When Dylis came down in order to prepare food for his wounded friend, he found Ophelia on the couch looking at the wall with puffy eyes. Her halos were half the size of her eyes and her skin seemed to have gotten paler than it was. Holding with both hands was a mug of what he believed was chamomile tea in order to calm down her nerves. It smelled like she added some honey because it gave off a sweet aroma. Dylis knew, he was a house elf after all.
"Is Miss going to be alright?" Dylis asked softly, walking towards his friend.
She didn't move an inch, didn't sketch a sign that she heard him or that she was aware of his presence. No. Ophelia's attention was focused on the mirror above the chimney from which you could see every entrance in the living room. Something was shining brightly on her finger, red and silver combined into the image of a pale snake with fire in his eyes. Tom. He hurt Cerberus for information, he murdered people left and right because they were irelevant to whatever he desired and most importantly, he was playing a dangerous game with his own daughter. Did he think she was like his followers? Did he believe she was blind to what Death Eaters signified? She could see better than anyone, she watched death fill the eyes of one who dared defy him.
"Miss," Dylis stepped closer to her, his eyes staring with worry as he fidgeted unsure what to do next. "Should Dylis make Miss Ophelia's favorite strawberry tart for dessert?" He asked changing the subject.
Finally, Ophelia took her eyes off her ring and looked at the sole thing that differentiated her from Tom. Dylis was caged like an animal too in the same basement under the same roof by the same family. But she saved him and he looked happy.
"Strawberry tart sounds perfect, Dylis. Thank you," she replied with a smile.
The house elf nodded, his ears rising as he brightened up. That was all he needed in order to sigh in relief and get to cooking.
But Ophelia remained seated and her father's words rung through her mind like an unwanted echo.
It took her several more hours to get out of that state. She walked in the garden and stared at Spinnard's fountain for a while, or maybe she was surveying the backyard since she knew there was darkness lurking in the forest. Dylis wasn't sure but he was glancing every so often just to make sure she was alright. When that was over, she verified the chimney and then she went upstairs to check on Cerberus. She opened the door and tip toed to his bed, trying to be as quiet as humanly possible. Cerberus was deep asleep, his forehead covered in sweat, his eyes squeezed shut as if he had a nightmare. He was only covered up to his chest and he has been bathed and tended by the house elf but she could still see the scratches on his arms and the bandages under his shirt. It was a horrible sight but she didn't leave this time; no, she brought a chair and stayed by his side, holding his hand tightly in order to assure him that he was safe now.
When dinner came around, Dylis brought food for both. Cerberus opened his eyes and poked fun at how gunny he looked with two swollen eyes but Ophelia didn't laugh.
"You should go back to Hogwarts. It's not safe here, especially after your last stunt." He said in between bites.
"I'm not leaving until I make sure you're well enough to walk." She replied shortly.
"I have Dylis to act like my nurse. You need to return. I'm sure Tom's really pissed with what you did."
"I don't care. I will save my family no matter what are the consequences." She answered, quickly stuffing her face in embarrassment.
Cerberus looked at her with love and joy but he couldn't help add.
"He's family too."
"Not if he hurts the people that I care about. Father will learn to listen to what I have to say too if he wants me to trust him."
"What makes you so sure he will? He'd rather kill you."
"No, he won't. He needs me for whatever hidden purposes he has. He needs both me and Peverell." She said before she placed her fork aside, "I heard he has bigger plans, regarding whatever it is that Peverell knew or found. I will get answers soon."
"From a cat? He can't speak, can he?"
"But I can use legilimency to enter his mind. I'm sure that hasn't changed."
Cerberus frowned as he reached out for a tart. Ophelia did the same and not a word was said between them. Until, Ophelia admited she had some curiosities.
"I have boy problems?"
Cerberus spat everything out on poor Dylis in shock.
"Excuse me?!"
"I think I need to protect my friends by getting close to the enemy. Rosier had proven to be a problem in the past and I don't want to end up like Idris."
