AKISE wakes up and notices SAKIKO isn’t laying on her anymore, sitting up she sees the note, ‘be back in the morning’. AKISE looks at the clock on the DVR reading 8:30 AM, ‘it’s the morning now, guess I’ll make breakfast for her’. Going into the kitchen AKISE takes out bacon and eggs, along putting on the counter bread and oranges. AKISE hums an old song from her time to herself as she cooks the bacon and eggs, letting them cook she put bread in the toaster and freshly squeezed orange juice in a cup with her hand. The bacon became crispy and the scrambled eggs were fluffy, putting them on a plate the toast pops up in time, buttering one side the breakfast is complete when the toast is on the plate. Placing the plate and cup on the table, AKISE grabs her book to read and waits for SAKIKO at the table. Within minutes SAKIKO unlocks the door and walks in. Removing her heavy jacket, boots and beanie; she goes straight to the kitchen, sitting down in front of her plate of food without hesitating. SAKIKO sits there and stares at the plate, AKISE looks over at her from the corner of her book, placing the book mark in she closes it and puts it down.
AKISE: You're quiet today.
SAKIKO (pauses) : It's that time of year for me.
SAKIKO isn’t too hungry so she pushes her plate back, looking out the window she notices snow falling outside again. The sun that was once out now is gone, there’s a light grey darkness outside. As much as SAKIKO loved grey and cloudy days, snowy days make her recede into depression, the snow is like her kryptonite for happiness. This kind of weather becomes dangerous for SAKIKO so she takes strong medications to fight off her sickness during the winters. But despite the bad, SAKIKO tries to look at the bright side, by liking how her pink cheeks tint off on her hair making her bangs look semi-pink. Thinking about it makes SAKIKO chuckle, AKISE keeps watching SAKIKO as it happens, SAKIKO then makes eye contact back to her.
SAKIKO: Winter's not far away and we haven't prepared for my misery yet.
AKISE (worried) : Don't worry, we'll be prepared
AKISE grabs SAKIKO'S hand and gently rubs it, she then takes the untouched plate of food and grabs the piece of toast, handing it to SAKIKO.
AKISE: You do have to eat this though, you need something, especially if your body is going weak.
SAKIKO takes the piece of toast and eats it as if it was sand, AKISE puts the food in the trash and places the plate in the sink.
AKISE: When your done get dressed, we're going into the city.
SAKIKO (confused) : Where are we going?
AKISE: I- (pauses for a few seconds) I'm going to take you out somewhere to have us some fun.
SAKIKO shrugs her shoulders in acceptance, getting up from her seat she goes to her room to change out of her sleep wear and AKISE went to do the same. Coming out of their rooms and re-grouping back to the living room they leave through the front door. AKISE locks up and they were on their way into the city, the area becomes more crowded with people as AKISE and SAKIKO walk to a vendor area. There were all sorts of stands, selling different items, AKISE began window shopping as she sees all the intriguing things people were selling, SAKIKO took the chance to buy something while AKISE wasn't looking. Moving vendor to vendor they leave the chaos of people and come upon a sidewalk that were lined with regular shops. When they were more alone SAKIKO pulls out the glass figurine and hands it to AKISE who becomes stun and takes the figurine softly into her hands.
SAKIKO (bashful) : When I saw it, it reminded me of you, so I got it.
SAKIKO gives AKISE a big smile and walks on ahead, AKISE shakes herself from the shock of the surprise present and follows after SAKIKO. AKISE couldn’t tell why she would choose a rose as a representation, but then again SAKIKO barely knew it herself. SAKIKO instantly wishes she got a blue rose, for the color of her curly hair, but instead it’s red. ‘The rose could be tied to AKISE’ SAKIKO thinks but she mainly chose it for that specific shade of red.
SAKIKO (mumbles to self) : It's beautiful like her.
AKISE doesn't hear but SAKIKO turns around and throws her cat hood up, the ears were perking up.
SAKIKO (cutesy) : Me-ow . . . cause I'm a cat! Get it?
The very obvious statement made AKISE burst out laughing, shaking her head while looking towards the ground. SAKIKO smiles at her successful attempt and suddenly sneezes, using her sleeve to wipe the tickling feeling out of her nose.
SAKIKO: Excuse me me-ow. (Eyes grow wide). Oh! We should get you a cat sweater too me-ow!
AKISE smiles but it's forced, she laughs it off.
AKISE: No, no I don't think so.
AKISE looks over at the shop next to her and couldn't believe that right next to her is a all year-round Halloween store.
AKISE (thinks) : Hm? Maybe not sweaters . . . but definitely cat clip on ears.
SAKIKO'S eyes grow wide with surprise, then excitement.
SAKIKO (excited) : Yay!
SAKIKO’S excitement is toxic to AKISE as her heart melts at her happiness, she couldn’t contain herself, without thinking she grabs the sides of SAKIKO’S hood and pulls her towards herself. And with that closeness AKISE wraps her lips on her, slowly and deeply making contact as they move against each other. People went around the two and some were even giving the girls weird looks, letting go of her hood SAKIKO takes a small stumble back. Her pale face now becoming a crimson flush, AKISE smiles and gently tugs her hand.
AKISE (softly) : Come on.
SAKIKO blindly follows AKISE, she doesn't realize AKISE led her to the pharmacy, where they pick up her medicine for the cold season. After the quick stop they walk back down to the Halloween store to purchase the cat ears, AKISE quickly picks a set she's happy with and purchases the item. Leaving the store in record time, they stand on the sidewalk again as AKISE rips open the package, SAKIKO stands to the side excitedly waiting for the reveal. AKISE removes her own hood and carefully inserts the ears onto her head through the reflection of the store glass window. Once she finishes she stands back and admires the look, SAKIKO bounces in excitement because she couldn't get enough of the look AKISE is sporting.
AKISE: Hm, I feel like it's missing something.
An idea pops into AKISE'S head, she then smiles to herself, grabbing SAKIKO'S hand.
AKISE: I know exactly what it needs!
AKISE: It's a surprise, but (serious) you have to take your medicine when we get home.
SAKIKO (nods vigorously) : Okay!
With the two hand in hand, they hurried home.