Once SAKIKO is out in the street she starts to jump around with her arms outstretched, jumping into every puddle she sees.
SAKIKO (laughs) : I love the rain!
AKISE stood in the rain with SAKIKO as she smiles at her excitement, AKISE then feels a warm fluttering feeling in her cold chest. ‘What is this feeling’ AKISE thinks to herself. SAKIKO turns back around to AKISE and smiles at her. Her white hair becomes wet from the rain, so her long bangs stick to her face and her short hair curls in the back. AKISE sees a raindrop fall from SAKIKO’S lashes, she then sneezes.
AKISE: Ah man let's get you inside before you get sick. I don't want to have to take care of a sickly human.
SAKIKO (starts running back to AKISE) : Okay!
SAKIKO then takes AKISE’S hand in hers, as they walk back AKISE pays attention to the feeling of SAKIKO’S hand. The way they made her feel safe, she could fall back and not worry about a thing, because SHE would be there. The unexpected warmth came to frighten AKISE. She slightly pulls back making the two stop, SAKIKO turns around.
SAKIKO (confused) : Akise?
AKISE quickly thinks of a plan out of this situation so she can leave to be with her thoughts.
AKISE (serious) : I need to feed right now, I'll be back in an hour.
AKISE then uses her ability to leave in a blink of an eye, SAKIKO now stands there stunned as she stares into the empty air where AKISE once stood. As for her, AKISE keeps running without looking back, buildings going by her in a blur, people unaware of her as she passes through. AKISE seeks a secluded spot for herself to think without any interruptions. She comes across a closed library, the night made the building look much bigger than it was, she approaches the double doors.
AKISE: Hope this building is old enough to not have alarms.
Forcing the door open the lock breaks and she waits to listen for any alarms. Nothing, AKISE slowly walks in shutting the door behind her. She stands in the dark and hears nothing in the silent building, sighing in contempt she slowly starts walking around. Seeing in the dark wasn't a problem due to an ability AKISE learned to admire; night vision. She continues to browse through the books and shelves until she comes across a poster that shows a girl and a boy embracing each other with hearts all around, the caption reading: Read ‘He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not’.
Then it hits her.
AKISE: Love? Could it be love? No, I know what love feels like, it's like . . . it's like.
She envisions back to holding hands with SAKIKO, the way she laughs and has fun, thinking about it makes AKISE smile.
AKISE (whispers) : Am I that jaded that I don't even know how to feel love?
Again she envisions a boy with blonde hair from her past, a gross and angry feeling bubbles up.
AKISE (grits her teeth) : That's right, how could I forget the person who made me this way in the first place.
′But he’s gone . . ′ whispers the voice in the back of her mind, and the determination to try came back, 'just for her', AKISE wants to be SAKIKOS everything. AKISE believed she's a straight forward person, its either black or white, and she knew she loved SAKIKO.
AKISE: I'll have to own up my feelings for her, it's only fair if she knows.
Looking at the hearts on the poster made AKISE roll her eyes and she rips the poster down, leaving it on the floor as she walks out the exit. The clouds lightly rain on and slowly disappears, AKISE breathes in the fresh cold air of wet grass, dirt and pavement. The smell fills her with a therapeutic calmness.
AKISE: I can do this.