"Idris? What- he told you the story?" Cerberus asked surprised that she got under his skin. She, who represented the seed of darkness that Idris hated so much. "Are you sure he told you the truth?" He added still being skeptical.
"Of course. He opened up his mind and showed it to me. It was back when Dumbledore was the Transfiguration professor and Idris was just a kid. It's sad how power dictated what justice meant. Not much changed since then so I'd prefer to know what I'm going to deal with."
"Smart, very smart. And you learned all of this by peeking into someone else's tragedy?" Cerberus asked staring at her with half a smile.
"No. But I did learn that Potter can be incredibly persuasive and loves to stick his nose into others' lives. He is the main reason why I got to know what Idris has been through but it could have ended badly so I want to be prepared with someone like Evan Rosier." She admited thinking back to Zabini's advice. If even someone who is supposedly a friend of the enemy told her to be careful then she couldn't help but get excited.
"Miss should know that Rosier is a threat in its name alone. It is a family of pure bloods that doesn't listen, that is too unpredictable even with the other pure bloods. Dylis heard Mast- Mister Lestrange talk about them and how they tend to get ahead of themselves."
Cerberus raised an eyebrow baffled by how his two little children were growing so fast and they were do adventurous. He would have wanted to hug them both but his whole body hurt.
"Ah right, how did you know where I was?" He asked Ophelia who in exchange pointed at Dylis. The house elf looked up with feigned innocence since he was aware of his position. Cerberus narrowed his eyes at the doey eyed Dylis but the elf did not change his expression.
"Dylis did what he believed was good. Miss is the only person that can enter and leave without being harmed by the Dark Lord."
Ophelia did not agree. She was good while she was needed but once that was done, she wondered if Tom would kill her.
A few days passed and Ophelia found herself enjoying time at home a lot more than she expected. She particularly liked to cook with Dylis but she was so messy that the house elf ended up throwing her out. Idris visited once more only to talk to Cerberus and bring mysterious pouches that he'd deposit in Spinnard's room. Cerberus couldn't move much, he barely recuperated enough strength in his legs to go in the kitchen but he always had a smile which was enough to reassure Ophelia that he was doing well. She spent the rest of the holidays there and returned to school one day earlier than the rest. When she walked out of the chimney in Idris' office she looked so much better than when she left.
"A pleasing holiday, I guess?" The white haired obscurial asked although he was far more interested in the newspaper. More people died and he was sure it was done in aftermath of how Ophelia responded to her father's ideals.
"It was fine. I'm not so sure I want the rest to return to school, though. It's a lot quieter without Potter and Black." She added not fully meaning what she said.
Idris sighed at the name. James was troublesome when he wasn't interested in the subject taught and he was always late. How could a student that practically lives a few floors from the classroom be late?!
"That boy should act more like his father."
"At least they are both good friends material." Ophelia joked to which Idris actually smiled, it was small but it was there. "You seem to have gotten a lot more comfortable with me."
"You better go and unpack. Don't be late for my classes from now on." He ordered her coldly.
Ophelia rolled her eyes seeing him act like a brat again.
Next day was Monday and kids filled the common room from early in the morning. Ophelia was having breakfast in the Great Hall when she heard Potter's voice boom through the door.
"I spent two hours listening to that fat lady sing an opera. I could have bought a new broom with the money dad wasted on that concert." He told Remus who wasn't particularly interested.
"A ticket to the Christmas concert is expensive. You should consider yourself lucky that your father went to such lengths to buy them." Lily explained coming from behind the boys.
Ophelia noticed Cissney's died blonde hair and looked down at her plate. She hoped it won't be very awkward after what happened at the Malfoy Manor but she doubted Cissney would be her usual self.
"Badge! You wouldn't believe how eager I was to see you!" Potter shouted as he approached her. He sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her pulling her close. "What about our problem?" He whispered.
"I actually think we should drop it." She answered.
"No, no, no, I never quit."
