RIGHT AFTER AKISE LEAVES377Please respect copyright.PENANA4v6qpFOP6j
SAKIKO walks in the house shuts the door and locks it behind her, removing her wet clothes to put on dry ones in her bedroom. Coming out silently she starts cleaning the mess they made with the ice cream. While cleaning she thought about AKISE and starts to miss her, the way she fell asleep on the couch, though she always has a painful expression when she sleeps. This makes SAKIKO sad, wondering if there's anything she can do about it, but she shakes her head and goes back to cleaning. The last furniture to clean is AKISE’S bookshelf, she got every shelf but the very top and she tries hard to reach it on her tip toes but fails.
SAKIKO (groans) : Fuck my shortness. Oh well, I'll just ask Akise to get it when she comes back.
Ignoring the mess SAKIKO decides to heat up leftovers and as the food cooks she hears a knock on the door. She goes up to the entrance, the moment she cracks the door open the intruder rams into it making her fall to the floor. The door became unhinged from the top due to the force of the attack, SAKIKO gets up angrily and she starts to breath heavily.
JACOB (screams) : Where the hell is she!
JACOB ignores SAKIKO and starts searching the rooms, there were bangs on the wall and the sound of glass shattering. When SAKIKO heard the microwave beep her patience snaps, she's done with the destruction going on. Coolly she walks up to the intruder, drawing her left hand up and tightly clenching her fist, she turns him around and gives him a straight left hook on his jaw, JACOB slams into the wall. The impact of the strength surprises him, he wasn’t expecting so much strength from SAKIKO, considering her shorten height and thin limbs. He easily gets up, a fire kindles in his eyes.
JACOB (angry) : How dare you touch me you lowly human.
Jacob rushes towards SAKIKO like a football player, she quickly scans his movements and pin points speedy combat is his weak point. Dodging the shoulder check SAKIKO runs to the kitchen. By the time she grabs a carving knife and turns around he was already charging for her again. Sliding under his arm, she turns around, climbs his back and holds the knife against his throat, JACOB immediately stops.
SAKIKO (snarls) : How dare you come into our house and trash our place!
JACOB (laughs) : So Akise does live here.
JACOB glances over at the picture on the ground of AKISE and SAKIKO, the picture laid on the floor with broken glass scattered on the picture.
JACOB: Perfect, I have leverage if I take you with me.
SAKIKO: Uh ya, that's not gonna happen.
SAKIKO glides the knife across his throat in one fluid motion, she kicks herself off of him and watches him fall to the floor. She breathes hard and watches his body for any signs of life, a slow lake of blood creeps onto the floor. He suddenly gets up and she jolts in surprise, he turns around with a crazy smile as SAKIKO watches the wound slowly heal itself, she could feel the blood drain from her face.
SAKIKO (whispers): Oh fuck, he's a vampire too.
Knowing her own strength and limitations she bolts out the door without a second thought, the rain had stop by then. SAKIKO’S shoe less feet ran down the road as she listens to JACOB’S maniacal laughter behind her but he hadn’t chased after her. After a mile SAKIKO sees a figure walking in the distance, as she runs closer she recognizes AKISE’S shape. Relief and happiness flows in SAKIKO, AKISE notices SAKIKO power running towards her to shorten the distance.
AKISE (surprise) : Sakiko?
SAKIKO didn’t hesitate to ram herself into AKISE as a landing pad, AKISE grunts and doesn't budge an inch from the force.
SAKIKO (panting) Don't . . go . . home.
SAKIKO catches her breath while AKISE stares at her in shock.
SAKIKO stares at her for another minute and takes in a deep breath and takes a long exhale.
SAKIKO (calm) : There was another vampire that showed up at the house while you were gone. He went total berserk by destroying the house and demanded to see you.
AKISE (confuse) : A vampire wanted me? I don't know any other vampires that had me on their shit list.
JACOB'S face flashes in AKISE'S head, dread fills her.
AKISE (determine) : We're going back to the house.
AKISE grabs SAKIKO’S hand without hesitation and tries to lead her back to the house, SAKIKO pulls back hard in resistance.
SAKIKO: No! He's still there! He didn't chase after me which means he's still there!
AKISE: Sakiko calm down, I'll be the-
SAKIKO: No! You'll get hurt too!
AKISE: Sakiko you need to trust me, I ca-
SAKIKO (yanks hand away) : NO!
AKISE (frustrated) : God damn it Sakiko!
AKISE grabs SAKIKO’S face and brings it closer to hers, she connects their lips while SAKIKO is in shock but she kisses AKISE back. When they broke apart both their breathing were ragged.
AKISE (gulps) : Nothing, will happen to you or me Sakiko Ontura because I will always protect us, besides I know this vampire (pauses) he's my brother. He's held this grudge against me for the longest time even though it was all an accident.
SAKIKO stays in her position of shock; from the kiss and the sudden family reveal.
SAKIKO: So much is going on, let's just go catch this guy already.
AKISE smiles and she takes SAKIKO’S hand as they walk back to their house in the quiet night, street lamps illuminated the street. Walking up to the house, the front door is visibly ajar and slowly they walk in, the house is littered with glass and knocked over furniture but no vampire.
AKISE: He's gone.
SAKIKO (sighs in relief) : Thank God.
AKISE walks into the kitchen and sees the puddle of blood, she looks over to SAKIKO with an alarmed look.
SAKIKO: I tried to kill him.
AKISE (laugh) : Whatever you did probably wasn't even close to how you kill a vampire.
SAKIKO blushes in embarrassment and pouts.
SAKIKO: Whatever, I'm not some vampire slayer.
AKISE walks over to the picture on the floor of the two of them, swiping away the glass AKISE picks it up and hands the picture to SAKIKO.
AKISE: Isn't that your favorite picture of us?
SAKIKO nods and takes it from AKISE, she grabs a broom and dust pan and SAKIKO goes to put down her picture to help. AKISE holds up a hand.
AKISE: No, go to bed, I'll clean the mess.
SAKIKO hesitates, but when she yawns she picks up her photo and leaves the kitchen.
AKISE picks up glass and knocked over furniture.
AKISE: Jeez, why did he have to do this, I don't know why he wants me dead when he's already torching me now.
AKISE grumbles through the work load and wishes her brother dead a million times over in her head. After cleaning and re-fixing the door AKISE goes down the hall and checks on SAKIKO. Slowly AKISE opens the door and looks in, SAKIKO'S body laid un-moving while she listens to SAKIKO'S soft breathing. Closing the door AKISE goes into her own room, the windows are covered with a thick blanket, and the walls are a dark grey and blue. Clothes in the closet, a desk with a computer, more bookshelves and her queen bed, getting into comfier clothes AKISE lays on her bed and stares at her ceiling. She didn't always need to sleep, but it felt nice to slip into peaceful unconsciousness every now and again. With the house silent it lulls AKISE to sleep, the moment her eyes close she gets flashes of fire, smoke and the distant screams of people burning.