“Do you want to send it with my owl?” Ophelia asked after they finished writing and folding the letter. Sirius was walking alongside her and had a shock for a moment.
“Aren’t you being suspiciously nice today, Molley?” He asked her with a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. It was a joke for him, he only wanted to tease her but she actually tensed. “You don’t have to take it seriously, badge. Relax for Merlin’s beard, it was just a joke.” He added quickly when he saw her posture.
“I’ll give it to Willy and he’ll probably deliver it correctly.” She answered to her question in his place just to change the atmosphere.
“What do you mean probably? Doesn’t he send any of your letters to the right people?”
Ophelia bit her lip, containing the bemused smile that was widening on her face. Seeing her eyes scrunch a bit as if she wanted to sneeze, he tilted his head to the side in curiosity.
“Are you laughing at me, Molley?” He asked with a tint of amusement.
“No,” But anyone could see the smile widening more and more until she couldn’t contain it anymore. “You’re being nice to me too.”
Black felt like laughing and scoffing at the same time, “Is that reason enough to make you smile so happily?”
The brunette witch nodded, feeling relieved for having him there to change her mind off what happened earlier that day.
“If you want to know, I never wanted to make you believe that I hate you or something.” Sirius added as assurance, maybe for him more than for her. It seemed a lot of their colleagues had the impression they weren’t on good terms.
“I know. I’m sorry for being such a sour grape every time.”
“See?! Why are you making me look like the bad guy again?” He whined making her cover her chuckle in case someone could see. “Come on, Molley. We’re going to be partners for a while so better keep your attitude for the letters.”
“Is the letter for your parents? Or maybe a sibling?” She asked curiously, her eyes widening a bit making her look exactly like Potter characterized her before.
“You’re suddenly very talkative, aren’t you?” He teased but her response was an innocent shrug, “It’s for my mum. She will probably send a howler in a few days, scolding me in front of the whole school. Look forward to that, Molley. It’s going to be a real show.”
The grim expression on his face and the ironic words were light compared to how much anger he had inside his heart.
“Are your parents purebloods?” She continued her questioning nonetheless.
“Yes, they are. My family is really bad, Molley. Almost every member was sorted in Slytherin for centuries. I’m the exception; a Black in Gryffindor,” Even he started to chuckle at the irony of fate, “I’m not complaining, though. It gives my mother another reason to hate me.”
Silence filled the space between them as Sirius’ stopped talking and Ophelia didn’t bother comforting him in any way. Each had their own lives and own burdens and they had to confront their families by themselves.
They were close to the Fat Lady portrait when Ophelia remembered something he said that she was confused about.
“What is a howler?”
Black laughed loudly, waking up the Lady. Even after they entered the common room Sirius was still laughing which confused Ophelia even more.
Next day bright and early, the Gryffindors had Potions with Slytherins. Usually the lessons go smoothly granted to the amount of energy and concentration they had to put into their potions. However, it seemed Slughorn had a great revelation last night and came up with a dreadful idea.
“I want each Gryffindor to pair up with a Slytherin for this next assignment. Now, now don’t look so grim, I’m sure we’re an even number and-“
“Professor, I don’t think that’s a good idea. We hate each other, remember?” Black interfered, more annoyed than every Gryffindor together.
“Don’t worry Black. We’ll make you feel like you’re one of us, just to have what to tell your mother when you get home for Christmas.” Mulciber stated with a smirk, having the others chuckle behind him.
Professor Slughorn seemed confused as he tried to stutter some words out.
“I don’t have to. I’m sure you’re sending your mother a report every day, just in case you need my parents’ help since their name weights more than yours ever will.” Black yelled back, both boys glaring at each other as if they could duel only with their minds.
“Don’t get cocky, Black. You never know who’s going to pair up with you and what can happen afterwards.”
“Mate, you’re being a twat at the moment. Are you genuinely searching for a fight in the middle of the class?” Potter interfered, taking his friend’s side.
Mulciber was growing red in the face with the amount of anger he was feeling and from the looks of it, every Slytherin was getting fired up as they all moved their hands towards their wands.
“Um-professor maybe you should reconsider this pairing assignment.” Remus tried to reason with Slughorn but it was already too late.
Ophelia only had time to hear Nott calling the girls mudbloods before Potter drew his wand out and pointed it at the Slytherin.
“Say that one. more. time.” Potter hissed at the dark haired pureblood but Nott seemed extremely pleased.
“Or what? You don’t know any curses do you?”
