"I am amazed you pulled it off so well, Frank," Ophelia said, still in awe.
The Room of Requirement was the epitome of the best Halloween party Ophelia had ever seen. They had ghosts, bar tables, a dancing ring, and the lights were dim enough to make it creepy but still see each other. Everything was orange and black and they had carved pumpkins floating above everything. It was beautiful, indeed.
"I am pretty good at decorating, apparently. But it wasn't just me, I had a lot of help from my team." He said, pointing to the group of five people running around, still making sure that every pumpkin was in the right spot. "I had Lily and Alice send the invitations and...I sent one to Rabastan. Sorry, but I thought that it's better to have him on our side, at least while we're at school."
Ophelia raised an eyebrow which gave Frank the impression that she was annoyed and uncomfortable. Even if there was something she wanted to say, she couldn't once people started to arrive.
"This looks really cool, Frank! Nice job. I'll ask you to decorate my future wedding as well!" Potter said so loud that everyone could hear him, even if there was music in the background.
Ophelia glanced at Lily and chuckled at her freaked-out expression. Potter either didn't notice or he chose to ignore it.
The Room never felt as full as now, but it was never meant to be a space of joy and fun. They only trained there, encouraged by all the bullying happening in school. Professors could barely do something because, in the end, the students and their families will suffer even more outside the school.
"What are you thinking about?" Zabini asked as he came and sat next to her with a drink in hand.
"Is this enough, Enzo? Father has so many followers and they are adults with experience in the real world. We're just children acting like we know what we're doing." She admitted feeling very anxious now that she could see how big this responsibility was.
"Don't think about it. the more you do, the harder it will be." He said, giving her the same advice he gave himself.
"If one of these kids dies, it's all on us: you, me, and Dumbledore," Ophelia added as she watched them laugh and have a good time. James and Sirius were laughing really loudly at something, probably embarrassing Frank and Alice from the looks of it. Lily was talking to Goldstein, Remus was standing aside, shaking his head at Peter who was trying hard to flirt with a Ravenclaw. Rabastan didn't come.
"He's running an errand for Dumbledore," Zabini commented, seeing how she was searching the room for someone. "He will come later tonight. He was surprised to be invited but he will come."
It was later, after midnight when a student whose name shall not be revealed (it starts with Sirius and ends with Black) has succeeded in bringing a few bottles of fire whisky. It brought some bad memories to Ophelia.
"Here, Molley. Live a little!" He said, handing her a glass of alcohol. "I promise there is no Amortentia in it this time." He added seeing how skeptical she was about the contents of said glass.
"I'm fine. Someone should keep a clear head." She said giving him back the drink.
"One drink won't make you lose your mind." He added pushing the drink towards her.
"Maybe not but if I accept one then more will follow and I can't risk having an open mind."
"But you're not alone. We can all block someone if we work together. Besides, I promise I won't force you to drink anything else."
"My mind can get us all in terrible danger if I crack the door open even if just a little."
Remus and Zabini were the closest to the pair and they watched with amusement as Sirius and Ophelia kept pushing the drink from one to another, like two children.
"I'm surprised there is still liquid in that glass," Zabini muttered.
"I'm surprised she didn't punch him yet," Remus commented right before she splashed the drink on Sirius' face. "Ah, I spoke too soon."
"These two make an interesting pair. Black is very protective of her. I wonder if it's just out of friendship or not." Zabini added remembering that he had seen something like this before, even if under slightly different circumstances.
"If Sirius is protective, you clearly haven't seen James. He is on a different level."
"It's not the same, though. I've seen it last Christmas too. His eyes seem to follow her around wherever she goes. Maybe there is more than he wants to admit, but he looks at her the same way Rabastan does." Was the final argument Zabini had on this intriguing subject.
Now Enzo really has done it. He planted the seed of suspicion and Remus couldn't help but be more aware of Sirius and Ophelia from then on.
It was almost four in the morning when the Halloween party became a little too much for Ophelia. Remus had gone to sleep, Enzo had gone to the bathroom and didn't return, Rabastan was still not there and the rest of the students...well...
"I love you Prongs." A drunk Sirius said as he swayed from side to side, hugging a flushed Peter. "I love you, Pete. I love all of you. You...yare my bestest of friends." He continued almost falling on his face.
"Love ya too, mate. If ya we a gurl, I'd hav kept ya in ma pocket. Mum'd loved it." James's reply was just as crazy.
"How...sentimental," Lily muttered before she quickly escaped from having James pull her in his arms.