"Well, you should because Zabini died out of pure stupidity. He was Idris' boyfriend at the time and knowingly fueled his rage to the point he was thrown into nothingness."
There was silence from the boy as he registered the information. His breathing was the same as if he were asleep and his grip on her loosened. Ophelia leaned back and looked up at his face but it was hard to see what he was thinking.
Ophelia turned to the girls and her eyes fell on Cissney. The two made eye contact for one moment before the latter moved her eyes on anything but her classmate. Fortunately, Lily sat across Ophelia and the other two girls on her right side while Peter and Frank took her left side. Remus sat next to Ophelia, to her luck, and he smiled at her before telling her everything he had read on DADA in his free time.
Potter didn't say much to Ophelia afterwards. With the cold passing and the nature coming back to life, the Quidditch Final was approaching and so was Valentine's Day. Girls were going crazy.
"The hormones in this room are overwhelming." Sirius sighed feeling burdened.
"Says the guy who gets all the attention," Frank commented rolling his eyes.
"I think you should be careful, Black. I heard some girls talking about dropping Amortentia in your drink and food." Lily said genuinely worried for her classmates.
"What about you, Littlewood? Finally going to talk to Zabini?" Peter asked making Cissney frown.
The girl looked at the Slytherin table but her crush was not there. Then she looked at Ophelia but contrary to what she expected the brunette was well and content. It was annoying.
"Actually, he asked me on a date on Valentine's." Cissney replied smugly.
"What?! When?! How?!"
The boys being boys over reacted and howled and made a lot of comments but Ophelia bit her lip in order not to smile. At least he was a man of his word and his timing was wonderful.
"Finally one of us will have a date!" Frank exclaimed getting Sirius to scowl in offence.
"Excuse you, I've had plenty already!" Black said before his eyes fell on Ophelia, who seemed to be the easiest target, "But maybe one girl will follow your example Littlewood. I heard some stuff about a Slytherin having a crush on our sour grape." He added with a wolfish grin.
That was not good, that was really bad timing. Ophelia froze and looked at the curious glances all around her. Cissney was glaring at her for some reason. Who knew what she was thinking about after finding out of her links to Malfoy.
After breakfast while walking happily to the common room, Sirius got pulled aside by someone. The grip on his shoulder was so strong that he believed it was a guy but no.
"What are you doing Molley?"
"Who has a crush on me?" Ophelia asked right away.
"You said you heard that a Slytherin has a crush on me. I want to know his identity." She repeated slowly.
"What if I was lying?" Sirius asked jokingly but Ophelia was not in a playful mood.
"Because Evan Rosier told me the same thing a while back. So? Did Regulus say something?"
Black watched her for a few moments, finally noticing that she looked more worried than anything.
"Did Rosier do anything to you?" He asked growing serious. "If he did, tell me. I'll take care of him."
"Aren't you my prince charming?" She said sarcastically before she leaned againat the wall, relaxing a bit. She must have looked very tense if Sirius offered his help.
"I can be." He answered with a grin but that soon fell, "I'm serious though. If Rosier threatens you, tell me. I know how he is."
"The Rosiers are really bad, aren't they?"
"You have no idea. We went to Lestrange once and Rosier was there with his family. Evan is wicked but his father is twice as bad. He made my mother shut up for the whole three hours we spent there and that is an accomplishment." He said, his expression reflecting his mixed emotions.
"What about the Dark Lord? Is Rosier a follower too?" She asked tilting her head to the side curiously.
"Evan is doing his best to become a Death Eater and he is a manipulative shit. He goes around first years and tells them what they want to hear; world dominance and whatever. But Molley, there are muggle born and half bloods in Slytherin too and Rosier is pulling them into a trap." Black concluded looking into her eyes with such intensity that she leaned back at one point.
"You know a lot."
"Mother has been implying that I should be more like him, which is maddening. But I'm worried he'll get Regulus entangled in this mess." He added genuinely concerned for his little brother.
