AKISE follows the van to an abandon warehouse and from afar she patiently waits and watches a HENCHMEN take SAKIKO into the warehouse. The wind picks up and it brings SAKIKO’S scent with it. Smelling the air she knew the familiar scent as the most sweetest she's ever smelt, like an ice cream parlor. Wanting to ensure SAKIKO’S safety made AKISE rigid with anticipation, once they went inside and close the door AKISE gave it another couple minutes. Once AKISE got her plan together she jumps out of the tree and walks towards the door they took SAKIKO in. She lightly tugs on the door, ‘locked’, then this time with immense force AKISE breaks the door off its hinges. The two HENCHMEN standing in front of the door jump in surprise and turn around, aiming their guns at her.
AKISE: Humans? Are you serious? Whatever your guys' funeral.
AKISE swiftly kicks both HENCHMEN in the groin and they both double over in pain, dropping their weapons to the floor, once their knees hit the ground she broke their necks. Their bodies fall over each other as two more HENCHMEN show up. They freeze upon seeing the bodies on the ground, hesitating at first one of the HENCHMAN gets his courage back and he aims his gun at AKISE about to shoot. Once the HENCHMAN shoots his gun, AKISE moves with lightning speed and is beside him in a blink of an eye. Before he could react AKISE punches her hand through his chest, ripping out his heart and taking a huge bite like an apple. Slowly AKISE can feel herself unravel as she tastes human blood, becoming the monster that hides inside her body. The HENCHMAN falls to the floor as the other HENCHMAN stares in horror. He turns around to run but AKISE flashes herself in front of him, grabbing his head and shoulder she sinks her fangs in his neck and feeds. AKISE didn’t realize how hungry she is, slowly she lost herself in the sensation, then SAKIKO flashes in her head. To gain control she rips his head off to avoid any transformations and flings the head against a wall smashing it to pieces. AKISE starts walking towards the back SAKIKO being the only thought in her mind. Following her scent that leads to a door, she easily knocks it down making SAKIKO jump. They look at each other for a moment taking one another in, AKISE’S anger doubles seeing SAKIKO tied up and gagged, and SAKIKO looks into her bright red eyes and blood stained lips. Looking like the same night SAKIKO found her and saved whatever humanity was still left inside. Breathing hard AKISE walks over to SAKIKO to untie her while SAKIKO tries to signal AKISE to leave but fails, gently, she takes the gag from her mouth.
SAKIKO (panics) : You have to go now!
AKISE looks behind her and before she could register who it is, JACOB grabs her and throws her against the wall deeply cracking it with her body. AKISE gets up immediately, shaking it off like it’s nothing, JACOB looks at SAKIKO and she glares back. In the meantime SAKIKO tries to get her restraints off but the rope makes her hands go numb. JACOB Laughs as he looks back at AKISE and he smells the air.
JACOB: Have a good meal? They smell delicious on you, unfortunately (flashes in front of AKISE, grabbing her throat and bangs her against the same wall a couple times). I ate the rest of my men, having the upper hand.
SAKIKO is no longer paying attention to her restraints, she watches JACOB slam AKISE into the wall again, this time she hears a loud crack. AKISE'S face makes a painful look as JACOB revels in seeing his sister in pain, AKISE tries and fails to break free from him. She always tries to avoid eating people and eating that one HENCHMAN wasn't enough. JACOB slams AKISE again and this time she yelps in pain, SAKIKO snaps and with raging force she breaks her restraints, her wrist bloody and raw. JACOB doesn't pay attention as he stays focus on AKISE.
JACOB (whispers in AKISE'S ear) : You're so weak and pathetic.
SAKIKO is behind JACOB now, AKISE looks at her in surprise and before JACOB could hurt AKISE again, SAKIKO grabs JACOB by his hair and throws him. He hits the other wall right across from them and breaks through it, ending up in the hallway. AKISE sits on the floor in shock, no words could come out, SAKIKO didn’t want AKISE to see this side of her, the other side that no one sees, her own version of a monster inside. ‘The cookie had to crumble’ SAKIKO thinks, but right now she goes back to JACOB to finish the job. JACOB sees SAKIKO walking towards him, he tries to get back up but she takes a strong hold on his ankle. Bringing him back inside the room, she slams his body on the ground in a back and forth motion, like he’s a mere doll. SAKIKO finishes her move with a final slam to the ground, JACOB struggles to get back up ‘who is she?’ JACOB thinks to himself. He already ate off all of his men so he should have the strength of an army, but he can’t figure out how a human twig-like girl could out beat him. JACOB tries to crawl away.
