While sitting there SAKIKO gets an idea so she gets up and charges to the hall closet, grabbing every blanket and pillow they own. AKISE stands in the kitchen eyeing SAKIKO while she smiles softly at her.
AKISE: What are you doing?
SAKIKO is now in the living room, grabbing chairs to put together a pillow fort.
SAKIKO (excited) : I'm making a fort!
AKISE then chuckles, admiring the playful child-like side of SAKIKO. She continues to make the gooey caramel and chocolate coating, easily stirring the two candies in separate pans. Once the caramel and chocolate were a gooey mess, AKISE puts a couple bags of popcorn in the microwave. Waiting for the popcorn to be done AKISE'S attention turns back to SAKIKO, who finishes the fort-like tent just in time. She steps back to admire her work, a couple blankets hover over the makeshift pillow bed SAKIKO made. With a cover flap in front to block out any light and to keep it more private. SAKIKO claps her hands in excitement as she looks at AKISE, she then goes inside the tent to wait for her and as SAKIKO puts the movie on, the timer on the microwave goes off. And AKISE is on the move putting the dessert together, placing dirty dishes in the sink she goes to SAKIKO who waits patiently.
AKISE (pauses and looks at fort) : Wow, this fort is awesome.
SAKIKO (pokes head out of fort) : Come on in, and bring the deliciousness with you.
AKISE chuckles and she crawls through, sitting on a fluffy blanket she places the bowl of popcorn goodness between them. 'The fort is more spacious than I thought it'd be' AKISE thinks to herself intrigued, while SAKIKO eyes the bowl and her mouth begins to water. Then SAKIKO remembers something, opening up the flap and keeping it open she looks at the clock on the T.V. dashboard reading 7:00 PM.
SAKIKO: Can I skip my medication? Just for the night?
AKISE thought long and hard, never taking her eyes off of SAKIKO. It might've been the start of winter but SAKIKO didn't always get sick in the beginning, sometimes it can take up to a week for her to start feeling sick. Once AKISE was sure of her thoughts she came to a conclusion.
AKISE: Okay, but! If I hear a sneeze or a cough coming outta you, then you're taking the medication.
AKISE eyes SAKIKO who smiles and nods in agreement, once the conversation is situated they lie down in bed and start the movie. And during the movie they laugh and giggle, making jokes and side notes about the stupid clichéd scenes. They watch a woman on the screen go into the closet and her attacker gets her and kills her. AKISE eats a couple kernels of popcorn but SAKIKO went to town, not minding how much popcorn she ate. Sucking the chocolate and caramel off her fingers SAKIKO is entranced with the movie, but AKISE grew bored of it and decides to close her eyes. She didn't care if it's old fashion to read, reading gave her a sense of peace that couldn't beat television. And so AKISE fell into a state of sleep as SAKIKO continues to watch the movie.
SAKIKO (throws hand up) : Of course the smartest guy in the group gives up his life for the dumb bitch.
AKISE doesn't answer, but temptation won out and SAKIKO drags her eyes from the screen to a sleeping AKISE right beside her. AKISE'S painful sleeping expressions have gone away, but now they look sad, scooting closer to her SAKIKO gently places her lips on AKISE'S forehead, giving the most softest kiss to not wake her up. Looking out the fort to see the window, the last few bits of snowflakes drifted down and the snow covered the ground like powdered sugar again, SAKIKO zones off to past memories as she stares. Specifically the first time she ever ran away, she was six and at the time her hair was long, the snow was falling peacefully that night as the officers took her home in their car. And she starts to wish, wishing she was a snowflake, who calmly and peacefully just drifts along the world freely in the sky. But SAKIKO knew better then to make wishes, because no matter who it is or how much they might pray, wishes don't come true. It's merely just hope and dreams and SAKIKO didn't have either. When she got home, her parents didn't bother beating her inside and instead did it outside once the cops were gone, of course. And as SAKIKO lays there freshly beaten in the snow, she starts watching the blood slide from her body, turning the snow to a pretty red color. At this point the cold made it possible for her to not feel her wounds, but the blood didn't stop flowing. Coming back to reality SAKIKO starts to have coughing fits, slowly crawling out the fort she continues to cough. She covers her mouth with a pillow to avoid waking up AKISE, getting up SAKIKO immediately rushes to the pill bottle sitting on the counter. Holding the bottle in her hand she hesitates and she stares at it. 'Ugh these damn pills, I hate them so much', SAKIKO thinks to herself. Looking at AKISE and back at the bottle, she decides to put it back down on the counter. 'Maybe the coughing will pass by morning, I'll take it then', so SAKIKO crawls back in the fort and lays her head down, closing the flap it becomes dark. Except for the luminous glow from the T.V., not bothering to turn it off as she continues to drift off to sleep.