It was always a pleasure to see how much Sirius could change when talking about Regulus. His whole face was suddenly the one of a boy that has seen and done more than he let out, he was gleaming in this handsome light, probably because he was showing a piece of himself that was so different from how he was daily. In such moments Ophelia could see why girls flocked around him.
"So, do you know who that Slytherin is?" She changed the subject and he needed a second to remember why he was pulled around the corner in the first place.
"No. But I know how we can find out. Let's go on a date, Molley." He said with a mischevious glint in his dark eyes.
If she could, she would have cursed him and say it was bullocks. But she didn't; she actually agreed to go on a date with Sirius thinking that it won't have any repercussions. Oh boy, she was so naive.
Meanwhile, all the days that have passed showed many details that Idris did not pick up before. Maybe because he opened up to that spawn of darkness but he could see exactly what was the way to get to Ophelia by not interferig at all. Dumbledore was probably using the same method, only he had bigger problems to deal with and could rarely use this chance to see what Ophelia was thinking.
A knock interrupted his tea time and he allowed the person at the door to enter by opening it for him.
"What did you have to talk to me about, professor?" Severus asked meekly, meeting Eynon separately for the first time.
Idris knew from the moment he looked at Ophelia that her trust in her father was wavering and he had to help and groom that grain of doubt. Snape was her friend and he was also eager to become part of his house's league of dark wizards.
"Take a seat and let's have a chat, shall we?"
Severus sat down instantly and looked at his professor with wide owlish eyes. Looking at him more carefully, Idris wondered why Ophelia was holding onto this odd boy.
"I'm sure you know already that the staff at school are very wary of Ophelia's father." Idris started, "He is not a man you want to meet."
"Then it's fine since I had never met him." Severus answered politely.
"I know you believe that power is the only way that can raise you from being a half blood but it isn't." Eynon said getting to the point.
"I don't understand professor." Severus added a bit confused where the conversation was going.
"You are a smart boy, Severus. Don't throw your life away just because others take your choices for you. You should decide that. I just want to give you an advice: friendship can save your life. That applies to me and it also applies to you and Ophelia. Trust her, listen to her, stay by her side not her father's. Tom can turn out to be your worst nightmare, whether he is near or far."
"I'm not a puppet, professor. I will do what I think is best for me. Why would my friendship with Ophelia matter?"
"We both know that she is your shield against any type of threat, such as the Death Eaters or even the Dark Lord."
"I don't need Ophelia to protect me." Severus hissed angrily.
"You need her just as much as she needs you."
"I do not want her to protect me from her father. We're friends for a different reason."
"Really? Please share it with me." Idris sounded just like he did when he was aware a student didn't know the answer in class; he was judging with a tint of irony.
Severus stared at Idris' cold eyes and searched for an answer. At first he wanted to mention Lily, how those two were friends and that helped. Then he thought how Ophelia's talent for dark arts was good enough to help him and in exchange he was giving her Potions notes. But the answer was another.
"She helps me learn Occlumency and Legilimency." He replied.
Idris was not convinced.
"Just remember what I said. There will come a time when you will have to choose between her friendship and your loyalty to her father."
"Have you looked into the future?" Severus asked once he left. He couldn't have said that directly to his face since he was a professor but that didn't mean Snape was not annoyed. "What problems does he have anyway? Doesn't he hate everyone?" He added, feeling like everybody was threatening or advising him regarding the Dark Lord's daughter.
Severus did not expect however to have a beautiful brown owl come to him as soon as he entered the dormitory. His smile faded when he noticed the owl had a letter wrapped around his right foot. Curiosity was one of his many flaws so he opened it without a second thought.
"No matter what you think, I didn't know Lestrange had taken Knowingall and locked him in the dungeons. Moreover, I did not know the Dark Lord personally visited them as my father did not either. He was disappointed, to put it in better words. I was not punished, but you will be. Take care, Ophelia."
Severus read and shoved it in his pocket. Great, she did something troublesome again.