Regulus has never had any friends and the only person he really talked to has always been Sirius. Although they had different personalities and different ideas regarding family and blood, they never had a serious fight over anything.
And then Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor and circumstances changed. At home, Regulus would only hear his mother curse the day she brought Sirius into the world. Being proud of his house, Sirius only amplified their mother's frustration and anger and Regulus found himself set as an example to his older brother.
When Regulus was sorted into Slytherin, he felt relief. He wasn't going to disappoint his blood lineage and he was going to spend time with children of the same environment as him.
"Hello, I'm Reg-"
"I know who you are. Your brother's name is famous around here. I pity you, Black." That was the answer of a mere second year who wasn't even a pureblood and yet he pitied Regulus.
That encounter repeated the next day and the next and the next and Regulus found himself lonelier than when he was at home. He started to hate being the younger brother of Sirius Black and as each day passed, with him getting bullied by everyone really, he started to notice her. Ophelia, the Gryffindor that was rumored to be interested into the dark arts.
She was standing at the table with a book in her hand, reading a muggle story while eating cereals. She was by herself since it was Monday morning and Gryffindors were preparing for the final Quidditch game against Ravenclaws. It seemed like Slytherins opted to lose and concentrate on their late night lessons, trying their hardest to gain a spot in the Dark Lord's army.
"You've been staring for a while. Is there something you want to ask?"
Regulus couldn't remember the last time he was approached by someone else without having Sirius' name thrown at his face.
"I was thinking," the boy answered, caught in the act.
"Regulus, right?" she asked, easily sitting across him even if it was the Slytherin table. "Are they still bullying you? Or have you finally cursed them all?" It didn't sound like she was joking.
"It's fine."
Ophelia stared at him, tilting her head to the side as she watched the boy with those snake-like green eyes. She could have entered his mind, find out the truth and choose if she wanted to go on and act as if she didn't know or expose him there and then. But she didn't.
"Sirius is being a pain isn't he? Even when he's not there, his mere existence burdens you."
"You have no idea," Regulus replied grumpily, feeling frustrated by his so called favour that could give him the peaceful student life that he wanted.
"He is a very loyal friend. Are you loyal too, Regulus?"
"As you see, I'm not surrounded by an unlimited number of friends." He said sarcastically, knowing his position in school.
"Then let me be your first friend." Ophelia stated as she grabbed his hand and shook it. She smiled at the younger boy, her eyes sparkling mischeviously.
Did she know what intentions he had or was she genuine? Their friendship begun with doubts rather than trust.
"So, what do you like to do, Regulus?"
"Nothing much." He answered in the same grumpy manner. "I have to go to class. Professor McGonagall hates when we're late." Regulus added before he ran off.
Ophelia remained behind, a bit confused by how fast he moved. It reminded her of the first time she met him, when he was running from his classmates. Taking a look around, she noticed Avery's bright coloured hair against the wall. He was supposedly listening to something his mates were saying but his eyes shifted on her, darkening in colour when their gazes met.
Regulus ran up the stairs and into the corridor, making sure he couldn't be seen.
"Are you alright?"
Looking up, he met the kind brown eyes of Remus Lupin. Great, a friend of his brother's. But at a closer look, Remus looked worse than a student -bullied or not. Half of his face was scratched and he seemed sick.
"Shouldn't you ask yourself that? You look like you need a break." Regulus didn't intend to sound so venomous but he couldn't control himself.
Remus froze as the dark haired boy walked past him, towards his classroom. If only he could be so confident all the time, his life would be a lot easier.
During Transfiguration, Regulus couldn't shrug off the feeling that his worst enemy- Eilian Crockford, first year Gryffindor who looked so much like an improved version of Snape- was planning something. Regulus felt eyes fall on his head and sighed, preparing himself for what was to come. A piece of paper flew straight on his desk. Opening it, Regulus sighed. It read: let's hang out after class, Reggie.
Nothing happened until the end of the lesson when Regulus lagged behind his mates. Even McGonagall watched the boy with suspicion since he was moving very, very slowly.
"Are you planning on staying here until our next class on Thursday, Mr. Black?" The professor asked, pushing her glasses further on her nose.
"No. Sorry, professor." He mumbled, walking out of there with a heavy heart.
Once outside, he barely made it to the stairs when his legs became jelly and he fell down the stairs like a ball. He didn't miss one step until he stopped on his face. He still couldn't move his legs and students started to point and laugh but Eilian's high pitched laughter seemed to be louder than anyone else's. Regulus looked down at his legs and searched his robe for his wand. However, when he found it, he realized the curse was lifted already.
"Need a hand?"
The boy looked up at Ophelia and gave in.
"I thought you said you're doing fine." Ophelia commented sarcastically, helping the boy on his feet. "Anyway-" she couldn't even finish her sentence because three Gryffindors came down the stairs, one of them staring at Regulus with a cocky smirk.