Ophelia was leaning against a table where one boy was sleeping while the other was telling her something but she couldn't understand a word. And then she heard a knock. Her ears perked, trying to find where it came from. She literally went to the wall but it stopped. And then she heard it again and again, and she had to leave the Room. Once in the silent corridor, she followed her senses. The knocking was getting louder until she took a sudden turn and she felt a huge power try and invade her mind.
"You must be kidding me," she whispered. It was like someone was trying to break the walls of her mind. It was very strong and very persistent. It was most definitely Tom.
The force was insane, he was probably quite angry. She was doing her best to push him away and defend herself. Ophelia was crouched against the wall, her hands holding her head, tears falling from the strength used to resist. She was gasping and she was sure she will faint.
"Hey, Molley? Molley where have you run again? Mooolleeey?" Sirius was drunk as heck and saw her act oddly so he quickly followed her out. "Molley what-" he stopped when he saw her in pain. His eyes widened and he pulled her in his arms trying to soothe her. "What's happening?" He asked, a bit numb from the alcohol.
"He's trying...he is so strong."
That was enough for the boy to understand what she meant. He really didn't know how to help her, he wasn't a good occlumence and an even worse legilimence. It was frightening seeing how she was in pain and he couldn't do anything.
"Hang in there, Ophelia." He whispered.
"What the fuck does it look like I'm doing? Being merry?" She asked grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. Her eyes were shining, maybe from the tears or maybe because she had little sparkles of green around her fingers.
"I-" He could only stand there, caress her back and hope for the best.
Their luck was that one black kitten has been watching Ophelia for a while now. He sneaked behind them and placed his paw on Black's back. Maybe not placed, more like dug his claws into Sirius' back. He jolted in surprise and searched with his hand for the culprit. It was strange having a kitten in Hogwarts so late at night, especially one he vaguely remembered seeing before.
"Do I...know you?" He asked as he put the kitten on his lap.
Ophelia noticed him but couldn't say anything. She tried not to scream at how bad her mind hurt. The kitten meowed and stuck his claws into Ophelia's leg. Sirius watched in amazement as her eyes widened and she suddenly calmed down.
"What have I just witnessed?" He wondered, eyes moving from the kitten to the girl in his arms. "Are you alright?"
"...a bit. Peverell helped."
"Who is Peverell?" Sirius asked to which he slowly turned to the kitten. "He is Peverell? Is that his name? Is he...yours?"
Ophelia scoffed. Now that he could see she was ok, the kitten just left on his happy way. Sirius was very confused.
"Am I that drunk?" He asked himself as he sat down, still amazed.
"Yes. But that kitten is not mine. He has been cursed to be a black kitten for the rest of his life but he is actually an adult man. He was a friend of my mother." Ophelia explained mirroring his position now that she could breathe.
"I guess your father was involved?"
"He's angry with me. I think that whatever he searches in Rabastan's mind is not what he expects. I told you we should keep our heads clear." She said, scolding her friend with a glare that didn't last.
"Sorry, sorry. But it's just so hard to wrap my hand around it. My family is horrible but your father...he is top-notch worst parent ever."
Ophelia laughed, the sound causing Sirius to smile. They stayed there for a while until Sirius turned to her. From his eyes alone, Ophelia could note that he has sobered up but not enough.
"I was thinking and maybe you should stop the occlumence training for a while. If you focus on us, you won't be able to protect yourself. Obviously, we won't be attacked anytime soon by the worst father ever, but you will."
Ophelia chuckled at the way he was trying to put her well-being before theirs after seeing how overpowering Tom could be.
"You must have really panicked tonight if you're considering such an idea," she muttered, remembering that Sirius and their friends in school don't know about the torture she has been through. Seeing how he looked down at his fidgeting hands, she recalculated what she was about to say. "Thank you, Sirius. For accidentally being here," she said softly, grabbing one of his hands in hers.
The teenage boy looked at her hand before he looked up into her eyes. She was sincere, although there was a hint of tease in those snake-like green orbs of hers. In that particular moment, when she grasped his hand fondly and her expression was so warm and grateful, Sirius' heart skipped a beat. Then she smiled and his heart skipped once more. He turned his head away and tried to calm himself but she was still very much holding his hand. Unconsciously, he intertwined his fingers with hers but she didn't seem to mind.
"Molley, we should go to sleep. Yes. Sleep. I'm drunk. I'm-"
He began rambling but she couldn't understand him. Ophelia chuckled as she got up and helped him to his feet as well. Now that they were walking to the Gryffindor tower, Sirius started to massage his chest while breathing in and out to calm his beating heart.
"Are you still shocked?" The green-eyed girl asked with worry.
He glanced at her for a second before he averted his gaze. Looking at her right now was not good for his health.
"I think I've just got an epiphany,"
Sirius Black was in trouble.