AKISE goes up to the buildings double glass door and opens one out of the two, holding it as SAKIKO walks in first. As soon as she did her eyes grow wide with excitement like a child at an ice cream parlor, flashing lights are everywhere, bells, music, and alarms go off. It's a busy Saturday afternoon, kids ran around laughing with tickets in their hands. Teenagers hang out in groups near the food shack going to a game every now and then. SAKIKO looks up at AKISE with a big smile.
SAKIKO (drags AKISE) : Come on! Let's go get tokens!
As SAKIKO pulls AKISE to the nearest token machine near the food shack, a few boys watch the girls. Their eyes on AKISE and checking every inch of her out. This never occur to the girls as they get their tokens; a 100 tokens dispense out of the machine and AKISE grabs them and puts it in a cup, SAKIKO tugs on her arm again to go to the nearest game.
SAKIKO: This is going to be so much fun!
Hopping from game to game, their ticket count got bigger and bigger and then they settle on a shooting game, AKISE and SAKIKO shoot all the zombies on the screen. SAKIKO became the last player after AKISE dies in the game, but she doesn’t make it much longer and dies as well. The screen flashes, reading; ′High Score!’, as their score takes first place.
SAKIKO (raises hand) : Alright! New high score!
AKISE laughs and gives SAKIKO a high five, at this moment the group of boys that were watching AKISE earlier come up to them. AKISE and SAKIKO stop laughing and smiling as they stare at them confused.
BOY #1: Hey baby we've been watching you and . . . (bites lip) we think we should all hang out together and go somewhere else.
The other two boys smile and look at each other expecting AKISE to play along with them. The mere thought of hanging out with these meat sacks made AKISE want to gag. SAKIKO slowly starts to become annoyed with them as well.
AKISE: No, but you can fuck off though, I'd rather hang out with her. (Nods her head towards SAKIKO)
BOY #2: Hey it's OK, we love a party. (Winks)
The other boys laugh as they stare at the girls, expecting to say the right answer. AKISE glares at them as she tries to control her anger and SAKIKO keeps quiet and patiently waits for any of the boys to try to lay a finger on them. Then she'll have the excuse to beat them to a pulp without a care in the world.
AKISE (snarls) : I said fuck off.
BOY #3: Damn why you gotta be a bitch about it, come on just rela-
AKISE takes a hard step forward and makes them flinch, SAKIKO impulsively grabs her arm and pulls her back, but she secretly hopes AKISE shows them who's boss. Looking back at SAKIKO; AKISE straightens up and huffs through her nose.
AKISE: Your not fucking worth it.
And with that AKISE grabs SAKIKO by the waist and pulls her to her side, lifting her chin she gives her a deep and slow kiss.
AKISE (pulls back) : Let's get out of here baby. (Low and seductive)
SAKIKO (smiles) : Ya let's.
As AKISE and SAKIKO turn around to leave earlier then expected the boys sit there in shock.
BOY #1: I don't know whether I should be shocked or turned on? (The other two boys nod)
Going back to AKISE and SAKIKO they couldn’t hold back their laughter when they got to the double glass doors.
SAKIKO: Oh my God did you see their faces! That was priceless!
AKISE (laughs again) : I know right? But I am sorry about doing that with so many people around, they we're just pissing me off so much. Like, jeez take the hint!
SAKIKO waves off AKISE.
SAKIKO: It's okay, to be honest, I was about to punch one of them in the face.
AKISE: Atta girl!
SAKIKO (smiles proudly) : So since we're leaving, where do you want to go?
AKISE shrugs her shoulders as she looks outside, SAKIKO looks out with her at the gloomy weather. The trees were moving with the wind as leaves fall to the ground. SAKIKO forgot winter is right around the corner, her mind goes dark ‘It’s getting close to that time of year again’ she thinks. Shaking her head, SAKIKO grabs AKISE’S hand.
SAKIKO: Let's go get something to eat.
AKISE: Alright.
AKISE leads SAKIKO outside and they were greeted with cold air, across the street is a sandwich shop, SAKIKO'S stomach grumbles.