But Sirius did and he didn’t think twice before attacking Nott. It was quite a mess from that moment on as more Slytherins combated the Gryffindors and vice-versa. Ophelia moved aside before she could get in between the two sides but professor Slughorn was speechless. His eyes were watching his students in shock until he decided he should have an input.
“Let’s calm down, now. There’s no need for-“ He stopped, freezing from head to toe and falling back like a statue.
Both sides stopped as well and hurried around the professor. Well, Gryffindors did because Slytherins seemed incredibly pleased with themselves.
“Look what you did now, Black. Stunned a professor and attacked a fellow classmate. Let’s see how your dear mother will react to that.” Mulciber spat out with one eyebrow raised and arms folded in front of his chest as if he won the cup.
Unluckily, lunch was spent together in McGonagall’s office. Her disappointed gaze fell over every student, making them all feel sorry for the commotion. Well, maybe not all of them.
“What were you thinking, Black?” She hissed, looking angrier than ever before.
“I can explain it, professor. You see, I-“
“No, you can’t explain it, Black. You stunned a professor! What were all of you thinking?!”
Yes, McGonagall was very angry with each and every of her student. Ophelia noticed Potter struggling to keep his mouth shut as he seemed to be the only student who didn’t find their scolding fair.
“Excuse me, professor, but Mulciber and Nott have said some nasty comments about Black’s family. I think that-“
“No need to explain anything to me, Littlewood.” Cissney was shut up instantly and she cowered to Lily’s side, afraid to mutter another word.
McGonagall sighed and turned her back towards them, probably trying to calm herself down before facing them again.
“If you are taunted you do not, and I repeat, do not taunt back and do not attack. You come to me and we resolve your problems in a silent manner. You should learn how to behave yourself, even when dared to react. Am I clear?”
The room zoomed with responses along the line of Yes, professor but Potter and Black were still not ready to comply when they have been the ones attacked, especially Black.
“Potter, Black, have I made myself clear?” Professor McGonagall asked once again, her heavy gaze boring into their heads.
“But profess-“ Potter stopped when she threw him an intimidating look, “Yes. Understood.”
“Then, all of you will get detention with professor Spinnard every- don’t complain when you have brought it over yourselves- every Saturday afternoon until the beginning of the new term.” A wave of complains ensued once again but McGonagall silenced them all when she turned to Black, “You, Mr. Black, will get detention with me every Monday and Friday after classes, will also have to write an apology for your unacceptable behavior and I’m sorry but I’ll have to take 50 points from Gryffindor.” Another wave of complains filled the room as Sirius was made into a black sheep.
It was over and everyone could leave, hopeful that Slytherin got the same amount of detention and lost points. Sirius hurried out of the office with Potter following closely and Pettigrew somewhere in the back.
“That’s what happens when you ask for Gryffindors and Slytherins to pair up…” mumbled Cissney once they left the area nearby McGonagall’s office. With that harsh scolding, Cissney was like a little lamb searching for comfort around her dorm mates.
“I believe Black overreacted a bit. I mean, we have seen how far Slytherins can go when they bullied Remus and Ophelia.” Alice interfered with her opinion, now that she could.
“I think professor McGonagall is right. She seemed shaken up too since she is the head of our house.” Lily added as they walked towards the DADA classroom, “I can’t believe that we all got detention with professor Spinnard.” Finally there was a motif for everyone to agree on.
“Don’t remind me. I have a sour taste in my mouth every time I hear his name.” Cissney moaned, “I can’t believe we have DADA now. Spinnard will glare at us and mock us, I’m sure.”
“I doubt that.” Ophelia assured her dorm mates, “I’m sure he has bigger problems than us. But he will definitely say something that will piss Black off.”
“Poor Sirius. I can’t believe Mulciber and Nott know so much about his family.”Alice added in a meek tone.
“Don’t you know? The Black family is known for creating dark wizards. I was surprised when Sirius was sorted in Gryffindor but I heard his younger brother is keeping the family tradition and has been sorted in Slytherin. He’s a first year.” Cissney informed the girls, always up to date with everything happening at Hogwarts.
“I swear, you will do a great journalist in the future. You should apply for the Daily Mail as soon as you graduate.” Lily said jokingly which finally moved the subject on lighter matters.
Just like Ophelia guessed, Spinnard entered the classroom with a scowl and placed his books on the desk before facing them and leaning against the wooden edge.
“Congratulations! From tomorrow we will see each other a lot more. Isn’t that just wonderful?” His sarcasm was bringing more dread over the students, “I’m sure McGonagall scolded you enough but we all know you will do it again if the chance arises. That is why I would like to begin today’s lesson with a subject I find useful: dueling.”