SAKIKO (unrecognizable voice) : I'm not done with you.
She walks over, flips JACOB onto his back and punches his chest as hard as she can, feeling his ribs break under her fist. But to SAKIKO it isn’t enough, so she straddles his stomach, grabbing his neck she continuously slams his head against the concrete floor. JACOB tries to overthrow SAKIKO but her grip on him is stronger, the intentions of not letting him go.
AKISE (shouts) : SAKIKO!
SAKIKO stops and looks over at AKISE her grip never left JACOB'S neck, while she fought with him AKISE'S eyes had turn back to their dark brown. Looking into them brings a calmness to SAKIKO, loosening her grip she's about to get off JACOB when he took the advantage and he punches her with enough force to knock her body off of him. SAKIKO tries to get up but she can't, JACOB has control over SAKIKO'S body again.
JACOB : Need . . . to eat.
JACOB get's up and wobbles towards SAKIKO, the bones broken in his body made it difficult to maneuver, 'if only he was human he would be dead' SAKIKO wishes to herself. AKISE gets up and blocks JACOB'S path to SAKIKO, she had many questions for her but for now she deals with her brother.
JACOB (spats) : Why what?
AKISE : Why are you doing this? We weren't even that close but you still wouldn't even lay a hand on me. So why this all of a sudden?
JACOB (cynical laughter) : Really? Are you this dense? (screams) You killed our parents! You tried to kill me! And you killed Sophia!
Tears come to his eyes as he mentions his fiancé’s name and gets a far away look in his eyes, like he is reminiscing. Memories come up into AKISE’S head as well, the fire, her parents, but she shakes the thought out.
JACOB (whispers) : I love her still with all of my heart, (menacing) but then you had to go and take her from me.
Quickly wiping his tears, an idea comes to JACOB.
JACOB: I was going to kill you, (glances over at SAKIKO) but I think instead I'll just do what you did to me and let you live with the pain. An eye for an eye.
Knocking AKISE to the side, he bends down to sink his teeth in SAKIKO, she starts to panic and AKISE gets a new found strength. She gets to his side and kicks him away from SAKIKO, with JACOB'S injuries in the way AKISE grabs his face.
And with one swift movement she decapitates his head, his body falls to the floor as she drops his head right next to it, AKISE takes out a lighter and lights JACOBS body on fire. Seeing the flames dance again she thinks, 'you should've been dead a long time ago'. SAKIKO gets up from the floor and stretches, her nose was bleeding from the punch and drained onto her hair. AKISE rushes to her side, checking her body for any other injuries.
SAKIKO (chuckles) : I'm fine, trust me.
AKISE still worries over her despite what SAKIKO says, she gives AKISE her best smile, AKISE smiles back but her eyes weren't.
SAKIKO (sighs) : Really! I'm OK. What I don't understand is how your not questioning how I beat your brothers ass.
AKISE: Your absolutely right, your not some kind of supernatural being are you?
AKISE starts to poke SAKIKO'S side, expecting something to happen.
SAKIKO: I can't quite understand it myself, I've always had this strength and it's like I get even stronger when I become angry. (Becomes sad and looks down) I am sorry you had to see that side of me, I've been trying to hide it ever since we met. It's like this alter-ego I have I guess.
SAKIKO looks back up at AKISE, becoming afraid that AKISE will turn her back on her and leave forever, but AKISE just smiles and pulls her into a hug and strokes her blood stained hair.
AKISE: You're not perfect SAKIKO, no one is, I was starting to get worried that I couldn't find a single flaw about you, but I'm glad I got to see the side of you that also matters most to me.
As AKISE and SAKIKO hug, SAKIKO stares into the fire as she goes into her thoughts, when AKISE let go of her, she snaps back into reality. AKISE held out her hand and SAKIKO took it and they walk back up to the door they entered through.
SAKIKO: I can't wait to get home, I really need to get cleaned up, the blood is starting to dry on me.
AKISE just made a grunting noise in response, when they walk out the door the sun shines on them making them squint. Despite the cold air, SAKIKO basks in the warmth, making her become energetic.
SAKIKO: Yay the sun! Can't you feel it's happiness Akise?
AKISE smiles and laughs but SAKIKO can tell it's forced. She gets upset and scrunches her nose at AKISE, this time she genuinely laughs at the face SAKIKO makes.
And they continue holding hands all the way home, taking the back roads towards their house and by the time they arrive the sun is setting while the moon slowly comes up.