SAKIKO (points) : Let's eat there.
AKISE nods and they start walking over there, when they get to the other side of the road SAKIKO gasps loudly.
AKISE (startled) : What? What is it?
SAKIKO: The tickets! I put them down to play that shooting game! I'll be right back.
Without letting AKISE talk SAKIKO turns around and runs across the street towards the arcade. AKISE sighs as she stands on the side walk waiting for SAKIKO. SAKIKO walks back into the busy arcade to the shooting game they were just at. Luckily no one notices the tickets on the floor and SAKIKO happily picks them up.
SAKIKO (talks to herself) : Thank goodness no one stole these, all of my hard work would've been for nothing.
SAKIKO walks towards the doors when she starts to feel light headed.
SAKIKO (wobbles a bit) : Whoa, what's going on?
She sits down on the floor against the wall to regain her balance, 'Akise' she thinks, remembering AKISE is just outside. But when SAKIKO tried to get up she couldn't move a single muscle. SAKIKO begins to panic 'what's going on!?' Then she sees Jacob coming towards her, SAKIKO would widen her eyes in surprise if she could. AKISE'S older brother walks over to SAKIKO, JACOB couldn't help it but smile as he gets closer, his plan is finally taking action and he felt like a giddy little boy about it. He kneels down in front of SAKIKO, his smile starts to piss her off, 'cocky bastard'.
JACOB: I thought she would never leave your side. But it looks like I over-estimated my sister. Because she finally left you all alone, (he chuckles lightly) unprotected. Bad idea, but I can't dilly dally or else she'll get suspicious of your absence, so we're leaving.
JACOB picks up SAKIKO bridal style to avoid any suspicion and carries her out, SAKIKO silently wishes she could fight back or scream but she couldn't, she is completely helpless. 'Akise . . .' SAKIKO thinks as she sees her standing on the other side of the road, looking around. But AKISE'S figure disappears once JACOB successfully passes her undetected. AKISE stands around looking at the other restaurants in the area, 'I wonder what Sakiko is hungry for?'. Thinking about SAKIKO, AKISE remembers that she's been gone for a while just to get the tickets. An uneasy feeling spreads in AKISE'S chest. She bolts across the street into the arcade, with her in-human speed she searches every inch of the building.
AKISE (worried) : Shit, she's not here.
AKISE then caught SAKIKO'S scent, it was mixed with her old scent when they we're in the arcade and her new one.
AKISE: No, she was here.
Tracking her fresh scent towards a wall near the entrance, she also caught another one, a familiar scent that would've turned her skin white if she wasn't already dead. Anger surges through her.
AKISE (punches a machine) : FUCK!
The people close to AKISE are startled at her sudden outburst and they steer clear from her, she runs back outside, and immediately a white van passes in front of her. Deeply inhaling the air she caught SAKIKO’S scent from there, her facial features grow hard as she follows the van, staying clear of JACOB’S radar. Inside the car SAKIKO is miserable, it smelt so bad she thought someone took a shit in it prior to her kidnapping just to torture her. Cause if that was their plan then it’s working. Every now and then there’ll be a sharp turn and SAKIKO goes sliding on the van floor, her body slamming into the car walls. Finally the van stops and after a minute the back doors open, SAKIKO squints her eyes from the sun and relief floods her when she takes a breath of fresh air. JACOB’S henchmen take her out of the car and she sees they are bringing her into a warehouse. SAKIKO wants to roll eyes at the cliché but she is still frozen, so she silently laughs to herself. They take SAKIKO to the back of the warehouse where she’s placed in a empty room with a chair. Once she is tied up and gagged JACOB let’s her have control of her body again, immediately SAKIKO tries to break from her restraints but the rope digs into her skin more. She scans the room for an escape but all there is, is a door and 4 walls.
JACOB: You know it really tickles me the way you’re trying to find a way out, but guess what sweetheart? (JACOB bends down to her eye level) It ain’t happening, not on my watch. Once I deal with my sister I’ll deal with you.
SAKIKO growls under her breath as she silently wishes he dies a painful death.