Ophelia Molley has always been a child that could feel when someone didn’t want to be disrupted, which was a quality that Alice and Remus liked. On the other hand, it seemed that people could hardly understand why she was so silent, even with her roommates. Cissney was a bubble of energy, talking all day long with either Lily or Alice while for most of the time, Ophelia would be in the back, listening.
Everyone noticed the silent listener, even the Slytherins. One particular Slytherin seemed very preoccupied with the Gryffindor girl.
“She’s not your responsibility, Severus.” The cold voice of Lucius Malfoy disrupted Severus’ thoughts. “You have been looking at that table for long enough. Should I remind you just what house you belong to?” He added, leaning in over the short boy.
“No. And it’s not about her, it’s about something else.” The shorter boy mumbled keeping his eyes focused on the table.
Lucius Malfoy raised an eyebrow before he glanced at the staff table, where Dumbledore was not present at. Smirking under his nose, he placed one hand on Severus’ shoulder and grasped it tightly.
“It seems today might be your lucky day, Severus.”
During the rest of the day, especially during Herbology with Professor Sprout screaming at children to be careful how they handle the plants, Ophelia transited between being herself and trying to enjoy the lessons a bit more. It wasn’t working well at all with how Longbottom was getting every bad situation ever possible and Cissney commenting it from the side. Also, having Potter and Black in the very back, laughing between each other and actually getting Longbottom into embarrassing himself even more was not a pleasure to witness or listen to.
“Hey, Evans! Evans! You have to see this!” Potter whispered, not as silent as he had the impression he was.
Ophelia glanced at Lily but the redhead was ignoring him completely.
“Evaaaaans!” That was not Potter’s voice but Black’s.
Ophelia looked at Alice, who was rolling her eyes, before she looked at Professor Sprout, who seemed engulfed into showing one of her own students just how to pluck the Bouncing Bulb he was holding in a way that it wouldn’t get him kicked in the face. The Hufflepuff was less than pleased when the professor accidentally hit him in the nose while trying to contain the Bulb.
“I never imagined Herbology to be so violent.” Ophelia mumbled, watching the events unfolding all around her.
“Evans!” Potter’s voice was getting louder as he was losing patience.
“Oh, just turn around for a second! It won’t kill you, you know?!”
Instead of Lily, Ophelia turned towards Black with quite an offended face. She scoffed and he mumbled something under his breath, something she was sure she didn’t want to hear. Suddenly, the Bulbs all around Black and Potter caught fire, scaring the living out of Remus and Pettigrew, who were actually working on plucking them.
Professor Sprout’s eyes widened and ushered everyone outside while she grabbed her wand. As they were heading out, Black raised an eyebrow at Ophelia, brushing their shoulders harshly when passing each other.
At dinner, Ophelia waited for everyone to enter the Great Hall before she walked out of her hiding spot. She was one step through the door when someone pulled her back. Thinking that it was probably Potter or Black, she closed her eyes and raised her hands in front of her face, unintentionally pushing whoever that was a few feet backwards.
“What was that?”
Ophelia’s eyes widened.
“Severus?” She asked, sounding both innocent and scared. “Sorry, I’m really sorry. It doesn’t have an off button.” She added, running to his aid.
Severus Snape was a young child but still, he was pretty fragile for a boy. When she grabbed his arm and helped him up, it was probably with more strength than he had at that time.
“Why are you in your robes?” Ophelia asked, noticing the way he quickly brushed her hand away.
“How did you do that?” He asked once again, remembering the time in the train. “And what do you mean it doesn’t have an off button? What is it?”
The brunette licked her lips and started fidgeting nervously, her mind swirling with excuses she could use. None seemed to be good enough, not with the way Severus was watching her with wary.
Ophelia opened her mouth, ready to give out the most plausible lie that she could muster but the door behind her opened slightly, enough for one person to sneak out. Seeing the platinum blond hair, Severus grabbed her hand and pulled her after him, down into the corridor towards the Hufflepuff common room.
With big owlish eyes, the boy checked twice before leaning against the wall.
“Why are we hiding from your prefect?” She asked naively.
“Because he strongly dislikes you.”
“Because you’re a Gryffindor and he is a Prefect. He can take points from your house for nothing at all.” He added, seeing how it seemed Ophelia could never understand the rivalry between Slytherins and Gryffindors. “Anyway, what was that? How could you throw me away with your bare hands?” Severus asked, returning to the actual problem.
Ophelia only shrugged before swaying her right hand in the air, the same blue light following every movement before entering her hand. Severus watched her hand closely, with so much intensity that it looked like he was ready to cut it off just to take it in his room and experiment.
“You might be able to make a Patronus already.” He whispered, confusing the girl. “A Patronus Charm conjures a magical guardian, a projection of all your most positive feelings. Many wizards are unable to produce a full Patronus form.” Severus explained.
“I can’t either. I’m good at Charms but only the ones we learn in class with Flitwick.”
Severus hummed and nodded, seeming deep in thought before his eyes fell over her hands once again.
“With or without a wand?” He finally asked.
Ophelia looked down at her hands, her wand lost somewhere in the sheets on her bed. Severus didn’t need her to answer because he could already see Ophelia for what she could be.
“Maybe we should study together. I’ll help you with potions but you have to do me a favor.”
Ophelia raised an eyebrow and nodded very slowly, “What favor?”
“Enter the Forbidden Forest with me. It seems there is a very rare stone hidden in the trunk of a tree, deep in the forest.” Severus added, choosing his words carefully so not to give her the whole truth.
“Why don’t you go alone?” She asked her tone changing from naïve to cold and judgmental in one second.
Severus couldn’t blame her if he were to be sincere; ever since they met in Hogwarts Express, the greasy haired Slytherin only watched from the side as the brunette little girl squirmed to blend in with her roommates. Unfortunately, Ophelia was the total opposite of Lily, with bravery that was more going towards saving herself rather than save someone else. He had seen it happening in Potions and during their afternoon flying lessons. Instead of helping Pettigrew keep his balance, she used him to get herself a nudge towards the direction she wanted to go to.
“There might be Dementors in the Forest. They’re evil creatures, without a face, wrapped in dark cloaks. They feed on your happy memories. Only a Patronus can protect us.” Severus explained, his eyes widening when sharing his knowledge.
Ophelia frowned, her mind registering every word quickly before realization hit her.
“And how exactly are we supposed to study the Patronus Charm?” Ophelia hissed, leaning towards Severus.
“That can be arranged, mud blood.” A new, scoffing voice answered.
Lucius Malfoy was standing with his arms folded in front of his chest, a sneer on his face, slightly leaning against the wall yet not really because it was visible that he was sustaining his weight on both his feet.
“As long as you retrieve my object, anything can be arranged. In case you have forgotten, I am the Slytherin Prefect.” Malfoy added, his lips curving smugly into a smirk.