"See you after dinner, Reggie~" the tallest boy from the group exclaimed as he passed them.
The rest of the week passed like that, with Regulus spending little time with Ophelia in the morning before getting busy with his own studies and troubles. It seemed like she was a normal witch with a normal background and normal hobbies. He was truly worried because there was nothing to report to Avery. Except, during the Easter break, which was a mere week, he caught her whispering to herself in the library.
"You should tell Sirius about your bullies." She said, surprising him because he thought she didn't see him coming.
"My brother bullies Slytherins the same way Crockford bullies me." Regulus replied, sitting at her table in the library. "I don't need his help. Exams will come soon and then I'll go home."
"And what will happen when you get home and your parents see you so shaken up? Your mother will overreact."
"He's a muggle born anyway."
"So why not curse him? You're a Black aren't you? You have learned dark arts ever since you opened your eyes."
Regulus raised an eyebrow, taken aback by how quick she thought about revenge. She raised her head from her book and stared into his eyes. It was unlike any other time a person looked at him; her eyes were tinkling with this darkness that she wasn't even aware of. It felt like that darkness was reaching towards his soul, grasping it tightly with the intent of making him fall at her feet.
"What's this boy's name anyway?" Ophelia asked calmly.
"Eilian Crockford." He answered, taking a peek at what she was reading. It was probably a muggle book because he had never heard of the Grimm Brothers before.
Ophelia narrowed her eyes at the sound of that name. Well, at least she could pay back one Eilian out of two. One was dead and one was about to be terrified.
"What exactly will you do? I mean, he's around and he's a Gryffindor and you're a Gryffindor. Won't it be troublesome for you?" Regulus was having second thoughts seeing how her whole demeanor changed. "I'll just curse him later on. That sounds better."
"With a brother like yours, who's willing to stalk you just to know you're not harmed, I doubt it will work." she spoke in the same tone as early in the morning. It seemed like Ophelia from the library was partially gone and the usual, common Ophelia surfaced but one close look at her eyes and he knew she was going to keep her word.
"I don't need a guardian."
"True. You need some courage. Don't let them take you for a fool, Regulus."
"Wait...why are you even helping me? Because of Sirius?" Regulus stopped and felt very offended by her sudden act of kindness. "Did he, by any chance, put you up to this? Did he sent you since he knows I'll run from him?"
Ophelia was silent for a moment before she turned to glance at him over her shoulder. She was just a few centimeters taller than him but it was enough for Regulus to feel like she was looking down on him.
"Mulciber's been very interested in me lately, hasn't he? Avery and Nott too. I was wondering why they suddenly stopped throwing curses and swears at me and then I saw this little lamb, scurrying away in his dark corner, hoping to disappear. Life can be difficult, especially when your family's pushing you towards greatness but maybe you should allow yourself to be a true Black."
"What's that supposed to mean?!" he screamed, taking a step back. She was scary.
"Sirius is Sirius and you are very different, Regulus. If you want to be loyal to somebody, choose the one that can help you reach greatness. Choose the one with the power to protect you."
Her voice was lower and hissed at some point. Regulus' eyes widened when she fully turned to him and took another step back. She was strange- no, she wasn't herself. Her eyes narrowed so much and her pupils dilated, as if she was ready to attack him. Her face paled and her body seemed to have grown taller. She leaned towards him and Regulus got succumbed into her green orbs. He saw snakes and power; an immense surge of power. If he ever believed Ophelia Molley was common, that opinion crumbled at his feet quite rapidly.
"Who are you?" the boy asked, fear creeping up his body. He couldn't help but notice his trembling hands.
"Fear is an amazing tool, Regulus." she hissed, "Fear can give you what you desire. It can give you power over those who dare to submit you." she finished just in time.
Three Gryffindors walked towards them, talking loudly about Quidditch. Regulus glanced at them before he turned to Ophelia. He frowned when he noticed she looked normal, even a bit baffled to be sincere. She barely faced Eilian and the boy turned to Regulus with fear. Eilian swallowed nervously as he kept the distance from him.
"Mate, that's Reggie. Shouldn't you do something?" another Gryffindor asked.
"Would you like to say that again? Should I inform Wood that his precious first years are bullies?" Ophelia interfered in her usual voice and with her usual bluntness. The Gryffindors frowned and shrugged their heads before they continued on their way at a faster pace. "Now, Regulus, what was I saying?" she looked innocent as if she didn't lecture him a few seconds ago.
"What did you do to Crockford?" he asked genuinely curious.
"I altered some memories of your meetings. Not much and not many; just enough." she answered, "I'm a good legilimence."
Regulus was worried but at the same time he was intrigued. Just who has he talked to today? It wasn't Ophelia, that was for sure but whoever that was, their power was limitless.