodies to protect their charges. Narius had sheathed his word and had his right hand on the Nero's shoulder so that they would keep in step. He felt the boy trembling beneath the folds of his toga. Nero looked at Narius with uncertainly expression, and took deep breath to calm his nerve as they picked their way forward. While the Germans began to call out a battle chant in their harsh tongue and rapped the guards of their swords against the inside of their shields. No more than fifty paces to go before the street gave out on to the open space in front of the Temple of Minerva, on the edge of the forum.