Students started to whisper from the back of the class up to the front.
“Everyone, get up!” He ordered, every student rising warily next to their desks, “Let’s move everything aside and begin our lesson.” As soon as he finished his sentence, the desks were pushed in the back, one of them blocking the door. Students swallowed nervously when they noticed they had no way out.
“Is this his way of punishing us?” Longbottom asked Ophelia since they were standing next to each other.
“No. I think he’s genuine this time.” She whispered back, as confused as the rest.
“During this class we will use the Disarming Charm, Petrificus Totalus, curse that Black here seems to have mastered already and the Banishing Charm. I want you to pair up and face your partner.” As soon as he gave the orders, everyone paired based on friendships.
Ophelia was ready to ask Remus when Pettigrew got to him quicker than a mouse in its hole. There were more people she could choose from but Spinnard pulled her in front of him.
“Let’s start, shall we?” Spinnard’s smiling face sent a chill down Ophelia’s back. He planned such a fun lesson because he wanted to teach her a lesson for sending Cerberus in the Hospital Wing.
Before literally hitting each other with charms and curses, Spinnard was smart enough to teach them the gestures and spelling properly. But once that was done, the blue eyed professor smirked wickedly at his partner as if taunting her to disarm him.
“Expelliarmus!” Black shouted before anyone else, easily disarming the glasses boy. “Piece of cake,” He bloated as he threw the wand back to its owner.
Spinnard rolled his eyes before he turned to Ophelia expectantly. A duel meant both wizards had to engage into throwing and avoiding curses and spells at each other which none of his students were doing. The professor sighed and decided he should make an example out of Ophelia.
“Depulso!” He yelled.
The charm hit her straight in the chest and threw her against the wall. It hurt a lot more than she expected and the whole class stopped to gape at how a professor just went against everything McGonagall said before.
“When you are attacked, you need to react right away. You may be each other’s practice partners in here but outside this castle, you’re on your own.” Spinnard adviced them, taking everyone by surprise with how serious he was being.
By the end of the lesson Ophelia was the only student that knew how a duel felt like. She could still hear Spinnard’s voice echoing through her head Depulso! Expelliarmus! She most definitely heard Stupefy at some point but it was faint.
“That was the best DADA class we’ve ever had! Spinnard should dothis more often!” Pettigrew and Longbottom were suspiciously happy compared to how poorly they did during class.
“He’s teaching us really easy stuff. I know that already.” Black whined childishly while leaning against Potter.
“Just wait. I’m sure he’ll teach us more during detention.” Potter added jokingly but everyone else froze.
“What if he’ll duel us every Saturday and this was only practice?” Cissney asked around scared of what could happen.
No one said a word about it afterwards but at dinner Ophelia saw more than half of the class practicing with bowls and cups.
With dinner finished and most Gryffindors going into the common room, Ophelia sneaked away from her group towards the hospital wing. She was hiding in the corridor towards the kitchen when someone touched her arm, scaring her.
“Are you alright? Lily told me you have been dueling at DADA today.” He asked as if he was asking about the weather.
“Everyone did.”
“She said your partner was professor Spinnard. Last time I checked, he hated you.”
Ophelia’s eyebrow twitched at the sudden interest that her friend was showing, interest that had nothing to do with Potions.
“It’s fine.” She replied but the boy wasn’t convinced.
“It’s not fine,” He stated firmly as he grabbed her wrist and pulled up her sleeve. “You should tell Dumbledore about it.”
“We’re not on good terms.”
Ophelia pushed Severus away lightly and pulled her sleeve down before she took a peek into the hall. Only few students were around and it looked like everyone from her house was spread through the castle. She could easily sneak to see Cerberus and hopefully no one else was there.
“How can you be on bad terms with the headmaster?”
“Stuff happened.”
“What stuff?” He asked, taking a step closer, “What stuff?” He asked again.
“He lied to me, alright? He lied to me about my mother, my father and who knows what else.”
There was a pause in which Severus remembered their first year when he witnessed her acting out of character.
“Did you meet your father by any chance?” Severus asked without thinking twice.
Ophelia turned towards her friend very slowly, her attention fully focused on the greasy haired boy. He swallowed nervously, remembering how that wasn’t his business yet curiosity has gotten the best of him.
“What if I did?”
Her response shocked him. He was expecting her to ask how he knew about that or what he meant by that but in return he actually got an honest answer.886Please respect copyright.PENANAmKo4qOT5Vh